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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Aug 1898, p. 5

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{out . .ti:e S: Sons, of London, Out. and Mr. Hule .‘ICDJUEUll, of Fenelon Falls. is their agent. Harvesting is drawing to a close, and several farmers in this locality will be through with it this week. Miss L. Fowler of Lindsay calle'l On some relatives and friends around here last Tuesday. Mr. John Barrable of Toronto paid a short visit to his brother-iu-law, Mr. John M. Marshall, this week. CIVIC HOLIDAY.â€"chnesday next, August 17th, has been appointed a civic holiday in Fenelm Falls. OPTICALâ€"Mr. I. \Vhitesmith, op- tician and jewellcr, will be at Mr. Cur- tis's store, Fenelon Falls, from 2 p. m. until 8 p. m. on Tuesday, August 16th. A call solicited. DENTAL.â€"â€"Dr. Net-lands, dentist, of Lindsay. will be at the McArthur House, Fcnelon Falls, on Tuesday. August 16th. He will have gas and the best pain obtundcrs for extracting teeth. Call early and secure an ap- pointmcnt. ACCIDENT.â€"Last Monday night an employee in the lumber yard at the big mill, named George Bradford, jumped off a. truck into a hole, and the jar dis- located his lcft shoulder. The same shoulder was put out of joint by an ac- cident about three weeks ago, and M r. Bradforc evidently went back. to-work a little too soon. PROMOTED.â€"Our gerial and popular ~taticn master, Mr. Andrew Sutherland, has been promoted. toazsimilur position at Collingwood, and slipped away l'lom the Falls so quietly and unexpectedly that hi< friends had n’t an opportunity to give him the sort of “ send oli'” he deserved. l‘l‘Is successor is said to be a vrry different kind of man, and it will take the public consit’lcrablc time to be- come reconciled to his ways. Acmnt-zx'r.â€"'l‘hc Phtcrborouzh Ev- rmzimer ol' the «ith inst. s:1ys:-“ Mr. Rubi-rt Chambers, of Fonclon Falls, cm- piuyc'l by Mix. A. ll. Quibcll in the Dickson Co. shingle mill. which the lat» ter runs by contract, met. with an acci dent. Thursday morning whereby he lost his little fin-Ier through catching: it in the cogs of a machine: '1 he wound was dressed, but it will be some time before Mr. Chambers will. be able to work again, as the finger was jammed to a jelly.” OUR- W’ar‘na' Pownazeâ€"A't a meeting of the Lindsay town council, on the 1512 inst., the mayor stated that he had re- ceived‘a telegram from Messrs. Culver- well and White Frazer. promotersol the company for transmitting electric power from Fenelon Falls, that. the stock had been fully subscribed, and they were now ready to carry out their agreement. Yet we still doubt that the project will over come to anything, and we are told that rceve Mason says he never had any faith in it,. A Snud‘erlnnd lady writes Dr. Neelands that he had made her a. successful fit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewhere.â€"43tf R‘cports from all parts of Manitoba indicate excellent ripening; weather for grain. Harvestine' will be well under way in many sections by the end of the week. The weather is cloudy and warm. Nebraska has had its first snowstorm of the season, and the corn crop is not yet ripe. Still norhing that can happen in Nebraska or Kansas can possibly be a matter of surprise. If it had not been a snowstorm it might have been a cyclone. A dcspatch to the New York World from [long Kong says : Numerous del- egations of wealthy and educated Phil- ippines have waited upon Consul Wild- man in the last three days to express anxiety rcg:_:arditn,v the reported attitude of President McKinley upon the ques- tion ofannexinc: the Philippine Islands to the United States. The four Indian murderers, Moses brothers. captured at Port Arthur. seem to have killed one man eleven years ago. and killed five others since in a frenzied fear of detection. Anyone who came near thvir lair was murdered. The fear of capture became a mouomuuia with them. and every person whom they saw was assumed to be in- pursuit of them. That is Detective Rogers' theory, and 2 it is supported by the evidence. l l Thomas Gentle, a. miner, was killed on Vananda island, B Ci, several days ago by a falling tree. His chum, a man named Ncsbit. gave 820 to Indians to entry Gentle, who was dying, twanty miles. They carried him fifteen miles and baulkcd. He gave them his gold pulled out his revolver and persuaded the Indians to go on. when bribes fail- ed. Gentle died shortly after reaching Vananda hotel, B. C. In accordance with the wishes of the late Prince Bismarck, and in his case wishes usually took the form of instruc- tions, the mortal remains of the great Chancellor will be interred at a. spot selected by himself in the Sachsenwold, where a simple mausoleum will be erected. and to which the remains of his wife will. be removed from Varsino. The epitaph, too. will be according to the wish of the departed, simple as the structure upon which it will be carved; the name, the date of birth and of death, with these words added, “A faithful servant of Emperor William I.” Brooklyn has its wheclwoman who takes her poodle out in a. basket on the front of her wheel. When she first be- gun to be a. familiar figure on the road, the attendants dubbed her “the dog lady,” but recently a new oddity has appeared, that, so far as known, goes the freaks of Manhattan's Boulevard one better. It is a-young- man who rides a nickle-plated wheel, sitting in scorcher position, and carries on his back a. small Skye terrier. The dog standsercct, and» shifts about cleverly to maintain his position, the same as do the dogs that are sometimes seen on the backs of delivery waggon horses. watch, and they then carried him an-' "â€"â€"_â€" . Cher mile and baulked. Nesbit then B6813 brands of Cigars, The steamship Westcrnlrtnd arrived in New York on August 3rd, and those on board report that when 60 miles south of Sable island and within about one mile of the spot where Lu Bour- goqne went down ju~t a month ago, the bodies of 215 men and two women were seen floating in the water. It was a signifiCant fact that almost all of the men, whose bodies were floating with lifcbelts on, were sailors. Passengers seemed to have no lifcbclts and there- fore sank. The steamship Hiawatha, sent out. from Halifax to recover and identify the dead of La Bourq)gue,w:is sighted by the ll’estcrnlantl in the neigh- borhood of this human wreckage, and was engaged in the work for which it was sent out. As the Westernland assed, the crew in one of the boats from the Hiawatha were removing the lifebelts from. two bodies; ‘ FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Malice» Fenelon Falls, Friday, Aug. 12th, l898 Wheat, Scotch or.Fife . ... 65 to 68 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 60 65 Wheat, spring .... .... 62 65 Barley, per bushel. 30 35 Buckwheat“ . . .. . . 30 35 Cats, “ .... 25 26 Pcase, ‘ 48 50 Rye, “‘ 32 35 Potatoes, “ .... 25 30 Btllter,pei;ilb............ I: I: E s or ozen . . . . . . . . .. - HE§,pIt:rton...... 5.00 6.00 Hides.....,...uu an... 7.50 Hogs (live) ...... .. 5.25 5.75 Hogs (Dressed)'. .. . .. . . .. 5.50 5.75 Beef . . . . . 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins............... 50 1.00 Mixed chop, per ton . .. ... _ 19.00 20.00 The New Drug Store. FRESH DRUGS. CHOICE PERFUMES. TOILET ARTICLES. OUR SPECIALTIES: Robson's Headache W'af'ers. The Surcst, Safest and Spccdicst Cure for Headache. A positive relief For Neu- ralgia and. Toothache. Sesame Toothvash. l The British Columbia salmon pack; a failure- Only 50,000 cases have been put up. Six thousand fishermen have not made coon-4h to keep body and soul together, and the Province or Dominion may have to provide them with necessary food. The canners will ask for an extension of the fishing sea~ son. This will help the distrcficd lish- - (‘1‘an out. they will starve sooner than give in. l l l 3 To make matters worse", the canucrs have dropped the price of; salmon from fifteen to ten cents and‘ the fishermen have Struck. many saying i l An elegant and effective tooth cleaner and preservative. Lightning Toothache Drops. The best cure tor toothache. Insect Powder. Guaranteed genuine and made from the best closed flowers. W. H. RBSON, Chemist; 8:. Drug-gist. commencemaacn-aa-m-oao-bo Wool . . . . . . 15 17 Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 2.30 2.50' Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 2.50 2.70 Flour straightrolled . . . . . . 2.20 2.40 Bran, pertou...... 11.00 13.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . 16.00 18.00 ._._..-.v.. ..A... --._-_-V._ _.c-~_~.._.__._.-____.v_ W'LOOK fiERE! One Door North of The Public Library A full line of Confectionery, See our Fruit, Lunches, Bread, Cakes, etc. STOCK FRESH AND WELL SE- LECTED. YOUR PATRONAGE RE- SPECTFULLY SOLICITED. H. E. Austin. Fcnelon Falls, April 25th, 1898.. Harvest Tools, Fishing Tackle, Dairy Supplies, New Potato Bug Sprayer. Ordered Tinware and Eavetroughing a. ces-cm Specialty GEO}. MGGEE.. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office. râ€"za E co é Al S. . . , . _. Of getting glasses. One to go R to a. first-class Optician, have your v eyes properly tested and get what“ you needâ€"the other to go to a mcr- : : chant who keeps spectacles, make a. “grab in the bag,” as it were, get a pair. that don’t fit you (although it may seem so for the moment),.and run the risk of ruining your eyesight entirely. . We are careful and accurate in our examinations, and advise you the safe and most comfortable course to pursue. . Examinations free. aunts $055 OPTICIANS, The Leading Jewellers, LINDSAY. Go to J . McFarland’s.fOrsGroceries, , Boots... Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery‘and Md Hrs lhiMEN-SE Steamer “Greyhound ” Will commence running between Fenclon Falls and Lindsay on Monday, May 2nd, calling both ways at Sturgeon Point on following time: Leaves Pension Falls at 7.15 a. m.,_ Sturgeon Poiht7145. Now is the time to Arrives at Lindsay at 9.00 secure a valuable Leaves Lindsay at 8.. II]. Tl e above. w'sl 's easil : 1' (1 Musical Clock as a. 1 having groiulphotos flkerfiaa',“ by Arrives at Sturgeon Point at ll.00 and“; _ gulp Arrives athnclon Falls at 11.45 wth Sulight Bk Lead. We will give Leaves'f‘enelon Falls at 2'45. . . M . th Will‘ guarantee alI'swork‘ equal to the £3,332 ligating: 2;: week” mm c best city work, and prices to suit the times. Wm. Davey &. Sons. Family groups a specialty. Give me a call. Life size work in the best-Style of the art at 23A,. moderate prices. J. H. STANTON, Photographer. Fenel'on Falls, July 151:, 1897.â€"â€"21.52 HARNESS If you want first-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything, in that. line call at NE V ISO N ’s FURNITURE new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s rocer ' and Wm. Cam hell’s dr goods g ) storc.p y the long run. THUHKS Ann VALISES Wears better. satisfaction. I have the best , . _ We part both salary and commission. kept m Stock “3' usual" and also 8' 300d and largest StOCk Ol lLlI‘llltllt‘e 'We engage either whole or part time men. “Slammer.” 0f fly "OT-“mi buggX dusk“? of mu kindg from the best We guarantee all our Stock. “‘1 0“’ Prices- W TIY 9' bomb"?! HMUSS' ‘ ‘ ' ’ , . We furnish purchasers with certificate from cc ebtflted harness _D0hsh- It IS new manufacturers to the provmcc, thing and you-Will be sure to like it.. . - . coumstlng of Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fenelon Falls, May 20th, 1896.â€"-14-ly Glassware- . .. .. .. .. Try KOLONA- Ceylon Tea... PHfiTBGBAPHS. “ 0 ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithcrs see us.” Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 3.15 Arrives at Lindsay at . . . . . . 4.30 Leaves Lindsay at 5.30. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 6.30 Arrives at Fenclou Falls at 7.15 Fer full particulars enquire of 3,000 Brick and 20 bushels Lime for W. SADLER, Purser. W. FEE, Capt sale at the Stave Factory. 0‘ J‘ ° ’3‘ (’0' Nursery Stuck Agents l Bunk Agent-s l. Agricultural Implement Agents! 0r anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home-grown Nursery Stork IS al‘vavs cheap furniture ,is 011 tlictinprepsc. ch ncctl {11010 men. ll ' ‘ ,you wan a cat y, paying wor ‘, write us. L901“! bettel' Wr- furnish all supplies free. GIVES better We have the largest Nurseries in the Dominion. Government InSpector, stating our Sim-k, 15 free from San Jose Scale. ()nr Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible lignrr. Men Succeed with Us who have Failed with Others. It will cost. you nothing to learn what r...- cun do for you. Don't write llllllfF.‘ you mean business and want prolituhlu â€"DINING ROOM FURNITURE, â€"nenaoon sn'rs â€"EASY CHAIRS, -â€"ROCKERS, -â€"L()U.\'GES, â€"smnaoaans, . NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. A postmastcris required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law), when a subscriber does â€"SPRI.\'G'S AND .‘lATTRASSES. employment. not take his paper out or the office and â€"â€"KITCHE.\' FURNITURE (all kinds), Stane & Wellington, Toronto. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster -' . ‘ t u .v responsible to the publisher for payment. and puces (“a {twat} down' 2. Ifauv person orders his paper (liscon- , Repamng and all ordered tinned he must pay all arrears es or the r . - r . . publisher may continue to serifd it until “ 01k pronllnl‘y (utendkd t0- paynwnt is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontiuu- auce until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from _ the post-office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. Ha subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the pub. lisher continues to Send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out'of the . . J. T. THOMPSON, J r., post~olbcc. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. C‘ARI’ IIINrL‘EII' 5' Th“ “W‘s ““"° decided "m “Elusive . Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to Ofdt'l'. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE _r4...,;. __ WUudertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ’COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone lending a sketch and descrlptlun mu! qulcltly uoartaln our oplnlou trcc w tether an Invention ll probably utentahle. (‘nrmnurxlra- non: ntrlctlycormdcnt al. Handbook on Putt-nu not free. “Meet apency for necunnu pun-MA. latent: taken 1 trough Munu at (.o. tenet“; mctut notlcc, without. charge, to the Scientific Emerita". A. handsomely Illustrated weakly. lamest ctr- rnlatlun or any ulcmmc {ournaL ’l‘ennl. ’4 I year: {our months. I]. 84; d by all neuter-ale". mun & Comm» New pa Branch Dulce. as F St. \Vuhlnxton. Barres Dooas. wrar. nooas .__..... .-.-. . -._....._... to take newspapers and periodicals from: the post-office, or removing and leavingi them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. } Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. 123. Station, Fenclun Falls. state the reasons for its not being taken. 7 The next time you are in town call and: ,.,‘_M a. A MWOW‘v». .m -v - .... A... A........

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