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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Dec 1897, p. 7

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Eff-PEROR wuuan AT sous. .â€" lconolay In Some Departments and Ex- fravugnnre In lulu-n. Not that the German Emmi-or Would be c-Jmmunplaute anywhere. His mysterious outl-ursts of rage: his offi- cially contradicted illness or Him-sacs. and his genius for selfâ€"advertisvment would bring him into noti e wherever he was. But though we hear so much about his love for show in publir. few people know how simpie his privab: life is. Yet itis afart that agrr-xt deal of the solemn etiquette of the ordinary court life has been done away with. the staff reduved in several ways and. there have even been economies in the kitchen. The officers of the guard have to put up with beer instead of champagne. It is true the menu at the Emperor's table must be in Ger- man now. not French. but the aristoâ€" cracy generally have not follovmdsuit. There are things even a German lim- peror cannot do. ‘ But any one who sees the royal ital- ace knows that the stories of extra- vagance are true. Restoring it was the work of three months. and ex ery- thing that the best of science and art and the tax-payers money could do was done. Those three months turned out a palace that ECLIPSES IN SPLENDOR almost. any other in the world. The apartments that the present Emper- or uses, are those between the “Pillar Hall" and the "Star Hall," or "Star Chamler." whichever we would call it in English, only in this case the stars are in the ceiling. But perhaps the most magnificent is the front hall, the Treppen Hallo. which faces the l’al- ace'Square. A view can be had with- out opening- tho doors, for they are each of one immense pane of glass. and even in the daytime the white and gray marble covering the walls is effective. At night it is a marvellous sight, the electric light flooding the hall, the marble balustrades, and the (red carpet on the marble steps. You: pass down these botwien colossal mir- rors on either hand. and the Star Hall is directly in front. it is here the regimental colors are used as orna- ments for the walls on a. background of red damask. The panelling is done in rich rococo work. The Emperor's and Empress's pri- vate apartments are near the Pillar Hall. which also faces the Palace Square. There is a. private entrance and a public one for deputations and so on. One gets as good an idea of the general extravagance from the Emperor's workshop. or study. as any- where else. True. there areth writâ€" ing-tables. the leather-covered fiu‘ni- ture, and the bmlcshelves. but the cell- ing is in splendid while-and-gold roco- ro workâ€"done in Frederick the Great's timeâ€"and LATE IMPROVEMENTS have been made in the same style and golor. The walls are in dark olivcand old brorade. Here the inventions are EMILIO. pictlu'es painted. dismissal ofl rabincts signed. and telegrams com- iosed. It will be an historic room. l‘lic Emprcsss private rooms are also very fine. Iler receptionâ€"room has more of the immense mirrors, and the walls one panelled in grcenishrgray marble. Yet she hcrself is the ordi- nary German Ilausfrau. and is whab she has been from her girlhoodâ€"a no.- nontity. All these apartments have been lyâ€" ing unused for many years since the time of Friedrich Wilhelm III.. in fact. The court life in public resmnblesihah of most other countries: the dinner is the moat noticeable difference. it lasts barely threeâ€"quarters of an hour; courses come and go like lightning. and. [LS at Napoleon's table, a man who gives too much time to talking may find himself extremely hungry when it is over. One of the great enterâ€" tainments is the timeâ€"honored ball at the end of the Carnival. Where as many as twelve hundred chsts have bee-n invited. The waltz is the prin- cipal dance. and the minuet was latcly introduced. The Emperor and Em~ press just join in one quadrille. but. lllv.‘ hill is for them more of a big re- ception. they make their rounds of the guests in the "White Hall” before dancing begins. 4 _ . o ‘ =â€" E _-.II I II I , _...._.__ _..._.__â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"- It's a small thing. but when you! liiink that most people drink it at each meal. and some [roplo drink two _or three cups each time. you can readily we it is most inn ortnnt tlzat you drink pure li-u. Very few know w‘lzal lanoâ€" ;vm from till“ time the tea leaf is picked unlil (buy buy it from their uro- cer. who as a rule. sells bulk tca. l-‘ew of them carry a sufficii-m siovl; uf lens to lll"nll suvccssfully. un’l largo. iuwcrlcrs. knnu ing this. and sccing the advantage of kN‘pillg the lca from- cx- [mure iiuvc inzroiuccl the inclcuirc lezl. One of the most successful .nf lllL‘n‘t‘ is Ludclhi l‘eylun 'lca. which sci-ms to be thoroughly appreciated ulwrcwr used. A few yours ago one! xvuud; would not iv us coo-i a ten us 25c. Ludclln. To a grcnl exâ€" tent this is accounted for by new lucllmls of production: instead of roll- ing the lcuf by Land. this is now done by machinery. «luii,.t' .\'(Yl‘ 'l'llA'i‘ SORT OF BOOKS nu you find scrum!“ in stones. and Links in the running brooks! asked the romantic maiden} i never find pocketbooks in them, replied the matter of fact young man Corn Sowing la conducted by tight boots. l‘orn reaping ls lest conducted by Put- nam's Painless t‘orn Extractor. tho only safe. sure. prompt and painless earn cum. [ileum of imitations. GIVE HIM A CHANCE. A now famous physician relates that early in his career in the city where he was located, there resided an aid-- rrly physician who was always ready to give him “iolesome advice. One morning the young practitioner was allied to visit. a. man who was very ;.i.s old friend. the doctor, and. as usual, he ind something of importance to say. lie draw it out so long, however. that Lie younger man grew impatient, and finally said. Dom-tor, you will have to orcusa me; 1 am- on my way to visit a gcutllcman who is said 'to be dangerous- ly il . Oh, was the unexpected reply. give the man a chance; and the old fellow resumed the subject. he was discuss- mg .isk On his way he happened to me.te A LIAR. Popperâ€"Mabel. you’d better discour- age the attentian of that young shoe dealer: he’s thoroughly unprin- l'lpled. Maidâ€"Thoroughly unprincipledl patent leather shoes to-day, and said they wouldn't crack. ‘ Popperâ€"Yes: he sold. me a pair oil 1 Why Suffer ? “men there is such agood remedyas Nervxline for all kinds of pain. Ill cures neuralgia in five minutes; toothâ€" application; headache in a few momâ€" ents; and all pain just as rapidly. Give it p. trial. A SUGGESTION. I want something; in a. small check, said young Mr. Twitters, as he exam- ‘ load the tailor’s cloths. ‘llid you bring it with you. sir? asked the tailor. Bring what with me? The small check. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the d leased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure d-‘nfness, and that is b constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is cause by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eu-mchlan Tub... When this tube in inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. and unless the inflammzzbi.zn can be taken out and this tube restored to its ‘ normal condition, heax‘nz will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed cone dition of the mucous surfaces. We wrilgive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (Caused by oatarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send 10$ Circulars ; (line? CHE}. EY CO . . ' & ., Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggista. 76c. Hall’s Family Pills are the bash. W P C 899 in every townshi tuâ€"llâ€"oA “00d M9" war'tad 011mm. magnifier; ‘ Sample 33.60. or stamped envelo o for particulars. '1‘. MOUNUE, 10 I lug St. W.. Tor..nto. AUBAGE OASING8.â€"New Importations. finest; English sheep and American hog casings. Rehabs goods at. right prices. Park, Blackwell & 00.. Limited, Toronto. ApilES. Poultry, Eggs. ' The Dawson commission 60.,“mlt-d nor. of West Market and Oolborno at, . venom-o, ache in one minute; lame back at one i monsoon ls Clean ! MONSOON f3 Fragrant MONSOON is Delicious MONSOON is Economical HONSOON hide-Ceylon Tea IS THE BEST. _ 2.5. 30. 40. 50 and 60 cents per pound. The Monsoon Tea 00., 1 wellington-ct. m, Toronto. Toronto Cutting School. OUNG MEN. Learn to 4 ‘ul’. No better trad! or profession. Write for particulars. 1!: ange St. Toronto. Mills, Mina 8‘ Halo: Barriucrs. e'c..rcmovml to Wesley Hldgs., Rich mind St. W Toronto. ___________._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-x- f I i f “Ellis flillilio BUSllESS COLLEGE Most widely Attended in America. For Illustrated Catalogue (30th year). ADDRESSâ€" ROBINSON 8:. JOHNSON, F.C.A., BELLEva . . . ONT. «w .7 .â€" ".â€" W. G. EARRIg, William Street. Toronto. WY- COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. BEMRENomz-IMPERIAC > BANg. i-gyS and Girls wishing to make from Ten to Twenty-five dol- lars this month, writn us quick. We have a. brand new 250. article that smart boys and 'rls from fourteen upwards can sell rapidly. t. is instructive. interesting. edifying and faaclnnlimr. Send 250. for complete outfit. to .l. I.. HIOHOLO & 00., Wesley Building, Toronto. :WE WANT Yfiij (1111â€"0113; Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup. . plied with genteel and very PROFl'l‘ABlJll em loyment. industry 1.: the e==entisl NEC' ES ARY to secure GOOD REMUNERJ: (HON. Can give due address cf representative who has Just. cleared 81].“! in ‘21 DAYS. 85 can be made right AT your own HUME. J. L. NICHOLS 85 00.. 83 Richmond West, Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT LEAN 8: SAVES GSMPANY Subscribed capital ........ . . . . . .ss.ooo,ooo Paid-up Oapltai...... 2,600,000 Assets ............. ..............12,ooa,ooo HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO ST., TORONTO, Branch Officesâ€"anires MAN., AND Vancouvmc. B. C. â€"â€"-â€"4 The ample resources of this Company enable Its Directors to make advances on Real E9 tate,without delay. at low rates of interest. and on the most. favorable terms of repayment Loans ranted on 1m rovevl Farms and on Product ve Town and ity Properties. Mort.- gages and Municipal Debentures Pur- based. B Applications will be received at the offices of “‘9 C°mpany' J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. Toronto ___________...__.__ ____.._ FOR TWENTYEVEN YEARE; E000 ’ BTFRED LARGEST S‘LS IN CANADA 1 l l l l £5 “'E rib'TALK-IIICOCIODI. ELLA” . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEY LON TEA Untflypumlt. Thunyouulllmnkuo. menacing“. 15,40,50Aooa Lendingng ._ --..... .u Am J in e PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti- " ful as in youth. osows A N ‘um-fin-Q -_..............â€"= HAl PRODUCER. LADIES PRAISE AMBERINE. The following ladies have kind. ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used Am- berine, they know its worth, and they recommend it high- ly :â€" Mlss Jennie Tibia, Nelson St., London. J. Manson, Young 5L, Han ilton. Miss E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilton. Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St., London. Miss I. V. R ckman. Hughson i. 3., Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson, Young SL, Hamilton. CROP OF HAIR. Mrs. SWOBN EVIDENCE = DOMINION OF CANADA. } Province of Ontario, County of Middlesex. To Wit: lington Street, IN THE MATTER of the “Amherine Hair Producer”. manufactured b & Messrs. Job Cook and Company, 68 W ondon. Canada. 1, Henry Amos Plastow, of the City of LondOn. in the County of Middlesex. Water We!!! Inspector : Do aolemnl Messrs. Job hlnco the 15th day of Aprl declare that I have used the “Amberino Hair Producer," manufactured by 00k and Com any. of No. 68 \Volllngton Street, in the City of London. Canad 1897. It has stoppe , from falling out. removed the dandruff, and has brourht out. a thick crop of h 1 head was entirely bald before 1 commenced using the r preparation. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be the itching of the scalp, Itopfied the he a where my true and knowin that it is of the, suns force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of " The Canad: 3 Evidence Act. 1893." Declared before me at the City London. in the County of Mlddlesex. this 11th thy of October. .A.D. 1897, all which I certify under my notarlal seal H. A. PLAITOW. E. ’1‘. E sonny, a Norm-y Public in and for the Province of Ontario. Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. This little Motor 18 complete with battery and chemicals. It In a boy's delight. . "run-u-M‘ .l' 4.41;”: . $1 00 C011 PLETB. ll THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO.,Limitea, 42 ADELAIDE ST. w., TORONTO. ) But watch on earth. $1.25; our celebrated 20th centurg watch: American movement; warranted ve yeurs ; Equal as tinxekccpcr, to any $25.00 watch; nickel case. stun‘ wind. pendant set. finely finished dial sunk second hand; received highest gold l l J,‘ medal awards at American and European .1 International Exposition: patented the world over; just a watch which sell: any- . . . ~ , 5‘ M where hr 34 to $5: agentsmuke big money '_ 4. by selling it; one agent sold 22 in a single. 7 day; will send sample to any 'laddres: on .‘ ‘â€"‘ receipt of price: 6 for 87. 12 for $12; 6 or ' I more sent 0. O. D. if 31 is sent with order; for $2 I will ncnd watch and handsome ‘\. rolled plate chain warranted to wear live yours. and all money will be returned if you are not Iatisficd with your bargam. Fred M. Mason. box 123, Madison square. N cw York city. DR. GOODE'S l’AlllillSS l‘llll’M'llOl’ill. Pills A Specific for Female Complaints, are a true boon to every lady who suffers in the perform- ancn of mturc'scffort. 'l‘licy at once 0mg: the pain and restore natural and healthy action of t e ovarian v no.5. For yxung and developing womanhood they are any remedy which can be used. Tbcy are compound null-1y from the active principles of vegetable whim-nee“ nnd a.rc1.urfcctly cafe. and reliable. Ark your (buzz: . for them. and if he does not kecp them in stock he I procure thcm for you. Price $1.00 per Bottle, orB m 85.00. Whole-Milo Agcnta: The Toronto Pharmaaal 00.. leltod. Toronto. ,____â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_ _... Can Kootengay Cure “anginaâ€"angst? Over 2,000 Canadians Say _1_i_-._ _I_§ Infallible. CAN KOOTENAY CURE RHEUMATISM?‘ This is a question which has agitated the minds of thousands of Canadian citizens. The answer is contained in the testimony which comes from all parts of the country, from all classes of people, and never before in the medical history of Canada has there been such a popular flood of testimony as that which has poured into the Ryckman Medicine Co.’s offices at Hamilton during the last year. Rheumatic sufferers who have doctorcd for years with the best physicians, and under- gone hospital treatment to no purpose, declare themselves cured by Kootenay. Limbs that have for months a: a time been warped and twisted by the fetter: of rheumatism are released by the action of Koofenay Cum The :ncw ingredient which enters into its composition reach“ the old stubborn and chronic cases and leads the way to speedy recovery, causing discerning physicians who have watched its cures to admit that it is a “miracle worker." Read the testimony in which flit convincing ring of truth is scaled by sworn statements. It is the onlytruc cure for rheumatism on earth. HAMILTON. I, Mn. Isuzu. Smxvm, residing at 65 Walnut Street South. in the City of Hamil- ton. County of Wentwortb. do solemnly declare: That last tell my little boy. aged five and a half years, was attacked with rheumatism and also nine in his back and kidneys. He was nna le to Itand and could not get out of bed without assistance. His tailoring was terrible, and although. he had medical treatment he got no better. was so severe It times he would almost faint. His up tits left him and he grew very weak. A at this time we heard of “ Rychlan’s Koolena Gun," and com- menoed giving it to Inn, with what results I am pleased to all you. Since taklng the T1108 first bottle of medicine he has not bad a pain, never complains, and is as healthy 3. boy as one could wish for. He has gained flesh and plays hard all day. and in my opinion is completely cured. Young as he is the boy himself appreciates the medicine. and I heartily recommend it to anyone auflering from rheumatism or kidney trouble. I lawn. Suntxvm, Sworn to before Notary T. F. Lynn, 25th day of August, 1896. LONDON. I, C. B. HAMILTON, of the City of London, County of Middlesex, do solemnly declare that I reside at 131 Sydenbam Street in said city and that I had rheumatism for over seven years. I was so bad that at times I was unable to satisfactorily use my ii “)8. I was employed by I. D. Saunby. aok Friars Mill. as head miller, and it was while working for him that I was so severely afflicted. Iam now a well man and was cured by “ Ryckman’s Koofenay Cure," which I recommend to all rheumatic sufferers. In connection with this 1 may add that my wife gratefullycndorses myrecommendation of Ii'ootenay Cure, as she also has good cause to speak highly of it as a tonic and blood purifier. C. B. Ewnrou. Sworn to before Notary C. G. Jam, 15th day of August. 1896. OTTAWA. I, Mini-m erson, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, do solemnly de- clare that I live at 112 Cathoart Street, in the City of Ottawa. That I am thirty years of age and a tinsmith by trade. I was severely afllictod with rheumatism, and so had was my case that I was confined to my bed for two months. In J one, 1896, Ibogan taking " Ryckman’l Rootenay Gun." I used two bottles and am now entirely cured and free from rheumatism. I have since been in d to wet weather which has had no effect on me. I consider Kootenay a great cure for rheumatism. I have also alnod 27 pound: in we! ht. It is a grand tonic and a wonderful lood purifier. I attribute my care lolon to the an of Kootmy 01m. Mum Wnsou. Sworn to before Notary 19th day of February, 1896. TORONTO. I. Guano: Bursa, of the City of Ti’ironto County of York, do solemnly declare that I am a. fur dyer, and reside at 14 Stayner Street in the said City. That I was afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism in the kneel for over a year and was barely able to walk the short distance from my home to my work and then only with great pain. After taking two bottles of “ Iiychnan'a Kootcnay Cure ’ I am an all round healthy man, have a good appetite and sleep well. I frequently walk six to ten miles at a time and fuel no fatigue whatever from this exertion. Am free from all pain and attribute my present wholesome and sound condition of body to “ Ryckmau’: Kootcnay Cure." Gsomn BAKEB. Sworn to before Notary J. W. Samoan Conmr. 10th day of July, AJ). 1896. lN-OERSOLL. I, Cmntas ernm, of the Town of Ingersoll. County of Oxford, do solemnly declare that I am forty-five years of age, and I live in said town. and was formerly employid by the Ingereoll Pork Packing Company; that I suffered severely with rheumatism for six 'ears. I tried several kinds of patent me icinel and was under the care of a physician for sometime with- out relief. I was so bad that I was unable to hold up my arms; in fact I could not raise my hand to my hand. I have taken two bottles of " Ryclmmn’n Koofenay Cara " and am nowentirely free from rheumatism. and I attribute my recovery solely to the use of " R ckman’a Kootcnay Gun.” and 1 recommen the remedy to all sufferers from rheumatism. Camus Barnum. Sworn to before Notary J. F. Mosul, 2m day of August. A.D. 1896. If you are sick and discouraged ’ny Rheu- matism, Bright’s Dist Kidney roublu, Eczema army Blood luau,writc The S. S. yckmzn Medicine Co., Hamilton, for Chart Book, mailed frec.’ It will tell you of cum made by Kootcna that were con. alder“! hopclua. Thcm icincfsputupln boulaconmnln over a. month's treatment, mdmidforSl pubottlc, makingitchapet than a month’s on of inferior medicines. If not obtainable from ', our dcalzr, uni Dunn. O'Connou. g (31; “random? c"Justin S. 5.!1yclunan Med rim: (‘0, Limited, amllfon,

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