Scans LUST GULUNIES. CRUELTY. GREED AND TYRANNY CAUSE HER DECLINE. Pertinent Historical Facts-The Peoplt 0th pressed for the Benefit; of’rltled Drones â€"-Spanlsh-Anicrlcnn Revolutions, Etc. Toward the end of the sixteenth cen- tury Spain was without question the greatest power in the world. She pivn- bd all that she now possesses. in adâ€" dition to Portugal. the kingdoms of Na- ples and of Sicily, In. the Netherlands and the whole of the two Americas south of the thir- tyâ€"fourth parallel. a dominion to which neither Great Britain nor Russia. 1101' yet the United States can be compar- Id in respect of potential wealth-yield- ing power. This empire, too. rested on strong foundations. It lasted in Na« plea for 200 years. The people of the Low Countries threw it. off only by. an effort, that was like a martyrdom, wh'le the Spanish ascendancy in America was so deeply rooted that even now the creed, the language and the civiliza- tion of every land that belonged to Spain remains essentially Spanish. Toâ€"day Spain is one of the most weak and fallen kingdoms on the face of the globe. Only part of the Iber- ian Peninsula remains in her posses- sion. Her population has dwindled to 17,000,000. She is threatened with the 1088 to the United States of her only t-W0 remaining colonies, the Antilles and the Philippines. Her treasury is practically bankrupt. her army disor- ganized, and in fact she has sunk to the level of a fourth-rate power. She BhOWS that she is one of those nations. Whil'h- to use the words of Lord Sal- l'Sbury. "have exhausted their vital- 1W and are doomed to decay.†I What the cause of this decay can be is a subject for much speculation and discussion, neither of which. howâ€" BVCR‘. has as yet furnished any sat- iBfactory response to the problem. Theirs are some who ascribe it to the exDulsion of the Jews. but Spain reach- ed the culminating point of her pow- BII‘ almost two centuries after the He- blrews had been driven out of the kiIlgdom. There are yet others who inâ€" Iist that the valotr and the manhood 9’: the Spaniard has decreased, but am- Ple evidence to the contrary has been furnished even since the beginning of the present war. while the first Na.- oleon was wont to declare that he (i never met in all his wars more daring and reckless foes than the Span- lsh guerillas. CUPIDITY' OVERHEACHED ITSELF. In fact, there is no explanation that can be furnished for the astounding decline of Spain unless it; be that the inevitable advance of progress and en- lightenment. even in Spanish countries has gradually awakened masses to the injustice of their being oppressed and ground down for the beneth of the classes. and to the iniquity .of extort- Lng from the people the fruit of their labor for the benefit of favored and generally tilted drones. Spain..1t must be confessed. has from time immem- orial treated her roreign possessions as niilch cows. to be drained of their last drop of milk for the sole. advantage of those in power at Madrid, and has not; even practiced that piece of ele- mentary domestic economy, which con- sists in leaving something to the pro- ducer to serve as a kind of nestcgg. She forgot. in fact, the principle iii- culcated by the Bible when it forbade the muzzling of the ox that thrasbcs the corn. Creed and cruelty are indeed the chief causes of Spain’s decay asa great Colonial empire. Her dependencies. “lil- tramar." that is to say, beyond the. sea, besides being fleeced by the hind- rid Government have been robbed With- out scruple by the. royal officials and administrators. all of whom have been Spaniards appointed by the sovereign. Spanish America. which comprised in the early part of this century, the whole of South America. with ex- Ception of Brasil. the entire region of Central America. including Mexicoand more than a third of what is now the United States was divided into four vicc royalties. bearing the names of Mexico, Peru. Buenos Ayrcs and New Grenada, and inlo tlircc captain gen- eralships. Chili. Caracas and Guate- mala. ‘l‘hcse viccroys and Captain Gen- erals \\'I‘I‘(‘ accountable only to the monarch of Spain. and exercised the most. autocratic. and despotic their word being law in all legislative. judicial and military affairs. 'l‘hc_ir terms of office were from four to Six years, and they invariably returned to Spain with colossal fortunes amassed by nefarious means. i DESl‘O'i‘lSM Ill-2L1) SXVAY. 'l‘hc tyranny with which Spain ruled hcr Aiiicricaii colonies~ is almost incred- iblc. There was a strict censorship of literature. No books could be import- cd of “hich the ecclesiastics disap- proved. At the beginning of the re.- voliilion in 1910 Peru and Chili posscss- ed bctwcen them only one printing press. Intercourse with nlhi‘l‘ coun- tries was as far as possiblc preventâ€" ed. The King of Spain reserved to himself tbs right of granting or refus- ing passports to such of his subjects is desired to visit the colonies. and no :olonist \ms allowed to visit Europe or even a neighboring colony without thc special permission of the Captain General of the province in which he lived. Shipiiiastcrs. olhir than Spaniards. who attempted to enter the harbor of any Spanish colony. as alsii merchants who traded “ilhout official permission. were punished with death. To increase sway. : ihis revenue the King sold to the so- called Philippine Company. an associ- ation of Spanish merchants trading in America. as well as in the far Orient. the sole right of importing and ex. porting to and from his colonies evâ€" ery description of merchandise. and of fixing the. prices at which it might. be sold. Death was the. penalty of trading without this company‘s lic- ense. 'l‘he colonists .were compelled to sell their produce at prices fixed by the company. whose net profits were at the rate of 300 per cent. The company was also allowed to maintain a fleet. of armed vessels known as Guarda Costas. to prevent the duckies of 3111- trading and intercourse with any ship or individual unfurnished with the company’s license. In this hemisphere would be beyond lie- lief were it. not for the fact that. it survived until a few months ago in the Philippine Islands in all its mediâ€" iaeval horror. SPAIN DRIVEN OFF THIS CONTIN- ENT. : The success of the States of the North American republic encouraged the sorely tried inhabitants of Span- ishâ€"America to take advantage of the difficulties in which Spain became in- volved with France and England in the first decade of this century. and to begin wars of independence on their own account. and inasmuch as the con- ditions of affairs at Madrid at the time precluded the dispatch of reâ€"enforce- ments to the. various viceroys and Capâ€" tain Generals, the rebellious attained such proportions by the time peace had been restored in the mother country. and troops were sent across the At-, lantic to the \Vestern hemisphere. that it was then too late. But the Spaniards. despite the odds against them, made a stubborn fight. just as they have been doing in Cuba; and although the war of independence began in Venezuela in 1810. it last- ed without interruption. until 1824. when Spain surrendered her last pos- sessions on the American continent. It was a war characterized by the sav~ agery and frightful cruelty which the Carlist conflicts, and in more recent times the struggle in the Antilles. have demonstrated to be inseparable from Spanish methods of conducting warfare. The royal troops showed the insurgents no mercy. According to Spanish official records they executed 80.000 persons, many of whom were put; to death with every refinement of cruelty, while the. histories of the La- tin republics of this continent show that there were at; least a quarter of a million victims thus executed, exclu- sive of the untold thousands killed In cold blood by the royal troops, who destroyed every village [and town through which they passed if the in- habitants were suspected of sympath- izing with the revolution. Gen. Morillo. who commanded the. Spanish forces in Venezuela. Ecuador and New Grenada, seems to have serv- ed as an example to Gen. “7831,â€- For in his official despatch describing the measures which he adopted on enter- ing the. City of Santa Fe de Bogota. he writes: "Every person of either sex who was capable of reading or writing “'35; Put to death. By this cutting off all; who were inany way educated. Ihopei effectually to check the spirit of thei revolution.†. _ . 1 All who had held official positions In the local administration, all who were} connected with the insurgents or dis-i tinguished for their talents or attain- ments, were thrown into prison and: there kept until the day appointedfor! their execution. when they were. eith-- er hanged or shot, husbands being put to death in the presence of their Wives... and children in the presence of their: parents. These terrible acts of cruelty, fari from intimidating the rebellious colâ€"I onies. merely served to exasperate them. more bitterly against Spanish domin-'y ion and to determine them that; death in any form was preferable to acon-l tinuancc of the atrocious tyranny to which they had been subjected. More-E ever. they were encouraged by the' Sympathy which their struggles excit- ed both in the United States. and in England, sympathy which showed it- self in the form of supplies. and of volunteers. Large contingents of North Americans and of Britons were to be found fighting side. by side with the rebels in almost. every notable eilgaIIO-, merit. and in the great battle of Aya- cucho. in December. 1824, which prov- 011 the death blow to Spanish rule in Chili and Peru. it. was an Englishman. Gen. Miller. who commanded the. cavâ€" alry of the patriot army, while on Am- erican. Col. O‘Connor. was chief of staff. 5 One might have thought that the les- son thus taught at. so heavy a cost would have been taken to heart. by Spain. and that sh-x would have. order- ed hcr administration of her romain- im: colonial possessions. the Antilles and thc Philippines in such a way as to win the good will and the. affection of the population. Such. however. was not the case Spain pursued in Cuba‘ and in the far Orient. the same policy that had resulted in the loss of all her immense dependencies on the Am-E erican mainland. T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Take Lax-live Bromo Qiiinine Tablets. All Drug- glato refund the money if it fail: to (hire. 2%. \VAN’I‘ED REVENGE. Suburbsâ€"I'd like to own a steam yacht and take a six-months' cruise‘ around the Atlantic. ' llowseâ€"Any particular object in View? Suburbsâ€"ch: l'd like to show the' cook that she couldn't leave us when-‘ ever she pleased ! i { l HaVe fact. the opâ€" pression and depotism with which Spain administered her colonial possessionsm No Stomach Said a jolly man of 40, of almost al- dcrmanic rotundity. "since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." “'hat he meant was that this grand digestive tonic had so completely cured all distress and disagreeable dyspeptic symptoms that he lived, ate and slept in comfort. You may be put into this delightful condi- tion if you will take Hood’s Sarsaparllla. Canada’s Greatest Medicine. PURELY PERSONAL. u The pope made eight hogsheads of wine last year from the vineyard in the Vatician gardens. A small part of the wine is reserved for his own use. another portion is sent to the churches to be uSed at mass, and the rest is sold. Mr. Gladstone at the time of his death was a member of the Royal Aca- ‘lemy. holding the sinecure office of Professor of Ancient History. Other honorary members of the Academy who are not artists are Mr. Leck)’. who lS secretary for Foreign Correspondence: Bishop Creighton of London. Professor of Ancient Literature, and Mr. Francis C. Penrose. antiquary. Charles Kean the younger's books and mementoes are to be sold soon in London. Among them are the folio Shakespeare presented by the Duke of Devonshire to Edmund Kean, a mul- berry tree at Stratfordâ€"on-Avon once owned by Garrick, and the scales. “'elg‘hts. knife. and parchment bond used by Edmund and Charles Kean when acting the part. of Shylock. Kaiser ’Wilhelm draws the line at Jews. A Magdeburg Hebrew. proud of his seventh boy. asked permission to call the child \Villiam and to-have the Emperor’s name entered on the re- gister as godfather. He received in reply from the Government "the decis- ion that the entry of his All Highness's name as godfather in the registry of names of children of the Mosaic faith is not permissible." Africa seems to work on Prince Hen- ry of Orleans’s temper. In his last ex~ pedition he quarrelled .-with M. Bon- valot. his companion, returning to in- sult the Italian army. which led to his duel with the Count of Turin. The expedition into Abyssinia, which he has Just entered upon with the Russian Leontieff. has already split. up into two parties. as the Prince and M. Leontieffl could not agree from the start. Many years ago the daughter of an artist who was painting the queen was discovered to be so exactly of the same stature as her majesty that she sat to her father for the queen’s figure, there- by relievmg her majesty of many tedi- ous hours. This lady, whose name is Miss Blanche Sully. now lives in Amâ€" erica. to which country she went back: loaded with exquisite presents from her majesty. Lord \Volseley is almost as devoted to the pen as the sword. and if he had Incl. been fated to be a field marshal he would beyond question have been a man of letters. only commence when a pile of MS. testifies to his industry with the. pen. FOr some time past. he has employed a number of copyists in making extracts for him in the archives of Venice. Kaiser 'Wilhelm carries with him a small but serviceable revolver either in his pocket or in his belt when in uniform. The threats of the anar- chists have caused him to have recourse to this measure of security. His ma,- Jcsty is extremely skillful in the use of the weapon. and the chasseur who aceompames him everywhere has had orders to inspect it every morning in Order to unite sure that. it is in working order. Few people know how Bismarck and his ancestors got their name. Bis- marck is the name of one of those an- cient castles a short distance from Stcndal, Oil the road from Cologne to Berlin. in_ the center of the old Marqu- lSflli‘Of Brandenburg. The castle had this name because it defended the "lhii‘ca," or the line where the River Bise formed a boundary in former firms. or mark of defense against in- rndcrs. Hence the name of Bis- marck. _â€"â€"_â€"-..â€"â€"_â€" For the Babies It is not necessary to buy corn cures. Men and women should remember that Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor is thc only safe. sure and painless corn remover extant. It does its work quickly and with certainty. See that the signature N. C. Poison & (‘0. ap- pears on each bottle. Beware of pois- onous imitations. A SURE SHOT. I hardly think. said the. lawyer, that) you can get .1 separation from your Iwife on account of her making a prac< tico. of throwing“ things at the dog. But. Great Caesar. mister. said the man with the haggard look and the black eye. every time she throws at the dog she hits me. The N ame_____ Guarantees Satisfaction. LUDELLA Ceylon Tea is pureâ€"and always the same. Lead packages. 25, 40. 50 andï¬oc. I He rises early in the ‘2 ‘ morning to write, and his official duties _ I FRUITS OF EXPERIENCE. Here's a. good article on the Art of Making ti Mustard Plaster. Pooh! There's no art in making a mustard plaster: the art is in getting it. put on your husband after you have made it. ELATION SHOL’LD BE SUPPRESSED. Young Doctorâ€"I’m doing very well. I was called up three nights last: week. Old Doctorâ€"That's good! I hope you never forget. to appear annoyed on such occasions 3 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and. completely dcrange the whole sys- tem when entering it through the mucous sur- fer-es. Such articles should never be used ox- ccpt on prescriptions from reputable ph aio~ lane, as the damage they will do is ten f0 d to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catnrrh Cure. nianufaoturrd by F. J. Cheney & 00.. Toledo.0.. contains no mu-cu ry and is taken lntemally.actlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It In taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Cheney a Cu. Testi- monials free. Sold by Di iieglsta. p : lee 750. per bottle. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. DRIVEN TO IT. First Catâ€"You have quite a reputa- tion as a scratcher. Second Catâ€"I only scratch in self- defense. You don't know the kid we have at our house. W P C 927 LAW Barristers. etc.,l'emoved to Wesley Bldgs., Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. MSSIVIPSON R l E t d res. . . i . es sta e In lnanoial Agent. Montreal. Que. Mills & Hales, AND ESTATES bought. sold 8: exchanged. Tel-ma mailed TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special inducements to young men desirous of takin u Cutting. Full particular: on appli- cations. p ii3 YONOE 5T.. TORONTO. PAINT 30 CHEAP will: itb‘l':§‘..%“..°t‘i buildingsâ€"Used 22 years. With a good sprayer you can nforumtiou about painting. The Finch Wood Prclcrvn- tive k Paint. Company, 870 Queen Went. Toronto. Have you written upon ENTRANCE OR LEAVING Examinations this your? . If so send name. address. school. teacher, and which ex- uniination,to can-mm. BUSINESS COLLEGE, YONGE & GEltllARD STS.. TORONTO, and receive particulars about free scholarships for siiccusful candl- Fall term opens Sept. 5th. Address, am“- w. H. SHAW, Principal. Ouickcure For Cuts, Burns, Scalds, “Tounds, Bods. Tinnitus. l ‘ stltution in Canada for the cure a! evxieryy‘plhase of speech defect. Established ,1890. Cure unrantecd. in Toronto NSTITUTE' ‘ UTO-VOOE CHURCH'B A _ “amid†9 Pembroke St., Toronto, I, THE rmuncih ‘- ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. ' 3 EM put up and taken down. can ii be c enned, nested. and put away in ., - - ~ a small space. Ask your dealers for ,'. ‘5 , them. Manufactured by of ‘. G. B. BARCLAY, .- i 168 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. ‘ l and Sheet Metal Works. R 0 o F I N G ROOFINL SLATE. in Black. Red or Gresn. SLATE BLACKBOARDB (We supply Public and High Schools, Toronto). Rooï¬ng Felt, Pitch, Coal Tar. etc. ROOFING TILE (Bee NewOlty Build- lnss. Toronto. done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Oor- pioumto. Estimate: furnished for work complete or for uterials shipped to anv art of the country. Phone 1936 . DUTHII a sous, Ado alde &WIdmer 813.,Toronto. SHIP YOUR“ Fruit, Butter, £133-, And other Produce to The DAWSON COMMISSION 90., Limited. PAID UP OAPITAL. 830,000. Cor.Wost Market as Colborne St" Toronto. Rubber Stumps and Shipping Cards sup plied. Correspondenoolnvlted. 5.1. may ' : Valletbhé’Cr'Z-VE‘! War 300 or. in! “or 1000 In Toronto and paint. a barn in half a day. Write us for circulars and TO GET THE BEST You must as) lot and see 011th MON SOON lNDOâ€"CEYLOX TEA for solo by all grocers In load packets only. 3'5 saute-near. pupound. ~.-‘ . ..â€".. _.._. nWiioi) .\ I’Htllt‘li “4'- \‘l‘life ‘ ;‘3I.IJONINI-Mdl‘: rive-loï¬lï¬tiloioiu iocimii Dominion Line Steamshlps. neutral Ind ueboo to Liverpool In unmet. w and fut twin guru! steamship. 'IAb or“ ' no couver.’ 'Domlnlon ' ‘Sootunu.’ ‘ orb-bl": Sn crlor accommodation lor Pint Cabin, Soo- on Cabin and Steel-ago passengers. Reta 0‘ sun eâ€"ll‘iret Cabin. 62.50: ocond Oublu $4; gteer 41323.50 an u‘pwardu according id steamer an berth. For llnformntiou a 1: to Local Agen Gen'l Agents. 11 For Sale... Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch smug, six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter- shafl complete. good as new, VERY CHEAP. Apply. The WILSON PUBLISHING 00., LIMITID. 13 to in Adalsldo 8!. W.. Toronto. L. COFFEE & co’T" or DAVID Tonnaon a: b. Sacrament St... Montreal. Establishde lg} _ GRAIN AND coumsswu MERCHANTS, Rooms 400-12 Board of Trade Bulldlng, TORONTO. ONT. Tsonus Fuss. J om; L. Conn illiiiiiis LEAD nuvs coppan 3an9 “Ass Wholesale only: William st., Toronto. Long Distance Telephone 1729. Tnnnsnsns ENGINE I CAS’I‘OR MACHINE I cruNnnn ENGINE PACKING and THRESIIERS’ BELTS. Get our prices. we want your trade. WILLIAM C. WILSON & C0., LIMITED, STEAMBOAT, RAILROAD and MILL SUPPLIES, 24 Front St. East. - - - TORONTO. A Handsome-Gold Ring Set With Genuine Gar-nets and Pearle I FREE I ‘ V You pa nothing. slin- plg sen your Name and ' A dress 18. nly wrlttcn. . nndkwe 'l‘l‘aeud youzi’o pnc ages - » ' ~ (scouted SBIIGIU cloth| a new discovery which fur sur asses any other perfumcrlca for the lasting iia idea of Its sweet and fragrant odor. to sel for us (If on can) amon friends at 100. per pucka lien sold remt us the mono . and we wil Bend gnu free for your troub o the above de- scribe rlng, which Is stamped and warrant- ed Gold, set with genuine Gal-nets and Pearl â€"â€"Send address at once. mentlon this Paper and and we I I v '5‘} y.- Y I 3.31%.??? was; “Sentlill r ulreg. We take all risk. Goods returnable. an - some premiums In proportion to amount sold. Benolo Agency. 84 McOnul 80., Toronto. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. m Steamers sail from Montreal ovary Thur-ads morning on urrlvnl of trains from Toronto an the “'01â€; about. 9 o'clock. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin 352.50 and upwards: Second Cnblii $34 and and 836.25: Stoorago to LIVOI'pOOI London. Glasgow, Belfast. Londondorry or Queensmwn $22.50 and $23.50. Arcductlon of five percent. is allowed on round trip first. and second cabin tickets. For sailings of steamers or other Information apply to any authorized agent. 3. Bani-liar, 1 King St. W. Toronto. or E. & A Allan. Montreal. «mam -4.a-'--.-. I). Iâ€! In Hamilton. London. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS mun. rmmmowmm p... .â€". .â€"... I I . AIR Pnonuon" “nutkmmMItu magnum“