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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 May 1898, p. 7

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Rtpur. 1. Every good road has two essen- tial features: (a) A thoroughly dry foundation. (1)) A smooth, hard, waterproof sur- face covering. ‘2. The foundation is the natural subsoil, “the dirt road." “hich must be kept dry by good drainage. 3. The surface covering is generally a coating of gravel or broken stone which should he put on the road in such a way that it will not, in wet weath- er, be churned up and. mixed with the earth beneath. That is, it should form a distinct coating. 4. To accomplish this; (a) The gravel or stone should con- tain very little sand or clayâ€"it should be clean. (b) The road must be crowned or ‘ HINTS FOR PATHMASTERS. flow Bonds May Be Slade and Rep: 11: Good I h (c) llzuts must not be allowed to form as they prevent water passing to the open drains. (d) The opt-n drains must have a Hug-“dent fa“! “ad free Outlet ‘50 that Canada’s Greatest Medicine. 81‘ cles cannot be elastic and strong, nerves cannot be steady. energy and vigor can- not be felt, when the blood is impure, impoverished without nourishing pow- er. blood the qualities it lacks when that V tired feeling troubles you. It makes] the blood rich, pure, full of vitality. 1 cures spring languor and eradicates all foul tainls from the blood, thus! l . ‘ . guarding against future danger from “Traded m the mm” 80 a” w Shed fevers, malaria, and other serious ill: the water to the open. drains. ness_ Be sure to get. Feefing What does it mean? As tired in the morning as at night. can’t get rested. nervous, sleepless. dull, languid. It means that the blood is poor. Mus- , Sarsa- e vs. S parilla th mum six for 85. the water will not standl in them but PrepHEdOhly byC.I.Hood&Co.,I.owell,Mass. will be carried away immediately. cure liver ills; essv t (6) Tile under~drains should be laid} H00d’3 mke'euyhopemtefl5m wherever the open drains are not suf- ficient and the ground has a moist or wet appearance, with a tendency to absorb the gravel and rut readily. By this means the foundation is made drly, largest goldfish farms. More than a . Do not leave the gravel or stone hundred small ponds contain the fish GOLD FISH RAISING. In Oldenburg, Germany, is one of the 1w 8” it drops from “16 wagon [mt in all stages of growth, the little ones spread it so that travel will at. once puss over and consolidate it before the fall rains. ~ carefully kept from the rapacious big fellows of eight inches, which would be delighted to eat their helpless breth- 6. Keep the road metal raked or - - ~ ' 301'in into the wheel or horse trackfiéfifiéf$11233ughfishaigvgggfilifipfi “n "I Conwhdated' lthe courage to attack it can frighten 7. .Grade and crown the road before putting on gravel or stone. 8. If a. grading machine is available, it almost to death. That the demand for goldfish is large is shown by the fact that from the fish farms of Olden- Kl'avde the roads which you intend to l .- . , _ gravel before the time of statute laâ€"E::{%332;f13h me semf‘ to mm. bor. and use the statute labor as far as possible in drawing gravel. 9. A fair crown for gravel roads on AOTIVE MAN WANTED hovel ground is one inch of rise to each To read this advertisement and then foot of width from the side to the give Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor centre. _ ‘ a trial. It never fails to cure. Acts in 10. The roads on hills should have a' twenty-four nouns and causes neither greater crown than on level ground otherwise the water will follow the pain not diSCUmIorL. [Putnam’s C-‘orn Extractor extracts corns. It is the wheel tracks and create deepl ruts. in-.best. stead of passing to the side drains. One and one half inches to the foot from the side to the centre will be sufficient. 11. Repair old gravel roads which _.â€"â€"â€"-â€"- HE AGREED. Mrs. Higginsâ€"What; wretched taste have a hard centre but too little crown that Mrs, Wilkins has. and high. square shoulders, by out- Mr. Higginsâ€"Yes, I met her downâ€" ting off the shoulders. turning the town this afternoon and she was wearâ€" material outward and placing new gra- ing- that, ugly old $25 hat you thought vel or stone in the .centre. Do not covâ€"i you wa_nied_ or the old grwvel foundation with the mixture of earth, sod and fine graâ€" vel of which the shoulders are compos- ed. The shoulders can be mest easily out off by mpa‘ns of a grading ma- chine. 12. A width of twentyâ€"four feet be- tween ditches will meet most condi- tions, with the central eight feet grew 'velled. 13. \Vherever water stands on the roadway or by the roadside or wher- eivei‘ the ground remains moist or is swampy in spring and fall, better drainage is needed. 14. Look over the road under your“ charge after heav rains and during‘ spring freshets. The work of a few minutes in freeing drains from 015-. struotion or diverting a current of‘ water into a. proper channel may beâ€"l come the work of days if neglectetl.l 15. Surface water should be dispos-| ed of in small quantities. great acâ€"I oumula'tions are hard to handle and are destructive. Obtain outlets into na- tural watercourses as often as possible. Ill. instead of having deep, Open ditches to underdrain the road and dry the foundation, use tile. 1'7. Give culverts agood fall and free outlet so that water will not freeze in them. 18. in taking gravel from the pit, see that precuut ions are taken to draw only clean material. Do not let the face of the pit be scraped down. mixing. clav, sand and turf with? good gravelfl There is a, tendency to draw dirty gra- ivol tV-l it is easiest. to handle. 19. Gravel which retains a perpen-l dimlar face in the pit. in the spring.’ and shows no trace of slipping is genâ€"i orally fit for use on the road with-2 out treatment. Dirty gravel should bei I 50 re (mod. ‘20. Plan and lay out the work be- fore calling out the men. 21. When preparing plans keep thei work of succeeding years in view, 2‘2. (‘all out for each day only sut'h' a iiuzml‘er of men and teams as can lie properly directed. 23. in laying out the work. estimate 1 on a. full day's work from each man, and see tliat it is performed. Specify? the number of loads of gravel to con-1 stilu'e a day's work. Every wagon box should hold a quarter of {I cord.t 2-1, Make all returns clearly, showâ€"5 ins: who have done their work and' \\ ho have not. 25. Make early arrangements for having on the ground when required, and in good repair. all implements and tools to he used in the performance of statute labor. M iii. Do all work with a view to per- TO CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quiiiinc Tablets. All Drug- lists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25c. KIND-EEA'RTED MAN. \Ve ought to worry more over othâ€" er people’s troubles than our own. I do. I worry over my creditors 50c. troubles. What are they? My debts. .._.â€"â€"-- Qu‘icircure for Skin Diseases, 15c., 250., 500. ’â€" HOW’ .A BASHFUL MAN GOT A \VIFE. 'Blusher is the most. bashful man I ever knew. ' . .‘How on earth. than, did he come to get married? Me was too bashful]. to refuse. Quickcure for Bunions. I56.. 250., 50c. USELESS ADVICE. \l‘igglesâ€"My physician has ordered me never to take active exercise aftâ€" er a hearty meal. _ \‘t-‘agglesâ€"Vi-‘ell, what of it? \Vlggles-J lioa rd. ...â€"â€"â€" Quickcure for Whitlows, 150., 250., 500. IN'H‘ERITED. wovorncssâ€"l never in my life saw a little girl so wilful. exacting. cross, and unreasonable as you are. Little Girlâ€"l (less I takes after my step-mother. MANITOBA FARMS FOR SALE Near the City of WINNDPEO, MANITOBA. A very desirable Grain. Stock and Dairy Farm. Nicely situated about four miles from the (fit) of Winnipeg, fronting on west side of let: Itver. Close to Markets, etc. The Farm is aoout‘lUclm‘ni wide along the Rivencontaiu- inc: about 489 Acres, of which ox'er 300 is font 0 l 110 now under cultivation. Soil is a black loam. Latest improved Buildings, consisting of two good Frame Dwelling Houses. Large frame Bank Barn, nictal shceted, 70x30 feet. With frost-proof Stable underneath, accom- ‘ modating over forty head of stock; Root House nt‘ClJ-llble all winter: Loft storage for about no tons of hay: all under the one roof. ____,________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Also Near Rapid City. its id City is situated north of Brandon. ou the .\ anitoba and North-\V'estern Railway.an also a station on the Great. North-\V'ess trout ral Railway from Brandon. in Rapid City g there are grist mill: with elevators, woollen mills. saw mills and lumber yards, brickjards etc. 320 acres being the west half of section 82, township 13. range 20 west. Land is undulab ing prairie. and considered the finest for grain, dair or stock farming, Building material is manont‘e and durability. - Municipal hm y Good wine“ AdjOinlngareellpi-og. \\ orld. N ‘peroaaflilezLâ€"H A SIDIf-IJGH’I‘ (l.\" HISTORY. The m-nipulations of the \VO'I"~"S‘ first uoiiiziii barber soothed the strong man to sleep. Presently hmvetvr. he. awoke. look- ed hastily at Iiiiiiself in the lurgeplate- glass mirror. put on his coat and start- ed to go. Delilah stopped him. Runsoii. she said. that hair-cut is 25 tents! Salmon umkeiied, and presently the ;‘Iiili~tine~' had him. Borne mv-n are candidates for office because they can't heli- it~and some lecture the mople can’t help it. Also l South half of sectiOn 9. township ll, range 20 ‘ west,â€"-320 com. This halt section lice north and near the above section. consistin of ' undulating rairic and some extra 30 bar land. Schoo post ofilce. blacksmith. etc. on corner of section. Excellent water. lcrms not less than one quarter cash, balance on tibiaâ€"An l to ALEJJDER NAIIN, 615 JINIG It... Toronto. A WEIFKiiown Fact... The flavor of LUDELLA Ceylon Tea is exquisite, and in point of excellence there is no tea superior to it. Load packages. Centerâ€"Aw. my good man, do you evah i have fox~hunts heahf Now enters upon pursuits formerly monopolized by men. But the femin- ine nerves are still hers and she suf- fers from toothache. To her: we recom- mend Nervilineâ€"nerveâ€"pain cureâ€"â€" Hood’s Sarsaparma imparts to the-cures toothache,in a moment. Nervi- lime. the most marvellous pain; remedy known to science. Nerviline may be mused efficaciously for all nerve pain. ' iously to her husband. ‘I don’t like that cough of yours. 500. [said his Majesty, graciously, “will en- __ .___‘,__.._... --‘ ... MOTHERS and Doughnu' you can do plain and. artistic __ work with our .wmg moo ;,' chines :fully nipped with ' amnion. to on. binder. roldor.puffbr. ullterJunler and shorror. co OlStbO and 823.00. delivered free within 600 miles of Montreal. TN! BAILEY DONALDSON O... Mom-uni. BAROAINO IN HANITOIA IABNS, 1N SEVERAL municipalities' for articular: address. a N wcouss. Toronto. Established 33_Steamcrs recall a. 000.3%: s. ’KLLAN iims [loyal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. M Steamers sail from Montreal every Saturday morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and the West about 9 o'clock. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin 068.50 and upwards: Second Cabin $84 and and $36.25: Eteerago to Liverpool. London, Glasgow, Belfast. Londonderry or Queonstown “2.50 and 828.50. Aroduotlon of five per con is allowed on round trip first and second ca n tickets. For sailings of steamers or other information apply to any authorized agent. 3. Bourlier, 1 King St. W. Toronto. or n. a A. Allen. Montreal. Send as your name and addresses a postal and we wil be pleased to send you a sample of ONSOON lNDO-CEYLON TEA. The most delicious tea in the world. THE MONSOON TBA £20.. 7 Wellington St. W.. Toronto. h'oung Mr. Forundred. in Squash Nativeâ€"Nope. What is the maitahl No fcxcsf Plenty of foxes. No dogs f Plenty 0' dogs. No horses 1' Plenty 0’ horses. 'l’henâ€"awâ€"what is the matlahf No fools. Ween: out your 1595 Fence Fence'Taccount in half. We claim we have the best and most practical fence on earth. Four mil-s ot it in use at the Ex eri- mental Farm, Guelph. (int. Bend for pr cos. Add‘oss Toronto Picket Wire Fence 00., 831 River St. Toronto. Ont. TAMMERERS. .umnrss Cimncn‘s AI'TO-VOCF. INSTITUTE. 8 Pembroke St, Toronto, Dun-do. CURE GUARANTEED. THE NEW WOMAN Dominion Line Steamshlps. Montreal and Quebecto Liverpool in summer. Lars- Ind fast twin screw steamship: ‘ Labrador; ‘ Vau- couver.’ ‘Dominlon,’ Scotsman: ‘Yorkshire.’ Sugcrior accommodation for First Cabin, Soo- 0n Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates of passageâ€"First Cabin. 52.50; Second Cabin, $34; Bias '6 $22.50 an lisp-"do according to steamer an berth. For 1 information apply to Local Agents, or DAVID TORRANCB 8c 00.. Gen'l Agents. 17 St. Sacrament 813.. Montreal. GONUY'S IMPED GlRRllGE iUPS BESl‘ HE HAD. Lester dear, said hirs. Giddings. anxâ€" I'm: sorry. replied Giddings, but it is Quickcure for Cracked lips, 15c., 250., SIABI’S PECULIAR ORDER. Not long back his Majesty of Siam gave an ltalian. for painting one of his wives from a photograph, "the Grand Cross of the Siamese Crown," 1t 18 a rather large order. "This cross," _ . 5 .. rcccivcdthe high- “fl - .‘ .;_. V answer-gs at the ‘ . World's sin-1893. . OONBOY'I PATENT ROLLIR TOPS have met with such universal fa. vor. that other manufacturers or. now mskln inferior imitat- one. Insist on having title you 'to marry twelve wives. It is a distinction I seldom confer, so I hope you “'1” make good use of it." Farmer Oak, setting posts for Pagl fence, is set upon by another agent with a machine to "make it yourself. just as good." etc... etc., who soon talks “1900111301 make him to sleep. He dreams he's back at as imitations are , . . never a. 800.3 M the \Vorld's l'nll‘. almost farmshedpan't the nmfino- live without a goodcup of coffee, quick. Meets stranger with machine. "You buy the green berry. anything cheap, Loan and Savings Company, roast carefully, grind in this: perfectly INCORPORATED 1855. delicious." “Oh yes. of course, you Paid-up capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 2 600, 00 ‘ ; ~ ' Assets ............................ 11,100,300 mu“ Steep. m’ an.“ mg” .und Gleam 't‘ -â€"-l'a.kes a little tune, but it's so cheap." hâ€"â€"- and onionâ€"Toronto 8t., Toronto. $100 Reward $100- Iranoh Ofiloecâ€"WInnlpog, Man. Vsnoouvor,l.o. Here the nightmare kicks the agent The readers of this paper will be pleased to DicrOsi'rs received at interest payable half _ learn that tliereis atleast one. dreaded disease yearli- , Off the [mm and brings til-VIBE? 0- 10 that science has been able to cure in all m DEBRNTURES Issued for money deposited for - . 1 ate es, and ihsitis Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure “WW 0!‘ “'0 year?» hm sensea’ and he 11 use ‘he Puge' 1' “rm int «only positive cure known to the medical MONEY ADVANCED on Real Estate at: 10" styles at from 46 to 65 cents per rod. fraternity. Catairh being a constitutional d's- rates of interest and on favorable conditions. . . . . casemeqluresla constitutional treatment. Hall's Lind MOFIEaBOB and Munlclpfil 01‘ 50mm] Send for “lustinth advertlsmg matte]? Catarrh Cure istnken lnlernfllly,actingdlrocfly Debentures purchased. upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the Information 0153' b0 Obtained from. Mid av- system, thereby destroying the foundation of Plicfltlonfi TINY be math to G. F. R. Human. General Agent Winnl es. E Cssaau J. MARANI. General Agent. '3an- ' , .V'l' __ .- '.jmi5,;frrpv,-;L't. . COMMENDABLE AMBITION. Then. you don't believe in prestige derived from ancestors? ' Not a hit; I believe in fixing things so my ancestors will derive prestige from me. ' the (Mfume, and giving the patient; strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The re rle ore have COIN“- so much faith in its curative 13%“ 2.5 211;“, they or tn Limited, offer One Hundred Dollars for on case that it J- HERBERT M550". MENBBIHB DINO!" TONI] 0. fails to cure. Head for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY 85 00., Toledo. 0. Sold by Drugglsts. 760. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. .â€"â€"-i‘-' . MONEY \VELL INVESII‘ED. Doesn't Jimper bore you to death! {He never comes near me since I lent him $2. Cheap enough. WALKERVILLE, ONT. z .‘/r "’27:; :I. l ” c‘:_‘/.ci"'lc£’.‘Tr7- iii: .. v Quickcure for Cold Sores, 15c., 25c., Edward Evans, jr., was recently un- animously re-elected president of the Liverpool Liberal Federal Council. H P C 920 . ,,r f . 91!“- 800 are his!" Hi In Hamilton. War 1000 in Toronto and London. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS HASH. I” WORN “mun am nu. Write for catalogue. WALTER DEAN, - 1781, Queen at. W. Toronto. YOUNG LABIES llfil’l‘y’Ihilfii‘Rl'di’hllz . s is; ‘lil‘ilfi°é“1.’.3‘lni‘io'&§‘f - 8° {,lll.,IT0rOll)b0. Ont. f 0 Id, . . iHERALS TESTED xi... ,2, ,,?§,",_ MILTON L. IIERSEY. B. A. 8a.. 16 8s. Sacrament Btu. Montreal. Que. “AR AND ssrarss bonghg, said & exchanged. Terms mailed rec. . H. M. SIMPSON. Real Estate and lnanoial Agent, Montreal, Que. {r '. ‘Ic‘fjlziu'x: 7/r~ 4." .J_{; .. : I. l‘. ‘ a... ...'_ -m...“ PRODUOBR” M p. Bottle from Dracula“. or on receipt of price to Mlllo, In“. A Hot LAW ‘ to as e , c mend 8th.. orcnto. Italian and Hybrids-best ueen Wax B All Bee Suppl esâ€"bcst qua ty wanhd eed Patent Process Foundation. mi” 00014]. angle: a flIlr (‘0. , Limited. nutto . Can. - _____'_â€" .._â€"â€" a»; ..wmsir. Diurnal; ~(.ii \\ N". J. Loon-s luau, 6 Mo \I/IIluIiE ram: lmmuo siiip voun PRODUGE, Butter, Eggs. Apples. Frult. ac” to THE DAWSON OOMMISSION 00., Limited, Oar. ct Nut Market and Dolbomc 81m. TORDHTQ WANTED THROUGHOUT (.‘nnada. Quick selling lines. 50. This Is - BONA PIDB offer made to Introduce our Vegetable Ind Flower Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds given I! a present. At these prices we can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order by number. Buy what you want. They are sent by mail post paid. Select from the following li-ti VEGETABLES. gator volumiaaly gun‘sGAJd . nion. or o r of. 0r (0rd" b, Numb.” 18. Union, Ycfiow Globe Danvcn I. But. Eclipse, round 19. I’arsnip, Hollow Crown 1 Best. By (inn. fist round 8am le.termnand catalo ue stamps. MANUFAOT RERB' AGINOY A380 IA- TION, 20 Aloxlc at, Montreal. 20. ltudlnh, French Breakfast 3 Cabbage, 'iuumgitsdt OI. Radish. Ros] Gem 4. Clbblgo, Fottlcr's Brunswick 22. Hmmh. Hubbard s 5 Carrot, half Ion , scarlet 23. Tomato, gm. only Atlantic 6. Carrot, Guerun a scarlet It. Tomato. WHY Chtmblhl 7. Cucumber, Chic 0 Pickling p ow 5. Yo u r. B 8. Cucnmbcr Lon ram L ER 9. Celery. Golden elf-Blauohlng 35. Aston, mind ‘ 10. Hubs, Sage 2ft Minoan». "on ea c ll. Herbs. Savory 27. Pansy. mixed I ' l2. Herbs, Marlena: '8. l’cmnis round 29. Nulurtlums. tall mixed 1: Lettuce. Nonparcll (Cabbage H. Lettuce Denver Market (gr 0d) 30. Event You, Pine mixed lb. lurk K010i). our: only, stun ll. Wild Blower. Gard-n nixed ORDER Providing this Coupon is OUT OUT and sent to u with an order for 12 pfichmo will lncludslpochot or t - unsume r ’00. 9'33. loo 0! Chan 0 1‘0 330313138 0? TH PAPIB. 25-31 Vlllllsm on, Toronto. Phone 1119. R o o I: | N n and sheet Metal Works. BOOF&§(V SLATE. in Black. Rodor Orton. SLATE BLAC OARDH (We supply Public and High 8 hoolgI‘oronlol Roofing foil, P tell, Coal Tu, m. ROOM. 6 THEE“ Nov'oity Bulld- lnn. Toronto. done by our firm). om Oeilln Cor also. eta lull-ute- furnished for work couple a or for “crisis chip to may but of the country. Phone “38 5‘. .UflfllA out, An. delirium" stcwforonto. WITH EVERY Wu will NOT ACCEW AN ORDER It thus prlcu when the pocko are NOT selected from the above list. Address all orders to No. I (knot. Half Long Duran. WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. Don't sand Postage Stamp 25, 4o, 50 and 60:. ...~AMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ A_A_AAAAA -mAun

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