"- .17?“ 3‘ 7A7;- ‘._.._. -__. -.. -. ._. r. A - Professional Gurus.†MUSIC. I" '7'; ‘ A n “7 - â€" in in‘ fl? 3, ,1 . RRWlH A. MORSE, CL 1 l Organist Cambridge Street Methodist gC.si-~cli. Ijiidsuy. Music Teaches. At I M“, E H.- ..ks‘ l-iicl, Fenelon Falls, even Tucs- R ' .-- . u x . ' 'l ‘ a d .3. Ti rm: moderate. 3-. Given Eares ~â€"â€"â€"* '3- GAL. ‘ t" P] 1 .lcl.AUGl-ILIN & MCDIARMID, 7' r ‘ ' i an‘ ,i_)ARRISTERS Solicitors, Etc 'indsay “ 1th 6‘ 81y pUIL 1 SB ' i} and Feuelch Falls. LindsdyuOï¬ice: Kent-SL, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls 1 .l - . Of 53.11001 BOOkS Oihce20vcr Burgoyne k Co's store. The Fenelon Falls ofï¬ce will be open every the Monday afternoon from arrival of train Drug Store. Fenelon from Lindsay. 523ԠMoney to loan on real H. J. LY’I‘LE. estate at lowest current rates. Dec. 28th, 1897. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN. F. A. McDIARMID. A. P. onvnm, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, KeutStreet,Lindsay. G. u. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Oliices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE dz. JACKSON, )ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. 0f- lice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JAOKSON_ FURNITURE SM MEDICAL. Is always'icheu-p furniture in DR_ A, WILSON, the long run. Looks better. â€"â€"M- n-in- 0- M: 8., Ontario,â€" . . ' . HYSICIAN SURGEON d: ACCOUCH- chim‘h .bettel' Gives bettel P eur. Olï¬ce’, Oolborne Street, Fenelon snusfactton. I have the best rang, and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufacturers in the province, consisting of " Du. H. H. GRAHAM, - RADUATE of the University 01 Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the ltoyal College or Surgeons ot England,.\lemher of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario, Oflice and residencmou Francis-St. West| Fenelon Falls,oppositc the Gazette ofï¬ce. â€"DINING ROOM FURNITURE, â€"â€"ISI£I)ROOM SETS, â€"â€"EASY CHAIRS, g ,, , . _.____ â€"-nocxans, ' "ii. :1. .‘zaAssox, â€"LUUNGES: ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884;1t. M. U. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon â€"-SIDEBOARDS, â€"Sl’lll NGS AND MATTRASSES, â€"KITCIIEN FURNITURE (all kinds), Falls. . and .pplces me away down. Mu P. Shir-17H, RCPMUUS and an ordered ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by appointment of Dominion Government. Oliicc and address â€" CAMBRAY, Our. work promptly attended to. [6‘ Undertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. _†SURVEYORS. J AMES DICKSON, DIViSIaN cal-“Tr L.Surveyor, Commissioncriu the Q. B., _or rnsâ€" P. Conveynuccr, etc Residence,and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. __._.â€".â€"â€"â€"- » SECOND County of Victoria. DENTAL. The next sittings of the above Court will gbe held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1898, Dr. NEELANDS, DENTIST! LINDSAY, comiuenclugat 10 o'clock in the foreuoon Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vim1_ Monday, January 17111, Will be the Ian day ized air) administered by him for '27 years. of service on defendants residing in this He studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of countv. Defendants living in other conu- New York,the originatorof gas for extract- tios must be served on or before Jan. 12th. iug teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands S. Nii'isox, E. D.HA.\'D, that he has given the gas to 186,417 per- Buum‘, Clerk sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of Funk†Faust NOV' 9th) 1897' teeth inserted for $10. W Dr. Neelands â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"» visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the W l S . . third Tuesday of every month. Call early Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hisI and secure an appointment ___________.__._____._â€"â€"â€"â€"- Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property If. H. GROSS, DENTIST. At Very Loxvcst Rates The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other nnmsthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly None hutï¬rst-class Britishand Canadian Opposite “'00‘1’5 5‘0†“1‘0" “NSâ€?- ' e ted Companies repres n H_ HART, L_ n_ 5,, SET OF GOOD TEETH FORSIO. Gas and local auzesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all llamas Arno'd- branches of dentistry. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" Ofï¬ce over Fail-weather ti: Co’s store nearly opposite the post-oliice, Lindsay M INSURANCE. 1‘0 the Public. long as itrcmaius unpaid. { HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE . . v , Co. has amalgamated With the Alliance Advertisu‘g Ruggs' ofï¬nglaud, giving insurers the security or Professional 0r business cards. boloents ‘ $25,000,000 and the some gopd policy. per line pcrnnuum. Cnsunladvutisemcutsï¬ I JOHN Ausnxwwent 8 cents per lino for the ï¬rst insertion, and, ' 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser-I I $- {A5501“dge‘ligogfgigiï¬llï¬zgOfelia)? , ' . i ‘ tracts bv the venr, halt“ car or" a“ EU“ a 9 0'31 I r - “on be“ ' ' y ' ml combined,$to,000,ud0. It", upon reasonable terms. I ‘ JOB PRINTING- .l all ordinary kind: executed neatly, cor-i nod; and at moderate pricu. 5 I. D. HAND. I I ‘royn'ctor. 36" FAIiM PIIOPEIITY at very low rates. ,._._'â€".â€".__ The “ Fenelon Falls Gazette†is printed every Friday at the oï¬ice, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SEBSCRII’TIOX S! A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cut per week will be added as WANTED. l can pay ten dollars weekly to a lady of mature age, reï¬nement aud toe: to spend her time in a gen-d cause. g '1‘. II. LINSCU'S‘ 1‘, Toronto, om. i THE WEST SIDE STORE. Xmas Presents. AN ENGAGEMENT RING is always acceptable ? Try it. $6 to $12 and upwards will buy you a good ring at my store, while you will be surprised how pretty a one I can give you for even $3 to $5. WEDDING RINGS. ‘ No more acceptable present can be given than a wedding ring. Or if your wife has worn out her old ring buy her a new oneâ€"she deserves it. Rings stamped G. W. B. are the very best. Try mail orderingâ€"your money back if you wantit. Geo. W. Beall, Watchmaker, Established Kent Street, 35 Years. LINDSAY. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. YOU WANT THEM. WE HAVE THEM- GOOD“ CHEAP. CALL AND SEE. GEORGE MARTIN. VICTORIA LOAN and SAVINGS GO. Incorporated under statutes of the Province of Ontario. Head Oï¬ice. - Lindsay. Ont. Smythc’s Block, opposite the Market. LOANS. Money to Loan on Mort- gages at lowest current rates with no delay and small expense. DEPOSITS. The Company re- ceives money on deposit in their Savings department, and allows interest there- on ut Four Per Cent. A mortgage company is the safest place to deposit money. No speculative business is done. JOHN uncwoon, Or to Manager, Lindsay, McLaughlin dz McDiarmid (Mondays) II. J. Lytlc }Feuelou Falls Apply to -â€"4ltf. WANTED. the continent to take orders for high-grade Canadian-grown Nursery Stock and Seeds. Largest and In every district on gmcst complete-assortment in the trade. Fast selling specialties : superb specimens furnished free; correspondence in any Ian. These positions are money makers, and territory should be secured at once for the season by all hustlers looking for a guage. good thing. Our salary or commission oï¬ers will $1,000 per year. with our nearest ofï¬ce. more important than experience. LUKE BROS. GOIPANY, International Nurseries, ‘Cmcmo, Illinois. Moxmst, Quebec. Rosanna, N. Y. ! by the commissioners appointed to erect interest anyone not earning Get in communication An opportunity to represent. a well-established house. Ability 31.16 , Mr.,McGee, That the motion passed at the last meeting of Council authorising Mr. Taylor Pin-kin It: expend 812 in opening a winter mil names lots 2 and 3, con. 4, be r.-~t-im1.-.§ reports that It 1~ untidy-sable t0 mako the said roul :u pr- so .i.-â€"-Carried. Mr. Hugh O'L nary addressed the council with regard to the Sturgeon Point road dispute. Moved by Mr. Parkiu, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the recve issue an order in favor of Mrs. Robert Burton fol-$3, to pay her fare and expenses from Toronto Hospital.â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Perdue, seconded by Mr. Pnrkiu, That the reeve is hereby instructed to lay before the County Council our claims re Rosedale bridge, and that the clerk is hereby instructed to submit to the County clerk, for pros» eutntion to the County Council at Its, next session, a detailed statement of the expenditures of the municipality in the erection of the said bridge, piers and approaches theretoâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That Mary McFaydcu and Sarah McFayden receive $5 each out of the poor rate.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Webster, That Mr. Thomas [lor- tou receive a grant of $10 on account of his long isolation by diphtheria.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, and resolved, That John E. Fiital is hereby reappointed collect- or of the unpaid taxes on the roll of 1897, without. increase of salary, and that the said taxes be collected forth- with; also that the corporate seal be at- tached to this resolution. Tho reeve appointed James Deacon, Esq , as his auditor for 1898. Marcd by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That Mr. M. Maybec be appointed auditor for 1898, and that a by-law to conï¬rm this appointment and the appointment by the reeve be received. â€"â€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Purdue, seconded by Mr McGee. That Mr. William Downer be appointed RSSI’SSDI', at a salary ofSGO. and that u by-law to conï¬rm this up poiuimeut be receivedâ€"Carried. A by-lnw to conï¬rm the appointment of auditors and on assessor was received and rend in committee of the whole, Mr. McGee in the chair. Moved by Mr. Pal-kin, seconded by Mr \Vel)stcl'. That Mr. John T. Palm- cr is hereby authorized to expend 825' on tlw. 7th concession, opposite lots 19 provided that ï¬lteen days’ work of man and team be given by the peti- Mommaâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Perkin, seconded by Mr. Webster. That the collector be cl- lowcd an abatement of the taxes charg- ed azainst Mr. George Rutherford. amounting to S3 53; also 770. churned against William Rutherford, us the lands against which 'said amounts are charged belong,r to, and are assessed to, Mr. Thomas Caslmro.-â€"Cnrricd. Rev. Mr. Snowdcn and Mr. Ryan 01' Cambray addressed the council, asking that something be done with Mr. Ed- wnrd Fiuldhousc, a blind indigent at Cambrny. hc being unï¬t to bc lclt alone as heretofore, on account of old age. Moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr, Webster, That the following, bills he paid: D. Tolmie. Wm. Downer, E. G. Lytlc, John Kennedy and John '1‘. Palmer, deputy returning tiliicvrs. $4 each; Clerk, election expenses, 81;, Cameron Orange Lodge, use of hall to date, 88; Cambrny Orange Indy: do., 34; W. Marsh, attending ’1‘. Horton's family 412 days during: diphtheria isn’n- tion, 830', Lovelcy Grunge, use of hall for election, 2; S. S. No. 7. am of school house for election, 82; .I. 1.. Brown, use of house for election, 8~i.â€"â€"- larricd. The council then adjourned to tut-ct at. Cnmbrny on the ï¬rst day of March. ._._.._. ._.,-., , . School Board Proceedings. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 28th 1897. Board mi-t at the call of the chair- man All the members present. Mio- utes of last meeting,r read and approved. Moved by Mr. Austin. seconded by Mr. Heard. That Miss Belliuglmm be re euuaged tor the term ending June~ 30th at a salary of $225 pcl‘ annual.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Austin. seconded by Mr. Littletou, That. the chairman be in- structed to hch the 2-li-ot dry hard. wood at the north ward school removed to the south ward school, and procure a temporary supply of 4-100: wood for the north ward schoolâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Heard, That the chairman, M r. T. Austin and Mr. Littleton be a. com- mittee to make arrangements for tho procuring of storm windows for the north ward school.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Dr. Wilson, 'seconded by Mr. T. Austin, That this board ask for tenders for caretakers for the schools during the ensuing year, the duties to be deï¬ned as follows :â€"-(1.) The floors to be carefully swept every evening, and all forms, tables, etc., to be dusted next morning before school opens. (2.) The floors to be well scrubbed during: each holiday term, vim, at Christmas, Easter and in August; and all the seats, forms, tables and wood work also to be washed at the some time. Regarding the north ward school, that the ï¬re be kind- led on Monday morning at 6 30 o'clock, and other mornings not later than 7 o’clock. (4.) Fires to be kindled in the south ward school at 7 o’clock a. m. (5.) To keep snow cleaned off all walks in front and rear of buildings, and look after the general order, etc. (6.) Care. taker to remain at school room until after ringing the ï¬rst bell.-â€"Cnrried. Fenelon Falls, January 17th, 1898. Board met pursuant to statute. Pres- ent, Messrs. F. McDougnll. Dr. Graham, T. Austin, J. Heard. G. H. Littleton. Moved by Mr. Heard, seconded by Dr. Graham. That the retiring chair- man. Mr. F. Mchugull, he re-elected for the ensuing yum, and that the lllunks of the board he tendered to him for the able and eflicient manner in which he ï¬lled that position.â€"-Carricd. Minutes of previous meeting: read and approved. Moved by Mr. Austin seconded by Mr. Littletoo, That the following ac counts be paid and the chairman Ell" his orders for the same: F hIchuuall. paid Hilyer for 3 cords of wood. $4 50; E. Lausï¬eld, carting $1.25; E. D. Hand, printing, $1 ; [-1. Paley, account for brick, etc., Sulaâ€"Carried. Moved by Dr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Littleton, That the secretary notify the caretakers of the acceptance of their tenders; Miss Bell at a salary of $65 and Mrs. Deymau $45 for the ensuing ycar.-â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Mr. Littlctou, That the secrctnry be instructed to ask for tenders for ï¬f- teen cords of 4-foot. body ‘maplc and beech to be delivered at the north ward school. and cords of 2-foot body maple and beech to be delivered at. the south ward school..~â€"â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Heard, That this school board meet on the third Tuesday of each month for the year 1898.â€"Carried. Moved by Dr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Littlctcu, That the treasurcr’s se- curities, viz., Wm. Junkin and Mrs. Ellery, by accepted by this board for the ensuing year.â€"Carricd. to 2'3 Fenelon Council. Cameron, January 10th, 1898. The following gentlemen took the declarations of qualiï¬cation and ofï¬ce: J. Daniel reeve, Alexander McGee dep- uty-reeve, Taylor Pat-kin, Peter l’er- due and R. C. Webster councillors. Minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Mrs. Stcruamnn, sentench to be hanged on January 2ll'h for '1... nurdcr of her husband, is to have 9... oh. ‘ll'llll. Communications from R. J. Mc- T, d f I I, . . Laughlin, The Times Printing (30., D. 1° at“ 0 “0 rm‘lnci. Gumâ€; Ewelson C. B. Taylor T. wood and has not yet be ï¬red, but lllt'\ prob- sevzml “gamma were rc‘ad. ably be held Within two mu ‘ lino DOW. Mrs. Ann: Jack, of Farm’ Igl'm, Ill.. was taken with a severe coughni: spell some time ago, and a lump was ij 'cth which is reported to have been a may of common plus. Angus McPherson, a farmer residing a few miles north of Mnnille, met with a peculiar death. While entlll'; his dinnern piece of beef, which was not properly nmsticated, stuck in llln hmnt. He died almost immediately in tufl'lblll agony. Moved by Mr. Mche, seconded by M r. Perduc, That the expenditures made tho piers of Rosedale bridge and to ï¬ll in and grade the approach and furnish material therefor be conï¬rmed, also that the over-expenditure of 810 on con. 4 at lot 21) by Mr. R. C. Webster and an order by the cx-reevc in favor of Mr. H llarile for 85 for ditching on quarter line betwe'tm lots 5 and 6, con. 3, be conï¬rmedâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Perdue, seconded by .\ .\1r. Parkiu . n. â€"~oâ€"-b.~ .iâ€"-- .. r~ ._ . in.-