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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Apr 1903, p. 4

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Best Imported KidGloves, 3 dome fasteners, colors black, grey,-tan and brown, perfect fitting, every pair warranted. Two special prices ..."...W. ....-..... ....$I and $1.25, was" coons. The largest stock and greatest variety of Wash Goods in town is what we are showing. Our prices are lower; than ever nnd_ we are offering several specials for Easter. Plain and striped Ging- hams all colors, including new linen effect, per yard. . . . .. .. . . .. Scotch Zephyrs, per yard ............. . ......133. and 15c. ' "_ Prints in endless variety, and all fast colors. Two prices.. .‘Ioc. 8‘ 13c. My . ntons ar- special prices. ' sss'r SILK meson. .OIIOUII .1} inch wide.... ....3c. peryd- 1% inch wide ..... . ....... . ....5c. per yd. Zincbes wide........ ...... ........Bc. peryd. ‘Splendid assortment fancy neck Ribbons, lOc. to 20c. a yard, all new for Easter trade. . In EMBROIDERIES and HANDKEBGl-IIEFS. M Our Embroideries are without exception all new. No old stock, and everything you can possibly ask for, and what are called for by the fashion books are to be found at our store. HANDKERCHIEFS. , Ladies’ finest linen Handkerchiefs, half‘ dozen in a box. Per _box....... .........75c,, $1and $1.25 . Ladies‘ Lawn Handkerchiefs, either wide or narrow, ~hemstitchcd Lborderél,0ttcll ....... lhnOUOII_IlIII ........ ocunouovooolocoeco Children's Handkerchiefs, fancy borders, two for ,. . . ; ~;r “it = I ‘l. Q at. clnnolo ....... hoovellool .-, . ‘ '71"? "was", “1-7- 'tnave PURCHASED . ‘ W. MCKEOWN’S TAK'NG‘ Funrnfrunc. We have many lines that. BUSINESS; have been reducedinprice - and will carry a large -â€"nice goods suitable for and t1p-t0‘ date stock of wedding presents, etc. furniture, We have in stock the Am ralsoyprepmpd to do largest amount oquWatches all kinds of . we have ever_carried,-run- Garriage Making," ning.» in price 'from' $2.75.‘ Repairing and to $100.00.. u A Bepamtmg, Remember our repair.- ‘i'ng and. engraving are- second' to none. l I I. s. .1. run, g : AFTER“ ssocK. 7.- _~..~ q.“ ,~ ...- - --_,_.-v.-_-,- and to make DOORS AND SASH. short notice. Mndsay; The. Jeweller. i - Furniture and ‘ Undertaking. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are _. Special Value. ' ' Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. , W TOILET A SUPPLIES. Our stock of Toilet hiccessities was never more complete than now. We have. Brushes fey thchair, the teeth, the complextop and the clothes. ~ ‘Combs of all kinds ‘and sizes. I Tooth Passes, Soups and Washes. ‘- We have anew thingin Sponges, \_ _. ., _ ' _ .. "we" mm“! °f "Me" I carry in stock a full 'line- of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, EtC. . In‘ fact, we have almost-anything in‘ these lines your fancy may sug- gest. Our prices are lower than, you . . - “pill expect for the quality of the If you are 111 need 0f a Sew- _ gm,‘ s. p. , . ing Machine be sure and see mbébqi'il' Dru‘ atom?" my styles beforethYing. 1... seam. fife? Planing tlona on. "S. S. Gainer. , Picture fra'minga Specialty. ,_ FARMERS! If you want your Binder Twine to be coop, RELIABLE. canes, ~ leave your order with The-s. Robson. ‘The Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday, April ‘10.1.. 1903. By-Law Meeting. A very considerable number of the property owners of the village essence bled in Twomey’s~hall on- Tuesday eve- ning to hear an explanation of the “true inwardncss” of By-law No. 428, upon which a vote is to be taken on the 20th" inst. The reevo ably filled the chair, and the speakers were Mr. F. McDiar- ' mid, village solicitor. Dr. Gould, Mr. Robinson, manager of the Bank, Mr. Thos. ‘Robson and Mr. George Martin. Mr. McDiarmid- spoke For upwards 0f_ an hour, Dr. Gould. Enitabout half that lcngth-ofi time, and the others for about three minutes each, and all expressed themselves strongly in favor of the by- law, believing that this is the very last chance the village will have to obtain possession of a portion of our magnifi- cent: water power, which, if not secured now, will‘ inevitably be snapped up by somebody else. Towards the close of the meeting Mr. McDougall, who was called upon to speak, said, among other things, that his firm had some time ago given an option to a party in New the village, which. they thought ought to become owners of the property. As Mir.- M'cDiarnid said, the by'law, on the face oi it, places the. matter in the very worst light, and that is just what. is being done-by itsopponents, who are quietly doing-.- all thcy can to secure its defeat, but will not express ‘their senti- asents openly, either through the press 0r upon the platform. We have already avowed out'=elves in favor of the by-law. and in next week's Guzettc. which will appear three days bctore the vote is to be taken, we will give our reasons for believing that the by-lnw ought to be carried. D. J. McKinnon, 1*]qu will speak in Twomeyshnll, on behalf of the by-law, ,on Friday evening next. Provincial Auditors deport- Report of» the audit of'books and ac~ counts of’ Mr. W. T. Junkin, Treasurer of Union School Section 3, Fenclon Falls, Victoria, from April 1st, 1896, to Mar. 11th, 1903, made by Dngald Henderson, Accountan.t,'fiorcnto, in accordance with instructions received from Jli Bl. Being, Esq, Provincial Municipal Auditor, and under authority of Order-in Coun- cil dated February’ 26th, 1903. To J. B. Laing, Esg,. Provincialdluw ' icwal'Audiltmc, Tjronto I: beg to state,,_i.n pursuance of your instructions, I'~hnvc examined the books, accounts and vouchers of Mr. W. T. Junkin, Treasurer of Union School Sce- tion 3, Feoelon Falls, Fonslou and Vibr- ulam, and herewith snbmitstntcmcnt of accounts and report. Dr. To balance at date of last audit, Dec, 1902 .... . Trees. TWp. Fenelon (Legislative grant for 1901) omitted! from pre- vious accounts . . . . . . . . Difference in amount charged by Treas. Twp. Fenelon . ....$3l9.20 And the credit given him. by Treas.ofSchool Board $294 00-25 20 Balance due Tress. of School B‘d 87, 34 l l. 00-1 $204 76. Cr. By sundry expenditure since date of last audit ...... ..... .. ..... .$l63 40 Amount due Trees , being the a~ mount. owing by the'Tnvonto Fin.- ancialCorpOratorthow insolvent). balance of monies ‘ deposited to. credit of School Board .... .... Amount charged ‘against Trees, by-Oounty Treas. in error and on‘ tered in S. Book in error as receiv- ‘ ad, payment having been made to Sahel Section 6,0t' Pension, and not; thchool Sectiomz, Echelon. 16 36: and included in foregoing statement of York, but had, though not without dif-_-- , .ficulty, managed to cancel it infavor-of Fcnelon and Vcrulam, in the County. of ; ... ...... s 81'22; ' shapes and lovely trimmed bots, thcro :Falls, Ecuclondiidwlrkrtilam“, . . . 25 00 ”-'-'-~ ...,_._$204 76 Balance due Mr. Junkin, School- Board Trens.... .... ...... $ 87 34 Amount at credit'of School Board in the books of Treas. of Funclon Falls. $2,100. (This includes 1902 levy ol Ifenelon and Vcrulam recently paid by the-m.) Besides the above thcrc may be small amounts owing by these two mu- nicipalities for portion of Legislative grant; from the Twp. of Fcnclon for . 1899 and 1900, and from the Twp. of Vcrulnmil'or the whole period covered. If any money is due, it is because no rc- ports have been made of any attendance from these districts upon which to com- pute what may be due. A payment, in excess ol $25‘ has been received on ac- count of Leaving and Continuing class- cs, tho amount having been receive-l from both the County Trees. and the Prov. Trees. Dcpt., and is apparently owing the latter. I find that all monies received have . been accounted for, and all payments authorized and vouched, although in some instances not under their proper dates, the most important of these being the entry in 1901 oi $27-5- 00 for Leav- ing and Continuing Glasses, which in- cludes $100.00‘ received .at the end ot' 1898 and $100 00 received in 1900. This seems to have arisen from the Treasurer not making entries at the time money was received and writing up his Cash Book at a future date. The entries now made in his book by me, $11.00 and $25.20, arc also instances. The error which the letter corrects was , made apparently from minutes.. 'l-‘he a- mount ruquircd to be levied by the township of Fcnelcn lor that year was $294.00, whereas the amount paid the treasurer of School Section 3 was $319 300 , an adjustment of levy having af- terwards apparently been made. On the other hand, the same entry of $175 includes the amount of 825.00, which I have passed to the treasurer’s credit, the same not having been received by him, as explained in entry. It is neces- sary also to explain that a cheque for $10.35 sent out in'1898 wont astray, and, after coming into the hands of the treasurer of the township of Fenelon, was returned to the Inspector. A know-- ledge on the part of the local auditors of thc sources of revenue, and care tak- en to show on each annual statement any outstanding balances of same, would help to prevent errors occurring. Care should also be taken totstate, ionic-king entries, the sources from which monies ‘arc derived. mounts received from the village treas- urer, for instance, were entered as such, although they included monies from other sources, and no-doobtfgave rise ‘to the ideal that- monics ascertained to be due had'not been aeceunted‘f0r. For some time entries were also made by the village treasurer in his book of accounts as received by him and paid the school board treasurer, although thcy- did not pass through his hands at all, which would make it hard to define responsi- bility in the event of a dispute. This, however, he has discontinued, entering ,cnly the money he actually receives 'or pays. -Mr. Junkie, wbciisrretiring fr0m-.-the treasurership, has hadtpass through his hands. school board monies to‘ the a- mount of $l8£08434=0,~ and has received i'n salary $350.00, (at the rate of $35700 per annum), being a little over 1.35 per cent of receipts. The school board has held a bond from responsible surotics against. loss .to. the~ezttent~ of 81"‘,0001-00-i Now that.’ there is a chartered bank in the village, I would suggest that an ac- count be opened to the credit of the school board; andsall payments made by cheques drawo by counter-signed by. the chairmanbft" the hoard. To ascertain correctness of payment by township of Fcneloo treasurer of the 8319.20, I went donate. Cameron stat-ion and. walked- from,‘ thero out to hishouse, and;,after'examin.-ttion of the receipt heldiby him, madea copy of the same, so that, on- my return to Fenelon Falls, I‘ could show the same to Mr. Jiuukin, who accepted it as settling the question.. D; HENDERSON, Accountant. Millinery Openings.- of last week, many ladies visited‘- the millinery establishments, where the opening displays of dainty: hoadwcer, flowers, fruit and foliage gave- gentle spring an opportunity to reign indoors. Pretty draperies and decorations of plants and flowers added to the attrac- tions of: tho- spacious show room at Mr. Wm. Campbellis, where, as usual, the workwas up-to-dctc and well calculated to meet the various tastes-ortheir- nom- orcns customers. Bi'sides- an endless choice of ready- to-vvosr hots, 'untri'mmed were many samples oi artistically trim- mcd hats ready for inspection. Some of the entries of a- , During his termcf ofiice (ten . years)- the treasurer. and ' Dcspitetheenovm and wintry weather ' Ac cz- qnisitc Paris hat of white braid was one of the first to catch the eye. ‘A draping of pale reseda green around the brim. a tiny wreath formed of separate flowers decorating the underside of the bri'm. a facing of pale pink ohifl'on and pink flowers with knotted‘ stems with sprays of ivy leaves completing the up- per efi'cct, givesone an idea of‘ the'blend- ing of colors and materials on this love- ly sample. Another attractive hat was in black fancy straw trimmed simply with two long feathers placed across the crowo from front to back‘ and‘ falling over the brim at the back,‘ a lovely ‘Cream applique adorned the wide front brim. Beside it was a beautiful turban ot white tucked chill'on. which also was remarkable for its artistic simplicityr A long black velvet bow at the buck and a strap of velvet held by a brilliant and pearl cabochon and white osprey at left side and carried under the brim, consti- tut'cd the decoration. A noticeably pretty child's hat was in cream fancy: straw with lacinzs of blue baby ribbon,. and draped with a sash of blue silk held; in place by small steel buckles. A-wreath: of‘ forget-me nots and foliage ornament- ed the right brim, and a narrow ruflle of white chitl'on finished the under edge. oi' the brim. . Miss Washbnr-nh window was exe tremely attractive in- drapings- of‘ pale’ pink with festoona of resedn green rib- bon and long wreaths of roses. A brill liantelectric bulb surrounded by hand- some rnses'added very much to the cf- feet. Inside the rooms there was mucil' carefulland'artistio work evidenced in ‘the samples shown. Onc particularly: charming hat was in Uavalicr shape of" white braid. ‘faced with satin ribbon- braid and draped around the square‘ crown with a cascade of lace. _ A wreath; ofJnne roses was placed , high on the~ left side and front, and a rosette-of lib~ crty satin ribbon finished the und'er' brim. Another large plateau of ‘all; over Irish crochet-lace bound-with-hunti- er’s green velvet, and having graceful‘2 sprays ot' black and white Mitrguerites over the back and under the‘ brim, Was- very much ad mired. A handsome box. turbanwas in cicl blue with a tucked? chifl'on brim upon which was appliqnedé a realistic bunch of grapes. A broad: butterfly of blue satin ribbon, with Par~~ ‘isian linen applique was placed at thc~ back with long ends falling from ‘the- .brim. A busbce effect in the ribbon, held by a handsome ornament studded‘ :with brilliants a'ndi turquoise, adorned-z ithc left-side. A‘ young girl's hat was 'ot'burnt straw, faced above and below with Chantilly lace. Handsome rcseda green satin ribbon was looped from brim. to brim at the back, OQPTIGdA-Obfilhflfldi fknottedl underneath. Mm. rose-"linde- 5n burnt tints,‘ nestling ‘in briar foliagc,. formed the lront decoration. Many others in gun-metal andlchamu- pagne tints, trimmings of spike sequin and lace sequin medallions, lace hats .with visible frames of tulle wound w'irc,. flowers, net. sequin-and fruit inmbundé- once, rcady.to-weer children's hats were also to besecn. â€"-_â€"â€"=..___ .-._._._.____._. . Powles’ Corner. (Cm-respondenae of the Gzizettc.')1~= At the time of writing, Mrs. W. A‘.- Gillis is improving. _ in'trmers who have high lend will gets '_a little seeding donc this week, but itr. will‘not belgcneral until-next week. Owing tothc inclemency ofthetventher‘ many were detained from attending the- opcning of the basement of the church. -W-e doubt it‘ thercflis'a country church.- ’in this country that can equal the church- here now. The whole community have’ "acemt'ortnblc place ~in which to worship,- 1;:1nd£tl1e-children will have-agood Seb- bath school- room.- Thcre never wes- ,this community as at the present. time. 1 Casting aside sectarinnism and pulling: :all together is-going to count. The Dominion Govt. did a good thing in passing a-law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes in Canada. Such a moral-re- rising generation. WM“ __....._,..__ Fairview; (Correspondencc'ojdhc Gazette ) - Times are lively in our neighborhood; Roads are drying very fast, but the un- favorable weather made them’ almost: ‘impassiblc. _ W-c understand’ that Mt. McKenzie,- of Stonti'v'illc, has taken up his abode~ in Somervil!e,. on the farms of M'h. Broadcy, who has purchased a largo- .wishMr..i\IbK.cnzic success. Accidents are numerous as- everio this locality.- While Mt‘. and‘ Mi". Wood were driving down Power-‘s hill last Sunday, the horse stumbled,E brook-- ing the shafts-05%‘the buggy and nearly throwing the occupants of the vehicle. up in the air. . Mother neighbor is lost to our view‘, 1h. Sanford Lovely and family having‘ mimtcBJyslio farm. Many wishes-kl.» such an opportunity of doing good in ' form. will surely be a blessing to the. tract of land‘ for a~ cattle. ranch. We. reams‘? = . Agg- ‘(\PL‘ M45‘; ~>_ -.__- “mm,-

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