«as». Wales. their best customer. to a large departinental store, where he made llllllli ll m Th 1 d 'n the muzzling of ms VERY LATEST FROM. .10.: a...†:‘.§“..§. 5...... Al I THE ment is likely to cost the Conservative party many votes in the next election. 1., _ So grave is the issue considered that Mr. Long. the Minister of Agriculture. Interesting Items About Our Own Country. has been defending his course by 619’ Great Britain. the United States. and berets statistics- All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reeling. UNITED STATES. *' It has beendetermined in New York CANADA. to appeal to the public at large for sub- ' ' ' ' l f Henr Annualâ€? Longevin’s health is slow- 33$“ t° 3' “18111033 01‘ Y {y unprovmg' , The first shipment of five hundred The" l5 talk 0‘ “16 emetlon °f a car-loads of potatoes. in‘ bond. from new 850.000 opera house at Brantford Canals, to Cuba, passed through Sap "Y 3 lyndiCO-te- latoga. N. Y., on Tuesday. ' Th3 Dominion Bank Statement ‘9‘! The first Scientist church in Chicago llctobcr shows a remarkable juml’ “land the largest in the world of that ‘lle afï¬liation 0‘ the banks. ldcnominaiion, was opened on Sunday. It Mr. Wm. Miller. a Napanee hunter. has a seating capacity of two thousand. “3-3 1°“ in the Womb near Flew-3' for President Fetterolf, of .Girard Col- I'our days without food- loge. Philadelphia, has issued an edict The C. P. R. has reduced passenger'against footlall, and henceforth the rates one cent a mile on a number students of that institution must keep of its western branch lines. loft the grid-iron. The Canadian Pacific railway is now Fred. IL Ketcham, of Chicago, was I 'lrranginga series of special excursions 5 given a judgment of $21,666 in his' to the Klondyke for the coming spring. {suit than:E agairést the North-xylestern It is estimated that the amount of mum?- 01‘ $2.000 damages. e was wheat delimer by western farmers blacklisted while a conductor for that ' 2 s t 1 1 t date '5 17,000,000 mad! _ liftilsilffels'.)p em)“ 0 ‘ It is said that President McKinley - . - has prepared an Anglo-American arbi- The radin on the Crow 5 Nest Rail- . _ ‘, r , way if at page!“ ï¬nished to Crow’s tration treaty, u inch, while not. go- - ,, . - ing as far as he'gwould wish, goes as {{[iï¬ngfe' a dismnue 0f 73 mlles from far as he thinks the Senate will . . stand ...3.3::"acousticeastwards: Dr. m Milwau- . . . V . - kce, \Vis., on Thursday night. denied gletiegï¬emï¬xrkb) Bhommg In the rooms that any arrangements were being ‘ ‘ ' made for another voyage to the North Ottawa wants to be the metropolitan [ Pole. ln fact. he was not at all cer- Anglican Sec of Canada. instead of tain that he would try again. ljl'lm‘l" RUWI‘L'B Land: “th11 at Pre‘ It is stated that the reason Mr.Soveâ€" Sent Mills the honour. reign resigned from the office of Grand Mr. George Goodwin. of Ottawa, the llllaster \Vorkman of the Knights of La- chinf financial hacker of the roller boat, hour was that he might have free hands Says the machine will not be given an- to run for President of the United Olllf‘l‘ trial this year. States at the close of Mr. MoKinley’s A construction engine and seven cars ' tef‘m' . , . . 7 V on the Crow's Nest Pass went down 'Sutins Inv151ble \Vorld Lisplayed, wiih the. bridge over Old Man River. or Dcspuiring Democracy," is the sensa- Il-i'ukcznan Hillier was drowned. 3011131] til}? 2% La setnSflliéODill 4100:. - . .. . l - - ea mg wt .1 e rea er ,‘. ew . or , mfg. 31,? $3.0“5,;3{L§;,2“%§£tgift air“ l which Mr. Stead, the editor of the lie- pwau on Monday as duties Collected l View of Renews, will give to the public on m'ucrs' outfits at the port of Lake I [13“; month- 'l‘nyrfsii. The Knights 0 fLabour, at their asâ€" i mm. of {our Englishuwn. under ‘Slllllbly in Louisville, Ky., have passed tlr- command of. Captain E. H. Bernard. E3“ Strong resoium‘m condemmng the of lilo lndiun Staff Corps. a nephew . - tho iluroncss hiacdonnld. lcfl )l‘onircal, , “flat-Vi, 8}"1913' because Englmld _‘5 a on Thursday night for the Klondyke. igo‘d'mlnmg country? ‘mda “laJor‘ty Of . the Knights of Labour are Silver men. inc Departmcni of the Interior has‘ rc.‘:‘i'-'ev'v 1‘. re"ort from Maior ‘iYalsh. According to reports from New York, dalcl ni Skaguay. He. states that he; the general trade conditions show- no has not nil his supplies over the pass 3 marked variation. In some lines there and is no.1 on the way to Selkirk. 1 is a mOilel‘the- improvement in d?" ' lmand, as cooler weather in some di- of . proposed AngloAmerican arbitration ‘ The black soldiers of the first batta- lion, West India regiment, at Kings- ton. Jamaica, began a lively riot, but Major Buck, who was called to the scene. bravely confronted the men. re- duced the majority to order and used them to overpower the rest. THEY DIED TUGETHER. TWIN SISTERS, ADA AND LILY CROSS. ASPH YXIATED. Sad Double l-‘nlalityâ€" Death Caused by a Self-feeder (‘oa‘l Stove. A despatch from Tomato. saysâ€"Coal gas was the cause of the death onl Tuesday night of two young girls liv- ing over the Don. Ada and Lily were the twin daughters of Christopher Cross of 676 Gerrard street east. and head of the painting firm of 0. Cross 8; Son. The deadly fumes arose from a self-feeder stove. which on Tuesday night was lighted for the first time 2 this season- [H The storekeepers of London are up in for the diminution or abolition of the 8“ arms over the visit of the Prince of sugar bounties. ' The stove was situated on the. ground floor immediately under the sleeping apartment of the two girls, and the pipe from it passed through their room. Another pipe heats the adjoin- ing room. which is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cross. An elder daughter slept in a rear room. The girls retired on Tuesday night about 10 o'clock and death must have taken place a couple of hours later. About midnight Mr. Cross awoke ‘with a headache, but thought nothing ling of it. He got up as usual at. 5 lo’clock yesterday morn'ng. when he noticed a. strong odor of gas. Ho Oren- ed the windows and then went into his daughters’ room v. hich he found full of gas and the two girls were dead. They had passed away without a struggle. : ' Dr. Rowan of Queen strth was sent 3 for. but he could do noth'ng. Coroner {Graig made an investigation. but de- lcided that an inquest was not necesâ€" l sary. l The girls were just 15 years of. ago last March. ’fhey attended the Bolton .Avenuc Public School and St. John's ‘ Church Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Cross suffered some- what from the effects of the gas and the latter is prostrated with gricl’. Mr. Cross is one of the best known and most respected citizens of the east end. and the deepest sympalhv is . felt with him and Mrs. Cross in their i terrible bereavement. Hartman Ill 11ml Minimum Will TH DETERMINED ATTACK MADE ON THE THE STRANGE STORY OF AN EARL'S BRITISH LINES. The Eikhs’ Gallant Defence â€" A Desperate and Deadly Bayonet Charge. A despatch from Simla says:â€"Deâ€" tails from the Maiden valley show that the loss of General Kempster‘s brigade is quite serious. The force consisted of the Dorsetshire Regiment and rogi- ments of Sikhs and Goorkhas. The in- surgent tribesme‘n made their usual attack upon the rear guard. but were brilliantly repulsed by the Sikhs. The Dorsetshires lost their way in the darkness. and were cut off by the one- my. Lieutenanis Bales and Crook and nine men were killed. The rest of the Dorsetshires attached themselves to the Sikhs, and arrived in camp in safety. Lieut, \Vylie, of the Goorkhas and Lieut. \Varne. of the Sikhs, and four- teen Sikhs and Goorkhas. were killed. Colonel Abbott,Cuptain C-unstance and Lieut. Munn were wounded. and 28 Sikhs and Goorkhas were wounded. This shows that 58 men were placed hors de combat ,in this affair, namely. 27 officers and men killed. and 31 offi- cers and men wounded. Two companies of Sikhs. holding the spur of the hill, were so fiercely as- saulted that they had to call for min- forcements. Col. Haughion. with the remainder of the Sikh regiment. rush- ed to their support. The whole force withdrew gradually. fighting every slap .to the valley. Dusk had now sci in and the enemy was crowding the Bri- tish on all sides. Col. Haughion de- termined to camp for the night. and sent five companies to storm a couple of blockbouscs. The Sikhs drove out. the enemy iii; the point of the bayonet. , Six were killed and many wounded dur- ing this charge. The wounded were then brought in under the. enemy's un- ceasing fire, and the force finally reach- ed headquarters i'he next morning without. further casualties. A despatch lo the I.oxr‘ou Times from Maidan soys:~“ During the afterâ€" noon": figbliug on Monday the Sikhs wcrc ii‘osl: seriously pressed on His northern side of the ridge by a large body of Afridis, Hard and close fight- ing cnsued in the. thick woods. The Sikhs defended themselves with splenâ€" did galiantry, and in one bayonet charge killed and woui'zlcd fully sixty of tho. enemy. 'l'bcir commander. Col. Abbot, was painfully wounded in the ‘ nook and face. an I. Captain \Varnc was 1shot through the. heart.†INDI VIDUAL HEROISM. According to the official dcspatch re- ceived at Simla, from the British camp ‘ “spurns. a... “A. . I I _ . Mr. W. A. Grou‘or. who was sen- lcnwul to six months' inmrisonment- for lEliclling Mr. Tarts. Minister of. l’ulil'c \l’orks. was released on Thurs-£ duy afternoon. having served one nionlh of his sentence. ‘l‘hc arrangements for thc extenâ€" s‘cn of the lutcrcoloniul railway into Movilrcnl over tho lines of the Drum- mond County road are now completed. and the scrvicc is expected to com- mcncc the first of December. The. Montreal Harbor Commission- ers have finally accepted the plan of harbor improvements proposed by the ll-cparlnncnt of Public \Vorks. The“ Government will do the work. which will cost 815000.000. 'l‘he. Chateau de Raiuczay. Montreal. has obtained a valuable addition toits collection in a portrait of Gen. VVolfo. by G. Constable Alston. the only paint- ing extant that was executed during the general‘s lifetime. .Tohn Hough. 84 years of age. an inâ€" mate of the House of Providence. Dunâ€" dasnvandercd from the institution on Monday afternoon and his lrody has been found in two feet of water in the rear of \Vardlaw's \Voollen Mills. Majorâ€"(.lencral Gascoigne, on Thurs- day held an investigation in Montreal into the dispute existing in the com- missioned ranks of the Royal Scots of Canada. The Commander-inâ€"Chief censured I.t.-Col. Strathy. A.D.C.. and Major Ibbotson. and said if the bicker- ing did not cease he would dismiss both officers and disband the corps. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Gladstone is reported to be growing very feeble. The Prince and Princess of “'a‘es have begun their Saturday to Monday parties at Sandringham. About three hundred firms which were burned out by the London fire are seeking for new offices. It is reported that Most Rev. Fred- oric Temple. Archbishop of Canterbury, ; is about to resign on account of ad- vancing years. The temperature which was high last week in the United Kingdom. suddenly dropped on Sunday. and snow has fallen in Saitltmd and the north of England. Mr. Fielding. the Canadian Ministcr of Finance. who is at present in Lon- don. reiterates that Canada slrongiy desires friendly relations with the United States. \‘ix hundred reindeer are to be colâ€" ‘cc.\l from the United states G0vern- '-:Nit herds in Alaska. to take. part in 'im expedition to be sent to the eight \lmlers ice-bound in the Arctic. The Lord Mayor ofl.ondon has de- ‘linml thegift of some mintiugsfrom an Englishman and an American. to form a nucleus of an art gallery. on (be. ground that many of the pictures are spurious. it is pointed out that the men in the American engineering yards work ten hours a. day. and it would be im- possible for Great llritain to maintain a profitable oompclition if the Bug» lish engineers work only eight hours a day. The Queen. who is in oxrfllent yirectiona has helped retail trade to a .noticmhle extent. Better prices have -prcvailed in wheat, oats, eorn, hides and leather, syrup, turpentine. etc. .'l‘he consumption of iron and steel is Qincrcusing so rapidly that an advance in prices is probable. Railway earn- ings for the third quarter of the. your l lead us to anticipate fairly satisfactory lnet returns, and the reports of a E large proportion of the railway" comâ€" l mules in the United States point to Soudancsc Troops in Major Mm-dmmld'a in the Drama“ Valley 011 Thurs‘layn lixpcdiilon Mutiny xml um dimccrs fighting in one form or another l.‘8- "m1 “11‘â€. tween the British and the insurgent EA dcspatch’ from Zanzibar. East Afri- trilzesmen continues hourly, and is led, says:â€"â€"Particulars have reached|characterized by conspicuous bravery. ihere of a revolt among the Soudancse l During Tuesday night. last Major Des gtroops in Major Macdonalrl’s expedi-Ilium“z {Hill 0118 {Tomllavnl' Of “1‘3 35th ition in the Lake Country, south ofESlkhS rushed a. Village of the enemy . . ,and its an firin at the tribcsmen ltbe equatorial provmces. It appears througg the apegtures of their mock_ ith-at the expedition was advancing in- houses. ‘ REVOLT IN ZANZIBAR. l a more satisfactory genleral result. lto the interior from the Uganda coun- 'l‘be. commercial failures in the Unitettil :try for a point as to which informa- l‘gtates for the week JuSt’ ended amoun ition is wanting. On Oct. 19 last the ito two hundred and thirty-five, as, ‘ . I mmmred with three hundred and ; mutincers. assrsted by one hundred and eight in the corresponding week a lfifty MOhflmmedafl iriLeSmen attack- year ago. the camp at ’l‘vasoga. in the fierce l GFNERAL fighting which followed, Lieut. Field- _ ing. Major Thurston. Launch Engineer {Heavy rains have caused floods in g Scott. Civil Officer Wilton and fifteen lthe south of France. isoldiersvwere killed. The wounded l Under pressure from Russia. Tur- numbered 30. including Captain Mac- key has abandoned her idea of increas- l’hers‘f? and Cluef C‘V’l Orrin" J‘mk‘ - ,son. .lhe mutmeers were finally do- ing her armament. . . . It is announced from St Petershurg fflatsd'l after llosang gile- hurhlrmll kllllé _ - ‘ ' ' . .e m wounie . aJor - notona :lh‘lt the (Karma- mily Present an he†' has been joined by the lVasoga native ‘ lo 1101‘ hUSlmnd before long- _ army; and it is hoped that he will be ! Elaborate preparations are being l able to quell the mutiny in a few weeks. imadefor Dr. Nansen’s next expedl- A detachment of Indian troops from tion in quest of the North Pole. Mombasa. will start immediately to reâ€" A branch of the Royal Mint is to he ' inforce Major Macdonald. i established in Perth. \Vestern Australâ€" _,... ._.s .. ia. for the coinage of native gold. VARIOUS KINDS OF LACES' A bill has been introduced into the The . . . . - . question havrng been asked as ï¬New Zealand Parliament for recip- to the kinds of laces known. it y rocal trade relations with Great; Brit- . _ ain. be said that their names are many. A. The rebellion in northern China impart-1&1 “St 0f 13-065 Woum begin With Spreading and fears are expressed l Albisola and conclude with Yprcs. as lthat the insurgents will advance on ; mummy le" Tsm' l Albisolai. Alencon, Antwerp, Ap- l liluronean diplomats are asking what 3 plique, Ams, Auvergne, Ave Maria, 33.. r the llniled States. whose interests in ‘ :3. Balloon net. Basket, Bayeux. .Beadâ€" ‘thc East are advancing. will say of‘I , Beggars, Biliinent, Blond, Bisette, iGermany'S recent seizure of a Chin-v BODbm 130136 110ml» Border. 130111‘8 \Ar- lese humour, genial. Bride. Broad, Brussels, Back- I mgham. ilurano. Casz. Carnival, Carâ€" 3 Dr Thomas W'- EvanS. the famous tissue. Caterpillar point. Chain. Chan- ; American dentist. who aided the flight I tilly. Chenille, Cuny, Cordover, Cork, 301‘ exJ’Cmpy-ess Eugenie. in 1870, died ‘ Cretan. Crewal. Crochet, Crown. Dal- Ishire. Diamond. Dieppe, Dresden point, Ducheme. Dunkirk. Dutch. Ecru, Eng- lish point. False Valenciennes, Flat i five years of age. . The leak of French military secrets .bas not been stopped by the de- . , . . r ‘ i;port-iiion of Captain Dreyfus. and ï¬f$m§ï¬fmï¬zeï¬gï¬ï¬‚c3iï¬Ã©m£33231 -5usl’i(‘i0n [mints “t Comte Ester‘ .quez. Hollie point, Honiton.'mnde in .bazy. who bus demanded aninvestma- Devonshire. Eng. Jesuite. Knotted, 2 tion. ‘ Lille. Limerick. Macrame, Mechliu. Mi- nonette. Miercourt. Needle point, Oyah l Serious tension exists between Japan _ . _ . . :nnd Russia, “wing to the “ï¬elds ’archment. PLUG“, Plaibed poxnt, Pot, , efforts to control the Corcan‘v Cusâ€" i toms. and some of the Japanese Minâ€" gumâ€. Spanish. Statute, lace made in ‘isters go to the extent of advising accordance with sumptuary laws,Tam- war. hour. Tape, Thread. Torohon, Trolley, .A Havana special says that nearly Valenmenna‘“ Yl‘m' seventyâ€"five per cent. of the four ~“""‘ vhundred thousand women. children. A SLIGHT MISTAKE and non-fomllï¬u‘ntsv “reeled by Westernerâ€"Oh, yes, I’ve heard of Gen. “'eyler‘s starvation policy are your brothar {n Grin†Gmch City. | dud~ He's a road agent. ~ It is estimated that about one thou- Fastener-Sir! My brother is a sand eight hundred persons were. ren- real estate agent. sir. l dered homeless by the rising of Westornorâ€"W ell. I know it was ltbe waters of the Nova. the flooding Something like “ml-- of the canals. the suburban islands and tl ' t' ftbo Cit fSt. Egagbgll? per mm! o y 0 HIS AFFECTIONS ASTRAY. It is rumored that negotiations! are Lawyer-on W11“, Emu-0‘18 do you de- on foot between Austria. France. and 811's 8 divorce? Germany. in regard to the opportun... Mrs. Youngwifeâ€"We went to the health. has invited a successivi of uses of convening an international eon- mountains on our wedding trip and be "line and Sleep" parties to Windsor. forcnce to seem a generalegneemeat fell in lo" With the 806°01'1- in Paris on Sunday. He was seventy- iecarlian, Damasceno. Darned, Devon-l Private Vicary, of the Dorsctshire Regiment of. Dargai ridge famc, with four men, became separated in the darkness from the main body. and the ’liltlc party was attacked by the enemy. Vicary had his rifle. wresled from him. but he recovered it, bayonctted one of the tribesmenv, and clubbed another lwho half out off Vicary's foot. The Iso'dier, however, succeeded in reach- ing camp with two men and a Pathan prisoner. Biood was oozing out of the'magazi-ne of Vicary's rifle. â€"-â€"â€"°â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- FIRE AT MELBOURNE. A Block in the Business Section of llic City Burned â€" Loris £1,000.000 â€" Lnrgc “'nrchous'cs Destroyed. A despatch from Molbourlne sayszâ€"A great fire broke out here at 2 o'clock on Sunday morning and in a very short lspace of time did enormous damage. It lstarted at the warehouse of Mr. Craig Williamson. in Elizabeth street, in the very heart of the city. A strong wind was blowing and the fiercely fanned flames rapidly engulfed. building after building. Despite the desperate efforts of the firemen. the entire block bound- ed by Elizabeth. li‘linders and Swans- . ton streets and Flindcrs lane. with the 'exception of two buildings on the Swan- lston street front. were destroyed. with- in three hours. The burned section in- cluded many of the largest business «houses in Melbourne. The buildings were completely gutted. As most of ithem contained soft goods, the flames progressed with a rapidity which defi- ed all checking, and in the furious wind asth and burning debris were carried linto the suburbs. a distance of two .miles. It is estimated that the loss will reach £1,000.000, while the trade involved has received a serious set Lack. Hundreds of employees of all sorts have from pattern introduced. Powdered. been suddenly thrown out of employ- covered wrth small flowers and dots. meat. ....... o.-__.____ 013E DLENT CHILD. I wish you would be more explicit when you're xnoralizing to the chil- dren." said the good wife to her hus- band. You told Jimmie last night that he must never put things off till lo- marrow. Yes. Well. the little imp Went to bed with N's shoes on. HIS LIVING TOMB. The Missionary Delegaiionâ€"ll‘ill you point out to us the grime of our .ula' brother. Dr. Premhanpray. that We. may pen an epitaph over his remains! The Cannibal Kingâ€"I would. but I hate being tattooed. GRANDDAUGHTER. A liosion Hospital Name Claims Descent From Loni Derby â€" Anu- Years oi m-udrery She Inherits a Fortune. A Boston. Mass. despatch says;â€""In- stead of being the poor. nurse 1 have been for years, I amtnow an heiress. and shall give up the partially assumi- ed name I have always used, and shall take my own position, with the title that belongs to me." So; spoke Miss Isabella Rosetta Farley, the grand- daughter of Lord Derby. to a report- er, as she said good-bye to him before she sailed for Englandr "I shall leave dear America to travel for the next year." The story of Miss Farley’s ‘rife in not. perhaps, romantic. At least in it there is no tale of love, unless it be that of broad love for: humanity. She was born in Liverpool, England) 86 years ago. \V‘hen she was 19 her moo ther died, and her father turned her out of the house, as he wished to marry again. On a Saturday morn- ing, forty-three days after that loss, her father, who wanted to remarry. told her, while seated at the breakfast table that unless she left the house within twentyâ€"four hours hewould put her out. Miss Farley was but little surprised. Her father had always been a. stern man in the family, and for some time before his wife’s death evinced but little interest. in her. The daughter LEFT HER HOME . with hardly a tithe of. her share in the fortune which had been her mother's and three. months later her youngest brother, George James Farley, then aged 16. was sent adrift in air equally. unceremonious manner. Within a your the two remaining childrcnwcro sent off, and the father took his sec- ond wife. Miss Farley became a sur- vant girl from sheer necessity. When her employers became poor Sile'llllwn- ed her jeucllery and paid their ex- penses to this country in 1883. After two months' work as a cook at Mrs. Shaw‘s nursery. 41 Holyoke street. Cambridge, she was taken down With nervous prostration. \\'hen she recov- ered she took a course in the hospilal training course. graduating a nurse. She gave every cent of her money to charity, supporting an aged invalid and three fallen girls and their babies. "Last April my father died." said Miss Farley. “ ly my stcpniothcr's ini‘ulcnce, although I have ucver seen her since she was married to my in.- tlicr. I am dislnhcrilmi, and in some way Iain deprived of the cnjoymcnt of my mother's property. My father could not disinheril: my broilicr, how- ever. sTnco the estate was entailed, but my father's eldest brothcr, realizing the injustice my father had donc me. made ovcr his entire fortune of £50,000 to me. I shall give half of this to my brollier George." Miss li‘arlcy's story is vouchcd forhy the Rev. Dr. Lindsay, who slutcslhut she has long lw-cu a member of he church. Mr. George ll. ligelow, the wellâ€"known School street lawyer. is her attorney. _______â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- COUNTESS ULFIELD'S SUICID E. A Fashionably Dressed thinly Shoot-s llcrnclf in nu Edinburgh Police Station. A deepatch from Edinburgh says; -â€" There was a tragic occurrence in a police station here, on Tuesday even- ing. A lady, apparently aboutl twen- ty ycars of age, and fashionably dressed in the deepest mourning, who said she was the Countess Teresa Ulfield, a Russian. adding that she had) come to Scotland a fortnight ago, via Copen- hagen. and that she was in mourning for her (lead lover, complained. to the police officer on duty that she had been robbed of her purse containing a. large sum of money. The Countess. was ap- parently in great distress. and; as the officer turned round to enter her com- plaint in the station blotter. she drew a revolver and killed herself} by shoot- ing through the temple. Only a few shillings were found on her person. Two photographs were found among the efâ€" fects of the deceased, One was that of a young officer intli's Russian army and was signed "Alexander liomanolf," It is suppoaed to be that of tho fiancee. The other was that of a Span- ish officer who had visited; the Coun- tess since her arrival in Edinburgh. The hotel people say the deceased Coun- tess was well educated and had ovi- dently been accustomed to move in the best society. PERISHED ON THE TRAIL. -â€"-â€" flcpuricd Deaths of Twcnly Men llmumd by line Ilnrchhliu nr liic lllumilkc Trip. A despatch from San li‘rancisco, (.'ul., Hayesâ€"George Pope of Chicago has written to a friend here from Sheep Camp. on the Chilkoot trail. 'l'hc lei,- ter is dated October 28 and giwslhe latest news of the condition of the men who arc stranded on the way to the Kolndike. He says a hz-avy storm \had been raging on the pass. "The othcr day a man told mcihat at least twcnly men had perished on the trail uithin the last few xvi-irks. I have not lcen able to verify this statement. At awry town and every settlement whore prospectors arccom- polled lo stop the men have stories is tell of the danger of the. journey. Their advice is to avoid the trip now at any cost." WELCOME CYCLE NEWS. Mouldy Murphyal see dey ain‘t. go- m‘ for have no cha‘ns on bicycles ucxb year. Leary. . Languid Leary. appmvmgly «Hat's good. I! a bicycle. what I an ill a bacld yard yesterday hadn't Lean chained i could have swiped It easy.