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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Dec 1897, p. 4

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there are no doubt. many who obey the law, especially as regards giving liquor to intoxicated persons. but unfortunate- loge, who regarded the noisy monster with .‘ear and trembling, and would have run away if they had not been I ly the majority of them are like the one prevented. The engine stood in front. ‘ who said in our hearing a few years of the warehouse until about 9 o'clock ‘, - ago: “ My business is to sell liquor, on Monday morning, when. afiera fare~ TO enable 1116 to glve the and I will sell it to any man as long as well toot of its whistle, it left for its 1 . he is able to drink it and he or anybody destination, five or six miles out, and ‘ . else will pay for it i" There can be no went up the main street at it pace of I ' doubt that persons who givcamnu liquor about three miles an hour, there being until he is helplessly drunk are morally, a good deal of snow upon the ground. . if not. legally. responsible for anything This is the third traction engine sold by ‘ - that may happen to him while in that Mr. McDongall; the first. having been condition; and that such was the opin- purchased by Mr. Jesse Christian of ion of the jury on the Fleming inquest b‘cuelon early in July, (since when it With Roller Bearings, is shown by the following just verdict : has done over a dozen tlireshings), and I “ We, the coroner‘s jury, find that the second by Messrs. Driscoll d: Mos , R t c d the deceased James Fleming, Sr., came Milieu of Eldon. Mr. McDougall tt-lls . u to his death bya wound received by as that he has sold 87.000‘ worth of ' . being thrown from his rig while in a threshing outfitsâ€"McPherson d: Co's ‘ Stale 0f iDtOSiCMlOfl- And we further Challenge separators and White &. Co.'s i find that James Bailey and Stuart enginesâ€"which he thinks is pretty big i With Roller Bearings, MundL‘ll contributed to his death by selling for an old dry-goods man. The i . . su l’iiio' li nor to deceased while iii- cash rice of theiraotion engines, which ' to my CUStOnlerS I have bought 1&1 toEiiiiiicdD, anti! for allowing deceased to are 0314, horse power, is $1,200; the be removed from tho remises while in se armors- oost $425. from the manufaCturerS the very best ’ such a condition. An‘d we further find p ' that Charles Morgan and William Arm- - quahty Of ' ‘ ° ‘ strong are responsible to some extent worth a [lg to Hun. :l:E:l::§n:l:$cnSOd for home while in The Win-{by Chronicle my: : . y - ‘The failure of the apple crop this . year will prove to be worth more than C k d H t would do well to can at Sentenced to Death. the best hundred acre farm in the county 00 ’ ’ On Friday lastâ€"Three of the many ll‘ivlt‘tliliiraslitig.u'o‘;i:::ellM(if iibtt‘elrlirlitsb: S, murderers whose crimes have created so traiuload of. evaporated fruit from last. great a sensation were sentenced to year and the year before, which he doâ€" Fenelon Falls, as he has at death. At New York Martin Thorn, clincd to sell until such time as he could - ’ large assortment to choose convicted of the murder of William realize a good figure. That. time has ' from at low Prices. Guldcnsuppe, was sentenced by Justice arrived. Fruit that would only bring GENUINE Maddox to be electrocnted in the week cents per pound last fall is now sell- aJ S w A qugnfify of 2-f00f dry beginuiugon the 10th ofJanuary. 1898; tug at over eight cents, and Mr. Lowell ’ MAPLE LEAF, but it. is said that he has become such a is letting his fruit go as fast. in big of- MaiD/e for sale Cheap physical and mental wreck that he will fei‘s come to hand. Besides this he has I probably not live long enough to under- 12 000 gallons of cider to make vinegar, go the penalty of the law. His alleged and has 20,000 gallons of the best. vino~ ~ accomplice, Mrs. Nack. is yet to be tried. gar on hand ready for shipping. Mr. At. Berlin, Oiit., James Allison Was Lowell has had a hard struggle to keep sentenced by Chief Justice Meredith to his head above the surface during two ' _.-__..____._. - ,_ _,__--_ be hanged there on the 4th of February years of depression in the fruit market, 0 The [301191011 Falls Gazette. for the murder of M rs. Emma Orr; but but his many .friends will rejoice. to b - as thejnry that found him guilty rcC-f know that lilo Wllll igowdcomc out lmanlv " _”_‘â€"“‘“”“’â€"â€"‘_‘ and him to mercy on account 0 thousands a teat , esi cs his va uah a 3"“ - - ' ' ' Friday, December 10th! 1897' lllldmzlilll and there is the shadow ofa laut. \Vc congratulate Mr. Lowell tw' . in these hues evel‘ythmg 15 8' bmgmn! and In some possibility that. the crime might have Epou reaching such a favorable turning lmes 2:) Per Cent“ Cheaper than any Other years' Free Lecture on Single Tax. been committed by someone else during point in fortune." ‘. The only genuine COLD BLAST LANTERN kept. ' ' his (Allison's) absence from the Oi'r _, ,___‘_. f The recent ti'atical death of Henry farm. we shall not be surprised if his CURING __A momma, of n“ inhm George has awakened fresh interest in sentence he commuted to imprisonment - ‘ i ,- ,- ' ‘" , _J , . . . . . . csted lll curling “1” be held at the iink ' the theories particularly assocmted wtth for life_ At, Gravenliursl’. William J. on the cumin" 0,» Tuesdu l H l t . H y, tie ii. IF Ins uumc’ and imam very "well pleased “ammmd “'35 semo'mud by Mr‘ Jus' A full attendance is requested. to be able to inform our readers that tice Meredith (the Chief Justice’s bro- 1 _ . . . they now have an opportunity ofhear- ther) to be hanged for the murder of 1,3“?9" s'Bf;k”‘,%lP°i‘:d§rS'" Tm” “Me” '. to ten dollars to lay out it Wlll pay you to come and get my ing an exposition oftlio Georgian social his wife, Km Tough, Hammond was on y ac-e-ici. 1e a tort.- , Prices. philosnpliy by a gentleman well quali- tried twice for the crime, which was llrzitStiNtii.s.â€";\Ir.James Dickson, l’; g lied to speak on the subject. Mr. W. one of the most co].1-b1 mded on record, L S, returned home from his tour ul 3, ' A. D‘llg‘lith‘fi, B. A., of Toronto, will as he insured his victim‘s life for-vs?” inspection on Tuesday last ...... Miss t‘ lecture in Dickson's hall this (Friday) 000 and then poisoned her to get me [donnell of Bobcaygeon and her little ' evening on the subject of “ The Coming monev; but, at the first, trial the jury Sister, Vera. are Visiting at M rs. James .I ' ' Social Crises,” in which he will point disagreed, though the evidence against, l)iekson’s......l\lrs. John I. Clark lcl't ' out how it is that, as civilization ad~ him-could not, have been stronger than last Friday; to join her husband at lilllls i vanccs, we see the advantages of this it was, and them is no hope for him in sas City, kansas. . civilization not diffused with equity this world, whatever there may be in Just received, abole of Ge. Grey Cotton, FOR STYLE AND ECONOMY COMINED Go to Hm. Campbell, who has the largest, best assorted, most stylish and cheapest stock of MILLINERY in town. Come early and SEE THE PLUMS. Our Opening takes place every day. Noll'l'll STAR hllEh Mills. The undersigned beg to announce to their numerous ' customers and the public generally that their new; Roller b‘loiir Mill is now completed, alltl.f_‘:l‘lntllll}_“ night: The. machinery throiighmit is of the most! I and day. . ‘ modern pattern, and the quality oi the output second to none in Ontario. Special attention given to gristing and chopping. 'We par Lindsay prices tor wheat and; coar<e grains. of which we want an unlimited quantity. i e over the whole of society, but every city divided into palaces and slums. The graphic methods adopted by Mr. Doug- lass in dealing with this subject make it clear and interesting to even the dullest intellect. He will also point out the fatal error of always increasing the taxes on the man who does anything to ini- pi'ove the country. In other words, he will elucidate the theory of the Single Tax. A collection to defray expenses will be taken up. Go and here this celebrated lecturer. A Just Verdict. Under the heading “ Murdered,” the Templar of Friday last gives an account of a tragedy that occurred at Wolseley, N. W. T., on the 12th of November. On the afternoon of that day James Fleming, a respectable farmer of th vi- cinity, but unfortunately addicted to drink, drove into Wolseley with a span ofcolts, which he put up in the yard or stable of the Windsor hotel, and then went into the hotel. where he drank so much beer and whiskey â€"sonic of which was handed to him by James Bailey, the bartender, and some by Stuart Mun- dull, the proprietor of the houseâ€"that he gradually became hopelessly drunk. Some time after 8 o'clock in the even. in; Fleming's rig was brought to the hotel door, and two men, named respect- ively Morgan and Armstrong, picked . him up. put on his overcoat, hoisted l him into his vehicle and put the lines into his hand; though they were warned by 3 a farmer named Duff that lie was in-l capable of taking Care of himself. The span of colts, described as “ lilcy." and “not fit for a drunken man to handle." 3, ran away almost as Soon as they started 3 for home, and Fleming, who was thrown out, received a wound on the head from t which he died without remvering con- seiousness. Samuel Fleming. the bro-y tlier of the deceased. swore at the iiiâ€" . unloaded lrom a railway truck at. the the next. W A l’hre Ayrshire. After some correspondence with Mr. J. Yuill of Carlton Place, Ont., the well-known breeder of Ayrshire cattle, Mr. W. T. Junkin of Fenclon Falls purchased from him a thorough-bred heifer, which arrived here on Saturday last. and has since been “interviewed " and approved of by the numerous resi- dents of the village who take an inter- est in live stock. She is coming three years old, will have her first calf five or six weeks from now, and already gives indications of being a grand milker. Exactly what Mr. Junkin paid for her we do not. know, but a first class cow is cheap at almOSt any price; though many persons cannot see that a single extra quart of milk per day or a single pound of butter per week will soon mount up to a good many dollars, and when they want a cow, will buy the cheapest.â€" that is, the lowest priced oneâ€"they can get. Mr. Junkin has acertified pedi- gree of his heifer, which has all the distinctive marks of her breed, and the coming calf is of as aristocratic lineage as its mother. Some persons are of the opinion that a Jersey makes the host family cow, but Mr. Junkin says that an Ayrshire gives considerably morel milk and of scarcely inferior richness. During the past few years the live stock in this vicinity has been greatly im-l proved, and all who aid in the {good work have our hearty wishes for their success. ' W ._..., .. A Traction Engine. A handsome new traction engine, made by the George White & Sons Co. of London, Out, and consigned to Mesv srs Tiers and Junkin of Verulam, was l"enr'lon Falls relation last Saturday and 1 taken to the iiiiplemeut warehouse oil which will be sold for 50. a yardâ€"a liar. gain. The Red Store. SHUT DOWNâ€"On Saturday last the new mill was shut down for the winter after a very successful season's cutting. Some of the employees from a distance- ,left for home on Monday or Tuesday. and the local men are taking a rest and waiting for " something to turn up." Baking Soda only So. a pound at the Red Store. THE RINK.-â€"Tho floor of the village skating rink has been got into first-rate condition, and will be flooded as somi as steady cold weather sets in. Mr. Fred Train has been appointed carn- taker, and his instructions are to rigor- ously enforce all the rules of the rink, especially those relating to the use of profane language and skating abreast. CHRISTMAS I’iroros. â€"- Mr. J. ll. Stanton has had printed a lot of hand- bills, announcing that. he will give bar- gains in pliotOgraphs during the holi- day season, and all who want pictures of themselves, their wives, children or sweethearts, should give him a call. He turns out first-class work, its will be Seen by the specimens ol photographic art in his windows and showcases. Good Shaker Flannel from M. per yartl tip. The Red Store. lilx'rizit'i'aisiiex'r -â€"A grand literary, dramatic and vocal eiitiertainiiient in aid ol'tlic new ()i'ange hall at liiirnt River will he llt'l'l there on the cV-nlltig, of Saturday. tine lSih inst. under the managemth of Mr. J. ll. Maconaehie. A-lniisssioo ‘27) cents : children ll) cent ., Doors open at 7 o'clock ; lent! rtantmni. to commence at 7.15”. For pzii'tit-ulai'i sec posters. bananas" .‘liziz'rixt; «lim‘t forget. the East Vi~"t":i‘i:i lf‘ariut-rrs' institute meetings at l p. to. and 73‘) p. U). l'l Dickson‘s hall to-morrow. Amongst the speakers will be :‘lif’: ll'lul'il Hose, As~i~tant ln-trncior in the Dairy in. .54 - , I . g .' \. “ .1 i‘. Q a a ) as. ., ‘ outrh l nest [l 3’ in l" »l,irii:ti",' last llC v-rhillv . . llitlus .tiid ..l\lll. . l‘tl‘lm Little. t,lltt.1}.‘l it: , C‘tcz. b C T it} ‘b: ‘ t h t. u d": U t] m ML Hugh McDougaH‘ who H the Com, mmmm 0,. the U. x H, “UAW. “.3” l ‘ l l «\0 ‘llh‘ tor the (aiiada (arriafle Lompniiv. 0‘ ~“”-‘ “‘~ 4”“ ' ‘ ~' ‘- "We" . . I l .. - . - I . . .. ., g in“ .3” i ' ‘. ck ‘ s } ~ . i ' '0. v Ft-Illll‘-’ an)" litltici‘. and sz-ri'c'l a writ‘ rim-l b ‘ig'fllt' n he “cum; it was "1 the “he.me w 13"“): "3 'lqcmli't "‘ Parties buy-mg Flour or heed in quantities “ Oll 0 I ten mt; , m ,1” “mt, vmc, um” Mun“ mod up and took several short trips up i u A Muflnng m ,m l',.i_'ll~l| dairy. and \‘r'L‘ll it) write us fill‘ (lllOiililOllS before purchasing. and down the main street, to Show how i in :he evening Wm ,1 My“. 3,, mm...“ ‘ It “l’l'r’nr' 2 on “ The makingcl'prit: bread and tut: OOOOOOOOO 'deli. bu; 'liey paid no attention to it. , it i:~ an ., cases as. this that. very prop- ! - . v , a t j v - ' I . ~ I I ’ j .‘ 21,33 , ,1 “mi of me p 0‘ -b-,- , ed to meet the appimil of all why “rt-V tar. 1m; ant-rm in ~t;.-.â€":o 1. ..il. b. & i 11., ,‘mfis of we hofuljécggzgs it, except some of the horses in the vil- l {we to up; but in um “0W,” mm, I L easily it could be manaued.

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