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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Jan 1899, p. 5

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"Airs. John Cummings. of the town- ship of Tiny, spent Christmas at the parental home, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daniels, and. at her sister’s, Mrs. Geo. London's, near Cambray ...\liss Lizzie, who is living in the township of Ups, spent Christmas at home. at Mr. John Moore's.....\liss Ella Glliis of Lindsay spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Gillis. Mr. Chas. Daniel and his brother \Viéliam. who have been in the employ of the G. T. R. Co. at Bridge- burg and other points, spent Xmas and New Year's at home. We congratulate our Old friend Mr. i‘chee on the splendid victory that. he won. Alex. has lots of friends around here and around No. 5 division. M r. W. N. Jefl'rey is getting the ma- terial on the ground to have his barn remodeled next season. There is some clover still unthrcshed in this locality on account of the snow being too deep for the traction engine. Mr. Thos. Mark will house lately vacated by Mr. R. Iladwin. occupy the THE FINEâ€"Mr. John Evcrson of Dunsl'ord crossed on the ice from that village to Sandy Point last Wednesday. He was the first man to make the trip this season. COUNTY COMMISSIONERSâ€"In Div- ision No. 4, which comprises Bobeay- neon, Verulam and Somerville. Messrs. John Austin and Morgan Johns were re-elected on nomination day without opposition. A Snour Tli.\\V.â€"-â€"â€"A thaw, accom- panied by rain, set in on Tuesday night, but it. lasted only about twenty-four hours. On Sunday the temperature was down to 20 degrees below zero~ the lowest it has been this winter. BAD TASTE. Those who make a hero of“Billy" Ponton are showing very bad taste, especially as he has not yet been acquitted of complicity in the Napanee bank robbery. He was used for money making purposes at a hockey match at Kingston a few days ago, and was the greatest attraction on the ice. We shall soon be as bad as the Yankees. FARMERS INS'I‘I'I‘U'I‘E.â€"â€"â€"A meeting of the East Victoria Farmers’ Institute will be held in Routlcy’s hall at Cam- bray on 'l'uesday. Jan. thh inst. The speakers are Messrs. A. C. Ilallman, New Dundee; J. E. Orr, Fruitland; John Campbell. Woodvillc; and John Al'tcruolm and For par- Suggitt, of Fenelon.. evening ses>ions will be held. ticulars see programmes. A \VARNING To FARMERSâ€"Mr. Alexander Ellis ut' Vcrulam has had bad luck, having recently lost two valu- able horses. One of them died on the road to the Falls after slipping and fall- ing three times, and the other, a more worth $100, bled to death in his barn- yard‘in consequence of stepping upon one end of a piece of board, the Other end of which flew up and penetrated her bowels. These casualties ought to be a warning to farmers to keep their horses sharp-shod and their premises tree from anything likely to injure the live stock. CuuLEtts’ CONCERTâ€"There was a large and appreciative audience at the curlers‘ concert on Munday evening last. The actors in “ the Modern Cinderella" and “ Dandelion's Dodges" acquitted themselvos very oreditably, and the “ make-ups" were good. The singing of Mics Fannie Brandon and Miss Benin McDougall was well received, and Mr. Charles Podger’s comic songs and Messrs. I’odgcr and Cullen's instru- mental ducts were loudly applauded, although Mr. Podger was suii'ering from a severe cold. The proceeds amounted to about $50. PERSONALSâ€"Mr. John Holtorf, who left for Edmonton, N. W. T., about ten menths ago. returned last week. He says that Edmonton is a nice, lively, pleasant place. with the cost 01' living not much higher than in Ontario, and that he intends to return in about a fortnight with the intention of making it his future home ...... Mr. William Barber, a former resident. of the Falls, returned a few «lays ago, after an ab- sence of about ‘22 years, and his old he. quaiutances were of course glad to see him, though he had been away so long that. a great many of them failed to rec~ ognize hitu.......\lr. and Mrs. Hutchison left on Tuesday lor Spokane, Wash. Correspondence. To th- I'lltl‘ar of the Gazette. Simâ€"Election day is once more a thing of the past. The grand old quotatiOn, n Man's inhumanity to man makes count- less thousands mourn," has had a local meaning. though not on quite so large :1, As was of Course quite inevitable. setle. _ the candidates scored victory. some of defeat. though each one likes to he heard, while he gives his little explanation as to how it happened. the}: have, with one exemption. - iArtists’ Goods a Specialty done nothing derogatory to Illt‘nlit‘ll't's since that event took place last Monday. In the instance of one of them however. the rage is entirely ditl'eri-nt, Trio in Lint. sell‘. he has llU"\‘-'C“:\$t'\l for a moment ‘l‘h‘u‘ to heap upon the h ads ot' men whose sit. :- , n. PULEY. . while Others had to seller. for the time! In almost erery ease thesu lull -r, have taken their defeat like men. until he is not fit to clean, the vilest kind of epithets and abuse. No words could be strong enough to express his behavior, and his language would shock the decency ~01 any community, none excepted. It is said, though it seems really too much to believe, that this man is the secretary-treasurer of our bible society. If this is the case, though who could imagine why he should want to be there, no wonder that. our bible society receives so little support, and no wonder that the young men of our village regard such a noble institution with so little re- spect, when men of that stamp can hold an office. which should be held up before the eyes of our boys and girls as a position to be coveted, and only to be attained as the reward of good conduct The natural trend of this age of civiliza- tion is to elevate rather than to lower the moral tone of our public institutions and our public men. Charity, the greatest of all virtues, eom- minds that we should hear each otheth infirmities. Public decency demands that our public men in such positions, who are the criteri- one of our youth. should be the best amongst us. And the only conclusion to which these three thoughts can lead us is, that there must take place either a. change of heart or a change of man, and that soon. PRO BONO PUBLICO. _â€"__â€"_â€"_.5==â€"â€"â€"-== BIRTI-IS. O’anl..â€"ln Fenelon Falls, on Friday, Dec.30th, 1898, the wife of Capt. O’Neil, S. A., of a son. DIARRIED. Cuntosâ€"Tttoursomâ€"At the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Octavus White, 295 Parliament street, Toronto, by the Rev. Wm. Patterson, on Wednesday, Jan. 4th, 1899,Mr. Fred Cullen, of Fettelon Falls, to Eliza. youngest daughter of Mr. N. Thomp- son of Washago, Ont. DIED. ‘Juukls.â€"On Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1809, John Junkin, of lot 22 con. 9, Verulam, in the 73rd year of his age. __-_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FENELQN FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jan. 6th, 1899. Wheat,Scotch or Fife 68 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. , 66 68 Wheat, spring .... 66 Barley, per bushel. . 45 Buckwheat“ . ... .. . . 43 Oats, “ . . . . . . . . 27 PCltSO, ‘ . . . . . . .. 60 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 47 Potatoes, “ . . . . . . . . 3b 40 Buttcr,per1b..... . . . . . . . 14 l5 Eggs,per dozen . . . . . . 14 ‘5 Hill‘mer ton...... . . . . . . . 5.00 6.00 llidcs .....-. ...... 7.00 7.50 Hogs (live) .......... .. .. 3.50 4.00 Hogs (Dressed) . 5.50 5.75 Beef . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 50 1.00 Wool 15 17 Flour, family, SilvcrLeaf.. 2.00 2.20 Flour, Victoria . 1.90 2.10 Flour, Clipper .... ...... 1.70 1.90 Bran, per ton. ..... . 12.00 14.00 Shorts, “ . 16.00 18.00 Mixed chop, per ton , 20.00 22.00 1 QCard of ‘Thanks. To the Electors of Fenelon Falls. Ladies and Gentlemen,â€"i\ly support- ers being so numerous, I find it impossible to thank each one personnlly,‘and take this method of doing so. I thank you most sincerely for the grand support accorded me you election day, Jan. 2nd, 1899. Wish- ing you all a. very happy. and prosperous New Year, Yours respectfully, WM. llloARTHUR. cnnn OFâ€"TTIAHKS. To the Electors of Fenelon Falls. Ladies and Gentlemen,â€"I wish to thank all who gave me their support in the late election, whichl appreciate all the more highly on account of my not making any canvass. Wishing you all a prosper- ous year, Yours, PHOTOGRAPHS. “ 0 ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithers see us.” The above wish is easily having your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to the best city work,nnll prices to suit the times. Family groups it specialty. Give me it call. Life size wurk in the best style ofthe art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON. l Photographer 1 Penelon Falls, July 151.1897.â€"â€"21.52 l HE gun as I.\' VICTORIA COUNTY I-‘OR Baum Paper and Piclure Frames â€"-15 ATâ€" w.‘ A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Block.Kent-st..l..i11dsay. Machine N eedles. Alabastine and Eve . l H. E. Austin. Works Agency . Call and si-e my 5 cent Paper. realized by GOOD FURNITURE ls always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufacturers in the province, consisting of â€"Dl.\'ING ROOM FURNITURE, â€"BEDROOM SETS â€"EASY CHAIRS, â€"ROCKERS, â€"LUUNGES, â€"SIDEBOARDS, â€"SPRINGS AND MATTRASSES, â€"KITCHEN FURNITURE (all kinds), and Prices are away dOWn. were has no superior. ordered est profit pomt. Repairing and all work promptly attended to. WUndet-taking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. New Toys, New Dolls, New Games, New Books, New China. A Choice Stock of Fancy Goods, Fancy Work and Materials. New Wall Paper Just In. .25 Trimmed Millinery g3 At Less than Cost to clear out balance of stock. Eggs taken in exchange. tins. HEELEY. HAR N ES S If you want first-class single or double. light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVISON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TRUNKS AND VALISE'S kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters at low prices. [16" Try a bottle of Harris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a. new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fenelon Falls, May 20th, 1896.â€"â€"'-l4-1y 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlptlon may quickly ascertain our oplnlon free in ether an Inventlon ls probably patentable. Communion. tlons atrictlycontldentlal. Handbook on Patents lent free. Oldest agency for securing atenu. Patents taken t rough Munu a; o. recelve special notice, without charge, In the Scientific Hmcrican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. cnlatlon of any scientific ourmtl. Terms. :3 a year: four months. 81. 80 d by all newsdealers. MUNN & 80.36'Bmmv- New lgrll Branch 013cc. 825 F St. Wuhlngton. D. IIAS REMOVED '1‘0 ‘86 l l l l l Best brands of Cigars, ' A full line of (_‘.onl'eeti-.mer_v, Fruit, Lunches, Stock fresh and well selected. patronage respectfully solicited. .. ,_____.____..â€"â€"â€"â€" Lindsay's Leading Jewellers. , 2 Duns leh of the P031 lllllCB. l l I Bl‘eull, Colic-S, etc.‘ ‘ Your! the following lengtln: IF YOU DON’T SAW WHAT YOU WANT lT. AXE FOR We have the best makes of AXES and Cross-cut 1 SAlVS on the market, at CHOPPED DOWN *’ j PRICES. Call and see them. Always a pleasure ‘ to Show goods. l SAVE WOOD ‘ 2 And get all the heat possible for your money by using one of our Air-Tight Heaters. lVe have the best Cook-stoves. Our manufactured Tin- , Prices down to the low- ‘ GEO. McGEE. ' i The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office. FOB OHBISTMAS SHOPPERS. GEOOERIES DEPARTMENT. We desire to call your attention to the following line of . goods, just received: ‘ . ‘, Choice Cleaned'Currants; Choice Seeded Raisins, one pound l packages (East Brand); Fine Filiated Currants; Selected I Valencia Raisins; Sultana Raisins. A full stock of Crosse St L‘ Blackwell’s Peels; Soft-Shell Almonds; Shelled Grenoble \Valâ€" fl nuts; Shelled Almonds. . ‘ CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Toilet and Dinner Sets. For the next two weeks we wil offer special value in these goods; also a large stock of Fancy Goods, Lamps etc. for the Christmas trade. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. b A full line of the best goods and latest styles money can uy. READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Call and see our Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, also a. nice line of Ulster-s and Overcoats. These are only a few of the lines of new goods just placed in stock. You are invited to take a close look through the stocks and compare prices whether you buy or not. - Our 250. Tea is immense value. ‘ Wishing you all a. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. JOS. MGFARLAND. Q¢¢¢€3©¢ Christmas Goods. We have made special efforts in the selection of goods for the heli- day season, and our stock is unusu- ally iutercsting and complete, com- prising mnny beautiful and artistic novelties. STICK PINS HA'l‘ PINS BROOCH'PINS BABY I’INS CUFF LINKS BELTS SHIRT S'I‘UDS We wish to call your attention particularly to our line of RINGS. in unique and original: designs. All the now fashionable stones shown. Waltham and Elgin IO- VEST CHAINS NECK CHAINS BRACELETS “'ATCIIES DRUCGIST. in gold, gold filled, silver and niche i FENELO" FALLS, cases. SILVEIHVA RE. __,__,__ ,,,,-_,___.._.____._._____. _--_,___. , All kinds of Tnb'tW‘lm: “0m “ “‘11 ‘BATTEN noons. nouns Willi". Tea Set to a single Salt Spoon. in cm J. T. THOMPSON. J12. ‘ 'th '1": mountings from fl Glass Wt 51 \ r , 11“]{PICN’FE1{. $1.5m to 3'10- ; 'Johbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. a 9 ‘_ Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the ._ (l. T. It. Statlon, Fcnelon Falls. aooooooo¢oo¢ OPTICles, ‘_ ---~-~- i-.. , ‘ ” éThO “ lcnclon Falls hazeln- is printed every Friday at the other, «in the l'orm‘r of May and Francis :er I'1~. 'srnsrltlrrlox 31 A YEAR 15’ .lllvtxt i2, ! or one rent per week will he nil-led a; long as itrt-lnnins lllllltlfli. Advert iHing‘ I!" t (‘H. WANTED __l_l_.T ONCE. l l l u l l l l l 2-"“'r's"’“(' {9910‘ Professional or liUr‘lIlt‘H-i "little, .3" l’I'U'J ,1 L per line per annum. Casual mitw-rliu-imri'u, E m 8 cents per line for the first lllsl-‘l'liull. .2:sz l at T H. Det‘ew k Sins” mill at Fenelon 2 Wu” I’M “"0 f’” “WI-V mi'M'l‘w”2 "'"‘ " tion. (.‘imtrac-ls h}- llie year. half year .4 ' less. upon reasonable term». JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, tor. rectly and a1 modt-mte prices. 15.1). HAND. I'ropnuor l Falls. or at Convenient points on the lakes, lor at our Grand Tintk station lII‘IH'l‘L'n T linliburlim and Common. Lugs to be cut ‘- 1” ll 8 in.; 1:4 {1.4 i in. and 16 it. 2 in. For lnrlher particulars i enquire at the Mansion House, Penelon l Pulls. l Decen.berl3th,1898. 4441'. .LA_-..#A__A . _. . g“

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