2..- ...4'. 't.» i l ,. m; .‘... i .3 A i 't {s . 2 r it p e a...†. U a...†a- ~Mwhwmm- ..a- < 3,...†’1? Va- " -’ ."‘.11~"‘ .9. - 3‘1 cow? '5‘ BARGAIN" - PEEL-ICES... Ladies" Black Cotton Hose, 5, 8, 10 and 150. a pair. 'l’lw balance of our stock of Shirt. \Vaists at cost. values at ill, '50, GO and 7 :30. Some of these were 31 and each. ' .\ l'cw ends of Fancy Dress Goods, one dress in each, that were 34 and each, for $2.50 and $3.50 each. Men's Summer Underwear at 50c. asuit. Hood Pins only 1 cent a paper. ‘ lixora wide Shaker Flannel for J(and 5c. a yard. Ladies Vests, beginning at Sc. each, all prices to J£00. each. Preserving season. is on now and you can buy Fruit Jars cheaper here than any place in town. P h . Still another shipment. of Free Silverware Just received to- day. Bring in your tickets. ' l THE RED- STORE: i HAVE JUST‘RECEIVED A N’EVV STOCK OF Englislrs Harvest Cradles. ()an a limited number. Those requiring one should get. one at once. Church’s Potato Bug Killer,- English Paris Green, Grass Scythes from best makers, Forks, Hoes, etc, ll’lrite Lead, Paint, Oil, and Mixed Paints, Best brands of Machine Oil, AT ROCK BOTTOM. PRICES. dflSEFH HEARD... Fancy Dress Goods in the latest designs. Blouses in- the newest styles. Millinory in styles and prices to suit. New Spring Capes. Lace Goods and Trimmings---a very large assortment. Inspect-ion invited. war. oemssnnr. y a bargain day. , â€"â€"__â€",nâ€",\....â€", ‘-.1 . . No nccd‘lor \“.'.l't;2.:; til. 4 ‘ barium day to buy them at a fanâ€" pact: it you wear “t‘inlvr Siliv'BS.†--.- . _ Ala-ave seine priccmproportion of. 10 » I; - Buy Shoes when you need their); 2' .i . l FARMERS WANTth Ensilage Outta are With Roller Bearings, Root Gutters and: Splendid Pull-Pars†With Roller Bearings, . Flows, _ Gang Flows and: Harrows, ~ » would do well to call at‘ Thos. Robson’s, Eenelon Falls, as he has a. large assortment to choose- from at low prices. Highest Price for Scrap Iron, Brass andCopper. h Fridav, July 29th, 1898. The War. Probably Ended. It is said that Overtures for peace have been made by the Spanish Govern- ment to the Government of’ the United- States, and that the war is practically at an end .; but considerable time is likely to elapse before affairs will be as they were before the outbreak of hostilities. The London (Eng) Saturday Review predicts a war of extermination between the Cubans and 'the Americans on the island, and the momentous question as to the possession: of the Phillippines -is to be settled. The European Powers are said to have agreed that Spain shall retain them, but Great Britain is not a party to the agreement. â€" Stop the Bohuses.a The following remarks on municipal bonuses are from-the Toronto Star, and express our sentiments on the subject as well as we could do it, no matter how hard we tried : “ Hardly a day passes but the papers contain a-statemcnt to the effect that some manufacturing concern in some town of the Province'is holding up the municipality for a bonus. That means that there is a breed of Ontario manu- facturers who are forever trying to coax the municipalities to support them in business. In many cases the amount of the demand is just about equal to the amount that. the proprietors of the concern would deem a decent income, That is to say, those people hope -to live, not on the output of their own enterprise and energy, but, in point of fact, upon public charity. And it is one of their favorite practices to play off one town against another. If they are located in the village of A. they will scare the villagers with the story that the town of B. will give them a big bonus. Then the people of A. hustle around and give them a bigger bonus than the one named. If they really wish to move their works to the town of B. they will tell the authorities of B. how big a thing their factory is, how many men it'cmploys, and how much additional prosperity it would mean to the town in which it was located. The practice has become an intolerable nui- sance. It should be regulated, if not entirely prohibited, by law. The T0- ronto members of the Legislature have been for some time advocating the enactment of legislation to forbid the granting of such bonuses by municipal ities. But the movement lor relief has been opposed by the rural legislators pretty generally. In the meantime the ' evil has become more and more preva- lent, and municipalities in all parts of the Province are beginning to groan l under the scheme of terrorism and ex- ' action to which the manufacturers are submitting them. A little more of it leather, \‘.‘t’xvi~;l_'lalltslflp and proï¬t. uni- : all I and the rural members of the Legisla- I »! form year in. year out. No ; t‘alltiilnis to payâ€"no cut rices to wait lot, only steady, mpent 2 l: money's worth . straight and obey-aboard, guaranteed by the makers. Goodyear waited. Name and price, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.001tc1' pair stamped on sole. “The Slater Shoe.†L L. Arnold, Solo Agent for Fenolon Falls. turc will join the city members in their ! crusade against the practice. Then the bonus-hunters will find their greed cll'octuttlly oppnsul. In point of public expediency the legislation cannot come too soon.†Not Killed. , In the Gazette of the 10th inst. we noticed the receipt by Mrs. C. Curtis of a “ Soldiers' Mcmorial," containing the names of thc ofï¬cers and men of the Second Division of Company A, Wis- consin Volunteers, to which her two brothers, Alexander and Joseph Hume, belong. Since then it has been stated in two or three papers that the young men were killed at Santiago; but that such was not the case, and that our~ opinion that the “ memorial "' was sim- ply intcndcd as a souvenir of the Divi- sion, is proved by the following extract from a letter received by Mrs. Curtis on Thursday of last week from one of her sisters at Green Bay, Wisconsin . r “ You are foolish to scare yourself in this way. The boys are all right. They are both in Charleston, S. C. They are having a better time than any of us, and I really envy them. They have not gone to Cuba, and I doubt if they ever get there, as they are waiting to hear the' outcome of the surrender of Santiago. You know Spain is not in it at all,and the war is about over. If we have another battle things will be settled for sure, but I think we will not have anymore, as they‘rcalize fully that the U.'S. is all it claims to be. Now, please don’t worry any more. for you will be informed as definitely as we are if anv- thing happens. The paper you got must have been a souvenir of the camp, with the name of the company to which the boys; belong." ‘ Mrs. Curtis has since learned that on the day the above letter was written I (the 17th) her brothers sailed lrom Charleston to Porto Rico, where part of the expedition landed on Wednesday , last. l School-‘Examinatimis. . FENELON FALLS. PUBLIC scuoor. LnArixo. Abbot Bellw- Fcuelon Falls Armstrong Clara L. Norland Anderson Harry Cameron Burgess Stella Fenelon Falls Gould Alvin . “ Erwin Lily » Cambray Knox Percy Fenclon Falls Mark Mary Cameron McKendry Archie Murchison John . Nie Annie ~ Riches Nellie Suddaby Maggie Wilson Violet . Welsh John r Wagstafl‘ Willena ~ ENTRANCE. Fenclon Falls: 9 Fenclon Fenclon Falls Cnurbray' S Somerville Fenelon Falls Fenclon Falls 7 Fenelon Austin Lillie Fcnelon Falls Bagshaw Geo. B. Isluy Curt-ins Mabel “ Campbell James Fonclon Falls Dickson Dora “ Dodd Minnie 8 Somervillc Everson Ida 1:; Fcnclou Holland Ralph Coboconk Hamm Lillie ‘ “ Junkin Emma Fenclon Falls London Geo. T.' Cambray McLean Alexander ~ Norlnnd McFarland Mattie Fcnclon Falls Maybce Ethel Cameron Nevison Hilda Fenclon Falls ‘ Reading Lawrence Norlnnd Richmond Tcslcy Cobcconk Rogers Hanna Cn'inbray Shingler Wesley: Coboconk Thomas Arthur Camhray Wilson Lillian Fenclon Falls KIRKFIELD. PUELXC solzooL LEAVING. Boyntou Frank Currie Midge McFarland Flossie “' Wheeler James ’-’ Gillespie John I 3 Eldon McKee Charles “ McGirr Alice Morrison Minn. Kirklicld (I Bolsovcr 4 Eldon McEachcrn Malcolm I. 2 Eldon surmxcn.‘ Beccroft Archie Lornevillc Campbell Katie Kirklicld Campbell Bella - Hartley Day Millie 3 Cordon Day Minnie 4 Garden Gourd Eve McKenzie Wm. Kirkï¬cld H McKenzie James McKenzie John “ McDonald John Manning Isaac Hartley Marshall John Victoria. [toad McArthur Ethel Kirkï¬eld McDonald Robert E. Parrington George Perry John Reid Bessie 10 Fcnclon Kirklicld Lornevillc OAKWOOD. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. Eukins Carrie 17 )lariposa Euglcsonililu " Forrest Kate Graham Felicia Mark Minnie 8 Mariposa McCrimmon Hattie l‘J Muriposa Perrin Fred. ‘- Weldou Arthur 6 Mariposn Honey Edwin o 17 )luriposa ENTRANCE. 12 Mariposn 7 Mnriposa Graham Ida. McEnchrcn Bella I’crrin Nettie Ross Mary E. Wells Maria 16 .‘l-iriposa l Hicks \lark 1‘: .llnriposu ' Workman Fred “ l Ronnie Charles ~- M l 17 )lnriposc U. 2 Eldon l 12 .‘llnriposu ‘ 5 .‘lariposa Personals. .‘vIr. Wm.J. Head of Bobcaygcou was i at the Falls last \Vcdncsday. Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P. for; East Victoria, was at the Pulls on Wednesday. Miss Carrie Lockhatt of Toronto is5 at the Falls visiting her sister, Mrs.l W. [1. Welsh. Mr. Robert McKcown of Garden Hill is visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Mc- Kcown, and will remain for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Pearce of Mo- nilln, and two of their children. wore 3:.- tho~ Fells from Saturday evening until Tuesday. Mr. J. Salter of‘Toronto. Inspector for the London, LiverpOul & Globe Fll‘t’ Insurance Co, was at the Falls on \l’ednesday. Miss Hayes and Miss Florence Hayes, ' of the Carrying Place, below 'l‘reutou. are at the Falls. visiting.r their aunt. Mrs. Nic. and will rcumiu for two or three weeks. Mr. Joseph Smith, of New York city (formerly of Port Hope) and Mr. 'lli» ward Bercsford of Syracuse, N. T.,. were at the Falls last Thursday on their way to Big Island, where they remained » until Monday morning, and then let; for home. "I Fenclon Council Proceedings. A special meeting of the council was held at Cambray on July 12th, 1898. pursuant to a coil of the rccrc; all the l members present. Minutes of the las'. meeting were read and adopted on mo- tion of Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr l’crduc. Mr. l‘lauleson made his report of lllt) special audit ; and it was move-i by Mr. I’m-kin, seconded by Mr, Wuh- stcr. that the audit as read by Mr. I'll glcson, from the year 1891' to the pre~~ cut date. he now adopted, and that it be. printed in the ll'ulc/imumâ€"Carried. ' Moved by Mr. Pilrkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the bonds of the late treasurer he now given up. and (hill. ‘ he be rclcascd from any claims by this ’ mnnicipality.â€"-Carricd.- Moved by Mr. Purkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That on account of Mr. Lytlc being appointed manager of the ' Lindsay branch of the Ontario bank, and having resigned tho oflioc of clerk . and treasurer for-this township, thr thanks of this council be now tendered him for the courteous and efï¬cient mun- ncr in which'hc has discharged all the duties pertaining to those chines, and that the clerk be instructed to send 1‘. copy of this resolution to Mr. Lytlo. This motion was carried unanimously. by a standing vote of the council. Moved by Mr. Perkin, seconded by Mr. McGee, That Mr. M. Maybcc rc- ccivc all books and money bolongiug to the lrcasurcr's oflicc. on his furnishing a bond properly executed and taking the usual declaration of oflicc buforc ' the rccvc.â€"â€"â€"Czu'ricd. A communication from Messrs. Mc- chyn &. Anderson rc‘Sturgcon Point ’ road trouble was read; and it was mov- cd by Mr. Pcrduc, seconded by Mr. Webstcr,>that-no action bc'takcn in tho ‘ muttonâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Parkin, seconded by ' Mr. Webster, That Mr. 1". C. Taylor be appointed ovcrsccr of Sturgeon Point. * village road,â€instcad of Mr. Robert Nu gout, and that n by-law be introduced, repealing that part of by-law No. filG that-appointed Mr. Nugcut,vcoulirming Mr. Taylor’s appointment, and extend ing boundary of said heat along road opened by'Mr. Graham, including lots - 10, 11 and 12 ofcon. ll.â€"â€"Carricd. The above by-law was introduced, read and passed in the usual manner, Mr. McGee in the chair. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by - Mr. Pct‘duc, That on account of Mrs. Wells being unable to work, owing to her hands being poisoned, this council grant her Sixâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Pal-kin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That Mr. John McNabb be notiï¬ed to not ask Mrs. John Mark to have her road work done, and that she be not charged for tho sumoâ€"Cd Moved by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. McGee, That the taxes, amounting to $12 23, against the enst‘purt ol' weszr half and west part of cast half of lot 1, con. 4, be rctumcd to county treasurer. and that the treasurer receive abate,- mcnt from incoming treasurer for same. â€"Cnrricd. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. .‘lc (ice, That the council pay Ml". Alexander Cowicsou the sum of $3 fur statute labor done by him and paid Mr. C. B. 'l‘uylor.â€"â€"â€"Curricd. Moved by Mr. l’crdue, seconded by Mr. McGee, That Mr. David Hurley be paid the sum of $6 for culvert built on :Ops boundary, as per motion of this council on March Bibâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. l'arkiu, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the were and treasâ€" urt-r borrow from the Ontario bank at Lindsay the sum of still“, until taxes are collected, and that u by-law b»: drawn up to coufinn the same.-â€"-(,‘arr'll By-law introdnccd and read a lire-t. errond and third time without umcuil- went. and signed and scaled. Moved by Mr. l’arkin. seconded by .‘Ir. Webster, That the following hills in: paid 2 William Downer, equalizing 3 union school assessments ...... 8 G 00 W. Hancock, cleaning culvert on Mariposa boundary at lot 4... l 0‘! Wilson & Wilson, advertising clerk and treasurer wanted... I 50 J. McNabb, 77 loads gravel.... 3 85 Wm. Swauton,46 “ " 2 30 W. H. Jones, 112 †“ 5 60