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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Apr 1898, p. 3

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i i t r '. l - RAISING MUSHROOMS. GIRLS IX CICILY. --â€"- In some parts of Sicily the birth flowtl‘ou May flaw.- Tlicm All the "car of agirl is looked upon h,- =uch amis- n°"‘d' fortune that ablaz:k flag is hung out In Francev Where “19 nutrlme andiof the window. to prOclaim the sad palatable qualities of the mushroomsevent Having to be supported by the are fully appreciated, large quantities; family as mag 35 they are unmarried: are grown in l’ril‘fiw 31011593- it is; and being obliged to dower the bride-l strange that the cultivation of this excellent fungus has been so much neglected in other countries, especial- ly when it is considered how easily it] can be undertakenAny family can have fresh mushrooms all the yearl around. All that is needed for the ini- tial equipment is p'a-ing in the kitchen I or anywhere around [he housfi. an ,,;d I These two words emphasxze a neces- 1mreau or chest of drawers, whivh can Sltyflnfi indicate a remedy. . be used as a cumvaunfl. bed Fm tlzelePRINGâ€"the season when the blood is drawers to the depth of 6 or 8 incles mGSt impure as 3‘ "Sun or. the “"‘n‘ with an mum“, mixture of good ter's closer confinement. higher livâ€" rich soil and old. dry, horse or cow ing‘ Slower action Of the kidimys dung, in equal 1,511.“. Having dung and liver; when humors of all kinds. . “N15. procure from your seed dealer bO‘IB’ plmples and eruptions are most liable to appear; when the; some fresh mushroom spawn (the t i _ French is the besti. and insert it at weak. languid condition of the whole bodily structure demands and wel- various points on the surface of the soil. Sprinkle the surface lightly with, water, and the beds are ready. If thel ~c0mes help' . . . l drawers close tightly in front the MEDICINEâ€"that to “‘thh the mmmns back of the. stand should be removed, turn at this seasonâ€"Hood’s Sarsapa- . and a curtain tacked up so as to shut r1113. The original and only prep! out the light. In a few days the mushâ€" . .rcoms will begin to show up plentiful”, araiion especially adapted to .the present needs of‘the human family; but it will be a fortnight; before any that which makes the blood pure and fit. to cat can be gathered. The bed Will last, with an occasional watering, clean, as shown by its thousands 0f wonderful cures of dreadful blood for many months, and will furnish al- mO-‘lt every day 8- HOOd )‘ield 0f Cham- diseases; creates an appetite and cures dyspepsia, as shown by its pignons. "magic touch" in all stomach trouâ€"l bles; steadies and strengthens the‘l nerves, as proved by people for-i merly nervous. now calm and self- possessed, thanks to .__._-â€".._â€"â€"__._____ DRIN K MAN N BEDS. An average man requires 59 ounces of food per diem. He needs 37 ounces of water for drinking. and in breath- ing he absorbes 30 ounces of oxygen. He eats as much water as he drinks, so I much of that fluid being contained in l various foods. In order to supply fuel for running the body machine and make up for waste tissue he ought to srwallow daily the equivalent of 20 ounces of bread. 3 ounces of potatoes, 1 ounce of butter and 1 quart of water. I I The body is mostly water. The body of I n a man weighing 154 pounds contains 90 pounds, or 46 quarts of water. During llie past months we have received uumcrous 1 communications from investors. bankers and banks of . the Dominion of Canada. As they are all of the same ' general trend and nsk the some questions, \ie have de- l â€"- ‘ cidcd to publish one, and our reply as a general answer to all inquirch who have been lllle‘Gll on With this scheme. All statements made in our lcirei us publish Over the ReCOVBPyVOI’ MP. James 8dbelow,welicrcwitlictinfirm. Paddon of Mt. Forest. "'â€" nio case was a severe One of Kidney Dianna- nodd's Kidney Pills Ourod Him Thorough- ly~ Olen Eden People Rely on Dodd'a “Messrs. Lawson, Vl'eidenfeld & Co.â€" Gentlemen : We have closely followed your severe attack on the Dominion Coal corpora-g ion, and have read 'our mm b et 15-. Kidney Pills and Their Faith is sued for that, liurpoge, Iri adldressing: ‘ ‘ fuwfled- you for the purpose of securing furthâ€" Lylcn ladenâ€"The report of the recov- yer information on this subject which,‘ ery of Mr- Jaanes Padden. of Mt. For- gif you will give. by answering those of eat. from a severe attack of Kidney (our questions which you may deem pr0-. Disease by the use of Dodd’s Kidney iper to ask, we will be thankful, for; Pulls has Caus’fi'll Smut “‘JOll'lnSI here, 3 we. have been strongly urged by one where Mr. Paddon is well known. lof the high officials of our bank to Mr. Paddon‘s case was a very severe ' aid in placing the coal shares, ‘bothf one. it was well known that he was a preference and ordinary, with the in-, constant sufferer, and he had the sym- l vesting clients of our firm, and we' pathy of all his friends. Consequently 'have his' assurance that the enter- it gives unlounded pleasure to all tol know that. he has at last conquered will give all the purchasers of thel ‘hls hltlel‘wcnemy. . shares large profits with but very' Derlds kidney Pills are. the only me- small risk of loss. Our bank official dicinc that the people of this district guarantees us that he has strong as- prise is a laudable one, and one that , groomfigirls are looked pensive luxuries. bring; The girls live in seclusion. are most kindly treated. and at the age of four-l upon as exâ€" | Boys, on the other] hand. are very soon self-supporting} and “l‘cn the time comes for marry-l ing. 3 menses the family wealth by; home a bride and her dot..lwhere it had lain concealed for 1.800 lyears. of a papyrus containing ‘20 BAN OLD PAPYRUS. The old saying that nothing is ever lost is unexpectedly verified by the re- cent finding in a tomb at Luxor. Egypt roams by Bacchvlides. a great Greek teen or s'xtecn they are disposed afipcet. whose writings had wholly disap- in marriage on apurvely financial basis. Only those who have been relieved' l of great suffering can fully appreciate the. gratitude with which the testi- anni'ilS overflow written in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just read this:l "C. I. Hood & C0,, Lowell, Mass; "Dear Sirs:â€"A few years ago I was» taken with fainting fits, which the doc- tor said was due to heart failure. I was troubled with sleeplessness and Canada's Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all others fail. Be sure to get Hood’s. ...<......_.....â€". . . .. ble banking house and stock-exchange members, and that the charge that this entire scheme is one of the most glaring impositions ever attempted on any community we have printed over our signatures scores of times during the past four months in the leading newspapers of the United States, and have repeated it in thousands of copies [of pamphlets and books, and orally stated it before the Massachusetts Board of Gas and' Electric Light Comâ€" missioners and the ' Legislature of Massachusetts. \Ve answer your questions as follows: 1-â€"-’.I‘he Dominion Coalâ€"Massachusetts P'pe Line Gasâ€"New England Gas Sc Coke Company scheme is a glaring im- position on the investing and gas con- suming public. - Qâ€"Tl‘he common shares of the Dominâ€"' ion Coal Company, of which there are over fifteen million dollars. are not worth a dollar a share more than the price for which they were originally sold, namely, nothing. Bâ€"The Dominion Coal Company is not. earning any dividend on its stock. 4â€"The Dominion Coal Company does pot own any gas companies in Bos- on. 5â€"The Massachusetts Pipe Line Gas Colmpanry consists of nothing but a worthless charter procured from the Massachusetts legislature of 1896 by i pea red. had that dreadful tired feeling. I tried quite a number of remedies. but the relief was only for a short time and after ceasing to take the medicine I I felt worse. I did net have any ap- petite and what little I did eat dis- tressed me very much. At last I got a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it did wonders for me. That tired feel- ing has left me and MY APPETITE RETURNED after a short time. I was then able to eat regularly and heartily. Hood's Snrsaparilla built up my whole system. and I am now able to work hard. as well as sleep soundly. I shall always praise Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mrs. A. E. Buxton. 24 Cumming street. Toronto, Ont. AS STRONG AS EVER. , "My whole system was run down. I was so weak I could scarcely“ get around to do my work. I finally began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. and after using five bottles I found that my strength had returned and my appetite was very much better. In fact. I now feel as strong. as ever." Mrs. Kelley. 9 \Vellington Avenue. Toronto Ont. ...._ . «w‘nw I Send to Boston and investigation am- ongst our reputable bankers and brok- ers and banks will show you that all who invest in this worthless stock will love the amount invested. In closing we would call your tit- tention to,that portion of our first book. " Boston Gas and Dominion Coal,” wherein we explain why we feel called upon to denounce this imposition. and wherein we show that because of our senior partner’s official connection with the Boston gas companies, vice president of the five leading compan- ies, we can treat this subject intelli- gently. Trusting our answers will give you the required information, we beg to remain. Yours truly. LA\VSON, \YEIDENFELD & CO." “'c advise all owners of Dominion Coal stock or all who lniCllll to become owners to write to us for our two books. "Boston Gas and Doniiu'oni Coal" and "Boston Gas and New England Coke," two ill-pace. large quartos, l and our twl burg-I quarto pamphlets. " Light on Gas" l and atenogmpliio “lil'pnrt of Hearli :1 Before the Board l of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners." RCQHEBIR should hc addressed to our Boston, Mass, nfi’ioc. gLAWSON, WEIDENFELD & (30., 'Naonrkâ€"BANKERS & BROKERSâ€"Boston ! Members of New York Stock Exchange. l I mm Harem.“ I Doctor. on ocean steamerâ€":Your turn will uso fonBrigbt's Disease. Diabetes, surances of some of the leading finan-lmeilns that are now being investigated ' has come, I see, sir. Allow me toâ€" DJ‘9I‘SFv Rheu‘fllut-lsm. Lumbago, Para- cich of the United States, that tbel lySlS. Heart Failure. Urinary Diseases, coal corporation has purchased all thel by the authorities of Massachusetts. Gâ€"The entire stool; of the Massachus- ! Sea-Sick Passenger. an old bachelorâ€" N-o. n-o, doctor. figâ€"it will soon pass Blood Impurities. and all other forms gas companies of Boston, Mass, and 'eltS Pipe Line Gas Company has just off. It isn‘t sea-sea-sickness. flock- of Kidney Disease. They have cured have made firm contracts for a long: hundreds of cases of these complaints term of years with the Massachusetts; in this neighbourhood, and the people Pipe Gas Company, a very large, 63-: have the fullesb confidence in the. mo- tremely sound and \veaithy 00mllflnl'.l dil'inl'. and that by this contract the coal cor-j been declared by the Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners of Masâ€" sachusetts illegally issued, and the At.- torneyâ€"General of Massachusetts hal announced that he will proceed against ed too long at thoseâ€"those bridal cou- 3 pics. TO CURE A COLD [N ONE DAY. Take Laxative I‘lromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug- 'l‘lii-rc is only one way of curing‘poration will be guaranteed large di-nthe officers and directors Who issued giati-rcfundthcninncyifltfnilatoCure. 21c. Kidney Diseases. That: is by curing the vidends on all classes of shares for a Kidneys. The only way of doing this long term of years, and that these con» 18 by usmg Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They tracts have been firmly guaranteed by 1‘ self. the. Kidneys in proper condition, l the New England Gas 31 C01“? C‘Om‘ thus cnsuring a supply of pure. fresh puny. 8- COlnllfln." With 8 Paid in Willa blood and thoroughly healthy organs. l till 0f $33Mloiml0- T110 Questions “‘8; llold's Kidney Pills are sold by all ask you to favor us with answers to,‘ druggists at fifty cents a box, sixlarei loxes 82.50.0r will. be. sent. on rcceiptl Does not the Dominion Coal corpora-1 of price. by The Dodds Medicine C0,, 5 tion own all the. gas companies of Bosâ€"l Liimitcd. Toronto. l ton ? Has not the Coal Corporation cuter- ed into a contract with the Masai- chusetts Pipe Gas Company? Will not. this give permanently large dividends on all the. shares! 15 not the Massachusetts Pipe Gas; BAD FOR ENGLISH GENERALS. it. has been a bad year for English gcncralsin lndia. Sir Henry llavelmk- Allen is dmd‘ Gonna} yem’m‘n Riggs Company a responsible company? I hasfmwiimlhed to ‘li5"“50' While G3“"“‘ is not this contract guaranteed by] “I T“. “.‘Xim‘m .I‘Ol‘klw'rt' the comm""‘l‘ the New England Gas 1% Coke Comâ€"i er'm'phwt‘ “"H return .tn England ti“ puny. and is hot this company a weal- ef‘l‘.!mn Why, the “09”” (‘miipaign‘tliy corporation whose guarantee is; “as not moie successful. good? . . ' "' “'9 repeat if you will answer the above questions we will consider our-! . . selves in your debt, as we do not wish? if you suffer HS agonies. and fail to . u. put our clients into any hazardous! Ef‘l 3} _"8“1L‘<l."- “‘11 “'"nt .Vllll ‘0 “1V 'investuieut. and we are led to believe -\\_“l""h"9~ “5 3‘11"" 0“ nerve l‘llin is T from a siudv of your pamphlets that Simply marvellous. Neri‘ilinc is the ‘ v0“ not only consider this coal en- !“l‘b‘l l‘lea‘illllt “1,111 lKlWEl‘l'll-l "Ellledé' lorprisecxtruincly liamrdous but little in the market. lry it. 1935 than aswindle, which we cannot re- ----- tconcilc with the respectability .of its it has recently Lei-ii claimed that ‘sl'l’nsors‘ Ag‘dm can you “0L.g"e.usl iron ships fiited with cfeciric plantsl“ “35“” for the effort mm ‘5 hemgl suffer rapid delei‘i'vi'ution of meir’maulc to float tires»- shares amongst! In”; m“ng (firm. cmumcmm “uh the investors of .Llinada. when as we the sea. due to clccirolvtic. action. are "3"“ rad it”). are In sum”; detmmd ‘ in the American stock exchange. Soul's n-spectfully." Quickcure heals Sores, - - -- ' Luis. Bruises, Burns, etc. "Dear Sirs: ._....._ Your letter received by and its ~ ~ . , . . . contents noted. and herewit we send “big? $5318 “If? 1:0 a l'roiess'fl?‘ you the information you ask for. l-‘irst ‘ t L er' “ J caps Silentlnc ‘believe us when we say that we hold Have You Neuralgia ? institutions supplied with lirds. nests . . a .81. I r an M_ n. is we .22.... amp“? permitted to do 80‘ paper statements bearing our sigmaâ€"l "'“m tuna. also for those contained in this; letter. and we are prepared to defend} any action that may be brought againstl ii. This act. is punishable by fine and imprisonment. 7-Thc contract between the Dominiâ€" on Coal Company and the Massachus- ei ts Pipe Line Company is worth no- thing. â€" ‘ Bâ€"I‘he New England Gas 8; Coke Company is a schema gotten up for‘ the purp se of floating $35 020 001) ofuorthâ€" less securities oii=tlie public, and its firsl act was to borrow from a. New ‘ioi‘k trust company for eight months $12.000,(l00. which, with the ln! «one of its 835,000,030 of capital it imnzc i tely.‘ paid out to insiders for property not ‘ worth $7,000,000, thereby causing itâ€" ' self to be bankrupt and. making its ; guarantee worthless. !)â€"'l.‘he reason the effort is being made to flo.t $15.()ill),0!il| of slovk in' Canada is: the stock coat the promot- ers who crnaied it riOihing. For years desperate efforts hitve teen made to float it on the investing public of New England. To that end trickery and manipulation have been employed. but without avail. Investors and spec- ulators in the United States have re- fused to have anything to do with it. Some month ago when it was ab-I solutely, unsalable and its nominal price 85 per share. brokers were emâ€" ployed to give it the appearance of great activity on the lloston Stock Ex~ change. This was done by one broker selling quantities to another in league with him. By this means the price was bid up to from $20 to $25 per share. and is now held there by the same means. and whenever gcnuine orders from Canadian investors are worked up in Canada. the stock is purchased from the insiders through the medium of - Uhe Boston Stock Exchange at a ficti- : tious price. The daily sales on the Boston Stock Exchange are. with the exception of the Canadian orders and on a rare oo- 3 casion a genuine Ilnited States order. fictitious. \Vc advise you strongly not l to allow your clients to invest in this worthless stock. for as soon as your Canadian investors. becoming tired of holding it and waiting for the micro Con t. . us in the courts of Canada as we haval p- S in United States courts. \Ve ask youl mutations that have been made to . to bear in mind that we do not make be fulfilled. attempt to sell. this ap- ct'fisn equivocal statements hedged about mien: market price of 820 Will dis- Puenooumd flab. yup (may... a“. withtochnical evasionsthatmay leavel at: a l00pholes for oscape from legal reâ€"‘ p . mm ‘°°“'“° “mu‘wmflmm. aponsibillty; that we are a responsiâ€" iivo mutantâ€"cold by all We. appear and they will lose their Invcab meat. It you have doubt of the cor- rectness of our deductiona.'come or Recent. investigations by Dr. Linden- jKohl have shown that the principal 'source of the gulf stream. is not the .Florida channel. but the region be~ tween and beside the islands of |the West Indies. Ai. Rinioni the volume of ‘ this warm water is sixty times as gi'e it as the combined volume of all the rivers in the world at their mouths. l Quickeure cures Tooth . Ache. Stops all Pain. 1 I __.__ l It has lecn calculated ih it ifa pound 1 your one beinggood is to or The only way to be on Monsoon..-" lNDO-CEY LON TEA. Goes farther than any othr r and is ab lute): pure and delicious ‘36. 30. “twin-id cents. Sand for sample. MONSOON TEA 00.. 1 er.‘ngton St. \‘S’. Toronto. The largest. gasomoter In the world is at East Greenwinb. When full! it contains 13.000.000 cubic feet of gas. It weighs 2.2m tons, is 180 foot high. 303 feet in diameter. requires 1,200 tom of coal to fill it with; gas. and coat nearly 5940.000. “ A Man‘s a Man for a' That” Even" if he has cums on both fact. But ‘ he is a stronger. happier and wiser man. if he uses Putnam‘s Painless Corn Ex-l tractor and gets rid of the unsightly corns. painlessly and at once. Impeding was used as a punishment: in Turkey up to 1855. The last: man so executed were four Arab sheik who had rebelled. They were impale at the fouir corners of the Bling bridge. One of them lived for nine days. . Minn-Kan caravan. TRADE MARK. POSIIILI ro nrrrcr mm Diamondn‘ "routed to retain their lustre. We . .A land to any address one of them intrv - our stonol. lei. In I substantial Gold filled taunting, Ring Pin, Etud or Earrings. for “.00. Au rtlcle not ml noto exchanged. Band for catalog“ V. POWELL HA VBY & C0. 61 King W., Toronto Tlhore are supposed to be nearly 50m 000 dentists practising upon people's tooth in the world. A dentist's case 01 instruments nowadays contains boa tween 800 and 400 instruments. W l' C 913 . ---------- Agents wantdd-to introduce our; Catalogue and terms. Wu wil mail repaid " Dar‘ll be a Nigger Mlasln'." with mus c. for 5 cents. slain n. POPULAR MUSIC DEPOT, 20 Alexia 8t. antral. ENCOUGH SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Prac- tical Reporting Methods; individual in- itruction. Special facilitlic for advanced stu- dents. ’l‘erm " on application for Enabur session. ManagemA. O. BROOK. 14 King Sth.,Turouto. Hartford 8i Vim Tires “'1: can cut your 1898 Fcno Fence-'account in half. “'0 clam: we have the best. and most practical in ace on earth. Four mil ‘3 of ii; in use at. tho lenerl. mental Farm, Guelph. Ont. Send for prices. Address Toronto Picket er 831 River St. Toronto. Ont. 6 Fence 00" Have You Seen It ii Can You no it i ill The New . K. Puzzle 1 ill! The most fantastic: puzzle of the any now TO REACH. Klo“ BYKI Sold everywhere. Agents wanted. Send 200. far sampla- T. SONNE, :93 Commissioners .St.. - Montreal. Que. Becsu liesâ€"~best m ‘Y Wanlod : .r 4’ . a: sad Patent recess Foundation. lam" -‘ Gould. 81m loyal air"). Limited. mnu‘or .m. -. 1 Italian and Hybridsâ€"beat uecml Wax WE HAVE NO AGENTS. We sell director factory prices and a . drlivercd free 500 miles from} " Montreal. our 5 years' guaran teed sewing machines with all attao‘inmnts. Nothing batlor midc. l’iicos $18.50 to $23.00. Send for (-atalo ue. . I - THE BAILEY D NALDBON 00., .. ' MONTREAL. D mlnlon Linc Steamships. Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer Portland to Liverpool in winter. Lnr o and fast twin screw Ileaniahlpa ‘l.abrarior. 'Vub couver,‘ ‘Dominlon ' ‘Scotsmnn,’ 'Yorkiihli‘o.‘ Superl r accommodation for First Cabin. Soo- ond Ca in and Steeragc assengcra. Rates of passageâ€"First Cabin. 3 ; Second Cabin. 88“ Steerago 822.50 and upwards according to steamer and berth. For all information apply to Local Agents, or Davm Touzancn a: 00.. Gen'l Agents. 17 8h. Sacrament St" Mont-real. Highest Market Value PAID l‘ 0 RAW was and” sums. Buc’ Wax, Dime-lg, on. Oonlignmenia wanted. hp giro" paid. Klondike Moon occasion. Fur Ooau, Robe. ' i" and Snow Shoel I specialty. . fi _ , . ._ ll. JOHNSON, i _ v' . ., . .‘ '. Wholesale Furrlu r‘ . 7“. m It. Poulat. .of thread made from Spiders' webs ' gwerc required ii would occupy nearly 28,000 spiders a full year to furni-h. it.' : Magnetic Ointment. The word Sores Bruises. cm Bum. Sprain. akin Dinar-lien, Sore Thou . Croup , Rheumatism. Lamonou. Plies, and all external and internal affection: characterized by INPUI. #110!“de totitfiotnfluanoe a: in? magic. lIt a on v prop-n. on y I n pl: {if grim and its mecca barman V marvellous in the moat obstinate cal-u. Sold by ‘DmggiluandbuunataliondIOoenu. mamas... “Do You See That llump Not on "The Page." it never has 'cm. but on that dead wire fence. It was caused by an animal running in- to it. The animal "didn't mean to." The fence "iouldn't help it;" but the bump in thch and it is an eyesore to the owner. He looks across the road at his neighlor‘a non-humpable, anti~ sagable Page fence. and admits that elasticity "is in it" after all. Price list and illustrated printed matter on application to the local Page Fence dealer or to ill Pllll WIRE llNGE GUMPANY, Limited, VVAI.KERVILLE. ONT. P. 5. See our "ad" in next issue. ~. and always the slime. LUDELLA CBYLONTEA will satisfy the most particular lea drinkers. Lead packages. 25, 40, 5c and 60c. a“ \mm‘a ~.AW W,WWWT» “ A“ "‘ ‘A “ " "13,-; V <- M.AM,~/«~r l l l i

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