on behalf of the petitioners and made In validityof‘ tbe~byâ€"lnw is, we hear, to be- able speech, but nothing was of any tested; but, no matter how binding it may be, the council could no doubt' FARMERS WANTING Ensilage Gutters With Roller Bearings, Root Gutters and. Pulpers ‘ With Roller Bearings, Flows, Gang Flows and... Barrows, would do well toeall at Thos. Robson’s, Fenelon Falls, as he has a large assortment to choose» from at. low. prices. Highest Price for Scrap Irs‘s, Brass and Copper. ' A . REMINDER THAT WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF THE FOLLOWING AT LOWEST PRICES: Mixed Paints, White Lead, Oil. and Turps, White Enameled Ware, Builders’ Hardware, Cook Stoves, best makes, lowest prices, The Best Milk-can and the lowest price in CANADA. Past record proves this assertion. present at the meeting. use; every member of the council ex- CCPE 31“ 51â€â€œan fought liken Influ- have made a better- bargain if it had~' nuamst the by-laW. had 2000 them Will! not actedx‘ with such ill-advised haste. a determination, as one of them express- We nearly forgot to mention that. the shoved through accordingly. remark. that the by-law was not the one that appeared in last: week's G-‘tzettc, but another, drawn up by Max Mc- Laughlin, the village solicitor: who was As it hadbeen asserted that many othhe signersof‘the petition were not ratepayers, we diecided Chuncilior Clark said, that many whose ogisled " for signing it. But i1 liappcn- ed'that a copy of the heading had been kept by the person who drew. it up, and ‘here it it, with, we believe, a correct list of the names of the petitioners : Tenn: REBVEiANDeCOUXGKL or» rncst‘mms: : OFFENEDON-‘FALBS. The petition of the undersigned rate- payers of Fcnelon Falls humbly shewethm: it is the intention of your honorable body to pass a hy-law giving a certain party or parties power to erect poles, wires, and all. other necessary appliances-within. the lime it‘s-of the- Corporation-for the purpose-of.- convcying-the tnotive power engendered by the falls on the river, to be used in other places outside of and at a distance from the village. ' consideration oft the above grant the said. party or parties covenant to leave 350 to publish it ;.but the clerk was forbid.- ' deal to let us have it, out the ground, ' 1. That they are credibly informed‘ that I 3. That we are crediblyinformedith‘atiin; led it, to “ shove it through," and it was price per horse power on the by-law was. We may reduced from-ten dollars to seven. Village . Council: Procee'ings.. FenelonFelli, April 30th, 1898. ~ Genocil met at the call of the move ;. all the members present except reevo Mason.. Moved: by Mr. Molieown, secondedl by Mr. Clark, That Mr. AuStiu bev . chairman.â€"Carricd.. names had appearedthereonhadt“ npol- : Mt. Culverwcll waited‘onghe council. in regard to placing poles and wires on. the streets of the village for electric~ purposes. The reevc entered and} took‘his' scat. Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by: Mr. Austin, That thc~couuoil adjourn. until Thursday, May 5tli.-.-â€"Carried. Fenelon Falls, May 5th, 1898» Council met pursuant to adjourn-. ment; all the members present. Messrs. Culvcrwell and White-Fraser- asked tpermission of the council to erect. poles and wires for the transmission of? electric light, power, ctc.~agreeiug.to rc- tain one sixth of the horse-power for use inathe villnge.. Considerable discussion was taken. part in by the members of.the oouncil,, Mr. Ft McDougallt Messrs. Culverwell. horse power‘to be utilized by any parties. who may erect and operate factories at a. yearly rental of $10 per. horse power for a. .day cf:12.-honrs.. ' 3. That the saw mill‘now-operated~'by-- the Bank of Toronto on the south side of the river makes use of 400 horse power of .the water, which. at the above rate would. ‘ amount to a-rental of$8,000 per annumpan- amount which would effectually debar any other industries from coming to the village. 4. We submit that the passing of any such by-law will be espermanent injury. to the trade ot:the village. 5.. Your petitioners therefore praysthat' you will refrain from-passing any such by- law, but,.on.the contrary; will use your; _.__._â€"â€"â€" ‘ The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Max 13t , .898. and White-Fraser, and R. J: McLaugh-. lin, village solicitor, M r. Slater, M r. Dan vey, Mr. Campbell and others. Ml'. hichown-gives notice that at: the next meeting of the council he will introduce a by-law for permitting the» proposed’I-Iight,- Heat (St-Power 00.. to be promoted by Messrs. Culvcrwcll White‘Fraser, the privilege of using the streets and public places for convey- ing electric power, ctc., subject to tho provisionsthat three hundred and ï¬fty (350)-horse power he retainodnnd a- The Spanish-Ameritan war. There has been no. ï¬ghting during the past;- week, but Commodore Dewey has at last been heard. from and full particulars of the battle of Manilla ob» tainedt The modern ships and‘guns of the Americans gave them~such an enor- mous superiority that, though the en- gagement lasted! only about seven hours, the Spanish fleet, consisting of about iafourteen vesselsgwasalmost utterly de- best efforts to retain our magniï¬cent'water power for the use of factories either within the limits of the corporation, or its imme- diate vicinity. And~your petitioners will‘ever pray: THIS IS A CUT OF OUR 11 gygt'em'c Ventilated Shoe. . . . . The free passage of air through the shoe keeps the foot dry and comfortable, and the cork insole entirely pre- vents squeaking. M We are sole agents for this celebrated make of footwear, and invite inspection. THE. RED STORE. W. B UR a 0 YNE. NEW cocns. Fancy Dress Goods in the latest designs. Blouses in thc‘newest styles. Millinery in styles and prices to suit. 'New Spring Capes. Lace Goods and Trimmingsâ€"-â€"a very large assortment. Inspection invited. WM. CAMPBELL. stroyed. At least 600 Spaniards were either killed or wounded; while not a man was killed on any of the American shipsand only half a dozen wounded. A battle between Admiral Sampson’s fleet and the Spanish fleet that left the Cape de Vérde islands was expected to take place this week; but. the latest news is that: the Spaniards- have gone back. to Cadiz,_.thus shirking an engage- ment'that'must inevitably end in their destructiOn. m- “ Shove It Througls’." What Fenelon Falls badly needs at the present moment is a Senate. If it had not been for the Dominion Senate Messrs. McKenzie &‘ Mann would now 'own a big share of the Klondike, and if we had a little Senate of our own it would undoubtedly veto the latest act of our village Parliament. What hap- pened between the 30th of April and the 9th of May will be seen by the pro- ceedings, published in this issue, at three meetings of the council held on and between those dates. Until about a month ago the names of Messrs. Cul- verwell and White-Fraser were unknown in the Falls, except, possibly, to three or four persons; but on Monday night a by-law was passed authorizing them to erect poles and string wires for the transmission to Lindsay. in the shape of electricity, of more than halfof the power of our magniï¬cent waterfall. The proposal to pass such a by-law would probably never have been enter- tained if it had not happened to suit. Messrs. McDougall, Brandon 8.: Austin, who form what is known as the village syndicate, and who, as leading mem- bers of the community, naturally have censiderable influence. A few years ago they bought part of the water power from the executors of the Smith estate; exactly how much we do not know, and it does not matter; bnta great deal more than is needed to run their large Wm. McArthur Wm. Burgoyne C: W. Burgoyne Geo. Barkley A. Clark Sr. G‘. W. Davey Wesley Davey.- Cornelius Curtis- W. L. Robson H; Robson Wm. Jordan S. Brokenshire Henry Brookss Wm. McKendry Sam. Sharp M. Sharp F. Sandford H. Puley, W: H.‘ Walsh Thos; Poulson Wm. Fountain H. Sandford H. E. Austin .' St S. Penhaie Wm. Heeley S. Nevison W. Northey A. Northey J.‘ J. Townley Lewis Wak‘ely Mrs. Twomey Sr.‘ J. A. Ellis John Ellis R. McKay E. A. Bell Margaret Bell’ Jane Bell John Bell James Deyman. H. J. Lytle Henry Sewell \Vm. Scwell Wm. Quibell Joseph Carpenter James Stephens Charles Keast Charles Kelly R. Mitchell A. Sutherland James Morrow Thomas Graham Paul Onlette Henry York James Bray Wm. Beatty Wm. Udy David Jewell Wm. Jeffrey Dated at Fenelon Falls 9th May, 1898.. Wm. Jackett E.‘D.-Hnnd'! James Dickson. John Aldous Robert Eych a. F. J.’ Kerr - JOhu Slater- Wm. Campbell‘ Hugh MoDougelL J05. McFarland Andrew McFarland ‘ Joseph Heard Henry Pearce ‘ At McKillen . Fred. Metcalfe Lewis Deyman John Nolan James Fraser- Mrs. Cunningham E. A. McArthur. Wm.Golden-, J05. Welch Goo. Quibell. John Quibell‘ E. Lansï¬eld Robert Quibell? B.‘Smythe Robert Magoo - Geo. H. Magen- Mrs. Manning Lewis Manning W.’ Gebott T. H. Robson Joseph Nugent W11. Robson. Wm. LICCIQHHQH! Robert Jackett R. Waugh D. McKillem Wm. Detts Wm. Klock A. E. Quibell: Thomas Quibell James Beatty S. Ellery Peter Deyman. John Lee A. McIntosh J‘. R. Graham. John Geddes Joseph Laverean John Shane D. Pitceathly George Jackett Noble Dandas James Jewell John Miller Robert Menzies flour and grist mill and the dynamo that supplies the streets, stores and other buildings in the village with elec- tric light. Being willing to dispose of their surplus water power and the elec- tric light plant, and Messrs. Cnlvorwell and White Fraser offering to buy it pro- vided the by-law were passed, Messrs. McDougall, Brandon & Austin favored the course they thought best for their own interests, and we don’t know that anybody blames them. But we think it is no exaggeration to say that ninety per cent of the rest of the population of the village are opposed to the by-law, and on Monday morning a petition was drawn .np, signed during the day by 129 ratepayers, and at night was laid before the council by Mr. James Dickson, who was told by the polite Mr. Culver-well, We Buy and Sell Cattle, Sheep and Pigs, Hides and Skins, Furs, etc. that he " wasn’t worth talking to." Mr. & John McSweyn of Lindsay was present For Flour and Feed 01‘ the very best quality the North Star Roller Mills are famous. Specml attention given to gristing and chopping. Parties wanting Flour and Feed in large quantities would do well to get our quotations. We Pay Lindsay Prices For wheat and coarse grains, and we want an unlimited quantity. R. McDougall Fred Green Mrs. J. A. )icDougnll Thos. Smith Job Palmer F". H. Magoo H. H. Graham- E. W. Kelly A. Torrance Chas. Quibcili H. Smith Fred Jewell Wm. Lucy One great cause ofcomplaint was the indecent haste with which the by-law was “shoved through." A matter so seriously affecting the Welfare of the village ought to have been deliberately considered and all the pros and cons weighed before action, but that would not have suited the half dozen individ- uals whose interests were to be served by shOving it through. If this year’s council have the power to authorize, in deï¬ance of the wishes of the people, the transmission of part of the water power to Lindsay, what is to prevent an equal. ly complaisant council from authorizing the transmission of the remainder of the power a few years from now? The vailnblc for: local purposes at ten dollars . ($10) - per horse power per annum of‘ four thousand, three hundred and eigh- ty (4.380) (hoursat the wheel, and free sites for manufacturing industries, and. for the continued operation of electric- light works for-the use of the village- 'aad citizens, attrates not higher than at . present, and-that such proposed comp-.t- - ny will pay two-thirds (fl) of any rcas~- enable expense of any advertising or other efforts that may be decided upon by the-council for~thc purpose of in- ducing industries to locate hero. Meved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. McKcown, That the solicitor be - instructed to prepare a by-law in accor- dance witlrthaahovc-notice, _with 21115 the provisions he may think proper to insert, and‘thnt the some he introduccd; and passed at the next regular meeting. . â€"Carried, Mr. Martin voting nay. Council adjourned. Fenelon Falls, May 9th, 1898.: Regular meeting of council. Mctnn here all present except-councillor Clark. Minutes of. last regular meeting and. two special meetings read and approved. Cduncillor Clark. catered andtook. his seat. Tenders from.JohntA-. Ellis, A. A. Wright and-Austin &:Craig for lumber and timber were laid on the table. Moved by Mr. McKeown, seconded. by Mr. Austin, That E. D.« Hand's bill for printing, $25,.bo paid; and the reove give his .order for the sameâ€"Carried. ' Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by- Mr. McKcown, That this council accept John A. Ellie’s tender for plank and cedar for sidewalks at the following prices: Plan 810, hemlock 89, cedar 810 per thousand. delivered to any part of the village, subject to inspection.â€" Carried. Bylaw No. . a by-law to author- ize the placing of poles, wires. etc., for the purpose of distributing electricity in the village of Fenelon Falls and transmitting the same to the town of Lindsay and other places. introduced and read a ï¬rst time. By-law road a second time in committee of the whole,- olause by clause, Mr. McKeown in the chair. Petition from Wm. McArthur and 128 others. praying that the by-law be not passed, laid on the table by Mr. James Dickson, and supported by Mr. John illcchyn. A great deal of dis- cussion by most of the loading ratepay- ers was taken part in and some amend~ meats made in the by-law. By-law read a third time and passed, and signed and sealed by the reevc, Mr. Martin voting " nay.†Moved by Mr. McKcown, seconded by Mr.Austin. That the collector's roll be accepted with the following abatc~ meats: Standard Chemical Company, 8171.70; A. A. Wright, 8179 2‘); Mechanics' Institute, 817.50 ; Mrs] Pearson, 82 50; W. C. Holbrook, 81.25 ; Mrs. Warren, 85 ; and that the taxes on the following property be returned to the county treasurer for collection :, J. Fitzgerald, s B e. G, a inf w A 2 and