.m_ WW. the animals. Do not let them lie up- tercd suit at London against HallCainc A surgical operation was performed . on a cold, damp floor, nor leave a. door and Charles Frohman to. enforoc lllS on the Great toe of Alrmlomâ€" hm. O P S or window open with a cold wind blovv- clum to the exclu tve :LOllng rights of of Rodd township, Mich... “a ‘few aye ll C k ing upon them. Remember that ice wat- O "The Christian" throughout the world. ago. The surgcon extracted from the . w: or is just as cold in January as it is in __ gill) the exception of the United (gpenibrlg a‘dlldamgud l{ingt lAlfr. families o‘vmwâ€" July, and that water can be warmed totes. as pen . o_ t at e swa ow .1 l3 FARM LIFE IN JERSEY Aanwith wood at $3 per cord cheaper than THE The max, 0‘ the mmuda M um Lem ring in his infancy. He is now Sixty- ~it can with hay and grain. Five dolâ€" do“ Coal Fxch.lnge when, we [mm five years of age. GUERNSEY. {lars per cow for the winter would be :1 ALL OVER. chants gmhgr‘ is ul‘liquc. 11‘ is com, GENERAL Agricullul'lsts ViSiling‘ Europe Should : 10w esumate 0f the .vam? 0f “'amled _ pesed of inlaid woods arranged in the e _ lwater over that of ice water. Gilt- form of a nuriner.s compass‘ win, a Storms are causmg great havoc in not fail to take a tour in the Eng-, . - f '. ' . _ _ .edged butter cannot be made from milk Interesting Items About Our Own Country, -. _ . ,_ , ‘ 5\\lt.!8rland_ “Sh Channel “31811113. 0f WhICh Jersey F produced in close, ill-ventilated stables Great Britain, the United States. and 0f 4‘ and Guernsey are the principal. Here, nor from milk of ill-fed or diseased All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and ' they will see some primitive methods cows- Never use a WOOdeD milk pail Assorted for Easy Reading. M'ar correspondents were at it as far The Elbe has risen and H‘amburg is partly flooded. - - . and never use our milk ails for any- ._ back asthe time of Edward II. Scribes Five feet is the minimum be; M of an†m force’ [mt they “"11 see how thing else. ï¬eep yourppails, your CANADA specially commissioned, were sent up the Russian and French commit mum may be made out Of 8 51112111813306 strainers, your cans and creamery ‘ ' with the. English army which invaded Th if farmed in a thorough and careful tanks clean, and your separator room A district military school is to be es- Scolland at the time. Incredible as ll V e’PWXSG-nt flow 0‘ lava from Mt- free from foul odors. tablished at Belleville. may seem, not one of the London neWs- 95‘1"“ IS Saul to be uprecedcnted. way. "l‘he climate is early in these islands, wnh a fair quantity of sunshine, not much frost and a moderate amount of l ‘ Frenchmen are asked to subscribe rain. No hay stacks are to be seen and I for a $60,000 submarine boat for an- lional defence. Ahmed Fedil‘s force. the last Dervish army, has surrendered, Ahmed Fedii himself escaping. It is reported that the Sultan of 'I‘ur- key has ordered a lot of Krupp field. guns and shrapnel. It is said that the chief amusemch of the Chinese Emperor is training goats and donkeys. The German estimates. just brought down. show a surplus of 71,870,000 marks. or about 818,500,000. Carl Jacobson. the Danish brewer, has given the city of Copenhagen art treasures valued at $1,400,000. The Hotlentols, now one of the low. est species of mankind were ages ago one of the most highly civilized. Serious fighting between rival chicf- talus, which may lead to international complications is reported from Samoa. In Berlin. the pawnshop is a royal instilulion. and it is not allowed to make a profit. Its surplus goes to charitable- purposes. One of the latest achicvcmcnls in chemical science is a pcllct containing the concenlralcd elements of coffee. sugar and milk. Count Tolstoi declares that he lids to thank his bicycle and his vegetar- ian diet for the robust health which he enjoys at the age of seventy. A bronze column, inscribed with a treaty helwecn two cities, made in the third century before Christ, has been found in a Doric temple in Greece. The official inauguration of the new telephone line between Moscow and St. Pelersburg took place last wcck. The line alone cost 60,000 roubles, 20,400. A Norwegian sailor on July, 1898, be- tween Iceland and Grccnlund, sighted a heap of ropes and rubbish, probably the wreck of Andrea's balloon on an ice-flow. . A despatch from Cologne, Germany. says a number of children have bccn mysteriously stabbed on the streets. One has died. The crimes rcsemhlo those of “ Jack the Ripper." Student riots have occurred at Pal- ermo and Naples. A statue to John Ericsson. the inâ€" ventor, will be erected at Stockholm. The Russian General of the Trans- saspian district has been ordered to take Herat. Brussels is named as the place of meeting of the disarmament conference of the powers. Dr. Gueseppe Basso, of the Turin University, became infected while cul- tivating bacillli and died. Bermuda is overrun by cats and spar- rows. The plague has been discussed in the Colonial Legislature. During the transportation of 1,170 Spanish soldiers from the Philippines, to Barcelona, 300 took sick and 44 died. At the opening of the Parliamcnl of Sweden Wednesday the speech from the Throne advocated the building of de- fences. Prinoe Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark, and Princess Louise, his wife, have arrived at Storkholm, where they are guests of Uncle Oscar, the King. The Pope had a chill on 'l‘ucsdoy, and there were great fears for his life. But His Holiness quickly rallied. His physicians advised him, however. to hold as few receptions as possible. Empress Frederick of Germany. who is said to be suffering from tubercu- losis has arrived at Nice. Her Mu- jesly is a guest at Ihc Holcl dos Aug- lais, where she has cngaged eighty rooms until April. Thu-re are summscd to be ncurly 50,- 000 'dcnlists practising upon people's tooth in lhe world. A dentist's case of instrumcnts nowadays contains be- twn-n 300 and 400 instrumcnls, A medical authority on the virIucH of various kinds of food dcclarcs that tho herring givas the. muscle elonlicily, lho body strength and the brain vigor, and is not flesh-forming. Mr. Pt-llctan in lllt‘. l-‘rcnch (‘hnmlwr of Deputies, accus‘cd the (iovcrn- msnl of bad :Illlnillls‘ll‘uliull in the colonies, on which llll‘ loss to lilo Country had hm-n sixty millions. Mrs. Tan Jiok Kiln, lals- of Singu- porc, is buried in a 820,000 coffin. ll. was decorated with silk. gold and preâ€" cious stunt-s, and was llw most costly Coffin t-vcr construclo-d in llicSlrnils Sa-lllcmcnt. Amung lbs: lliffian pirate-s of Mor- occo llr; womvn do nll Ilw agricullur- al and other hard work, “'llllv llu- mcu, win-n at home, do the mmking and m;nd the clothes. including the woâ€" m ‘n'a. Tb: Czar and Count 'l'oL-sloi have mot, kissed and parch at 'l‘oolah. in (.‘cnâ€" lral lluasia. 'l‘h- ruler has the ruft-rm- cr's prum:5P of co-olmratinn in the scheme for tho limitation of nrmg. mulls. A professional school of electricity is to be established m-ar Paris. The school is intended to furnish labourte and forcmcn with an electrical edu. cation and first-Class instruction will be given in both theory and practice. The mines in Manchuria. accordin¢ to a report of a Chinese official, are situated in a country covered l2 feet deep with snow in winter. and infected in summer and autumn with an insect which makes life unbearable Diphtheria is “waging the lumber papers was specially represented at the camps near Sudbury. battle of Waterloo. The city of \Vinnipeg has sold $65,000 Sir David Barbour, formerly Finance worth of bonds in Montreal. Mi‘nister of India, is going to Jamaica The Township of Binbmok has car- for the British Government, to see ried prohibition under the local option that the financial affairs of the island law by 9& are straightened out. It is claimed that ecked b’ld financing is responsible forthe lack 3:2... th Yukon keep her West Indian colonies on an 8. ' . . b equal footing with the islands now Eight thousand chums have ee‘n'managed by the United States. made to the Government for Fenian I Raid medals, A rather novel form of combined The Canada Atlantic and Parry amusement and instruction has been 1' ' ar carried near- “anngl‘d for the benefit of certain lsoullldOOlllillllllvblisllileslgytff grain. Pl'l‘Om‘I‘S at \\ ormwood-Scrubs, Lon- y . ' ’ , ,. , C f H m_ don. Who may be anxiousto “turn over tum Ont‘ulo T‘mk Ommny' 0 a a new leaf",on their liberation. The “ton him Shlpped 30 tons 0f nulls and National Health Society has obtained tacks due“ to the YUkOIlï¬ _ permission from the Prison Commis- The Pontiac and 3361f“! JU-DCUOP sioners to hold a weekly "Homcly Railway Company W111 GXtend the†Talk" on health and nursing with the line from Aylmel' t0 0ttawa- women who are. undergoing short scn- lVork will shortly be commenced on tenco in the prison mentioned. These 8, $40,000 steel bridge, over the Rideau lectures will relieve the tedium of in- Canal at Maria street. Ottawa. carceration, and perhaps fit the bear- J' H. Metcalfe warden of the King- 91‘s to become better. members of soc.- ton penitentiary: on leave of absence, lely than they have hitherto been. is reported as gradually imPFOVing in Mr. Justice Hawkins will now he health. ~ known as Baron Hawkins of Hilchin. The Attorneyâ€"General of Quebecd agi- Lord Aberdeen will be the new presi- 1313011106.?t miiglagizvgggiorï¬s it): dent of the, British Empire League. Fofllmn as n Charles Morris, 30 inches high, and ei‘év'eml cannon bans have been found Miss Goddard, 30 1â€"2 inches high. were by workmen excavating bitwegï¬ tthe mgri‘lliismofvindgliitemcnt the profcs . - a can I . ' Quebec P0“ Ofï¬ce and t e sional fees of the late Sir William brontenac. J I ‘ . d t £13 0 ' . ' ' Works will 911m“ “moume 0 .0 0 dyein- The Hamilton Board of “m Empress Eugenie will start at ‘ ~ be cut by llet d qiliialbtrldgrothlonfhdouncmployed [he Pnd 0f the month for a trip in [he an ’1, wk Mediterranean on the steam’ yacht may a“ w ‘ Thistle. ‘ ‘ or-General has asked the v, _ . wiggles Eggi'irlish Columbia to subscribe 111?- Loudou Standard proleslsagainst ‘ I morial College the abrogation of the Claytonrliulwer :3 Dumb “fire‘iiflnagthovernor Mom: Treaty, unless .wtth compensation and ni; 11% the neutralization of the Nicaraguan , . cana . i the Government received 3 . . . . slï¬ggguyl‘cf'gm the poll Lax on Chinese] lfmts are being vainly made to sup- imm} ration of which $27,650 was paid press agruve scandal connected \Vlth gm the! Provinw of British Col- the retirement and disappearance from again liondon, Englanfd. of the Rev. Robert - _ _ , Ly.on, rector 0 St. Mar aret's 'hurch. The Allan and Donllm‘m “"8 swam," and ucanon residential; of LWcst- ers, which leave Halifax 011 Monday“ minster. will now wait once a. month for a few UNITED STATES. roarâ€"RY. Don't think that because you see dirty eggs and ill favored poultry in the markets, that you can send yours that way, too. If for no other reason, have enough respect for yourself and your work to insure your goods leav- ing your hands in the best possible shape. It is true that these things take time and work, but so does all re- spectable labor. W'hen the market is flooded, your stuff, if uniformly first class, will stand a better chance than will that of the careless sloven. The exercise that fowls get as they run from place to place searching for the bugs they eat, can be substituted by making them scratch for all the their ' . grain the et, in some out straw or exportation gives the chief 8110- leaves thgowgn on the floor near those cess ' wittilts {X’rt' south windows. The object should be their cattle they are very sue. to make biddy feel contented. A hen cessful, chiefly through skilful m standing around on one foot with her agement. The Channel ' 1 an‘ head drawn in never amounts to any- are milkers . IS and cattle thï¬g as a winter layer. The exercise ed as su h essentlaulfl and are treatâ€" also guards against disease as well 0 . protected from bad weather, as serves as a very invigorating tonic. fzd rather sparsely, but kept warm in s lppcns, cowsheds, in winter and telhâ€" BEGINNING WITH TURKEYS" :23, (13:13:85,182: "1 3Pri138 and sum- The first requisite in turkey raising proï¬tably yieldi nruplthelr allowance is good stock. The fowls should be very profit, b, n? ‘1 arse supply of] healthy, of good shape, with heavy bad- .i 6 milk at the least cost ies and not too much leg; the hens of - . . productlom “16 Islanders treat either one or two years old. If older t ' . . shell: cattle Very k'ndly, each being- the eggs are fewer in number and more P0 en to by name, taught, command†likely to have soft shells. The gobbler ed. rarely scolded and never abu' d Should be well matured and weigh not Throughout the ishnds c, ttl 58 ' less than 18 or 20 lbs. Gobblers and plentiful and V . , ‘1 e “'9 Very hens should never be selected from the m1“. €13 bliflllar both in fea- same flock. .As to color, one may M t- and disposulon. All heifer calves choose according to fancy. \Ve prefer I ofreared: veal and beef come most- a bronze or a black. 0’ Iron} 0t11611111111155. but none to live. t11:1 Ireland is allowed to import cat- f.el and they have to be killed within MEAT MAKES EGGS. we days Of landing. In Jersey th butter is always of good c010,. althou 1‘: If one can get refuse bone and meat it 18 sometimes very soft, occgfk at the butcher's at one cent a pound, Zlnoéldglrgnfulll of water, sometimes hard the increase in the egg production will u ar' The Who†milk gener- soon pay for a bone cutter. One pound ally is churned. It ' - cupboard or close roomlsfoihgï¬rgfd‘anys‘: of meat is worth several pounds of often for six, to ri n or grain for making eggs. \Vith one of churnmg’ and in vï¬ious ï¬ifygegfgoggg the hand bone cutters costing only a 10 1088. as if only indifferent quality of few dollars one can easily cut meat and buttery“ sought. The best butter is bone for a large flock of hens, as they made in Guernsey, if we may judge need it only three times a week. from market values bein """‘ 'b to 60c per pound in 'Gue,.ngse; 2:5 WHEN TO FEED ENSILAGE. to 360 per pound of 17 ounces in Jer- If used for cows, feed just after milk- sey. . , A _ Land is very expensive in both is_ ing. keep out of the stable until the lands and. consequently house rent is milk has been drawn and removed dean LlVlng is fairly cheap. “rages from the barn. The odors from the en- are about the same as in En ' ‘ . i I gland, or sllage are taken in through the breath Silly to a week for a day labor- I rather than from the feed after it is u 'on (£59 lslanders all destre to live eaten. If, theâ€, it is kept from the S'pril err own land, and that neces- cowo while being milkEd: and some I. (1): creates a_ pgen demand for the Limo bufore, it will not affect the dairy an and an artificial value, as almost products. everyone With money buys some land itndd‘puts up glass houses. The isâ€" OR Is NOT A FACTOR an s are used as seasxde resorts by COL I Visitors from England, especially in The fact that a hog may be white, 1230?: “ï¬g; gï¬gelaï¬gggiï¬e :ï¬ikzn is. a black or red does not operate for or lure of Normanayand Bri’ttanyFrgï¬g‘K against him in the general market. The t0\\'nspe()ple all speak English. The Some buyers prefer while hogs, but French coast is only one-half an hour-s this feeling is not pronounced and no steam from some points, and in the premium is paid for white porkers. case of a war between England and ll'rance, the Channel islands will be the first to feel the effects. The. cremation law in Norway pro- vides that all persons over fifteen years THE PRODUCTION OF GILTâ€"EDGE 0f ago must have made a declaration BUTTER before death In the presence of two . ' witnesses desu‘lng cremation. For Gilt-edged butter cannot be made thus: under fifteen years the declaraâ€" from interior cream, neither can ï¬rst_ tion must have been made by the par- class cream be roduc -' . ents' p ed from tmnud A new method of preserving meats, mluf' therefore m tl“?“tlng upon the i from which much is expected, consists sl-lblect We must begin with the cowl in immersion in a 30 per cent, solution cnd her food and care. while indi,.i_ of salt, tfhrclmgh which ba continuous dual cows of a . , . , , , current 0 e ectricity is eing passed. 08 Gum†m ,1? bleui md" possess 6" l The curing is completed in from ten 9 ,9“ ’ y“ †“ems to be' to twenty hours, when the meat is tak- woll established that the Jersey and i an out and dried. Gu‘fl'nh‘l‘y stock have the characteristic; 'l‘wo thousand two hundred acres of of imparting a superior color, grain E cedars are cut down yearly on the and flavor to their product. Their : continent in order to make wood cases butter fat I l l ‘ ,for lead pencils, 1here are twenty- g 0"“ 85 are larger thall f six pencil works in Bavaria, of which “1‘59 0‘ any Ollicr breed, consequently ~ twentyâ€"three are in Nuremberg, the the scparauon of their cream from the : git?“ faint"? “f [hf “tad penggo .tmldoe' milk is more “Hid : . _ - ‘ ese actnrlescmpoy mm 8, to ,- thoro h th is. “Pâ€, as inme l 000 workers, and produce 4,300,000 lead us ’ 8 mum 1†mm" ‘lumkly ’ and colored chalk pencils every week. churned and lht‘ butter of better grain. i The Japanese Government has given 1hr butler produced by cows well fed ~ an order for the construction of an- and cared for will be of better color. olllhcr xlartge Sliilï¬lltikl‘slllp in addition to .,. , . . . . , l .- so i ‘lixis ima and Hatsuse tt‘xllll't. an l flavor than that from cows) which‘ am, I'm“. being built in England: otherwise ‘handled. Bran, mixed feed The new battleship will be the same and middlings make a smaller for glo- lYlX‘ “5 Elle “"913 "955,913 110W under hule, which not only produces finer ; f‘mshilmtl‘on'm 8th“ .31â€! 038 92.15%â€? ‘. ‘ ‘ I ‘ ' , ons r lSpllO’.‘ en , m n, in ma er gr‘umd butt?!" but do†“"1 ‘s‘p‘m‘m horse-powcr, and of a contract speed from the milk in the form of cream as ‘ of 18 knots madin as the fat from the heavier! . rains. Gluten meal produces softerI utter than corn or cottonseed meal l and although it is well adapted for: tho islanders nearly all use peat moss as bedding for their cattle. In both islands they make the most of the sun- light by erecting large glass houses, thus putting most of the land to the growth of grapes, tomatoes, etc, withâ€" out using artificial heat. They also grow early spring flowars, chiefly daf- fodils, narcissi, iris, ixias, freesias etc., large quantities of which are sent daily to the principal English towns. Itldney potatoes are also shipped to Izngland in immense quantities, and so large is their growth in Jersey that hours, until the arrival of the Chinese mails from the Pacific coast. The Customs Department has nearly completed arrangements for placing‘its officers under guarantee bonds. 'lhe total amount of insurance is between $900,000 and $1,000,000. The Gatineau Valley Railway will be ' extended this year from Gracefleld, Government Wlll advance $40.000,000 lo the present terminus, .t" M‘uniwaki’ pay the Guban army' ‘ which will be the terminus for “some George Gould it is slated will return time to come. The distance 18 2:8 to New York as a resident and pay miles. taxes but on a reduced valuation. Another case of suspected Smallpox It is reported that the American has been found at Montreal. Bell Telephone Cq. is to be merged in- At the Montreal depot on Wednes- to the American Telegraph and Tele- day, 400 Chinese, en route for MeMco-‘Phone CO- Chicago physicians have made a nose out of chicken's flesh for Herman Wade. Miss Lindboom is an applicant for membership in the Chicago Board of Trade. It: is expected that the United States I were given their supper. ' Miss Alice Hamilton of New York The Kingston Elevator and Transit has been declared insane by a sheriff's Co., has asked for a. bonus from Hamll- Jury. She has personal belounings amounting to $200,000. , The Fifteenth United States Infan- try of Ohio, and the Fourth Regiment of infantry of lllinois have started on their long journey to the Philip- pines. . Three commissioners of the Glasgow exhibition of 1901 have arrived at New York and will proceed to Wash- ington to invite the United States to participate in the big show. The Hawaiian Telegraph Bill for a serVLce for 20 years from San‘ Fran- ClStLO fto Honolulu. at $100,000 a year, 7 _ __ I is e w; the house at \Va,s'hi lon. l. nlversuy . ‘ . ' Duri’g the war $2,000 a day \\'8:gfllld Hon. James D. Lewm, Swami: “110 ir able tolls. has been on the directorate of I.th The Bank of New Brunswick for .48 3'9!" . has just been re-elected prestdenl .or the 42nd term- A meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the ’11-ent Vullfy Canu'l The boys of New York who hate go- Assoctation, 'was held at leterï¬oro, ing to 80110â€, are in luck. The Sin“. and .3 .demsmu, arrwed €1th†egl‘lultion there for school uccommodnlion uggresswe actma to. full er l. e: is mph that in“ boys who. play \Wl'k- _ _ 1"hookey" arc. not punished becaus- th: The Woods ack Town Councrl is {mm 1 room is needed. plussed ovyr the fact that the root on, Florence Maud Schmdy' daugm" the new central Methodist. parsonage ! of Jacob Schmdy‘ a wealthy NP“ ank has not been constructed accoldlng to lawyer, and a relative of mu Gouldâ€. the. provisions of the fire b)-l.m. is said u, have (doped with a lwnni_ GREAvD BRITAIN. less ‘studcnt. She is slid to have A combination of calico printers ingnlilrned John B. Byrnc in secret. England and Scotland is talked! of,l A San Francisco pup" pub“th mp with a proposed capital of 800000.000. ldetuils of an alleged anarchist pic; 1,, ‘ ; . , G, 11 Gordon has wo_ blow up a numberpf big hotels in [bat enï¬Â§iiiidԤ1?n§fdrniirllymn book which "‘3" A [su‘ir g‘vmg the, man“ h.“ the Soudan hero used in his yOULh. :ï¬gnigtï¬pligu'gngldml‘dih I'll“- DOIN‘P 'lhc North-Eastern Railway Company I†Chun, 1 Chimman {mm V _ of England has JUSL distributed 01,1200 Yong mums"; {he WNW “011% 1:]?! in prizes to the "kt-cps of blhly small 3 insi‘uved on “98mg Prflidm‘. . .“0- stations as aWards for ncutnes‘s and; ,: - ‘ . , __ r 0d “Ste « ,lxlnlcy. lie said he \Ulntl‘d to culls! (’0 . ‘ ' , . B, . h . III the United Slates army, and “allied It is reported that illle litls bov- ,hv President ‘0 give him sum}. soldiers crnment usabout. to‘lmpose counter-fso ,1“, he (.ould go over and “hip vuiling duties upon trench bounty-fed é Chi,†sugntr‘ig tiltitlilieshk The-Ls: lildtgntig: unwe- Mfl“ ll" Bailey. coloured, 33 yea rs 1 id. men . jis locked up at Baltimore. charged 'lhe total amount of money conned by , whh the mum†by poison. of George a†we queenâ€"S predecessqrs on the \V. Kiuh. also coluux'cd. at Cambridmu throne was £;.00,000,U(.0. During the pre- gum or his mother. Mary Jane Kiah gem reign th-e Mtg-t has. ‘3’.“8‘1 m.“ Arsenic was put into flour used for £450'000'lm' Ind“ mg tls‘J'OJ'om m making oyster fritters. Indiaâ€"a record for alltime. - Rom†Junie mining , . , ., _ : 8cm. engineer, Pm" R‘Ch‘rd “Hothouse Jabb' °f of Vancouver. committed suicide in Cambridge, who represents the uni- . ,r l â€". varsity in parliament has been elected l 3%}: gasï¬Ã©gsrï¬ï¬imfggfaï¬ {3:3 as Mr. Gladstones successor _to the me mun,“ ML Jamiwon followed WWWâ€? PW‘NW’flP °‘ “nclenlhw his profession in Turkey. Asia Minor mt, m the Royal A“ em' and England. He leaves a wife in Wilson Barrett, the actor. has 011- Vancouver, ton, to build an elevator there. The Great Northwestern Transit Co. will replace the burned Pacific by .a new steamer on the Scull; Ste. Marie rouhe. . The United States Government's claim against John and James Livtng- stone of Baden for $18,000 due as customs duties has been settled for $1,000. Prof. Henry Alleyne Nicholson, re- gius professor of natural history at the University of Aberdeen, 13 dead. lie at one time occupied a chaur at Toronto United States rewriue cutters to be built on the lakes “ill be smaller than those recently constructed. not greater than 500 tons burden. and “ill cost about $165,000 each. In Nagasaki, Japan, there is a fireâ€" works maker who manufaclurcs pyroâ€" technic birds of great size, which, .- ,. , - - - when exploded, sail in a lifelike man- .â€an hadmg' u gum“ um be fed in . ncr through air, and perform many warm weather, when butter must be: . ' ' firm if it is to be rated “3 gubedged' ; monments exactly like those of liv- Bour ennilflgt‘, musty and mold hav i ing birds' In" focret 0‘ m‘lking was" fodder and grain must be “ryemu-y' wonderful things has been in the pos- uoided. for no amount or sub sessmn of the eldest child of the family care can counteract their evil 5:323; , 0‘ “Ch generation for more than {00 Fesdlivelllle; feetill liberally; giro your 1 years' .. cows 3 t y \vi eat; that is the ex- press purpom for which you keep IN THE EARLYPMORNING. them. They are only machines for con- At break of day how sweet to wakeâ€"- verung rough produce, averaging 313 To hear the wind the casement shake, per ton, into butter, a concentrated And know. 11100-811 howlins “0111131118! product at 8500 per ton. Have regard . bent, llways for the health and comfort of Some other hand turns on the heat.