w -.. - -, v. . ._ __ -,~._._._ 35c; Mrs. Boyce. scrubbing council Fowz. SCPPEa.â€"â€"Don't forget that chamber. 8! ; E. D. Hand, printing, there will be a fowl supper in the Meth- 36 50; Clerk, reeve and assessor, se- odist church next Tuesday evening lecting jurors. 86; Charles Ley, 29 from 5 to 8'o’clock. Rev. E’ Roberts, lands gravel. 37.54»; R Jackett. work ex-Prcsident of the Bay of Quinte con- on Band street cast, 840â€"00 Queen ference, will deliver one of his thrilling, BY-LAWO. ' A By-Law to Open Church Street. in the Village of Coboconk, for Public Travel. The Municipal Council of the Municipal street. $l5 â€"~C:trried. .‘loved by .‘lr. Robson, seconded by .‘lr. Martin. 'l‘hat the securities offered in the collector. namely, Messrs. Wm. Campbell and W. ll. Walsh. be accept- ed by this council.â€"Carried. Personals. Bliss Sophie Wilson of Buï¬â€˜alo, N. Y., is visitin: her relatives at the Falls. .‘liss lluh~on returned list Thursday from a six weeks1 visit to friends at Party Smr.d. Mr. Henry Graham, Jr , of Kin- :uount. was at the Falls from Sunday last until Thursday afternoon. Mr. llenry llcazin, School Inspector for West Victoria, was at the Falls from Monday last until Wednesday inspect- ing-the pnhiic sclmols. Mr. Joshua ()ldham, saw manufac- turer, of New York city. who supplied nearly all the saws in the new mill, was at the Falls this week. )1 r. James Stevens returned home last Friday from Clan William, a few miles from .‘linucdosa. He had been from home about seven weeks. Mr. llarry Robson, who lelt for Vic tori-1.151)., in May last, returned home on Thursday of last week. [In greatly prefers Ontario as a place of residence. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ellison of Mid- dletown, N. Y., were‘at the- Falls from Tuesday until Thursday. Mr. Ellison was formerly a resident of this village. and left here with his parents about six- teen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Manning rc-w turned a lew days ago from Plantaga not, near Mont-real, where they spent two months. Mr. Manning brought home with him some of'the celebrated Piantn'ranet mineral water: which is. nasty. but not cheap, as it is rctailcd at live cents per glass. Powles’s Corner. .â€" (Uorroapondcncc 0/ the Gazette.) Two of the babies that Competed for the prize in Lindsay were from this In cality, and one of'thcm should have had the prize and the other recommend- cd. This section is always ready to turn out something good. no matter what kind of materialis wanted., Mr. Thomas Gillis is spending this week back at Minden with his son, Mr. F. C. Gillis, who is teaching the Min- dcu school. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Wot-slay spent a few days this week visiting relatives in and around Otkwood. The rain last Monday night was wel- cozncd by thorc who are trying' to plow. Jack lf'rost has been throth here dying:r the trees a beautiful color, and has given each kind of tree a diï¬'erent hue. A good many from around here were down to li‘enelon Fills to hear the Pro- vincial Opposition leader, Mr. Whitney. We cannot tell whether any. were con- verth or not. For our own part we. cannot support Mr. Carnegie because he is a nice man, as it is to his own inter- est to be courteous and nice. What East Victoria wants isa man who can do something: for them. Whitney has not got the bone yet. TELâ€"Tho ladies of Sthames's Church request as to announce that the; will give a tea on the evening of November 5th. Full particulars later on. Sparrowsâ€"Rev. S. McCauley, of Oil-(wood, will preach anniver<ary scr- nmns in the Methodist church, Fcnelon Falls. next Sunday morning and even- ing. Services commence atIO.30a.m. and 7 p m. li.\l.\'.â€"~'I‘herc was a heavy shower of rain during last Monday night, and, though not as much as Was needed. it did a lot of good. as the soil on many farms was baked so hard that plough- in;r was almost impmsibic. lltlx‘t‘.\1..â€"â€"â€"lh'. Neelnnds, dentist. of Lindsay. will be at the House. l’cnelon Falls, on Tuesday, Oct. 19th. He will have gas anti best local pain olunuduirs for cxtractiu: teeth. Call in forums†if pOS>lblC and secure an appointment. A BM» “tr â€"-0 m day last week .‘lr. l’aui ()tl tit', Working: in slaualttvr-lmtise. inflicted so bad a trash in the hack of his left hand butcher knife that Dr. Wilson had to put in no t'ewcr than live stitches. hand ha~ h-.en taken out of bandages, and the wound i~ healing: rapidly. u lllil! l’nrrv 'l‘narr â€"â€" .\ few days ago a 5 window in Mr. George Martin's shop front was broken and temporarily patched up; and list Tuesday evening. while. the political meeting was in pro~ press, some biys removed a piece of the glass and emit: a quantity of fruit. is to be hoped that they ate enough of it. to give them a severe stomach ache. .\lc.-\rthur . iiiSi with a: The ' Itl amusing: and instructive addresses, and there will be a grand vocal and instru- mental musical treat. All are invited. Admission only 250. IiESIGXED.â€"Mr. Thomas Archer has resigned his position on the llosedalc l l for the Longford Lumberinz 00., in whose employ he formerly spent about ï¬fteen years. Mr. Peter Grant of Bob- caygeon will succeed Mr. Archer at Iloscdale, but the season's work there will be finished in about a month. Ax OMISSION râ€"In our issue of the . Ist inst. there was a notice of the new buildings going up in the village, from which we unintentionally omitted the addition, 24x36’feet and two stories ' high, that .ur. Sandford has built at the end of the block owned by himself and Mr. W. H. Walsh. It is a sub- stantial frame structure on a good stone foundation, and is well lighted and painted to match the rest of the block. The ï¬rst floor is a show-room for car- riages in summer and sleighs in winter, and the upper story is to be used, as 'a paint room. Mr. Sandford is spending a lot of money this year on impoovo-r ments which will greatly facilitate his various businesses. DIED. Warsoxâ€"At lCaukanna,Wisconsin, U. S., or: Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 1897, of heart failure, Martin Watson, aged 83 years and 7 months. CCRRESPONDE ‘Yl‘lf‘ 1V Uh. To the Editor of the Feizelon Falls Gazette. Sm,â€" IIaving heard several false reports concerningthe treatment I have received duringmy recent illness, I desire a- small space in your paper that I may place the facts before the public as they really are. Several parties were attaching a. great deal of blame to Mr. W. A. Gillis because, as they said, he would not allow me to enter his house while affected with diph- theria, but kept me in a. tent outside. Others even ventured to say that he kept me outside without even the protection of a tent. The absurdity of the latter state- ment is so apparent that is needless to refer to it again. I am sure that all who are intimately acquainted with Mr. Gillis will have a better opinion of him with re- spect to his hospitality than to suppose that he would refuse admittance to one who, for the time being at least, had made that his home. Mr. Gillis was not at all responsible for my staying in a tent. He was with me the day I went to Fenclon Falls, and was informed that I was suffer- ing from an attack of diphtheria. He in- tended taking me back into his house, but, Iknowing the danger in which it would place his children, I determined that I would not re-entcr his house. Not know- ing what to do, I asked advice of Dr. \Vil» son. He advised me to get a. tent, so, following his advice, I procured one. If the originators of these reports will study up the facts, they will perceive their error; and I'nm sure that Mr.GilliS will be ready at any time to accept their apologies for having circulated reports without foun- dation. I hope that these facts will place Mr. Gillis in his true position, and I. may. state before closing: that he treated me with the utmost kindness, and did every- thing in his power to make inc as comfort- able ns possible under the circumstances. OLIVER BOWLES. Powles’ Corner, Oct. 8th, 1897. I’EN’ELON FA LLS MARKETS. _ Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Oct. 15th, 1897. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 75 to 80 Wheat, fall. perbushcl.... 70 75 Wheat, sprng “ 71) 75 Barley, per bushel. . .. 20 2.3 Buckwheat“ ....,.... 23 25 Oats, “ 18 20 Pt-ase, “ 38 42 Rye, †......... 35 38 Potatoes, “ ..... 25 30 Butter.perlb............ l3 l5 Eggs,per dozen.......... 12 13 llay,per ton...... ....... 8.00 10.00 Hides . . . . . .. 6.50 7.110 1 Hogs (live) 4.25 4.50 l llogs (Dressed) . . .. .. . 5.00 5.50 lllcef....... . . . . . . 4.5') 500 lShecpskins...... .... 30 50 ,WOOI . . . . . . . I7 19 i Flour, family. Silver Loaf. . 2.45 2.63 1 Flour, host bakers’. . .. . . .. 2.65 2.35 g Flour straightrolled...... 2.30 2.55 } Bran. per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 12.00 , Shorts. " . . . . . . . . . . . . l'lfm 14.00 ‘ Mixed chon.nvr ton......, 16.00 18.00 l Ga 9 WANTED. lien to sell for the Fonthlll Nurseries. l Over 2130 acres or t‘anadian grown stock. We. Import no stock “ front the States. _ Farmers. farmers' aims, implement agents. 1 students. teach ‘rs. retired ministers. enor- ,getic clerks who wish to make advance. : meatâ€"find the work of selling 'ur hardy. home-grown nursery stock pleasant as .wcll as proï¬table. We want more such . men this season. as the demand for our 3 goods is increasing, owing to the fact that awe guarantee all our stock free from g San Jose scale. We make contracts with i whole or part time men. Employment the , year round. We pay both salary and com- ! mission. Write us for our terms. Outtit free. i Stene It Wellington, - Toronto, Out. I l " otters will works, and will go to Dorset as foreman l in the Front Range Of the said TOWUSIliP . a -c- h... ._m“._-Wâ€"W Corporation of the Township of SOMERVILLE enacts as follows: That that part of Church street in the village of Coboconk between Queen street and the line between Lots Nos. 36 and 37, It will give the same heat as a box stove, and with half the fuel. Takes cold air oil the floor. Draught can be completely shut off, making it airâ€"tight, so as to hold ï¬re all night. A choice lot of box and cooking stores to choose from, at prices attray down. Geo. Modes. of Somerville, shall be opened for travel. TAKE NOTICEâ€"The above is a true copy of a By-law that will be passed at the next meeting of the Council of the Township of Somerville, on Saturday, the 30th day 0! October next. SAMUEL SUDDABY, Clerk. Dated at Burnt River the 30th day of September,.1897. -â€"34.4. pubnc VVantcd.â€"~Old established Whole- sale House wants one or two honest and industrious representatives. Can pay a hustler about $12 a week to start with. Anvurrtsnn, Medical Building, Toronto r1 . NOTIUE. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, 1889, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Victo- ria, at Dickson’s Hall, in the Village of Feuclon Falls, on the let day of October, 1897, at 9 o’clock 3.111., to hear and deter- mine the several COllPhAINTS 0F ERRORS ANDW OMISSIONS IN THE VOTERS’ LIST of the Municipality of FENELON FALLS for 1897. All persons having business at the Court are required to attendat the said time and place. Dated the lat day of October, 1897. W. T. JUNKIN, Clerk of Fenclon Falls. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Ofï¬ce. Ocean upset' may damage your buggy or waggon, perhaps only slightly, perhaps so badly that you will want a new one. In either case the best. thing to do is to go to S. S. Gainer’s, where- 1‘cpai1‘ing and repainting are done in the best style, and where the best kind of vehicles can, be had at prices to suit the times. Shop on Francis Street. East, next door to Knoxfs black» smith shop- ' 34.2. ESTIEAX’ c LADIB. â€" Came on to the premises of the under- signed, East half Lot 27, (Jon. 5, Fenelon, about two months ago, a wcthcr Lamb, with along tail. The owner can have it upon proving property and paying charges. ABRAHAM DANIEL. Fenelou, Sept. 30th, 1897. â€"34.3" cannons-ease Optical. Information. Relieve your eyes in every way possible. U30 glasses as soon as any beneï¬t may be derived from them. The most valuable ideas in the construction of spectacles are but a few years old. The most val- uable methods of the present day fer the cxamittntibn and correction of visual imperfections, we have. Our optical department is kept thoroughly up to date. It requires skill“ and experience to- ï¬t accum. rately. We have both. Ifyour eyes are weak or sight poor call and we will examine them, and, if-yon don’t require glasses, will tell you so. Please call and pay 3/02th account 7f you owe us any-I thing, and†don’t" be long about it, either. Clark (b 8072.. You cannot afford to take any chances. No charge for examina- tions. Phfltb R hiddf. VWWWWWâ€? ‘ aims W55 The Leading Jewellers, Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay. Iflaéafluflufl'ï¬aï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚flwï¬uflflw . Go to J.McFa.r1a.nd’s for-Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Crockery and WOW? IT’S lii‘l ME NSE l; Glassware. haw...» Try KOLON A Ceylon Tea. SPECTACLES l SPECTAGLES ! Mr. F. J. KERR, Post Oflice Book Store, has been appointed sole agent for the sale of the Lazarus celebrated Spectacles and Eye-gIaSst-s. These spectacles are recom- mended by all the leading medical men and clergymen of the present day. I ï¬t glasses by the latest methods. Price from 50c. upwards. Post Ofï¬ce Book Store, Fenelon Falls. WANTED. AGENTS CHEAP ! ! CHEAP l l l .. THESE .. CHEAP ! In every district on. .0 the continent to take ordora t-ir high-grade Canadian-grown .\'nr5ury Stock and Seeds. Largest and most complete assortment in the trade. Fast selling specialties: antlerh specimens 1 furnished free: cwrwpondencc in any lan- 5 5- .. gauge. These positions are money makers, i . p, y and territory should be secured at once for ‘ mflmmgoydby the season hr all hustlers looking for a " ' RIO WlRE FENCING CO. LTD. .0...» thing. 1â€â€œ °"†m.o....m ' as WELL as interest anyone not earning 81,000 per year. Get in communication with our nearest other. An opportunity to rcpreicnt a well-establi=hed house. Ability more important than experience. LUKE BROS. COMPANY, International Nurseries, Cameo, Illinois. Montana, Quebec. Rocmrza, N. Y. 81.16 1 i Our salary or commissionl l ! ltlliilllllll’l Ellillll Slill lllili Hillllllil, For trellis, poultry yards, lawn fencings, etc, are sold very much lower this year than ever hetbre. They are the best. Ask your Hardware Merchant for them.