CARPETS! CARPETS! “7e are a: ilt> for one of ‘the largest Carpet manufac- turers in Canada. and carry the largest stock 1n town. Bes1des our stock we have a range of travellers’ samples, and can take orders from these to ï¬t any room. Not having room in our store to hold all our carpets, we have removed them to a. room upstairs over our store. have an immense range in Hetnps, Unions, \Vools and Tapesâ€" tries. Call and see them. w. useovrvs. THE RED STORE. Seasonabie Goods. Gent’s and Ladies’ Hockey Skates, Boker’s and the Starr. The Acme Spring Skates. Greening’s Steel Wire Cow Chains. lacer and Maple Leaf Crossâ€"cut Saws. Toronto Blade Cross-cut Saws, .lz- feet, at $2.50 each, a ï¬rstâ€"class article. Oak and Hickory Axe-handles. American and Canadian Axes, from 50c. up. Stoves, Cooking and Parlor. Prices lowest in the County. Cash for Hides and Skins. i JOSEPH HEARD. imam hm AT “at. easements. p _. 7, . I . staple,» . .ii :3. lL NERVES AND BRlNG DRUCGIST. FEHELOH FALLS. l i l l H A R 3 : appeared to have been heated, and from 1, examination it was evidently not cuiire- l If you want first-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at ; \Ve ! FARMERS WANTING A GOOD nsi age hi er in Pu pa ITVOULD DO “'ELL TO aspectRobson‘sStock. For quality and price can’t be beat. .â€" Dealcr in coal and iron. Highest price for scrap 11011, b 'ass and copper. nits. hoses. i'l‘ilie Fciielon Fallsâ€"Gazette: Friday, January 27th, 1899. That Ten Per Cent. Royalty. One of the latest arrivals from Daw- son city, Mr. W. C. Gates, is authority for the statement that Commissioner Ogilvie has recommended a reduction of the gold royalty to 24.} or 3 per cent. on the not output, adding that; “the people of the district had such conï¬dence in Mr. Ogil‘vie- that much extra work 'will be done next winter and spring, and many claims which have not been considered worth working while the ten per cent. royalty wasin force, will now be opened up.†All that the Govern- ment has been waiting for is reliable data from an unprejudiccd source, and ~if'the~CbtnmiSsibnc1‘ declares for the re- duction, action will quickly be taken. Success of the Agricultdral ï¬lliepartment. p The great secret ot'tlie success which has attended the administration of the Agricultural Department both in the Federal and Ontario Governments is v that the Ministers in charge are in every sense of the word, practical men. This is being constantly demonstrated, not only in the hiin state of eï¬icieucy to which the departments have been brought, but also in the up to-date pol- icy that is bcing pursued and the ex- cellent results coming therefrom. It is also made manifest upon the frequent occasions when the Ministers appear on the public platform and discuss practi’ cal measures with practical men. This week, for example, I‘Ion. Sidney Fisher has been talking to the farmers of'Wes- tern Ontario upon the importance of care and knowledge in the matter of stock-raising, discussing the latest im- provements in butter and cheese mak- iing, and posting them in the details of l the requirements of the British market. As he told the Western Ontario Cheese and Buttermakers' Association, “ The importance of cheese and butter could not be ovm' estimated, as was evidenced by the fact that during the past year some 817,500,000 worth of cheese had been exported to England. The present was a critical time for this industry, and while in the old country last year he was startled at some things he heard. Canadian cheese was being criticised, and old countrychccsc was commanding higher prices; and what was worse the lcriticism was merited, for the quality I of the Canadian cheese was not up to the standard. The Canadian cheese lv done in transit, but in the curing rooms of the factory." .‘liuister described the steps that had been taken to perfect cold storage facil- , ’ itics on the cars and vessels. concluding N E v I S 0 N S ‘ with the remark that he hoped they new harness shop, between J. .llcl’arland's grocery and Wm. (.‘ampbell‘s dry goods store. TRUHKS are. VALISES kept in stock as usual. and also a good a~sortrncnt of fly nets and buggy dusters at low prices. W Try a bottle of Ilnrris's celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs ; Fenelon Falls, May 20th, 1996.â€"H-ly SUBSBRIBE For the “ Gazette.†~ l jwnuld soon ovt-rcome this slur 0n the j Canalian Cllth‘MP, and again occupy the proud position they should have, in the markets of the. world. Referring to the butter and bacon isiic terms. declaring that there was a in the British market, and that both had already secured a high reputation there. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-= The Bonus Evil. '- Thc Toronto Star says 3 . “ The proposal to appomt a commis- sion to investigate the bonus Question . 0"". “W10? 3 Pe'mlly Of $10â€. ‘0 WW5": l next “'ednesdey. much resembles a, proposal to shelve the subject as a troublesome, but pressing, political issue. The evil of the system Continuing, the l trade, Mr. Fisher spoke in very optim- ; is widely known, and is in fact admit.- ted in the fact that there is upon the statute books a law prohibiting the granting of bonuses, a measure which, however, is constantly being violated by means of special acts. But even these special acts are deprecated by the legis- lature which snpinely passes them, just- ifying its \VCaklleaS on the plea that. other places having been granted the privilege, it cannot wvll be refused to fresh applicants. The lacr is. the gen- eral act is becoming a dead letter, and it should be abolished or enforced with- out further delay. To abolish it would be to plunge the whole province into a reckless rivalry of bonus giving, so it seems about time to call a sudden halt in special legislation. At any rate, the evil is so generally known that :1 Com- inission could learn no more than a gov- ernment ofï¬cial detailed to gather lig- urcs.†It is to be hoped that the givingr of bonuses even by special legislation will be done away with, as it is an unmiti- gated evil that has arisen out of the riVulry existingr betwt-cu localities for the pOSSL‘SlOII of factories, mills- and other industries, which are practically put up for sde and knocked down to the highest bidder. If, in a city. town or village a business has grown by de- grees until it gives employment to lif- tcen or twenty hands, an application by the proprietor for encouragement in the shape of exemption from taxes or. a small bonus would be laughed'at ;‘ but if a stranger appears upon the scene and preposcs to establish an industry upon a not much larger scale, his appli- cation for a few thousand dollars is not considered unreasonable, and in the great majority of cases he gets what he asks, because, if his demand be refused, he may take his industry clewhercâ€" perhaps to a locality in which raw ma- terial, shipping. facilities, and‘ other '“ factors†likely to insure its succcss are not so great as in the one which re- fuses a. bonus. True, a factory cm~ ploying a large number of hands is a great beneï¬t to the place in which it is located, but that is no reason why its proï¬ts should be swelled at the expense of the pockets of the ratepayers. Bon- using will, however, exist until it is put a stop to by legislation, which can- not be passed. too. soon ;. and the evil is so palpable and great that we (lo-not see the use of a commission to inquire into it. Help With a Dollar. The mortgage indebtedness of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, entails an interest expense of $2,250 each year, a heavy drain on the re sources of this great charity. It will be remembered that in a recent issue of this paper the wonderful work of the hospital was described, together with an appeal from the trustees, asking that the people of Ontario pay elf 825.000 of‘thc mortgage this year. They had agreed to retire that portion of the mortgage. A generous response has been made, but there is still $3,000 needed to complete the fund asked for. Over $33,000 has been paid in ;. some of it came from the readers of this pa- per. The charity is provincial und not local. Sick children from every nook and corner of the province are cared for. The chairman of the hospital trust,.J. Ross Robertson, M. PL, Teronto, writes: “ Is there another man in your town who will help the helpless children with a dollar ?" Mr. Robertson says that every gift to a worthy charity bears in- tort-st for the donor. Three thousand single dollars will do the workâ€"will you give one ? The Dog Case. On the 19111 inst. Mr. M. W. Bran- lic dug, about nine months old, of the gentler sex; next day be procured a- sr-areh warrant. went with (.lonstable Nerison to the premises of his neighbor. , body of the dog. which Mr. .‘leDoug‘all l i l i l l l l i .llr. llugh McDougnll, and found the; l don of the Falls missed a valuable 0111- i l i ‘admits he shot. but. under circuurtunces 3 l that he alleges ju~tifi~rl the act. l satisfied with his Brandm went to luv. accompauicl by the constable. and laid an informa- tion before (.‘olonul ll-zacou, who cone nesvlay to try the case. appointed. 1 o'clock, quite a. number of viliagcrs assembled to hear the trial, i but they were disappointed, as, at lllu ,same hour and place. [having retained the services of Mr. Hugh O'lleary Q. C., .‘lr. McDiugall thought it advisable to have a lawyer l too; and, as be deposited with Consta- ~ ble Nevison a sum sufï¬cient to pay the l expenses of the day, he obtained an ad- journment for a week, and was bound Several \vitnt:s~'es had been subpoenaed. but the onlv one Not I I: anything. i'XplalllliIUll, .‘lr.. request of .‘Ir. .‘chuugall, it was ad- , Splutdid mmkct for bod, these Staples fjourncd until Wednesday next at thcti l l l to the Falls by the noon train on Wed~ At the hour who lives in Verulam about 8 miles: from the Falls, and who did not Want to make another ttip. Mr. McNeil owns the mother of the victim of Mr.- .‘IeDougall‘s unerring aim. and her“ father was the property of Mr. Brandnm himself. and was poisoned by some unc known person about a year ago. The dogs appear in h- exoeediugly well bred, and .‘lr. Brandon subpil‘uaed .\lr. \lc~‘ ,. . . . . . .‘wil with the \‘lt‘W ol getting him to- give an opinion as to the mine of the animal that. was killed; but the. witness- declined to do so, though be practically admitted that he would us soon lose one of his cows as a vouugr enliio that is a lui‘ brother of Mr. Binndon's but" linil‘lliftl favourite. School Board Proceedings; Fenclnn Falls, Jan. lSlh, 18993 Board met pursuant to statute. All the members present except Dr. Wilson. Moved by Dr. Graham, seconded by in. lleard, That )1 r. .llclliugall b1: appointed chairman of the board for the ensuing year.â€"â€"-(ht:'ried. Moved by Mr. Heard, seconded by Mr. Arnold. That the secretary be in- structed to a~k for tenders for .the fol- lowing : 15 Cords of 4 foot hard wood, beech or maple, to be delivered at the north ward school, and" ten cords two. feet long to be delivered at the south ward schoul. Tenders to be received up to Monday, the 302h ll)Sf.wâ€"C:ll'l‘ldli. Moved by 311‘. Arnold, seconded by Dr. Graham, That W. 'l‘. Junkiu be re engaged as secretary and treasurer of this school board for the ensuing year at his present salary of $35, and that the securities furnished by him, namely Wm. Junkin and Mrs. J. Ellery, be ac; ccpted as satisfactory.â€"-Carried. Moral by Dr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Heard, That the rules and rogulcv- tines now adopted by our principal rog- ulating the punctual attendance of the pupils at 9 o’clock are satisfictory and approved of by this b')fll‘t.l."-Clll'l'l0d. Dr. Wilson entered and took his seat. Dr. Graham retired. Moved by Mr. ll~ard seconded bv Dr. Wilson, That Mes-us. Arnold and Nevisou and the chairman boa com- mittee to visit the South ward school, and Drs. Graham and Wilson and Mr. Heard be acommittce to visit the north ward school to see to all necessary rc- pairs and to arrange for the saint.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded by Dr. Wilson. That the chairman sign an order for $4.50, tor three cords of tam- urac wood supplied by J. llillyctu Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Nevisou, That the third Tuesday of each month he the date for regular mectings.â€"C:u'ricd.. Burnt River- (Correspmnlcncc of (Ira Gazette.) , . There was a lt‘armers’ Institute meet-~ ing on the 23rd inst., which for the first I think I may say was a success. The attendance at the afternoon meeting. was not as large as it might have been, still, there was a fairly good'attendnnec. Mr. Macouachie occupied the chair in an able manner, and Mr. ['Iallmnu gave a very Interesting address on the grow- ing and curing of corn for fodder, inci-- dcntally referring to the value of corn. Alter Mr. llallinnu,. as a fodder crop. Mr. Orr gave an exceedingly good ad- dress ou “ The insect pests and the best manner of lightingr them,†and treated the suwact in a very able manner, but as his remarks applied almost exclusive- ly to fruit tree pests, and as fruit grow- ing has not reached that importance in this locality which is should, his ad- dress was not of as much interest as it would otherwise have been; though We might venture to hope that it will be of future bent-lit, being of the firm belief that apple growing might be made ex- ceedingly profitable in this localitv, the apple tree sveming to thrive best O“ the roughest and stonicst lands. This bi.“ iu;_r the first Institute meeting held horn, , there was very little discuwiou. the men present seeming to be too bashful to say .‘lr, Carnegie gave a Vi'l‘V instructive address which contained some valuable instruction on the fodder (pr‘sllou. At the (.vcniug .~(;S.‘~i()ll the audience was all that c iulrl be «ii-sired so far as llllfnll'TS was cuucwrned. The chair was :iblj; occupied by Mr. John Fell ‘Sh, who opened the ur-vting with a few \vvll chosen remarks. .llr. llallman discu~stnl the " hog question "-wbtx: pardon. the iSWinc [I‘JUSHM [ll-H's" whzt l- 311'. Brandon? 3 ( 1 It {1 , it) and gave some may interesting fl;- ures relating to the bacon trade and its growth, as also the bust manner of re. mining and improving the trade with the old country. )llï¬a Evans and Mr. M IC'JHv'lCiliL‘ contributed in no small degree to the enjoyment of the evening With their choice music. i {63" Some good bargains in ladiI-s‘ and children s Hosiery and Gloves at Mrs Mc~ examined was Mr. Robert W. .‘lcNeil,l Dougall's.