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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Oct 1898, p. 5

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New . .7. Q ,‘2 I ,4 Edward Oxby, 110 loads gravel. 8550; \Y. Townsend, pick and handle, 81 ; Thos. Wood, hall rent at Cambray, $2 ; Mr. John T. Currin, work on boundary, 85; Mr. W. Harris, fixing bridge and culvert, Sl.25.-â€"â€"Carricd. ' Movad by Mr. Perkin, seconded by Mr. Webster, That the clerk be in- structed to notify the G. 'l‘. R. author- ities to at cuce place a crossing on the 6th comâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Perdue, seconded by Mr. Parkin, That the clerk receive 835 on salaryâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Parkin, seconded by l; Mr. Webster, That the members of this council request )Ir. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P, for East Victoria, to, have the law regarding county councils so amended 5 that each municipality may send at least one member to county council.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by M r. Perdue, That this council now adjourn, to meet at the call of the reevc. was-Carried. fl Kinmouni. ('Cbrrespondcnce of ' the Gazette.) The vote polled in our: village on the temperance question was. rather small, but three. votes were polled for. prohi- 1 bition to every one against. On the evening of the day of‘ the plebiscite vote a very successful basket social was held in aid. of Kinmount public library. On account of the inno-. cent amusement and the absence of any- thing that would be out of harmony with the most refined tastes, these socials have become very popular. Per- haps better methods could be found for raising money for church purposes, but the enjoyment covers a multitude of empty pockets owned by the male por- tion of those who attend them. Although hold some time ago. it will not be out of place to mention two basket socials held at the homes of M_r.,Ch_vnowcth and Mr. Walker, in aid of St. J‘ames's Church, Kinmount. The good feeling that prevailed showed that people know how to enjoy life aright, and banished . the feeling that is apt to creep over a person that we are here on this earth to make money and make our neighbours out to be heathens. The members of the Baptist Church are very soray to lose Rev. J. T. Jones, who has spent the summer months with them. Rev. B. S. Erb, formerly of .bakefield, will at once take his place. Powlesf~ Corner... QCOrrespondence o/ the Gazette.) A larger vote would have been given ion-prohibition if-‘ the Government had been wise enough to have postponed the elbction until January, 1899, as. the electors would then go out to vote at the municipal‘electionsand at the same time cast their acts on. the plebiscite, and a large amount of" money would have been saved. Mr. William Pcwles was thafirst to ' vote at Cameron. for prohibitionmn the - 29th. Mr. George Williamson has moved into Mr. John Knox’s house._ m SALva'rros. DRAMAâ€"The Salvation drama of “ The Modern Prodigal " will be givenin Dickson’s hall on Saturday evening, 15th inst. In this drama 38 ‘ persons take part. Life in different phases will be illusmited, but the prodâ€". igal son is the chief character. Admis- sion 10 and 50. An endless variety. or Sailors at Mia. McDongail's. A B.\ito.\IN.â€".\‘Ir.. Robert Umphrey oi' Burnt River has purchased a thorâ€" ough-bred Leicester. ram, two and a half years old, from Mr. William Smith- eram. He got it for $12.- which was a. decided bargain“ but Mr. Smitheram has had the animal as long as he needed it, and let Mr. Umphrcy have it at less than its value to improve his flock. (‘ali and see the ‘Dcwcy’ Sailor at )lrs. )leDcugall's. New Bowman-Mr. George Mar- tin has had an addition 10327 feet built on the east side of his stable; part of it as a shelter for his buggy and the remainder to form an ice-house. The new building isn't very large, to he sure; but so little in the building line is now going on at the balls that any- thing in that direction is worth noticing. her the line of sample Walking tints a! Mrs. McDougnll's. \‘ :Mr... Wilkinson, the caretaker of St. ' big mill, had his right leg badly jam- ‘leg was broken byasimilar accident era of two partly loaded lorries that SEASHED.â€"-About 7 o’clock on Wed nesday evening, Mr. Jimmy Dew, cross- ing the main street in his usual happy _ state of conviviality, stumbled when he reached the sidewalk and pitched head I - foremost avainst one of the plate glass . windows inaMr. Burgoyne’s store and Wltll it well selected stock of smashed it all to pieces, without the least injury to himself. It cost about $50, but the loss is covered by insur- ance. Who would think that glass nearly a quarter of an inch thick could be broken by a heavy dew ?' ‘ PERSONALS.â€"â€")Iiss Minnie Clark is S I F U R E ? home from Chicgc, and will remain about three weeks....._..\l'-rs. F. J. Gray ol' Orillia, (nee Margaret Duffy) is visit- ing friends at the Falls......i\lrsl Dun- can McIntyrc left a few days ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. Albert Fraser, at Yearly, in the Muskoka district..... Mr. Fred Gainer of Minden was at the F“ or :k, "r a l' b n , M‘tt ri ' .53, 81mg, mama; .3935, GAEO. McGEE. ‘ e 5‘13 fl” Showmmun George Lytle of the The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office. Fancy WOI‘k,, Watchman, Lindsay, was at the Falls on Wednesday. ' . P. S.â€"'0UR TIN WORK AND EAVETROU’GHING WILL BEAR Chlnailvargr INSPECTION. AS BEFORE. Toys and D OHS A Panramon AT CHURCH.-â€"thn WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW Millinery, Wall Paper, Wind'OW Blinds,. Fancy Goods, Stamped Goods, We can supply you with the best in the market, and guarantee satisfaction. James’s church, went on Sunday morn- ing to attend to his duties, he found a partridge flying around in the building. and. a broken pane of glass in one of the windows showed how the intruder got in. The bird, which was a line plump one, was caught and killed. and Mr. Wilkinson took it home to be cook- ed. Partridges appcar‘to be very plen- tiful this year, or tamer than usual, as our village sports shoot a good many of them. A beautiful assortment of Yelling in all the newest spots and colorings at Mrs McDougall’s. Eggs taken in exchange.‘. MRS. KEELEY. ,. PBIBES R RIGHT. WWW , Go to J. McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, ESTRAY STEERS_ Game on to the premises of the subscrib- er,.lct10, concession 6 Somerville, about two months ago,two red and white steers, one year old. The owner can have them upon proving property and paying charges. DAVID STEEL. Scmerviile, Sept. 10th, 1898.â€"31-4' Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery and A SERIOUS MATTERâ€"An exchange says 1â€"“ Some people think it is funny to send items to the press which have no foundation in fact, and very often contain a hidden meaning, that is, to say the least, disreputable. It would be well for such to remember that under section 429 of the Dominion Criminal Code it is enacted that ‘cveryonc is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to two years’ imprisonment who, with intent to injure or alarm any person, sends, causes or procurcs to be sent, any telegram or letter or other message con- ;aining matter which is known to be also. ’ Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets and Chil- dren’s Waists at Mrs. McDougall’s. Glassware. . . . . . . res Innrnss Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. DIED. Luannâ€"At Rochester, N. Y., on Wednes- B I G ' day, September 28th, 1898, Margaret Swan- a, I. I ton, wife of Chas. B. Leach, aged 23 years. One Door North of 0a“ The Public Library MILL ACCIDENTs.â€"On Tuesday last __._ Mr. Joseph 'l‘oronzo a sawyer in the ' 9 Best brands of Citrus ( . D1 , . A full line of Confectlonery, Fruit, Lunches, Bread, Cakes, etc. STOCK FRESH AND WELL SE- WAYS. LEGTED. YOUR PATRONAGE RE- of genius, gmsses, 0m, ,0 go SPECTFULLY SOLICITED. to a first-class Optician, have your I eyes properly tested and get what 1-: E A t you needâ€"mthe other to go to a mer- I l 1n- chant who keeps spectacles, make a Fenelon Fans, April 25th, 1898. “grab in the bag,” as it were, get a pair that don't fit you (although it may seem so for the moment), and ' run the risk of ruining your eyesight entirely. We are careful and accurate in our examinations, and advise- you “ OI wad some power the giftie gie us the safe and most comfortable course To see oorsels as ithcrs see us." to pursue. ' Examinations free. med by the rolling of a log out of which he was shopping a stone. The same YOU WANT THEM._ WE'HAVE THEM-m 6:00th CHEgA :ii' GALL. nun about a year and a half ago......On the same day Mr. Thomas McGlory, an- other cmployee in the mill, met with a painful accident in a rather singular manner. He was sitting on the bump- were standing a few inches apart on the track at the “ boardway,” when the yard engine backed up and pushed the cars together, and the iron books on the bumpers caught him, one on each side, just below the hips. and gave him a ter- rible squeeze. Neither of the accidents was very serious, but both men will probably be oi? work for several days. GEORGE MARTIN... THE WEST SIDE. STORE. 'nhe above. wish is easily realized by q having your photos taken at Bfirrmfl Dfios STANTON’S STUDIO. FENELO-N FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Oct. 7th, 18-98. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 65 to 68 HARNESS- beecooooo’oow Wheat t‘ali‘, per bushel.... 68 65 _ . .Wbeutzspring .... .u. 63 65 b W11} guarantee all. work 09118-1 t0_ “10 If you want first-class single or double Barley, per bushel.... .... 30 38 F983,?lty workl‘md 0121003 to 8.11" the times- light or heavy Harness or anything in Brickwheat‘3- . 30 < 35 OPTIMANS. figs? grows“ Specialtr- Give mo a call- that line call at OMS, u. "I, 21 22 The Lead-mg JeweH-ers" d izt wor m the best style of the art at :. s NE VI 3 cars ye noon 0 not : Potdtoes, “1 .... .... 2.5 30 J' H' STAEEggapher Butter,per b...... ...... 12, 14. ' . n..,. . . . . new harness shop between J. McFarland s damper doaen...... . ll 12 , Fenelon Falls,July lst,1897.â€"21.52 grocery. and WA]. Campbell.3 dry goods Hay,per ton............. 5.00 6.00 Hides 7.00 7.50 store. GOOD ' ‘ :60 .00 kinks...) 35... 2... The New Drug Store Tnuuxs AND VALISEs ‘ ..o..-...-........ .50 .00‘ fl - _ . V FURNITURE. . - as a W00] H H 15- 17 â€"-â€"-â€" assortment of fly nets and buggy duster; 1. ' " 2 220 , . ' I . ' at low prices. 1553‘ Trya bottle of llnrris's fiélgtigyflsel‘lgbrlicuf. 1,38 2.10 Is always cheapfuimttue 1n FRESH DRUGS celebmmd harness Wish. It is a “W . ’ . - .1.” U” n o the lOIlO' r1111. LOOkS better. ' thing and you will he sure to like it. l‘lour straightrolltdunu 1.70 1.9 o . Brmnperton ..... - ------- 1000 12-‘0 \Vears better. Gives better PERFUMES. f .p- 0. Shorts, u ........... . 16.00 18.00 , .f . I 1 ,1 t1) b ,1; Agent 01 1anos and 1gans. Mixedclwimm‘ Wu ------ - 19-00 20-00 but” actlon' m“? 1". es Fonelon Falls an 2mm, issr;.â€"â€"r:-1v » r A. A v â€"- --â€"â€" and largest stock of furmture ’ - - * Notlce t0 Credltors, of all klnds, from the best gun SPECIAL-"Es: a manufacturers in the. province, . . . I’obsi’. >.' a r" consmlng U, h o 1 s Headache \l (tiers. . The Snrest, Safest and Slvf't‘vliest Cure for llrnduche. A positive relief for Sen. rnlgia and Toothache. Notice is hereby given. in pursuance of it. S. O . chap 1'20, sec 3%, that all persons having claims against the estate of William lloil'ati, late of the Township of Vernlam. â€"Dl.\'l.\'(i ROOM FURNITURE, in the County of Victoria, Farmer. :irt’ _1;1.;URUU.\1 SETS hereln' rr uired to send hv lost ire mid, or ., . ., .. otherwiseqdeliver unto Me'ssh‘s. Mieldinglilizi â€"EA>& L'n'unb’ shun as 1 0 IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Sesame Toothwash. - ; ...' ‘ -.:, ~ ‘ , .. -â€"llUCl\'Elih‘ . I A MERRY-Go liothi) â€"-.\lessrs. Cur» llcpdh‘md. >31}! «3 ire. M .lnndsa} l‘, 7 ' ‘ my An elegant. and effective tooth cleaner R P . d P t l- 3 Lia & Sharp, oi‘ Lindsav. brought their l Efléfli‘";{‘11I"i‘f:,”°‘,:‘f33:21“;,‘\€.?3.;‘2i; _l‘;)DLI’\l(("L\:;DQ and preservative. [lambs ' n " ‘ ‘_.., ‘xhpz i'cs:£‘ es:i lg: ___b~ .j;‘,‘,“ . ‘ . “lll:'l‘r)"i~'"‘l:0u"d “f ti“ 5“" 1““ Modut, deceased. or to the said Admixfls- QPRIVGS \VD ,IxTTRkSSFS L1gl1t111ng Toothache Drops. __”, AT__ _ Frlk a_\'. set it up on He mar-ct square 1 mum m pouch)“ Fans 1.. U ,, m” smug â€"~_ . v x .V 5 ’. . u 1., . ' on Saturday and did a thriving business mth of their claim or Claims and the ’I‘ITCHEN FDRMPURE (“11 buds)? The be“ cure {0" toothMllc- W. A. in the evening, every yang-tor who could obtain live cents ines iog it in a ride. The outfit cost, Wt: are told. about $1 500, but as it is capable of earning at least 8‘20 an hour, a pi i! 3 horses and organist require lit‘liln'l‘ land , no: wages, the proprietors no doubt make a good proiit on their investment. nature of the security (if any) held by them . , forth» same 01 or before the first day of and prices are away down. Inge“ Pow‘ler- November,- l‘Sn“, as after the said date the Repairin" and an ordered Guaran‘eed genuine and made from the said Adiuinistmtrzx Will proceed to dis- 5 best closed flowers. name the said estattlmving regard only work promptly attended to. W. H. RDBSON, l to the claims 0! which she shall at that WUndermking in a“ its branches. Chclnist & Druggist. l time have had notice. L. DEYMAN. Baker Block.Kent-at.,Lintlsay. Artists’ Goods 3 Specialty Machine Needles.Alabastine and Dre Works AgenCy. Call and see my .5 cent Roper. Dated this ~lih day of October, 1893. McLACCAIUX d: McDuayrn, Solicitors for the said Administratrix. -« é ‘ouA'In'O- “1...... a.“ -4“... w._..... ,-... ---.....a'-... « .. .. 5:4-hfwlarai . t’ I ‘1‘ “,va 0 ;: swan/u; . .- .., ,3 ,:.~,- g, ,x ll ’4 1. l ‘3 ,. “-m-A‘A‘A‘AA‘wfi

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