.. magma-1... 5 . ( ,...I _. - Liv Red Rock.- (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The singing school is pragressing very favorably. On Tuesday night a number of members of the school at Lamb's drove over and spent the even- in-_:_ When will the Red Rock people return the visit? Music hath charms A basket social. for the purpose of starting a library in the public school, will be held in this section on Friday, Fe . 3rd. Watch for posters. Tun New \\‘.tnx-I-;\'.â€"â€"At the meet- ing: hi' the Victoria ()3! ' ~' ' . - ~ - Limp]: 0†Tu Ill Iliutt-l Soulllflée": plUlHlS ol the Library are lower than i . .~.. my: ' as . '. r: ' - - - v‘ 3’ 1 l 3 l I is usual at this time of year. liryans was elected Warden for the year 1899. SALVATION Anur.â€" Limit-Colonel Margotts. 'l‘crritorial Secretarv, will make a special visit to Fenel-‘nn Falls on Monday, Jan. 30th. A grand rally meetng will be held at 8 p. '.11. in the S. A. llall. Come early and secure a seat. Doors open at 7.15. A collec- tion will be taken. 52:)†laby Bonnets, from 18.} cents up, at Mrs. .\Icl)ongall’s. In 1 [It-2C.\11N1V’.\[..-â€"'I'ilcrc was a rather small attendance at the carniVaI on Wednesday evening, both of spectators and inasquu'adcrs. The costumes, though few in number, were ni'exccllcut quality. The prims were awarded as lollnws : Bost lady‘s costume, .lliss Jen- nie Graham; Bast girl’s co-tume. )liss tume, ll. Lee; Best biy's costume, Wil- lie ï¬le-Donnaâ€. Eider-down Hats for 59 cents, at )lrs. McDougnll's. lloCKEY.â€"Ou 'l'ucsday evening,J:m. 31515, the Bobcaygeon hockey team will journey to Fonelon Falls to play th- ir return match with " our †boys. The Bobcaygeon team has been strengthened, has been practising hard for this game and is in first-class shape, so a good 5:;ime is assured. The hockey boys ask all their supporters to be on hand, as enthusiasm goes a long way towards success. Game starts at 8 o’clock. See large bills. pg?“ All the ready trimmed Hats to be sold at half price at Mrs. )Ichugall‘s. Iii-MLU'IIUN on :XI’PRECIA’I‘ION.-â€"- The Presbytery of Lindsay at its last regular meeting drafted the following extract minute in reference to the trans- lation of the Rev. Al. McKinnon, B. A. “In parting with the Rev. Malcolm McKinnon. B. A., the Presbytery of Lindsay wishes to record its apprecia- tion as the minister of two congrega~ tions within its bounds, as a faithful member of this court, and as the active and tireless convcncr of its busiest com- mittees he has shown himself “ a work- man that ucedcth net to be ashamed.†The Presbytery commends him heartily to the brethren of Orangevillc Presby- tcry, with the prayer that God may bless him in his new charge, honoring him in the salvation of sinners and the cdiï¬cation of the saints." 'l‘m: RICHARDSON-BENNETT ENTER- T.\IN.\IEX‘1‘.â€"-â€";\ large and appreciative audience erected the appearance here, last Thursday evenine, of Miss Annie Richardson and Mr. Harry Bennett, in an entertainment- placed in Dickson’s ball by the St. Jnmcs’ Sisterhood. Miss Richardson rendered her numbers in an acceptable manner, receiving encorcs. noticoably “ The Painter of Seville " and “ 'l‘wo Sides to the Story.†“When Grandma Danced the Minuet " was strikineg gracent in movement, as in rendition. Of Mr. Bennett, it can be said that his impersonations in character $01113 were of the highest artistic order, full of humor, and, with his wonderful facial expression, the in- sistenee of the audience in eucoring him | Main and again was readily explained. A Sunder-land lady writes Dr. Neelaizds that he had made her a successful tit after , baring eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewliere.â€"-1tht‘ , Disrun‘r )1tirirtNd-mllistrict. Orange -. L tilde. .V-I. l. l“ 'nelon, hold its annual : meeting at Cameron on Tuesday, Jan. 10:11. Al'ti‘l‘ the usual routine of busi- ness the following oilicers were elected for the ensuin; yeir: Ilistriot blaster, in... 1.. nay-mi. or 091;; mp. nmm Master. lira .\. ll. l‘o'u-‘nsenul of .‘ill ; ili~trict Chaplain. lii'o. li ll. lat‘llt‘ll oi" ll‘Jli: line 590,. Brad. '1‘ 'l‘li'unznnn of 996; lsiii. Sec†lice. S. :\. Solid-thy 4d .‘i-ll; THU-tuner. Bro. Rib-art En;- iisli nl 3-H ; ll. of 0., llro. lirnrge Owens 0116; Lecturer. Bro. Neil )le- tiidivrav of 996. The district was re- ported ti» be in a flourishing condition. ten new members having joined the order during; the past year. Cambray was selected as the next place of meet in-_v. The Scarlet Chapter will be open- ed at Fem-ion Falls on \Iarch 14th. SALE or PERIODICALS.â€"-The annual sale of newspapers and periodicals in . connection with the Fenclon Fails Pub- lic Library will be held in the reading .rnomnu i'l‘uesday evening. Jin. 3lst, comm-mcing at 8 o’clock sharp. The: following papers and magazines wid be . . 7 "turn 31' ‘laqu.’ Lillie Brooks; Best gentleman's to», uniâ€) 5 -in. and It} it. '2 in. cold: The Puritan, Cussell’s, Harper’s, Leslie's, Munscy's, Scribner’s and Mc- Clure’s magazines, Girls’ Own Paper, Ladies’ Home Journal. American Poul- try Journal, Harper’s Round Table, St. Nicholas, The Quiver, Harper’s Bazaar, Harper's Weekly, Daily Mail and Em- pire, Daily Globe, Canadian Post. Bob. Independent, Watchman and Warder, Illustrated London News, Leslie's Il- lustrated, Scottish Alllf‘l'lC‘lll. American Agriculturist, Detroit Free Press, .‘Ion- treal Star, l’eterborouuh Examiner, Scientific AmeriCan, F. F. Gazette. Strand Magazine. Terms strictly cash. .1 good attendance is requested, as the {E}? A splendid assertinth of Walking Hats and Sailors cheap at Mrs. M’Dougall's. A 'I‘um'r 1.\' ‘l'l'tlltE.â€"'l‘lie Ladies’ Auxiliary of _\i.dr..-w’s Church have secured the services of Miss Ethel Webb, graduate and gold medalist To- ronto Conservatory of Music and School of Emeution, and Mr. W. Graham l‘lods- don, tenor. who will appear in Dickson’s hall on the evening of ll'cdncsday, Feb. lst. Bozh these artists come very hizhlv recommended. The Mail ulul Empire says: “Mr. llodson was re.- callz-d again and again. He possesses a voice of great power and range. and of a line. clear, silVery quality. The ex- quisite rendering of Adams’ “ Holy City †and (lowan's fine song “ The Children’s Ilomc ’ earned for him rap- " In reference to Miss Webb the Globe says: “ Too much cannot be said of her as a reader. Her power over an audience is wonderful, and this, combined with her beautiful and graceful stage appearance, makes her a success wherever she goes.†Tick- ets and plan of hall atRubson's and Gould’s drugr stores. 150. See bills, etc. Tickets 250. and DIED. Drumâ€"In Winnipeg, Man, on Friday, January 20th, 1899, Sarah \Villock, wife of Mr. W'. R. Dick, aged 80 years; Evsusox.â€"In the township of Verulnm, on Friday, January 211th, 1899, John Ever- son Sr., aged 88 years, 8 months and 4 days. BI;11%1%IED. METCALrnâ€"Ronn.â€"At the residence of the bridegroom, by Rev. R. H. Leitch, on Wed-- ncsdny, January 25th, 1899, Mr. Frederick A. )Ietcalfe. of Fcnelou Falls, to Ida, eldest daughter of Mr. Francis Robe, of the town- ship of Fenelon. FmLiav.â€"â€"GrnnoN.â€"At the Rectory, Fene- Ion Falls, by the Rev. Wm. Farncomh, on Wednesday, January 25th, 1899, Alfred Henry Finley to Sarah Evelyn Gibbon, both of the township of Vcrulam. 4â€". FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday,Jau. 2 7th, 1899, Whent,Sc0tch or Fife .... 68 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 68 70 Wheat, spring .... .... 68 71 Barley, per'busth... 45 50 Buckwheat “ . ... .. . .1 45 47 Oats, “ 27 28 Pease, ‘ .... 60 62 Rye, “ 50 50 Potatoes, “ . 35) 4o Butter,per 1b...." ...... 14 l0 Eggs,pcr dozen.......... 14 15 Hay, per ton...... . 5.00 6-00 Hides 7.00 7.50 Ilogs (live) .. 350 4.10 Hogs (Dressed) 5.50 5.75 Beef........ 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins.............. 50 1.00 W001 15- 1-7." Flour, family, Silver Lcuf. . 2.00 2.20 Flour, Victoria. .... 1.90 2.10 Flour, Clipper .... 1.70 190 Bran. per ton...... 1300 15.00 Shorts, “ 16.00 18.00 Mixed chop. per ton . . . . .. . 20.00 22.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice 1: hereby given in pursuance of ILS. 0.. Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Thomas Robson, late of the Village of Feu- elon Falls, in the County of Victoria, Agent. deceased, are hereby required to send by post. prepaid, or otherwise deliver = unto .‘Iessrs. McLaughlin k .‘chiarmid, So- lit-itors etc., Lindsay l’. 0., Solicitors for llarriet Robson, Administratrix of the said ‘ Estate, a full statement of their claim or claims. and the nature of the security (if any) held by them for the same, on or be- The- Buffalo All-ï¬eel Disc Harrow.‘ l This is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada, having independent. ud- justahln spring pressure upon the inner ends of the gang discs, allowing any am- ouut of pressure to be thrown upon the in- ner ends of the gangs, by the foot of the operator. By this means a perfectly ties- ible action is secured and the ground can be worked toa uniform depth. Examine thismachine carefully and compare with others. THE No. Izanlvmcn IS A MARVEL OF SUCCESS. The only Cultivator made that both lines of teeth will cut an even depth in the ground. Ex- umine it and you will see why. The only Cultivatorsm'itha moveable tooth set so that the angle ofthe teeth can be regulat- ed to suit any condition of soil. Pressure can be regulated to act differently on every section requiring it. The teeth are carried between the wheels instead of triilingr be- hind, as in other machines, thus securing lighter draft. This machine is furnished with grain and grass seed box when requir- ed. It has revel-sable diamond steel points for the teeth; also extra wide thistle cut- ting points can be furnished. Examine it and you will buy no other. THE BEST EEiLL MADE. THE IIOOSIER NEEDS N0 INTRODUCTION. Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manufacture in use in Canada. The only Drill made with lever for instant and per- fect regulation of depth of line in all kinds of soil, while team is in tuotion. Sons ab- solutely correct to scale; saves seed, as every kernel is deposited at a proper depth to grow. Purchase only the best and you will be satisfied. -\\’e also manufacture Binders, Reapers, Mowers Rakes, Cultivators and Pulpers, us Send for illustrated catalogue. NOXON BROS. Mfg. Co. , Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. TEES. GRAHAM, AGENT, FEHELON FALLS out? :5 good as the best. If you need anything in these lines call A'i' ithlSï¬ii’S mesa Furniture, Doors, Sash, â€"â€"AND-â€"-â€" UNDERTAKE ' WATâ€"~â€" The above wish is easily realized by FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. Finn imitators. Headquarters at the Iron Warehouse, Corner of Golborne and Francis Streets, Fenelon Falls. HUGH MCDGUGALL, AGENT, REPRESENTING HIGH fore the Eleventh day of February: 1599, as 1 Frost & Wood. Smith's Fans. after the said date the said Administratrix will proceed to distributv the, assets of the l coultha‘rd 800“ CO" OShmVa' said Estate. having regard only to those ' claims of which she shall at that time have had nuiim‘ lined this tenth day of January, 1899, at Lindsay. licl..-\L'Glll.l.\' k MCDIARKIID. Solicitors for thr said Administratrix. 4‘34 ins. WANTED _.g.'r ONCE. moronic feet of Swamp and Grey Elm Logs at '1‘. II. Drf‘rw k Sons" mill at Fcnelou Falls. or at convenient points on the Likes, 1 l l l l l l arson Manumcturiug 00., Ayr. : , l Chatham hiannfacturir.fr C 0., Chatham. ; Cockshutt Plow Co., Brautforo, 1 and other leading firms in the latest specialties in farming implements. l EBB, ,. G, GOOlti, Shapley & Muir Con Bmutford- l George White & Sons’ 00., London. Stephenson Electric Gaming?) works. aiming on. llll.-\.\"l‘l’(lllll S'l‘lil-II, GALVANIZED \K'INI'IKIIIJS. roller and ball hearings. the host and most pom-rial mill in the market. which may be seen at .llr. Joseph Watson‘s, Sinner-ville, .‘dr. John Cullis‘s and Mr. John Willocks', Feliclon, in operation. Ask these leading farmers their opinion before purchasing. Also the STEEL KING l’l'lll’l-Ill and the famous MAPLE LEAF GRINDER. Prices s' and terms on application. WATSth FRICTIth FEED TFIZNIP DRILL. PLANET JUNIOR CULTIVATORS. FiltlS'l‘ k “'UUD C‘I'Ifl‘i'i'ATOllS. CUCKSIIITTT PLOW CI). CI'IXI‘IVATORS. STI‘II-II. uud \l‘t’lttD I..-\.\‘t) 111:1‘11 1:t_!I.I.ERS. Samples 01 a number of the leading machines in stock and will be pleased to shew or ii any Grand Trunk station between I at any time. The new FORCE FEED IlIXDEI‘. is a marvel of simplicity. with improved roller . llaiiburtun and Omemec. Logs to be cut the following lengths: enquire at the “amino Ilouse, Feuclon Falls. December 13:11. 15:13. 4441‘. . I,†ll H “Li l“ 4 x bearings. and is without it peer for lightness of draught and case in Operating. See it. for turther particulars ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN T0 REPAIRS. HUGH McDOUGALL, Agent. GOOD Fllhh ircar ls always cheap furniture in- the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better satisthction. l have. the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufacturers in the province, consisting of â€"-D1.\'1NG noon rcuxrrunn, .â€"nnnuoo.\i snrs â€"E.-\SY cnams, -â€"uooknns, â€"â€"LOUNGES, â€"SIDF.BOARDS, _srni.\'os AND narruassss, â€"â€"I\'ITC11E.\' FURNITURE (all kinds),. and prices are away down- Repairing and all ordered work promptly attended to. , I _. . . Wbiitlertaking 111 all IIS branches. L. DEYMAN... it our as IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR‘ Ilium Paper and Picture Frames â€"18 ATâ€" ‘W'. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Block,Kent-st.,Lindsay. Artists’ Goods. 3 Specialty Machine Needles,A1abastine and Dve Works Agency. Call and see my 5 cent Paper. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - COPYRIGHTS ate. Anyone sending it sketch and dcscrlptlou may quickly nscertnln our opinion free w other an Invention In probnb1y patcntablo. (‘ommunlcn- tlons strict1ycontldcnt1n1. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest n ency for acourlngyutento. Patents taken t rou h Munn A: (.0. receive apecialmttce, without: 0 urge, tn the Scientiï¬c Emerita". A handsome1y Illustrated weekly. Lament clr- culnttou of any scientiï¬c ourunl. Terms, :3 a your: four months, $1. 80 d bant newudeulcrn. MUNN & Casement New 1ng Branch 001cc. 625 11‘ SL. Washington, D. Pilï¬Tï¬hRAPI-IS. “ 0 ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithcrs see us.†having,r your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to tho best city work,and prices to suit the times. Family «groups n specialty. (iivc me a call. Life size work in the best. style of the art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON, Photographer Fenclon Falls, July Ist,18‘.-T.â€"-â€"21.53 HATTEN DOORS. “'Illl'l IHHllIS J. T. THOMPSON. J12, (I A]: PIGN'I.‘ 1')! l . Jobbing attended to. Wall li1’21t_'lilfi.'€lt.‘n1 Easy Chairs tundr- to order. ll'orkshop on Lindsay Street, 5' *ar the G. 111:. Station, l"('11l‘l(1ll 1‘a115. The “ Fettelon Falls Gazette" printed every Friday at the t)lll"l', (-3. the corner of May and Francis strut-1'. Sl'llSI'llIl’TlUX $1.1 YEAH IN ,Illl'ANl'E. or one (-t-nt per week will he added a: long as itrr-mnins unpaid. Advertising 1:“! on. Professional or l)usin(-.-:~' cards, 50 Mm; per line pernnnum. Casual ndri-rtireuwits, 8 cents per line for the first lI1I-TL'rIiI:11.1tt:l 2 cents per line for every Hitllsi'qucnl inwi- tiou. Contracts, by the your, half year or less, upon 1":HSUllttlvllf terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. E. 0. HAND, l'ropvicttr ., v - a. wintry-no «~Ww‘w‘ ' V"v\. \W‘ n. ..~