Partnership Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have entered into partnership and have taken over the business here- .tofore carried on by H. J. Lytle. The business will be conducted as heretofore, but under the name of Lytle & Co. H. J. LYTLE. D. GOULD. Fenelon Falls, May lst, 189 8. TI-IE VICTORIA LOAN and SAVINGS GO. Incorporated under statutes ofthe Province of Ontario. Head Ofï¬ce. - Lindsay, Ont. Smythe‘s Block, opposite the Market. IJOANS. Money to Loan on Mort- gages at lowest current rates with no delay and small expense. DEPOSITS. The Company re- ceives money on deposit in their Savings department, and allows interest there- on'al. Four Per Cent. A mortgage company is the safest place to deposit money. No speculative business is done. JOHN unewoon, Manager, Lindsay, & McDiarmid} (Mondays) F Apply to Or to McLaughlin ll. J. Lytle enclon Falls â€"4ll.f. A WEDDING RING, Being an investment for a life- time, should not be purchased without- some thought or knowledge of its suitability for the person you want it for, and to be restricted to a small selection is provoking and unwise. My stock consists of every fash- ionable shapeâ€"all the different thick- nesses and widthsâ€"all sizes to ï¬t anybody, and at very reasonable prices. You will ï¬nd it very satis- t‘actory to select from a stock like mine. You will save your car fare. If unable to come, write. * Bill. ll. Billl, Lindsay, Ont. m Steamer “Greyhound†with leather! †“ Sire, if thou wilt but place thy foot upon this measure, I will in twelve hours, cover the earth How a Monk of the third century accom- plished this feat is told in “THE CRAFT OF ST. CRISPIN,†a neat little illustrated book which unfolds the history of the boot, and tells of its foot forming influences down to the ripened period of the SLATER SHOE. Every page is rich in foot- lore and shrewd suggestions on choosing, buying, and taking care of, the correct kind of Shoes. Secrets of the last, the newest shapes,†and most foot ï¬tting forms, the different tannages, and latest colorings, of leather, are revealed and described in simple terms. .x‘ , r / copies will be given away if asked from “IIâ€":19. A limited number of Slater v J'. 1.. Arnold, Sole Agent for Fenelon Falls. Professional Cards. LEGAL. MOLAUGHLIN & MCDIARMID, ARRIS’I‘ERS, Solicitors, Etc., Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Ofï¬ce: Kent-BL, opposite Market. Fenelon Falls Oflice: Over Burgoyne & Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls ofï¬ce will be open every Monday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. 56‘ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. McLAtmuLm. F. A. llIcDIAtuun. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &c. the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Otlices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, dcc. Of- ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A.Jaoxson MEDICAL. , DR. A. WILSON, -â€"u. 3.,1. c. v. a s., Ontario,â€" enr. Ofï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenelon Will commence running between Fenelon Fans. . Falls and Lindsay on Monday. May 2nd, calling both ways at Sturgeon Pomt on following time: Leaves Penelon Falls at 7.15 a. m., Sturgeon Point 7.45. Arrives at Lindsay at Leaves Lindsay at 10 a. m. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 11.00 Arrives at Fenelon Falls at 11.45 Leaves Pension Falls at 2.45. DR. H. II. GRAHAM, M. D., C. 31., 31.11. C. 8., England, F. T. .51. C., M.C. P. and S., 0nt., Physician, Sur- lgeon and Accoucheur. 9 00 deuce, Francis Street West, Fenelon l’alls. R. 1‘1. B[.AS ON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto,188~1;l~l. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 3.15 ; pans, Arrives at Lindsay at......4.3o ‘ Leaves Lindsay at 5.30. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 6.30 Arrives at Feuelon Falls at 7.15 For mu particulars enquire of w. mm, Purser. E. P. SMITH, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist l Graduate ofOnterlo Veterinary College ' Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by appointment of Dominion Government. W. FEE, Capt Oï¬ce and addressâ€" CAMBRAY, On. Ofï¬ce and resi- pnusrc. onwm A. moose, Organist Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Lindsay, Music Teacher. At Brooks‘ Hotel, Fenelon Falls, every Tues- day. Terms moderate. 32. SURVEYORS . JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer,&c Residence,and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. Dr. IIEELAIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for 27 years. SOLICITOR FOR He studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 186,417 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for $10. [8" Dr. Neelands visits Fenelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Tact/I, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly SICIANa SURGEON 3‘ ACCOUCH' opposite Wood’s stove depot,Lindsay. H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FORSIO. Gas and local anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Oflice aver Fair-weather J: Co’s store nearly opposite the post-ofï¬ce, Lindsay INSURANCE. '1‘0 the Public. 3 RO-YAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,006,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Agent ï¬" Also agent for the Queen of Eng land and Celedonian cfEdinburgh. Capiv tal combined,$45,000,000.) PHDTDGIIAPHS. “ 0 l wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithers see us.†The above wish is easily realized by having your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to the best city work, and prices to suit. the times. Family groups a specialty. Give me a call. Life size work in the best style of the art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON. Photographer. Fenelon Falls, July 1st, 1897.â€"â€"21.52 MEN FOR HIGH OFFICES. TWO ILLUSTRIOUS CANADIANS. The Ottawa correspondent of the To- ronto Telegram adds " insult to injury " by thus poking fun at the two distin- guished philanthropists who did u't get the Yukon railway contract: “ Robbed of the right to do an act that would have scooped in for Canada all the Yukon trade in sight. William McKenzie and Dan Mann are still on the highway to a glorious future. The world will never know the cash value of the patriotism that lingered in the be- soms of those two contractors when, with a docility almost sublime, they made themselves passive subjects of the hypnotizer Sillon. Only the words of the Liberal press are recorded to indi- cate that, but for the treason of the wicked; old Senate, the patriotic sacri- ï¬ce of' Dan Mann and William McKen- zie would have been worth to the coun- try millions and millions of cash. But the patriotism of that distinguished pair may yet prove to be the kind [I181 the withering blasts of Tory politicians can never drive away. Friends who have grieved that patriots tried and trusted as William McKenzie and Dan f‘rlann should go unrewarded, have a new scheme for the honourable elevation oi the two. It is not to the Senate. Neitlr ‘er is old enough to fall into that CHAMBER OF HORRORS, and, besides, both have,been known to express themselves most emphatically l I l »agaiust the existence of an l'ppur House. The simple proposition is tli'xt William McKenzie shall be made hono- rary colonfl of the 45th Battalion. a body of stalwarts whose excellent train- ing may be credited to Colonel Samuel Hughes. The county of Victoria, to which the 452i: belongs, is well known to William McKenzie. It was them he spent his boyhood days, years hel'orc he ever dreamed that such a monster as Clifford Sifton, hayf‘orker of railway contractors, etc., would be permitted to travel about in the garments of human beings. William McKenzie has still a very kindly regard lor the county 01‘ Victoria. He is fully eligible for the rank of honorary colonel, and, it‘ the persuasions of friends prevail. McKen- zie before very long will be the titular head of the 45th. But then arises the question of Dan Mann's promotion. The nature of Dan Mann for months past has been uttered IN THE SAME BREATH that spoke the word McKenzie. Dan Mann's patriotism was quite as con- spicuous as his brother contractor's. and it would be manifestly unfair to ï¬ll one into military lame and leave the other a bloomingr civilian. Friends of Dan Mann will be overjoyed to learn that he may step into a positiOn twin brother to that which William McKenzie is to enter. The 20th of Halton is in need of an honorary colonel. I'laltou is the county where Dan Mann was bred and born. More than once he marched oil‘ with the ZOth to bloodless drill, and who today more than he deserves the. rank of' honorary colonel? 80 soon as William McKenzie dons the lace, the boom for Dan Mann will begin. One or both may refuse. 'l'hero are manv things that generous honorary colonels. gentlemen of means, may do for their regiments, all 01. which Would probably be forthcoming should William McKen- zie and Dan Mann don the spurs. True-hearted Canadians, patriots, in fact, they will prove themselves, if they accept the duty thus thrust upon them. They have no need to hang back from a fear that it is :1 Clifford Sifton game. for the Statesman of Brandon has had not a word to say in the formulation of the plans.†>-â€"t-o What About the Klondike ? The clamor of war may have sent a wave of oblivion over some minds. but; it is not so very long ago that the Min- isters were threatening us with rebel- lion, invasion, loss of territory and black starvation in the Klondike region il-the Mann-McKenzie line to Teslin Lake were not authorized at once. True. it Could not have been ready for use he- l'ore autumn, at the earliest; but the great thing in the Ministerial mind ap- peared to be to get prompt Parliament- ary endorsement of the scheme. This was to scatter the horriï¬c evils that clouded their vision, as :nrnking does the misahnpen denizens oi drenmlnnd. But Parliament, as represented chiefly by the Senate, declined to endorse tlm astounding scheme; and from that day to this we. have heard nothing from the Ministerial benches either of' the hor- rors or of anything: else in, connection with the affair. The contractors were stopped so suddenly, it seems, that they have not yet had time to got word In all their men; and some of‘ the outposts of their Arctic expedition are still plug; ging away in the wilds under the In. pression that they are saving the Klon- dike to Canada, and the miners l'ron starvation. The poor follows are totally unaware that the Government has “but; doned that fable, and can now tell: ten. perance to plebiscite deputations with out once thinking of that distant com. try so lately in dangerâ€"for politics: purposes onlyâ€"of rebellion. gaunt llllh gcr and sudden death. The people 0‘ British Columbia, too, want to knew what the Government is going to d. about the trade of t' c Klondike, not are clamoring for their own Govern ment to go ahead and take up the task. the Federal Government has so sudden ly dropped. Still no sign from the Do minion Government. Apparently its interest in the Yukon district ceased when the Senate would not permit it I! give away four million acres of gold land for the building of a sliort and in lerior railway. Possibly this did kil its political conceru in the matter. llu'. what about the rebellion 7â€"what about the loss of the cold lands to the Uri-mil flat: ?â€"-whut about the Hawaiian which threatened the thousands of bra-c.- mir- ers who would seek the yeltntr hanhl: at the month of a glacier ?-â€"-zllonlnu‘l Star.