DIED. Lxrrtsrox.â€"In the township of Fenelon on Sunday, September 4th, 1898, Mrs. Jos- eph Littleton, Sr., in her 84th year. it to 1,500,000. The scalehupon which this enterprising exporter is laying out his plans is further seen in the fact that he works up into boxes, in which the Prices in the Klondike. A Belleville man who recently went to the Klondike writes from Dawson city :â€" frozon rabbits are shipped, about eight †To let you have an idea of how ex- truckloads of timber a. week, and he pensive it is up here, I will give you a l pays over 82,000 a month for freight. small list of things which occur to me. l It is estimated that this season’s expor- chorers get $15 a day, a. man with a tation of rabbits will run to between waggon and a span of horses gets 8100 . 5,000,000 and 6,000,000. This, at the it day, log cabins rent at from $200 to l low price of six cents per rabbit, will rENsLos FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. FALL Is COMING. \\‘heat,Scotch or Fife 65 to 68 Wheat,t‘all,perbushel.... 60 63 WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW Peuse, ‘ . . . .. 43 45 Rye, “ 32 8400 a. month. A building recently put l bring in more than $300,000 to the Wheat.5131‘l111)1t’4_h In†-'--- :3 3: up on a good corner rents, for a saloon l trappers and the total amount received Bade-ll 1’" u° e _ . , . ’ . Buckwheat“ . ... .. . . 30 3') and gambling house, at $10,000 for sev- , In the colony, as the proceeds of the 0,1,5 u 21 23 a on months for the ground floor only. , rabbit export industry for this season, ’ I This isa two-story log building, about will be, at a moderate calculation, ‘25 x 60 feet. and would not be looked ' $700,000. Potatoes: “ 32 3'3 I 7- . . at in .. civilized place. Another build- _ w» . . _ guugrmeipbmm I; I; ll 8 can supply you With the best 111 the tug on the main street, made of slabs The gram cml’ 0f Mammb“ ‘5 05“" ï¬gglb’pcr, ozenu'". r 00 600 ~l t d . . ‘ - ' (no, boards), and which a man in the mated at 50,000.000 bushels, of which Hiage’sper on""" 2;:00 7:5,, 111341 {e , 8.11 gualantee SatISfaCtloni cast would not have on his premises, 0"" 200001000 i5 Wllcfli- ' Hogs (live). 3.75 4.25 nets its owaer $12,600 a year, besides It 18. emulated that all the gOld Hogs (Dressed) 5.50 5.75. furnishing him with a residence and of, mood in Calilornia since 1848 could Splat“ . . . . . .. .. 4.5% $38 lice. It is on the water front, and he be Put into 8 mom twelve yards long. eepSkins‘ 5, ' fl } p .g .. stands a chance of losing it if there is a SlXIWlde and ï¬lm 11m] tWO-tglrds l‘lgll- $331. f,mi,;,"s'u',2é,'. Lie'a'f" o . big ice jam at that point. Meals were i 15 Omelfl 1y announce that there F1 ’1; “3’1, 5i . {1‘0 230 The New B:‘ 1. , . . ‘7 '5 35 when I arrived, but they a... now ,‘me 2"31.00 deaths from the Slag“ F133?sfiigiii55i1;21'..'.i.. 2.00 2.20 (I dvale Stme’ Opposuathe Post Oï¬ice' down to $2 50, and not very good at ast wee in the Bombay prcsi cney. Bran, per ton...... . . . . . . . 1000 12-00 ‘ 18.00 P. Sr-OUR TINWORK AND EAVETROUGHING WILL BEAR Shorts, “ . 16.00 Mixed chop,per ton...... _ 19.00 20.00 _____â€"__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" C iiiiig‘agisii'."ii “is... Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be oï¬â€˜ered for sale by public auction, on Thursday, the 15th day of September,l 898, at the Mansion House, in the Village of Fcnelon Falls, in the County of Victoria and Province of Ontario, at one o’clock in the afternoon, the following property, be- ing composed of all and singular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Somerville, in the said County of Vic- toria, containing by admeasuremcnt one hundred acres, be the some more or less, and being composed of the North half of Lot number Eleven in the First Concession of the Township of Somervillc aforesaid. On the property are said to be a frame dwelling house, a barn,a. stuble,a. granary, etc. Situation good. 15 considered a. good farm. There will be a. reserved bid. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money will be required to be paid down at the time of sale, forty per cent. more in thirty days thereafter, and the balance can remain on ï¬rst mortgage at six per cent. interest. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to - SETH S. SMITH, Solicitor for Vendors, Port Hope, Ont. u s n s v The epidemic is spreading. and there has been a. fresh outbreak in the State of Hyderabad. The expenses of Great Britain are now about £100.000,000 yearly, or nearly £200 per minute, but every tick of the clock represents an inflow of a little over £2 into the treasury, thus leaving an annual surplus of about £4.000,000. It is stated that in Berlin the ï¬remen wear water jackets, with a double skin, which they are able to ï¬ll with water from the hose. If the space between the two layers becomes overï¬lled, the water escapes through a valve at the top of the helmet. A destructive ï¬re occurred in the Cripplegate district of London, England, on Friday. Two acres were burned over, and nearly 100 warehouses and other buildings were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $15,000,000. St. Giles’ Church was damaged. Mr. John Hopkinson, an English electrical engineer. and his son and two daughters, have been killed while as- cending the Dents de Veisluv, in the Canton of Valais, the mountains of ' that. ston’s fluid beef), ï¬sh, some salt cod or some indistinguishable stuff which goes by the name of ï¬sh on the menu card, (no fresh ï¬sh), roast meat, beef or mut- ton or moose, all poor, potatoes and can- ned tomatoes or pease or corn, and your choice of two or three kinds of pie, and tea and coffee or river water to drink. Plain steak (off any old place on the animal) costs $2 50, while porter-house or sirloin steaks cost $5, and everything else in proportion. A breakfast consist ing of a couple of poached eggs on‘ toast, and bread, butter and coffee, costs you 82 50; if you have three eggs it is $3. Everything you get at these prices is of a poor quality, except at the present time there are some fresh salmon steaks to be had at $2 50.†You get soup (made from John- INSPECTION, AS BEFORE. PRICES R RIGHT. EWMWWWWWW Go to J. McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, ‘ Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery and Glasswaref . . . . . . IT’S IMMENSE Steamer “Greyhound†Will commence running between Fenelon Falls and Lindsay on Monday, May 2nd, culling both ways at Sturgeon Point on following time: - _..+ o._.â€"_â€"â€"-__. An Experience With Copperheads. Try KOLON A Ceylon Tea. The l’cnotanguishene Herald says :â€" “Last Wednesday morning Mr. Ken- nedy, of the S. D. A.camp on the north- ern channel, had an experience with snakes that he will not soon forget. Just as he was about to leave his tent snake sunning itself outside the tent door. It now became a question of who was going to have the right of Way. The snake coiled itself up ready to give battle, and Mr. Kennedy, armed with a and which are exposed to furious tor- rents and destructive avalanches. The party had gone on their perilous trip without the aesistance of a guide. Mons, in Belgium, apparently influ- Gc-Iï¬lï¬uflflb Dated at Port. Hope, 2741. s . . - ,s. A â€",4-.A- NA,-,».-.’W.Ww‘ï¬i.wit“? 4» .5 o good big stick, made a bold charge. The snake made several strikes at Mr. Kennedy, but he managed to escape its fringe, and ï¬nally laid the serpent out. He had no sooner killed this one than another appeared and took up the ï¬ght, but it, too, was soon killed. After the fangs had been removed the snakes were skinned. The largest one measur- ed six feet one inch, and the other ï¬ve feet eleven inches. They are the larg- est snakes we have heard of being killed on the rocks this season. The ladies of the camp are having belts made of the skins, and will keep them as souvenirs of their camp on the shores of the Geor- gian Bay." A â€"‘.-. -0 u Coal Oil In Hastings. The Peter-borough Bt'UiClO says :â€" " For some time the steam drill and dynamite have been faithfully doing their work in deepening the channel nbOve the looks at Hastings. The open- ing of two sluiccways in the dam ne- cessitated the use of some of the blown out rocks for ï¬lling with the cement used in the bottom of the sluicewaya. To effect this, a quantity of rock at times is brought down to the locks, where it is broken up into small pieces before using. It. was while thus break- ing that small pockets were discovered containing a substance like oil, and on investigation was lound to smell very strongly of coal oil. From the number of those pockets, the rock seems to bo thickly saturated with them. While nearly every other section has had its mineral boom. may not it be an opening for capitalists? If the rock so near the surface. gives such rich evidence of coal oil. there is every prespect that in- vestigation would show a great wealth of the mineral, and it is probable that ex pcrts will he brought to make thorough tt‘SiS. . ._..--.._..- Blessing in Disguise. .-\ new phisc has been given to the rabbit snouro‘ in New Zsalaud by the uni-e v "11 has :li"11thLlLl1t} ex eri-; . . “ “D ‘ h“ “ p ' toquell some disturbances. This would men: of freezing the rabbits and export- in: than. vii: tnt‘ St. lli‘uiocrat. it Would :ippi-ar that on: of wit it has hitlmrtw ii mu :m ilmutl‘vlltly i ll'l'i'il.l.' tin! i .- curses :i'l important inilun tr. nun ‘c- tiri'viopcl. llllt’ exporter i~ -912â€? ‘ 1'3!i;‘ ‘.'vt"'l1<1 «l' i."l.\‘t‘r~_'.l i.'-,H«:il -..:.‘: ‘_’-’.'ï¬-"~‘ riiw‘i' ~ day. and is ,zni. -_: '..\ t.'.i‘ pew .3'.l i. x'..i:.‘-- i..- t-.\-. iv 5! WM J’l‘l 3.3 13" l j» ;‘ «well. it,» his 21:“. ii‘:l§~' out. girng than. 3;- 111.11! t» :ii‘ 31: Inâ€) (Fli‘g‘rie ll‘~ ~'\‘- yam-Nor 1'.1"i“.'.~ in": . nit-woo, and this year he mil increase .. .. ii ‘3‘, ,-,’ . 110 UOLlCCd a large ble and )‘CllOW are among the highest in Europe, ï¬nanced by the well-known computation of interest on a penny put in the savings bank by Adam, has decided to present to every child born in the town a savings bank book, with one franc credited in it, which is never to be touched. The object is to encourage saving. Many Belgium towns are making ready to follow the example of Mons. A Barrie merchant has been ï¬ned ten dollars and costs for selling cigar- ettes to a boy under twelve years of age. The boy was sent by an older person for the cigarettes, but this did not ex- cuse the offending merchant. A boy under eighteen, according to law, has to present a written order for cigarettes, and if a merchant gives them otherwise he is liable to the above ï¬ne. 3' Bernard Owens, aged 3. was acci- dentally killed yesterday afternoon by playmates. With some other boys he had organized companies representing Americans and Spaniards. They at- tacked each othcr in a sham battle. Young Owens fell. Picked up nsdead, he was buried in a quickly dug grave under several feet of earth. Subse. quently he was forgotten, and this morn- ing when the body was recovered he was really dead. Thursday night a young lad canted Wellington Snyder.oi Huntsï¬llejnmp. ed from an up-stairs window to the ground below, a distance of about ï¬fteen feet, breaking one arm and receiving several severe wounds about the face and head. He was asleep at the time and imagined he was in swimming, and regarded his leap from the window as a dive, for previous to jumping he had stripped himself of his night clothes. Some doubt having been thrown on the question of the age of “ the Queen’s oldest subject,†Mr. Robert Taylor, late post-master of Scarva, the Rev. Mr. Monck writes from London lico- tory. to the effect that it can be authen- tically conï¬rmed that in 1780, Taylor, l who was then 16 years of age, was one I t l l lmtllS (iiobe- , of those who played in front of a com- pauy of Light Infantry Volunteers in their march through the country south make him 134. Bertram lims.‘ shipyard at the “not of li:ttl‘.111"tstri‘cl. 'l'orunto. was [511(- i‘tiiy destroyed on l’t‘tit‘: tarot‘ni'i: by :1 lire that h!" 7+: on: l‘.‘ tn <‘-m- unkzmu :1 cum) :i'wnt l The in“ uh i,~.; .'_~‘: it,t!:Hlâ€"â€"-:'. in‘fti ilv‘tl :54 {vii ll‘t- ll:'~‘ x‘~:i.ti:1ft‘~-â€"\‘. \ ll‘l. ‘. L‘I'i' ‘l l" i l‘l; ‘ 4 i ..»r. .3. rt.» .::.-' c- l: n N t'.:_'11l.:; l'~::.tv my. a i. all"; i r i 7.. -.-:-i<t ii. out ltliu iin.‘ iake It . to savi- ix.» iron; the dunes. l 'W'. .. ' I - n V,“ .134 ,,,. ,iu...‘ , artists†uflï¬du 1 Call and 5.: my 13th August, 1898. B'G RESTAURANT. I One Door North of The Public Library ____._â€"â€"â€" Best brands of Cigars, A full line of Confectio ry, Fruit, Lunches, ' Bread, Cakes, etc. STOCK FRESH AND \VELL SE- LECTED. YOUR PATRONAGE RE- SI’IiCTh‘ULLY SOLICITED. H. E. Austin. Penelon Falls, April 25th, 1898. HARNESS If you want ï¬rst-clam single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVISON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s ‘ grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TBUHKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters at low prices. [8" Try a bottle of Hurris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fcnelon Falls, May 20th, 1890â€"14on IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Hum Paper and Picture Frames ~15 ATâ€" A. GQQTJKVZX‘J’S .‘ Baker Block dent-st..Lindsay. -. ‘ Machine Necdlcs.A1;zhastine and Dre W'or'ris Agency. Ci:‘.il".1{'0?. consisting of â€"Dl.\‘1.\'G noon FURNITURE, a Speciaiiy work 1“. Leaves Penelcn Falls at 7.15 a. m., Sturgeon Point 7.45. Arrives at Lindsay at 9.00 Leaves Lindsay at 10 a. m. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 11.00 TWO ' WAYS. Leaves Fenclon Falls at 2.45. ‘ 1.. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 3.15 Arrives at Lindsay nt. . . . . . 4.30 Leaves Lindsay at 5.30. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 6.110 Arrives at Fetielon Falls at 7.15 For full particulars enquire of W. SADLER, Purser. W. FEE, Capt. 0f getting glasses. One to go to a. ï¬rst-class Optician, have your , eyes properly tested and get what a you needâ€"the other to go to n. mcr- ‘ chant who keeps spectacles, make a “ grab in the bug,†as it were, get a. pair that don’t fit you (although it may seem so for the moment), and Q run the risk of ruining your eyesight entirely. We are careful and accurate in 1 our examinations, and advise you ‘ the safe and most comfortable course to pursue. Examinations free. “ O ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as itht-rs see us." The above wish is easily realized by having your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to the best city work, and prices to suit the times. Family groups a specialty. Give me a call. Life size work in the best style ofthc art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON. Photographer. coco A_ FURNITURE The New Drug Store. Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufhcturers in the province, toms @553 OPTICIANS, The Leading Jewellers, LINDSAY. FRESH DRUGS. CHOICE PERFUMES. TOILET ARTICLES. OUR SPECIALTIES : Robson's Headache Wafers. The Sun-st, Safest and Speetlil-st finit- for Headache. A positive relief {or NH:- -â€"-BEDR00.\1 SETS rulgin and Toothache. ‘ ,Scr‘ame ’l.‘ootli\vaslt. _ L _ , ‘ “i All f’l"â€.’tftl lilltl (-flvt-(‘liï¬'l‘ 11,1 1]. l.- . V g r . . )1 . i. .11 t . '. â€"l‘UL 5012‘“ 7 . ,nnti preservativr. A _sttiI-:iiii.-\tztis, i , , , ‘ _ â€"Si’lZl.\‘GL~‘ .\.\'n .\1.\T"l‘l:.\.-‘»T~'lii<.. iLVâ€"Tl‘lilll‘Yâ€"I I‘WUW‘l‘“ BTW"- : â€"i<trt‘zii::< t-‘t:t:.\'xrt'n;c an. E- ..... 1:). 1 To hut a... t... ioniuii-nc. ‘ - l . .. ') .,,! _ and prices are: away down. ill!“-~’-l l "ll-Ur- l‘ik‘liitil‘liiu‘ and all ul‘ticl'll'vl l, (l ' 5' l '5 fl" ' “I‘M " _ ‘v,r...,t;.... 'lizitl-‘ily :l‘l'it'ti'lrtl to. [' Fm W. ii. 3535305‘3, (Jinnah-5t ck Drug‘gist. L. 7 l n1. :' ..:..:.:_,' i.. all 2: l , l i L. DEYMAN. l Arrives at Fenelon Falls at 11.45, .. <A" -xAAA-‘AMM' Aâ€"A-‘AA