t l l r. t. L. l . r y. ~ I l ; »~“‘fa:>rnv.-smv rum-we‘i'Q“; ’ i éx‘~:_.___._____._____ Powles’ Corner. (Correqmmlence of the Gazette.) The date for the iowl supper has been ï¬xed for the 28th of this month.i t Keep the date in your minds, as it will be the best of the season. Mr. Levi Wagar is on the hunt forI deer. It is to be hoped that the part : may get as many as the law allows them } to kill. Mr John .‘liuthorn received a. letter a few days ago from a brother that he has not seen for 30 years. He is living l in Michigan and is a candidate for' Congress. DENTAL. â€"-â€" Dr. Neelands, dentist, will be at the )IcArthur House, Fenc- lon Falls, on arrival of the train on Monday, and will remain over Tuesday. He will have gas and best pain obtun- tiers. Call early and secure an appoint- ment. A NICE ASSORTMENT of all the lead- ing styles in Trimmed Hats, at Mrs. Mc- Dougall’s. S. A. MEETlNG.â€"-A grand rally meet- ing will be held ll the Salvation Army hall on Tuesday, Nov. 15th, at 8 p. m., when Commanders Brigadier and Mrs. Garkin will be welcomed to Fenelon Falls. They will speak on behalf of the annual Self-Denial effort and the Army's work in all its world-wide operâ€" ations. Door open at 7.15. Come early to secure a seat. All welcome. J. W. O'Neil, C; O. PERSONAL3.â€"Mlss Gallagher ofLind- say Was at the Falls from Wednesday . until Saturday of last week visiting at Mr. Pcterkin’s ...... \lr. James Dickson returned home On Tuesday last, after an absence of several months, but we have not yet had the pleasure of meet- ing him......ler. C. J. Thornton, who left for Crone nearly three weeks ago, returned home on Tuesday ...... Messrs. George and Charles Quibell and M. J. Wilson are home from Pcterborough. WOUND [inâ€"Co Saturday last An- drew McIntyre, a lad employed in the stone mill, iuCnutiously leaned against one of the “ rolls." He was without his vest. and the loose, strong shirt he was wearing got caught by and wound around a small shaft that revolves close to a semi-circular bar of iron that part- ly covers it. The only injury that he suffered was a slight abrasion of the skin on his side; but he was lifted from his feet and held tight against the roll while Mr. Andrew ’l.‘orrance, who for- tunately happened to be present, Went down and stopped the machinery. LOOK OUT for the latest styles in Walk- ing Hats and Sailors, to be opened out in a few days at Mrs. .lchongall’s. AT THE POINT AGAINâ€"Tile Post says 2â€"“ Mr. Robert Graham Sr., who acted as watchman at Sturgeon Point last winter with so much satisfaction to all concerned, has again taken up the duties, and that he may have power to make arrcrts the council of Fenelou has appointed him a constable. Mr. Gra- ham resides at the Point and gives his whole time to the making of a double tour each day of the cottages he is em- ploycd to look after. His fee of $1 for each cottage is very moderate, and he should be encouraged by every cottager at the Point. He will get out wood. cut ice, or do any other work required of him. His address is Fcnelon Falls.†CALL AND SEE the “ Dewey †Sailor in iull the newest shades at )Irs. McDougnll’s. Nor A Errorsâ€"Rev. Mr. McKin- non called at the Gazette office on Tues- day to ï¬nd fault with the paragraph in last week’s issue with reference to the upsetting of the cart in which two boys, \Villic Stoddard and Harry Wil- klnsou. were driving towards the Falls. Their story wasâ€"and it did not occur to us to doubt itâ€"that the accident happened in consequence ofu man in a l Waggon not giving them half the road; hut .‘lr. McKinnon said that the driver I of lllu \vngqon l‘ul told him the upset . was entirely the fault of the boys, who E were drivio: " like lightning." illr. .‘chinuon dill not tell us the man's; name. and, as it did not app-Jar in print, the cvpriusion of our opinionâ€"based upon the boys‘ statement~thnt he was “little better than a brute," did him no harm whatever. C.\l.h AND SEE the “Rough Rider". llnts at Mrs. lchougnll's. Dunn llirxrtxuâ€"Saoli of our vil- lugc sportsmen who left on or lit-lore the 1st inst. for their old hunting ; grotto-ls. appear to have had pretty , grind sport. )lr. l‘l. it. Edwards. who . wont north over a month ago, in order to enjoy some ï¬shing before the huntâ€" l in: season opened. returned home last , Mood-av with three tine deerâ€"one his 3 own. one Mr. Thomas Robson’s and ‘ one Mr. George Whissilc's. We came: from near Clear lake, where Messrs. 3 Robson and \Vhisnilo intend to remain until near the end oi the 0pm so s on. 1 On 'l‘ucsdav )lr. Hugh .‘lclliugall r~ turned from near ‘uora ltkc, alter an absence from limth of hot little n\‘-‘-r a “Kick l“: '~ . i. :1 fl" ' 1 Ln.» He shot another. a year older. but it weighed less, being much thinner. Mr. McDougall was in company with Mr. V ' " )laconachie and his two sons, of~ Burnt ‘ River, and the Rev. Mr. Bateman and ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF , his son, who were acquainted with Mr. VICTORIA. Ma'conachie in India, and are now vis- l itine; him. Mr. Batcman devoted him- Node.“ iii-hereby given that the I 3. self chiefly to partridges, but his son, MunICIpal Connoll who is only about 17 years old. wanted of the Corporation of the County of Vic- to kill a deer, and was very much elated toria will meet when he succeeded in shooting one. In the Council Chamber in the I Mr. McDougall tells us that the party , had got eight up to Saturday night. Court House) Lindsay: Mr. John Jones is with Mr. Whissile â€"- 0Nâ€" and Mr. Robson at Clear lake, and Mr. Tuesday,the‘l5th dayof Novemberflgggr t 1 .-‘ p _ 7‘ - E' (J' (“Humâ€) demds left on ‘10“ at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, {or the trans' ‘ action of general business. day to join them. HOSIERY, Gloves and Corsets cheap at T. MATCHETT, . County Clerk. Mrs. McDougull's. OPTICALâ€"“r. I. Whitesmith of COI‘P‘Y Clerk’s 05566: 1898 382 Manilla will be at Mr. Curtis's store, Lmdsayl 0°t°ber313t’ ' ' Fenelon Walls, from 2 till 6 p. m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16th, and at Mr. Wm. Sanderson's from 7 p. m. Kindly call B I G early, as he will be only one day. a THAT IS THE QUESTlON agitating the public at present. as to the superiority of our Stoves and Furnaces and manufactured Tinware. GEO. MCGEE. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Ollice. The lNSOlVenl'S Chum“ Standing- P. S.â€"Rooï¬ng and Eavetroughing a specialty. We give REMOVED T0 . . . . . HAS customers their cho1ce 01 any dcmgn of conductor pipe elbow Dunn's Bulletin, of Toronto, says: n.i;ilv.f’?§.l'$li lfiiliiglliï¬iii 3.12.23 2 Doors N0llh [ll the PUSl lllllBB. ' of common honesty. A few years ago _ it was considered a disgrace to fail in Best brands of Clgars, business, while to-day insolvency does A full line of Confectionery, . not interfere with church standing in Fruit Lunches \ I 7 , the slightest. Men fail, pay ï¬ve cents on the dollar, and go on acting as stcw- Bread: Cakes: etc' ards, elders or deacons withoutathought Stock fresh and well selected. Your of the injunction “ Owe no man anyâ€" PMI‘OMQG l‘eï¬pectfunl’ saluted- thing.†A man stood up in a prayerâ€" E I I I meeting in this city the other night and #QCDQQ stated that, for a certain period past, he had lived as pure as the angels in hea- HOW About ' l The Childrens ven. After he sat down a member of the congregation arose and said he Eyes ? metastases I School means constant applica- “ O ! wad some power the giftie gie us thought a man as good as the previous speaker ought to pay his debts. The tion for some time. To see oorscls as ithcrs see us.†A little care may prevent them party referred to replied, saying he had paid “all the debts the Lord told him from wearing glasses all their life. The above wish is easily realized by “71th 3‘ we“ 30130th It costs nothing to have the eyes having your photos taken at Stock of to pay.†This is the kind of thing ' d. It t at deal mfgâ€.......“L‘;i’..f.?§.£g†STANTON’S STUDm, that makes religion :1 by-word. You We are careful and accurate in will never get ungodly men to take much stock in the godliness of a man who fails, lives in a ï¬ne house, and our examinations, and advise you the Will guarantee 1111 Work 091ml t9 the safest and most, comfortable course best city work, and prices to suit. the times. to pursue, Examinations free. Family groups a. specialty. Give me a call. flourishes around as the agent of his a Life size work in the best style ofthe art at wile. Most men can see through the moderate prices. Window Blinds, OPTICIANS, holes in a ladder if there is light on the J. H. STANTON. Fancy Goods, Lumber for railway work in China The Leading Jewellers, other side, and there is a fairly distinct conception abroad amongst outsiders as tothc standard set by the Christian doctrine touching the outward life. There are plenty of honest men who fail, and whose honor is unimpeachable aflcrfailurc as before, for misfortune comes upon all. The thing we are hit.- Photographer. Fenelon Falls, July lst, 1897.â€"-â€"21 .52 is being hurried to the east from Van- LINDSAY- Stamped GOOdS couver. a 1 e ’ Death has deprived the world of an- 1‘ ' other such freak of nature as the Siu- H A R N E â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- mcse twins. Mrs. Ouelette, of 503 Moreau street, Montreal, a few days ago gave birth to twins which were joined together at the shoulders. Both were girls, but they only lived for half an ting at is that peculiar kind of failure NEVISON’S WW WM°°°°°°°§ Go to J. McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery and 0 Glassware. . . . . . . tawmw WW...th IT’S litiMENSE Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. Millinery, Wall Paper, 0.- @@@@@ï¬ï¬‚flw@@#@@ Materials for Fancy Work, FRESH DRUGS. CHOICE PERFUMES. Chinaware, If you want ï¬rst-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at that, in the church or out of it, may be TOILET ARTICLES. Toys and Dolls. Wolves are plentiful in North Ren- characterizcd as shady! The man who is honestly cudeavoring to pay his debts has the respect of the whole commun- frew Count)“ Four hundred sheep have new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s nun SPECIALTIES ' â€"â€"-- been killed by them. They are begin- grocery and Wm.0mupbell’s dry goods Robson’s Headache \Vafers, nine: to attack travellers. A Wm. Hcl- Slorc- . V The Surcst, Safest and Speediest Cure ity.†mer was set Upon by four Of the bums. for Headache. A positive relief for New [ ., ., . _ , . . . le w is u med, and succeeded in drlvmg “ugh, and Toothache. kept in stock as usual, and also a good them 0E after having shot one. ‘ assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters besalne TOOthl aSh- U- at low prices. 3%“ Trya bottle of Hurris’s An elegant and effective tooth cleaner ~ TI‘IS- celebrated harness polish. It is a new and prescrvnt1V8.. BATTEN DOORS_ “.“m “(mus Fonsr.ux.â€"-â€"At Fenelon Falls on WedncS- thing and you will be sure to like it- . ~ . -. day, October 26th, 1898, the wife of Mr. . nghtnlng TOOthaChe D101â€. J T Jl' Agent for Planos and organs' The best cure for toothache. . ' . . ' ’ " Callll’lf‘N'l‘l‘J]? . Angus Fountain ofu son. Fcnelon Fall‘ Mu 20th 1896.â€"14-l °’ y ’ y Jobbing attended to. Wall “rockets and Easy Choirs mode to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, .\‘c:tr the. G. T. ll. Station, lâ€"‘t-nt-lon Falls. Eggs taken in exchange.7 MRS. antenna. Insect Powder. Guaranteed genuine and made from the best closed flowers. W. H. Rï¬BSii. Chenlist 8; Druggigto l. A postmastvr'is required to give notice - Ly lt'lltfl' (rt-turning the paper does not answer the low), when a. snhsclilmrrlm-q not take his paper out of the office and slate the reasons for its not being tztlit-n. DI A.12.1%IED . ShilTlll-Il‘.AMâ€"ll£bl..â€"Al. the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. James - Ft'.1ser,ou \l'cducsday, November 9th, 1508, .\lr. Francis J. Smithernm of Fenelon to Ada. daughter of Mr. Thomas Bell of Ver- hhm- Is always cheap furnlture 1n ‘ “ ' "“"‘â€*“â€"""“““‘ the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better R"!â€""""l‘l‘.â€i)†Nerf/13W RU’MJNU 00: satisfaction. I have the best lt‘euelon Falls. Friday, .\or. llth, l898 and largest Stock of furniture NEWSPAPER LAW. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. l Wheat. Scotch or Fife .. .. 70 to 7:) - ' _- , i, . . ,. Any melt-ct to do so makes the postmaster Wheat, full. per hnslicl.... GS 70 Of an luridâ€, ‘honl the “bert a responsible to the publisher for payment. Wheat. sptiiig h 1 . . . . . . . . CS 70 lllilllllfnctvllrcrs 111 the pl‘OVIIICC, t 3. 1mm“. phrgm molars his PM," 4,500.†Burley,p0r HIS C‘ . . ~ - - c - - 4‘) 43 , ' B hunt-t to must pnyu :irrr-nrnges or 11.4. Buckwhuu-a ,,,, 34) 3:, conblht‘lng or publisher may continue to son-l it until ‘ 0,1,5! u nun†_', 26 v - 7 payment is made, and collect the wlmln - Pcnse, ‘ .... .... 55 57 -Dl‘\ING ROOM FLRCITURE' IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOB amount, whether it is taken from the oilirc ‘ Rye. t: . . _ . ‘ _ . . 43 43 ._BEDROO.\[ SETS or not. :l‘lll'rt.‘ can he no legal discontinu- } POUNM‘E “ -o-- 35 4“ â€"-E.-\SY CHAIRS, I once until the payment is made. Butter \er 1b.... . . . . . . . . H l5 » i" R P 3' A"y “’50†Who mlԠ1‘ lt’lrflfr from Eggslï¬Ã©r dozen I . . . _ ' _ . . . 13 H _l‘oql€m:“j a the post-oilice, whether directed to his llill'.[l01‘ ton . 5.00 6.00 “LOU-\Gh-‘v ___m M._ numc or another, or whether he has sub. Hides ..... . .. ...... 7.00 7.50 dlDEIMARDS. WNW-"l 0’ “ma 3-9 rcsromi'd" W the IM- . llogs(lire) .. 3.45 3.80 _..srm.\'cs AND MATTRASSE'S. W. A... GOODWIN’S, l 4. "insubscrilmnr'hgrs his plural-r to be . llo :1 Dressed) . . . . . . 5.50 5."5 v v . v x v ' .- - . . iii‘â€"l"“ “l “ “rim†mm" m“ “9 Tmâ€- .. 4.50 5.")0 ‘I‘Imnm FLK‘MTLRL (an l‘md’)’ Baker Blocereant-i-Lmdsay' 11391,†CHM'HHWS 10 Send, the subscriber is :\lI-.*cpsltins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?0 Lilli) and prices are away down. x irJ'tiilllzlult [Prij’l'ql'osr I; if hï¬iluxliennituonl of 1h: no . . O . , . . _ _ , _ _ , . f 7 . '. ' ‘ ‘ ; , lust v I i.':. .l: g; i. '0' .m 5/3 grout] Flour, familr. Silver Leaf†2.13 2.30 Repuu lug land all 01 (101 Cd i Arus‘s’ sands a speCiauy jtlnit n “inf: mint [my for what he uses. rpm. l-cst ripstop... 2.00 2.22 work promptly attended to. l l U 5; 2â€â€œ CWâ€: 2â€â€ “"35"†.“‘:‘.‘ l,'""’§l"“ " our simi}: llrxfl e-i . . . . . . LS“. '2.“ ’ , ' t' i J “3" “"“"l“"l""'5 ““‘ ""“0 “‘5‘ ‘l “1'†"' 'i-Ir t: z , . . _ .. .. . '. ' ‘ 7, ’ 1 35’ End: rtnkf'e-I in all its branches. imachlne negleiféaliisé;ne and Dve “the postâ€"ofï¬ce, or fat: :and leaving a .. .. -. - 4 or "it ' if.“ lmv" r...;. , , ,. i l n . ginn... . ‘. , incthdtucc 4 L. nsvman. minnow. .- ~ - i .. w-, .-... ~.â€"-- ...~.â€".â€" ...>...-...s, . "V‘W‘rw- n, «4 ,nr