w-. h "“irillumberman’s Life. ‘ wNSTANTLY EXPOSED TO INCLE- MENT WEATHER. ’â€" le Falls an Easy Victim to Rheumatism and Kindred TronbicIâ€"A Tvvcnly Ycan' Raï¬-rot Tells How He Found Beltane. From this Richibucto, N. B.. Review. Mr. “’11:. Murray, of Cormiersville. 5T.B., isan: old. and respected farmer, DDIZI a pioneer settler of the thrixiug little village he! .now makes his home. While Mr. Murray was yet a young brother. founded one of the best mill properties to be seen in those early days. The mills consisted of a sawmill und. gristmill. and were operated and managed by the two brothers. Labor saving appliances being then com- peratively unknown. the young .men were exposed to dangers and difficul- bies almost unknown to the present generation. One of the greatest evxls in connection with the business was exposure to wet and cold. which though unheeded at the time, have crippled its victims with rheumatism. In a late conversation regarding his disease, Mr. Murray toldthe following story of his long misery and final cure by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: “For over twenty years I have been a sufferer from rheumatism. I attribute the cause of the disease to the time when as a. young man I worked at our mills. In the winter we would haul logs on the pond where the alter- nate thaws and frosts of early spring would imbed them in the ice and slush. When the time came for starting up the mill I woluld go out. on the pond sometimes in water up to my knees and work away from morning till night chopping logs out of the slush and ice. I was generally wet from head to foot, and every second night of the week I would, without changing my clothes, stay up and run the mill till daybreak. So you see I was for two days at at’une in a suit of parti- ally ‘wet clothes. and this would last till the ice had meltetl in the pond. After a few years rheumatism fastened itself upon me as a. reward for this in- discrelio'n. and ever increasing in its malignity it at last b'ccame so bad that [or weeks in succession I could only go ibout with the aid of crutches. At other times I was abile to hobble about the house by the aid of two canes, and lgain at olthlezr times it would ease off I. little and I was able to do a little worr’k. but could never staml it for [name than a couple of bonus at a time. The least bit of walking in damp wea- ther would overcome me and Iremem- her one stormy night when Itricd to Walk from Cocagne Bridge to my home a. distance of five miles. that Ilnd to sit down by the roadside Six times to ease the terrible pain that had seized my legs. During all these years of agony Ithink I tried all the patent medicines I could get a hold of, but they did me no good at all. Iconsulted d0'3tors, but my sufferings remained u‘nldiminished. In the {all of l895 I went to adootcr in Buctouch'e to see if there were any means by which I might at least he eased of my sufferâ€"- ing. The doctor said frankly, "Mr. Murray. you cannot be. cured. nothing can cure you." I was not satis- fied and then I determined to try Dr. TVilliams' Pink Pills. I procured half a. dozen boxes and began takâ€" lng them at once. I soon felt a emange for the better and after my emf-ply had been finished Igot an- other half dozen boxes and continu- ed taking them according to dimo~ .tions. That dozen hoses was all I took and you see me noun. Ii am alive and Imart and can do any kind! of work. I did my farming this spring and could follow the plough for days without feeling any rheumatic pains. Yes, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills did me a. world of good. and I strongly re- commend them for the cure of rheu- matism. Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all other medicincs had failed. thus establishing the claim that they are a. marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the full trade mark, “Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. ______._..â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ROOS’I‘ERS DO THE HATCHING. In one respect the Spanish peasants Inc uhcad of the rest of the world. They havc learned in mufgc cocks hatch eggs anl look after the chickens. while the hen. being at liberty, can and does lay more eggs than SIN.‘ would if ham- pered by her maternal duties. The trick is performed in this way: They carefully pluck the feathers off the roostcrs‘ under side. and the bare skin is then irritated with nettles until in- flammation sets in. The cack soon finds that the pain caused by this cruel pro- cess is mitigated by wannth anl soft- ness. and this makes him willing and mgcr. although for purely selfish 1.9.8.‘ sum. to hatch a brood and let thalit~ tlc chicks sit under him. MONEY FOR TREES. Few people have any idea of how much money is spent. by the municip~ ality of Paris in planting and looking after the trees which line the prin- cipal boulevards and avenues of the French capitol. he annual report of the superintendent gives the total number of trees planted at 87.635. each of which represents an inilial cost of 335. The annual expenditure of main- tenance is 352.500. The Twentieth Century Enters upon the heritage of a remedy that is sure. safe. and painless. put- nun'a Painless Corn Extractor never fails. never causes pain nor the slight- m discomfort. mm 118- WW†with his father “(1| lire distance at intervals of 200 yards. M HOW RULERS TRAVEL .â€"â€"- Prccnuiinrl Taken for the Safety of the German Emperor and Russian Czar. l The Kaiser of Germany has patrols along all the roads he uses. both high- ways and railroads. He is always preâ€"i ceded on ordinary roads by guards, who - go ahead of him and beat the bushes and look out for any Anarchist who may lie in wait for him. \Vhen the Czar travels along any railway line the road is patrolled for days before by armed guards. They are stationed regularly throughout t..e en- Up to this day the train is scheduled to pass they are allowed to take it 9853'. carrying their rifles meanwhile slung over their shoulders. Six hours before the passage of the imperial train they shoulder their rifles anl march briskly up and down the track. Anl hour before the imperial train passes the guards are required to stand with their backs tmvard the train and to allow no one to pass within less than one hundred yards of the track until ten minutes after the royal train has passed. Should any one attempt to approach. the guards are directed to challenge them. and if they continue to approach they have orders to fire with intent to kill: 1 The Trade Winds lrmrket. Nervilirne is the great nerve pain cure. Its penetrating and pain, subduing power is such that relief is almost instancous. Try it and be con- almost instantaneous. Try it undbeconâ€" Vinced. GERIIIANS IN ARGENTINA. 'The Germans are proving the closest rivals of the British in the development of new foreign industries just at pre- sent. In South America particularly Ilin'll‘ capital and enterprise are mak- ing a deep impression. The poorer imâ€" migrants to South America are main- ly Italians. of whom something like 20’l.000 a. year overflow into the New \Vorld; but the capitalists are mainly Germans. and a considerable Stream of German emigrants sets that way. It Is rather a curious circumstance that the bulk of the Italian emigrants are carried from Ilaly to South America. we well as from Italy to New York, by German steamers. STATE or 01110, C'TY or TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY, “- FnANK J. ' m REY makes oath that he is the senior partner or the ï¬rm of F. J. CHENEY 8: 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. rnd that. sold ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED HOL. LAIH for each and every case of CATA -Rl'-l that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH Conn. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to bci‘ore me and Bhbh’m‘ bed In my preconce, this 6th day of December A. D. 1836. {88" ‘ ‘- A. W. GLEA'SON, AL V Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallv, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syatcni.F S‘Iexicdkirlirï¬mtlmowiuls free. . . ‘. I IiiY & CO. ‘ Sold by Drugglsta, 75c. ' moledo’ 0' Hall's Family Pills art! the belt. â€"â€".’ DOCTORS RUSE. yin envious young" lady called aph‘y- Sician for a slight ailment, which she Ile a prescription, to the nearest chemist and bring back the medicine as quickly as you can. Is there much danger? replied the young lady in alarm. Yes, said the doctor, if your ser- vant m not quick it will be useless. doctor, shall I die?" gasped the lament. There is no danger of that. said the doctor. bult you may get well before Thomas returns. UP TO DATE. What is little Dick bellowing about? TVell. his grandpa gave him a gin- .Blow htron'g since Nerviline is in the? SEND fora sample of MflNSflllll...... lNDO-CEYLON TEA, And give it a trial, and you will never drink a' y when Own a on! cit-vi. The MONSDON TEA co.. 7 Wellington St. $1., Toronto. Toronto Cutting School. OUNG xii-23. Learn to i at. No better Lmd- or profession. Wri'n for particular» ii! i tinge St. Ion-mo. in good amend. ‘ The Dawson Commission Coqumi‘“ car. of West Market and Dolhoml 8L, - TORDNTQ. g â€" HAVE YOU â€" -A FIG WITH TWO TAILS? â€" in So, \VRI'I‘E â€" Fl. HARRIS, 333:... I WI ..‘ -. 5?... . - TORONl‘O, Out. 2901!. ovum. EGIB ï¬lliï¬S FRET-CI We will give one lialhround lung, 15b. Boiled Gold plated-“uh ' ranted. to any oncwho will tell i dun. IndestructihloLam Wick: neurotrlmmlng omon i'rlcndsc.l.10cts.cm- .eru on and we will moi y ‘u l w Wickl. You M‘II them and mud ot the man: and we will n all you Ilielllug. SILK CHEMICAL 0.. Box 578. Ccntcrbrook. Conn. I .‘_.____..â€"-.â€".....â€"â€" . ___.__._. .. “We Glil‘llll‘l BUXITESS COLLEGA Most‘ widely Attended in America. For I‘lihvmted Catalogue (30th year). ADDRESSâ€" ROBINSON 8; JOHNSON, F.C.A., BELLLVILLE. - - -_ ONT. .. L N OUTFITS m FUR and Fur-lined Coats. Sleeping Flag-z. Long nge. Mints, Moccasins. etc.. O'c. Lad'es' Mud Men'sl Fv'“ (loam, Jackets. Canes. Gaunt of», at Eh. le reduced prices. RAVI FURSâ€"We pay on. prices f r all kit d4 at furs, mm in lie in llllN‘nl-SL \Vri' c ol'pricelmt fro-n D. H. BAS- 1 “(£00 SI. 80., 77 i; lg St. East, Toronto. 20 years in the Fur Business. ‘6 WEâ€"TVANT Y Q U QUICK} Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sun. plied with genteel and very l’ltOF‘l'l‘ARl.H‘. emplo ment. lnlusiry l: lhee «anti u NEC- ESSA Y to sicure GOOD REVI-lNl‘IllA TIO‘V'. Can give ho address "fr -m‘e~‘enl.:itlvu who hasjnst clear-rad $1M in '21 D \ YS 35 can be made ri lit AT vour own H ' \‘Illl. fl. L NICHOLS 3:. 00.. 33 Richmond West, Toronto DR. GOODE'S PIITLIISS PIIL‘NHWIII. PILLS A Speciï¬c for Female Complaints, om a. true boon to every lady who suffer: in thv perform- ance of nature's effort. They .1. ouca nave the pain and restore natural and healthy action of the canon vea- wsa. For young and developing \vumuuhood they nxccl any remedy which can be u :sd. The: are compounded solely from the active principlesâ€! vegetable sub: sauces, and sreporiccil mic. and reliable. Ask your drugxxst (or them. and i he does not kerp them in ntock he can rocurc them {or you. Price 251.00 per Bottle. orï¬for .00. Wholesale Agents: The Toronto Pharmaoal 00.. Limited. Toronto. Best watch on earth, 81.25; our celebrated 20th century watch: Amrncan movement: warranted live your: . Equal as timekan to any $25.00 watch, nickel cue. ab m wind, pendant set, timely ï¬nished dial sunk necuud hand. ICCulVUd highest gold II'N'I'III ward: at American ind Eurovonn ~ International Expos tiuu; patented the ‘ world over: just a watch which sells unv- ..» when! r 34 to 35; Mcntsmake in; money by selling it: one agent Sold ‘2‘) in A single A: day: Will send sample to any 'Iaddress on W ‘; receipt or pfco: 6 for 37, 12' for $19, 6 or V'Jl 1 more sent. 0. O. D. ii 51 is null. will: order; . _ '7 for $2 I will lend much and handgun. "“ rolled pinto chain warranted to near live year... and all mum-y will be returned ii you are not satisï¬ed with your bureau). Fred H. Manon. box 123. moon square. New You om. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR- Rcyai Safely BURNING OIL. The Best CANADIAN BIL. gerbread horse anl be is mad because» it isn’t a gingerbread wheel. Mills, Mills 8: Hales, Ilurriercrs. otc..rcmoved to “'enloy Ridge“ Rich mond St. w.. Toronto Dangcrousw Hemorrhach From the Kidney and Bowcls Checked and Cured by KOOTENAY. Hemorrhagcs from any of the internal organs IS no trivial matter. It is some- thing that is most alarming and calls for prompt action. There is no time for experimenting, as delay is dan crous. The remedy that has proven itsel efï¬ca- cxous is the remedy you want. That remedy is Kootcnay Cure. It can cure you as easily as it did Mr. Robert E. Beckerson of the City of Hamilton, Ont., who gives a sworn declaration that for over six years he was almost terrible :uï¬'ercr from Kidney and Liver trouble. He had hemorrhage: of both the kid- neys and bowels, and was in a very bad shape generally, until he began taking Ryckman's Kooienay Cure. He says :â€"" I can now speak ofit as a. great medicine. It acts on the kidneys, builds up the system, and gives strength to the weak and despondcnt. It gives me much pleasure to recommend Kook- cnay to all suffering from kidney troubles. My eyesight was very bad, and I had great dizziness at times. I could not sleep at nights, but would lie awake in a y for hours. All this trouble ceased a_tcr inking Koolcrny Cure, and my eye- sught is greatly improved by the use of that medicine. Chart book free on applioï¬on lo the ‘ S. S’Ryckman Medicine 09., (Limited), 1 HA sultan, Ont. magnified into a. serious one: Run. the doctor to aservant. giving MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Royal Oil to. TORONTO, ONT. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVIJIES GBMPANY Subscribed capital . . . . . . . . £5,000,000 Paid-up capital ..... . .. 2.660.000 Assets... ................ .. ...12.000,000 HEAD OFFICE â€"'l'0l‘i0.\"l‘0 S'l‘., TORONTQ Branch Officesâ€"wit rum-:0. MAN., AND VANCOUVL . B. C. -â€"-â€"â€"l The ample resources of l his Cnmnany enable its Directors to make ndVlln'tfl on Real Es tnte,witnontdelay,nt low rules of interest, andpn the {no-at favorable terms of repayment Loan: granted on Improve! Farms and on Productive Town and City Properrim. Mort pages and Municipal Debentures ’Pmn chased. Applications will be roceivel at the offices or the Company. J. HERBERT MASON. 7 Managing Director. Toronto Tubular Boiler 75 h. p.â€"FOR SALE CHEAP. | I b m" mum omcs, Toronto. for 75 h.p. Boiler CHEAP FOR CASH. TRUTH OFFICE, Toronto. Slightly Sturtevant Fan a... VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. IT’S A STICKER for quality, ’ LUDELLA n could not word to cm CEYLON TEA. b. M. Wood 600» anum exodus. Ix Luv PACKAGE i i .__..â€"â€"â€"._.. w-...â€" ___.__..,._...___ TWELVE 0800 MEN AND TRUE Give their Verdict. We, the undersigned residents of London, Ont, submit the follow- ing sworn verdict in the case of “ Amberine †vs. Beneï¬CIaries. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, TO WIT: COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, We ï¬nd from evidence and actual experience, Istâ€"That “Amberine†will and has produced growths of hair upon heads which were previously entirely bald ; 2ndâ€"â€"It stops hair from falling out ; 3rdâ€"lt removes Dandruff in a few days ; 4thâ€"Cures itching of the scalp ; stirâ€"Cleanse: the scalp, restores vitality to the roots, and makes hair grow. - In conclusion permit us to add, we highly recommend “ Amberinc" to one and all. Ladies who are troubled with breaking or falling out 0! hair are specially advised to give it a trial. T. W. FEAT, Mail Clerk. R. B. EVANS, Wood Machinist. CHARLES TUKE, Policeman. H. A. PLASTow, - Water \Vorks Inspector. WALTER JAs. BARTLETT, B. & S. Operator. MALCOLM F. EVANS, Tinsmith. WILLIAM H. PAYNE, Retired. JOHN PARK, Butcher. Jon COOK, Manufacturer. WM. MATTHEW DAVISON, Retired.’ JOHN JONES, Harness Maker. CHAUNCEY SMITH, Fruit Dealer. Statements to the above effect were made before me by the afore- said parties under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act, 1893. E. T. ESSERY, A Commissioner in the High Court ofjustice, Etc., Middlescx. “ AMBERINE †Mailed to any address on receipt of $1.00. JOB COOK MANUFACTURING (30., London. Ont. This little Hour is complete with battery and chemical; n II n boy's delight- This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. $l 00 COHPLETE. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS C0..Limltea. V_ _ 12 ADELAlDB ST. w.. TORONTO. anuv-v vv ' AND ALL ABOUT IT... By 3 Practical Mining Engineer C ONTAINING truthful information of Alaska and its Hoardca Treasurel, How to get to the Klondike, Oulflt, Clolhel. Food, Expenses. How the Gold (lot There, How to (lot. the (laid, Siberian Methods oi Mining. Law; oi Canada end the United States. and Colored Mops oi Alaska. making in all I. complete compendium of necessary instruction for than who are mug to Klondike. and valuable information for i. one at home. This book will teach you to ro- 5 eat. and how to loato 5 Mining Claim. 'uu s ould study and bccome acquainted with lhe Mining Laws of both Canada and the l’nitcd blues. Further. you can etudy tho dim-rent methods of Mining. and how to at the gold out of the gravel. You should study the methods they use in Siberia, where they have mined for years in frozen round. Articles on all limo subjects are wr men by experienced Mining Engines“. KLONDIKE AND ALL ABOUT I 4 cont-Inn evo tbln known. both cot mphivally and geuiozlcu ly. 0 Alaska and I no crib-Wont Territories. It you want to bo unto-dale. be well Informed and well read. You uhould know the enerol incl: concerning one o! ihczrututinduu ties of both ancient and modern times. (jet ï¬nned on what thousand. who are rushing to mlondikeflwlll £13310 at: zxndergol. 15cm um tin-5n. 5: new n o o r p ovar on . from 'P . ‘ mmgh 1h. Chiikoot Pnu to Klondike, b oneuxéhr‘; nude It. Adventure, hardahi and uniforms: are IO graphically darcribed t not onc'a interest I. Intense. } nu aboul be informed on to the geography and ecology of the Yukon country. One map Show: all the route: to Klondike. and location of the mining 0mm. Klondike I: bound to be one of the great toplel of conversation and of mutual interest 1m; only ihll winter but the coming Sprinf. when the excitement is bound to be unpnroilollmi caused bï¬Ã©lvig-uaxgtpedo of thousands or the Gold Fields. Learn what to believe and what ._ ' l I u I T Wilson Publishing (30.. llllllifld m. avg-mmans:m:cz.ea.nsa2:r.% 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Canada. iszLSON PUB. C0.. Limited. 73 Adelaide St. w.. Toronto. for a reliable guide to the Klondike on Go! Fields of Also): The book beautifully printed pages. lironzly bound. Prion only 850., ptttplld. ’ Adle'gflf‘“ m .... . -a..i v... ..-4.- .....__.. .__. -.--..... . . ~ ~A- A... A A__.. «A». ,.. “a _â€"_,._ .. - - NM‘ «â€" .~..,,.,~n,...- .. .,. .. ,. .. an“- ._ ~,.~.........,, -AJ‘, _,. .i:’a."lr‘~W~*