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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Jan 1898, p. 7

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NEVER “ BROKE" AGAIN. new or THE lull." .. A TROUBLE THAT IS MAKING THE ' LIVES OF THOUSANDS MISEBABLE. It Irina: In In Trnln. Srrvanmeu. Palm [like Rack and Slde, Headache-s. "can rnlpltnllon and Rrsnlts l-‘alnlly Where Eflcncions Treatment is Not Reset-led to. From the Sussex, N. 8., Record. There are many' ways in which peo- ple may prOve‘ lenefactors of the hu- man race. There. are thoso who of their abundance spend large sums in erecting public buildings and beauti- tying public parks. Others spend their mouey In charitable work, and in alle- viating the suileringd of less fortunâ€" ate fellows, and for these arts, these people are honored. The person, who, having obtained re- lief from sickness, and makes public the means by which health was regain- ed, is none, the less a. public benefac- tor. Among these latter is Miss El- ena O’Neil, daughter of Mr. James O’Neil, a well-toâ€"do farmer. living near Mlllstream, King’s Co., N. B. 'Mlss O‘Neil was attacked with anaemia. â€"- poverty of the bloodâ€"a. trouble unfor- tunately too common among the young girls of the present day, and one which is certain to terminate fatally, if not promptly checkâ€" ed, and the blood enriched and re.- newed. llaviug discovered 8. rom- edy that will achieve this happy result. Miss O'Neil is willing that less fortunate sufferers may reap the bene- fit ‘of her experience. To 3 correspond- ent; of the Record. Miss O'Neil related the story of her illness and. cure. She said: "I believe that hard I not begun the use of Dr. VVillianns‘ Pink Pills my trouble would have ended fatally. My illness came‘ about so gradually that I can scarcely say when it began. The first symptoms were a loss of color, and I. feeling of tiredness following even moderate exertion. Gradually I be- came as pale. as a. corpse, and was ex- tremely nervous. Then I was attack- ed with: a. pain in' the side, which daily grew more and more intense. I cough- ed a great deal and finally grew so Weak that if I want upstairs I had to rest when I reached the top. My ap- petite forsook me. I was subject to spells of dizziness, and severe headaches and was gralually wasting away until I lost all interest in life. I had tried a number of medicines but found no relief, In this apparently hopeless condition this apparently hopeless condition, while reading a newspaper I saw a. statement of a young lady whose symp- toms were. almost identical with my mm, whose health had been restored hroug‘h the use of Dr. W'i-llialms' Pink '11:}. This statement was so encourâ€" aging that I determined that I would try this medicine. 1211 my case as in that of the youngr lady whom I had read about. the result was marvellous. The pain; in my side from which I had suffered so much. disappeared, my nerves were strengthened, my appsâ€" tite returned and my whole system seemed to be strengthened and renew- ed, I am now as well as any member in the family and have not known what sickness was since I discontinued the use of Dr. \Yilliams’ Pink Pills. My gratitude towards this grand medicine is unbounded and I hope my statement may be the means of bring- ing encouragement and. health to some other sufferer. The gratifying results following the use of Dr. \Villialms' Pink Pills, in the case of Miss O’Neil prove. that they are unequalled as a. blood builder and nerve tonic. In the. case of young girls who are pale or sallow, listless, troubled with a. fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be lost in taking a course of Dr. \Villiamn' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood and bring a. rosy glow of health to the Cheekm'l‘hey are a specific for troubles peculiar to females. such as suppressions, irregm laritics and all forms Of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry. ov- erwork. or excessos of whatever natâ€" ure. Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose. form by the doz- en or hundred) at 50 oenls a. box, or six boxes for $22.50. and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Brockville, Ont. SLAP}? ED TH E MA RQUIS. At a. public convention in London lho other day one of the delegates, noticâ€" ing, as he. supyxxsod, a friend, hurried up to him. zuul. giving him a. hearty slap on the, buck. said: Hallo, old boy! Politics co‘ulinues to agree with you. Oh?" The porlly man turned slowly unnuul and revealed the distinguished features of the )l'urquis of Salisbury. who said smiling pleasantly: Yes. thank you. politics does continue to agree \\ ll h me. The delegate \\ 11:; hor- ror-struck at his mistake. mumbled a confused apology and beat a hasty re- treat. It is believed that the. Prime Minister must have enjoyed the joke very much. for later in the evening ho was seen lo be relating to several friends Some incident which provoked him and them in a great deal of laugh-l to r. “'OILV O L'I‘. 'l‘i';nu;.â€"â€"l‘le:L<e, sir. won't you give me a ,air of shows! I've worn these all out looking for work. I‘m a gard- enur. sir. llenvvoieul Individualâ€"l will give you auozher pair “ixh pleasure. Here. lake tlu-se. By the way the seat of your [unis is all worn out, too. 'l'rumz~\‘es, sir; I wore them out while workiu' at my last job. Here's a Little Nut to Crack: Just a grain of corn! The principle upon which Putnam's Painless Corn l‘~ {savior acts is entirely new. It re moms the coral layer by layer, with- out any pain whatever. It. never fails, either. T: 1' it. An lmprov‘l-lent Young Hun “'lm Will .ll ways Have 2: Dollnr In "In Packet. "Queer things happen at funerals." said a clergyman recently, who he: olficiated at many. “and I remember one occasion which impressed me great- l)’. on account) of the standing of the family in which it happened, as well as from the peculiar circumstances sur- rounding the. incidentâ€"the bestowal of money on a dead man." The narrator was urged to relate the story, and on the promise that no names would be mentioned, he con- tinned: "It was a funeral at the. house of one of my parishioners, and I was greatly surprised when I received no- tice to attend and conduct the ser- vices. I had. not heard of any member of the family using ill, nor had Ibeen summoned to the deathbed. but I jumped to the. conclusion that it was am old servant who had died "It proved to be a. bad sonâ€" the black sheep of the familyâ€"whose shaâ€" dow had not darkened their doors for years, but who, it was always believed, had been supported at a. distance far enough to prevent him from disgrac- ing the family by his misdeeds. "Now he was brought home dead, and I was expected to give him as little blame and as much praise as was con- sistent with the dignity of my office and his relation to the family. "I need not go into that part of the ceremonies, but come to what I con- sider the real expression of feeling,r which consecrated the memory of the man as nothing that I said could have done. "Just before the casket was closed his old mother arose from her seat with the mourners, and, approach- mg the dead, slipped a. dollar into his vest pocket. " 'Jim never liked to be without mon- ey in his pocket,’ she said, with a low, tremulous voice, 'Many’s the dollar I've slipped into his pocket, unbe- known to him, but he always found it and was thankful. I don’t expect he‘s gomg to need it now, and maybe he will never know that mother put it there, but somehow I shall feel bet- ter if he has it.’ "And I felt that the woman who had loved much and forgiven much had preached a sermon of forgiveness and mercy before which I with my platâ€" itudes must remain dumb." W Quick as Thought The maddening toothache stops when Nervilineâ€" that wonderful nerve-pain cureâ€"43 applied to the tooth. Nerviline is the only positive, never-failing rem- edy for toothache and all .nerve pains. Be advised and try it. ' OF COURSE HE \VOULDN’T. You wouldn’t marry a. girl solely for her money, would you? Oh, dear noâ€"l‘hat is, not if I could get money with a. girl who had some other attraction also. LUCAS Cour: rv. FRANK J. ( HENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner at the firm of F. J. CHENEY a; 00., doing businesu in the City or Toledo. County and State afornmld. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNBRED HOL- LAIH for each and every case of CATA~HH that cannot be. cured by the use of IlALL'd CATAKRH Con E. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subsonbed in m presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 188 . STATE or 01110, Orr or TOLEDO, }“ {fig-E A. \V. GLEASON, \d Notary Publlc. Hall's Catarrh Cure i-u taken internally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface] of the system. Sand for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY lit. 00., Toledo, 0. Sold b Druggistx 75c. llall’s amlly Pills are the bean. ' M? l‘ M" w P e 990 Toronto Cutting 392315 YOUNG MEN, Learn to Put. No belle-r trad. or profession. Write for particulars. Sample $3.60. or flagged Incline to; particu are. In: t. | ROBINSON a. JOHNSON, F.O.A.. 112 Yonge St... 'l‘orcnfo. Gcod Men wanted township tosell our N. Faust. seller. '1‘. H0 W., Toronto. AU§AOE “swimâ€"New Importation. finest InnFlinh sheer and American hog casings. c Relish goods»: rl ht ricog‘ p s 09., umuod Tuning,p ark- Blackwell "Hits ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE Most widely Attended in America. For Illustrated Catalogue (36th year). ADDRESS- rmmwmn . . . ONT, _ . v w Ming, Mills & Halos llnrrifzers. elc..removcd I A to \\ csley Bldgsn llivh mond St. “2. Toronto. ) Applch 011m. Eggs, The Dawson Gommlsslon Goal-"Hm- Der. of Vlut In!!!” and column tt, - roach", â€".â€". oommmo J. on. manual, 11.9., lo. I College-ct. : WRONTO, Ont. EYE. EAR! “as: &5PECIALIIT w. G. HARRIS, mum street. Toronto; .3st COPPER, BRASS, * - LEAD. REFERENOflzâ€"IHPERI AL BANK. MONSN‘V l5 Clean MONS :N is Fragrant MONSUON ls Delicious MONSOON is Economical l'lONSOON lode-Ceylon 3'“ 7 IS THE BEST. 25. 30. 40. 50 and I20 cents per pound. The Monsoon Tea 00., 1 Wellington-st. W., Toronto. DR. G0 ODE'B i’llllllSS PENllllOl’lL Film A Specific for Female Complaints, In I true boon to every lu-ly who suffers in the perform‘ auco of nature's cfl'ort. They at. once ease the psin and restore natural and healthy action of the ovarian yes- :cis. For young and developing wramanhood they excel any remedy which can be used. They are compounded solely from the active principles of vegetable subsLances, and an perfectly safe and reliable. Ask your druzgist for them. and if he does rot keep them in stock he an ocure them for you. Price 31.00 per Bottle. or life: 00. Wholesale Agents: The Toronto Pharmaoal 00.. Limited, Toronto. Best watch on earth. $1.25 : our Celebnled 20th century watch: American movement; warranted five years; Equal as timekeeper to my 825.00 watch; nickel case. if!!!) wind, pendant. set, finely finished dial, sunk [econd hand; received highest gold modal .ward: at. American and European . International Exposition; patented the ' world our: just a watch which sells any where (or $4 to 35; agents make big money by telling it: one agent sold 22 in a single day: will send sample to any laddress on :reccipt of rice: 6 for $7, 1‘: for 312, 6 or more but ‘. O. D. if $1 is sent with order; for $2 I will send watch and handsome ~ roll-d plate. chain warranted to wear rive years. and all money Will be returned if you me not satisfied with your bargain. _ Fred M. Muon. box 123, Madison square, New York my. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. Ixcouroam‘nn 1855. Subsorlbed cmltal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5,000,000 Paw-up capltal . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 2.600.000 deserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.460.580 Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000,000 Officeâ€"Oompany's Bulldlnga, Toronto St, Toronto. DEi-osn's received at current rates of inter- est, paid or compounded half~yeatly. DEBENTURES l~4~ued in Currency or Starling, with interest coupons attached. pay: ble in (lanad-r. or in England. Executor: and True- toes are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Compare 3'. MORE! ADVANCED on Real Estate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as to repayment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures pur- chased. J. HERBERT MASON. Manna;an Director. 75 H,P, Tubular duller llllll‘llll fillfrh'p' Sturtevant Fan Slightly Used, All Very Cheap for Cash: {as we man “we lELLA” . . . . . . . . . . . CEYLON TBA “Immu- nmmmuunnkuc. Ladpam antennas. Wm . .-..._â€"~_... .~..-.M--. M~_.-. “4.....-~ Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. This little Motor 1: complete with battery and chomdoals.‘ It h a boy'- delight. $1 0o COMPLETE. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO.,I.lmltcu. 42 ADELAIDE .ST. W., TORONTO. l-i' lm in sen, GLOSSY, . Pm.er sum: masses, Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberiue cleanses the scalp, removes dandrufl’, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti- ful as in youth. FROBUCER. Limes rams: AMBERINE. The following ladies ha ve kind- ly permitted us to refer tn them.‘ They have used A berine, they know its war and they recommend it high- ly :â€" Miss Jennie lebs, Nelson St., London. st. J. Manson, Young St., Han ‘ilton. Miss E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilton. Mrs. Alfred Jordan, , Hill St., London. Miss I. V. Ryckman, Hughson St. 5., Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson, Young St., Hamilton. snowsEs A if CROP OF HAIR. WORN EVIDENCE : DOMINION OF CANADA. } IN THE MATTER of the “Amberan Hair Producer.“ Province of Ontario, County of Mlddlesex, To Wit: manufactured by Messrs. Job Cook and Company. 58 Wol- llngtou Street. London. Canada. 1, Henry Amos Plastow, of the City of London, in the County of Mlddlesex, Water Work! Inspector : Do Iolemnlé declare that I have used the “ Amberino Hair Producer," manufactured by Messrs. J oh 001.: and Company. of No. 58 \Vellln ton Street, in the City of London tun-ids the itching of the scalp, atop ed the half head was entirely bald before I commenced using their preparation. I Elsi): {231113135531til:ifggégfiéllgsngngfuiifisusaoggsbl‘ouKhh out a thick crop of ha 1' where my 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Canada. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS..- l“? l THECOO’S BTFRlEND LARGEST 5an IN CANADA. Kootonay’s Iii, New Ingredient. CAI ea. I. -,v u .I: fit h. ;. Makes Startling H Cures. _ ,5" Bright’s and Kidney Disease. I". Sciatica, Inflammatory * Rheumatism. G' And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as it made under oath and by virtue of “ The Canada Evidence Act. 1893." Declared before me at the City London. in the County at Middlesex. thll 11th (luv of October, LD. 1897, all which I certify under my notarial seal H. A. PLABTOW. E. '1‘. E‘mnnr, a. Notary Public in and for the Province of Ontario. Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sub- U (WM-y If; a: plied With genteel 11nd VGI‘Y PROFIT-$23M? wishing to make from Ten to Twont -flve d L em lo ment. Inlustryis thee=sontltl .NEC 11m; this month, write no quick. \ a havoc; ES‘A Y to secure GOOD REMUNERA bfalndf newf 250. article till-(nit Imart lllmyn up _ , re rom ourleon u w e um r ld . who husjust cleared 8113 in ‘21 Di‘. 8 55 can - t is instructivm int/grating? (-(Jtfiyingp “d fascinating. Send 25c. for compleloout tto . J. L. NICHOLS a 00., Wesley Bulldlng, Toronto. TION. Cm: give 'he address ofx‘xim'eaentutivo be made right AT your own HUME. . 1. NICHOLS 86 00.. 33 Richmond West, Toronto. ' If There is Any tile Chronic Disease Lurking in Your System, KCOTENAV WILL [DRIVE IT CEIT W The way that Kootonay taken hold of old chronic cases of Rheumatism. and ride the system of the lurking poison upon which the disease exists, the endorsation by well-known clergyman, physicians and hospital executives of its cures, leads past all doubt as to its power to cure this disease. The New Ingredient, that works so marvel- loust in searching out stubborn and chronic rheumatism, is just as effectual with most any other chronic disease. Hopeless cases of Bright’s Disease yield to its influence, Eczema, in extreme forms where eruptions- have exist-ed from head to foot are in its records of cures. Pale, haggard and emaciated people, Whose frames are all angles and eurves,unrefreshed by elecp,troubled by indigestion and nervousness, round up in health through the use of Kooteney Cure. 1, Wu. H. Wnr, residing at 47 Hughson Street North, in the City of Hamilton, do solemnly de- clare that I have been afllicted with rheumatism for seven years, and at different times confined to the hospitals both in Hamilton and Toronto. Was discharged from the Hamilton hospital after eleven months’ treatment, and on the 15th of January last I was told that they could do nothing for me. When leaving there I was scarcely able to walk. I tried a number of Io-called cures; had my feet covered with fly plasters under directions of a physician, but got gndnally worse. 0n the lBlh day of this month, after takin two Ind one-half bottlesof Ryckmnn's Kootenay ‘ure. I threw away my stick which I had been compelled to use for support. and cm now a. healthy men, free from all pmn. after seven yesra' suffering. On Tuesday last I was on my feet for eighteen hours steadily with- out any bad results. I am now able to attend to my work regularly, which frequently necessitates my hands being in water for hours. I consider Kootenay the most wonderful blood medicine md Rheumatic Cure ever known. Wu. H. Wm. Declined before Notary J. W. Nesbit. July 17, 1806. if not obtainable of your dealer, will be font-Med. charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.59 per bottle, by address!“ 8. 8. 51mm”: mamnm 00.. Limited, Bamlltcn. Sand for Chart Boo free. }i .4, L... {Diva-y firzv“ ,lu. , ‘ .. .3:- .< I". i . " Torturlng ‘ Rheumatic Pains. Em . .. ,., -ru ' sé‘ 'rx' .21, ,j' Agony. Wrenches] Limbs- Hopeless _ Hospital 5; _ lncurahles. mg, Cured 3! Kootonay. .pl

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