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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Apr 1903, p. 6

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“so” ‘or v v 'u _g- .rv-o \". ..... . 1.1-13? ._ ,_ .., c. -1. -'r--"-.'~-'~.':-.tr~r-'- .............-.. ._..__...._ ._ _n. ---1 ___._..:_...._.m . __-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-_,.__._â€"__ Mini “501111110110 5'” PEARLS OF TRUTH. Originality is simply a pair of ficsh eyes. â€"â€"T. W. Higginson. , To be good and disagreeable is high treason againstthe royalty of virtue.â€"â€"H. More. A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts-Sir Jos- hua Reynolds. The readicst and surest way to get rid of censure is to correct our- selves.â€"Demos'thenes. Sunlight Soap 111111161 burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. Sc our glai 111111111: 5... annucns RESIDENTIA 59...... - t-i U N EVERS ETY Mahoole â€" “Don't look' so sad. Th’ deceased sid he wante'd ivry wan HEW CAiENIAR "0W REABY to be cheerful at th' wake." Hogan '4 Te i buquet ‘I and delicacy that‘ belongs to EXPENSE Miss Maison â€" “Excuse my ignor- ance, but ought I to call you Mr. Bones or Dr. Bones?" The Doctor (iraslcibly) â€"- “Oh, call me anything you like. Some of my friends call me an old idiot.” “Ah! but those are only people who know “you intimately. ~‘1'flewl is evidence to epicures and those who know that the leaves are especially selected and cured. MISS Manson _ 13111.11. Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Label. " ~w~ _ For Calendar and all Information, address, 111 1111111111, """" 5.. umvzaen'v, moo l0l0lll0 ..5 1f yours, Flitter? Doesn' t the land- ord aslk a good deal for it?" Flitter ~“Yes; he often asks five an'd six imes a month for it.” LLL AC1?‘ AJS AND PAINS FROM A SUDDEN COLD. When this difiiculty gets a. 101d it is hard to shake it unless me‘ acts promptly, and uses the 'igl'rt remedies, 'about which there a no uncertainty. Something that vill' quickly drive out the cold, restore the blood to its normal con~ lition, banish the aches and pains, md relieve the burning, aching head. Pl1e1e are only two remedies that will do this, and they must be used 'n conjunction, Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea and Hamburg Drops, both old, tried German re- medics, discovered by that great lpecialist, whose name they bear, nore than 60 years ago. The for- ner should be taken hot before go- firm . gives -“H10w kin Oi whin he owed me four dollars?" “I wonder who invented the phrase, ‘Silence is g01'den’?" “Prob- ably some poor beggar who had a wile, a parrot a ten-year-old boy, “How about the rent of this house a Phonongh- 'm'd 11 barber" SOMETHING NEW. Probably lthe bes't invention in the agricultural implement world for 1903 is the new oiling device on. the Massey-Harris Mower Pitman. A roomy oil chamber is placed in each end .1! the pitm-an, and the na- tural action oi the pitman throws the oil up through the oil. hole and thorough 111111 constant lubri- cation without wasrte. The bes't feature of the device is that the oil chambers are roomy and one filling will lasrt for many hours of cutting. We understand Massey-Harris Com- pany are making a great hit with this new feature, and that it is fil- ling o. long-felt want. Malta is the most thickly populat- ed island in the world. It has 1,- 360 people to the square mile. Bar- badoes . has 1,054 people to the square mile. fil'i I 5550“ RHEUMAIES hire. 8. Fogler Had Rheumatism so long She Bid Hot Think She Would Ever Get Well. ens ADVISES munvon'o nasuma'rism cuss. “There is no punishment'too severe Cor those who deceive the slck.”-- FOURTY CENTS-SHOULD BE FIFTY ., _ 1? n1. ,. . 111111.11 11111111111} __ 1 "11;; 111111111 $¢~ . .2)! ~ 1117111111.... best protection. homes layoébeen A. RAMS)“ a $0 , Jack, who is five yeazs old, came home one day last week crying that rpaintsmde for? For Sale. We don't makc' them. Our paints are made right-{hey cover the most surface and give the; “Gilliam l on ca mentionin this and 1 p a book'llc‘! showing hgwonmga $111111 inted with our points. Paint makc'rl. . MONTREAL- EstrL 1842. . . SMITH 8| GAMER’ solicitors ct Patents Canada. L'fe Bulld'q PATENT 111g to bed, and the latter according .._..._.. ""-"'.....---_---- .-. MUNYON another boy had hit him- Un¢18'â€" Tomato. . l0 directions. Follow up the treat; ‘HM- ' ' “What are you crying for, Jacky?" Willie Mll'uidvlu,‘ [n'ent until the cold is fairly broken Mrs. 8. Fogler writes :â€"“I have aui- J ackyâ€"“Bad boy hit me.” Uncle â€" 1p, then continue to take the Hum- Dear Sirs,-â€"This is to certify that l'ered from rheumatism for fifteen years, “Why didn't you hit him back?" Want-ed. to E'uz-chaae burg Drops for‘ a considerable period, I have been troubled with a lame and my whole system was affected. At Jacky -_ “I di'd. 1 hit him back Any quantity of d1y mix-~11 wo d suitable to: until the blood becomes cool and back for fifteen. years. intervals I would have acute attacks and first." rick burning. i. r early deliv ry. State cash rice, lie-I1. your 1-1 l1 ion. Address, SE -MFSON healthy. The two remedies cost only I have used three bottles of your my eufi'ermg would 'b° terr1ble.I have â€"â€"â€" RICK CO..1'l‘o1onso St , Toronto. Tole-l 75 cents, et 111.111 f ~ o- MINARD'S LINIMENT 111111 11111 received ‘benefit from Physician! but .' - - 11110111111111.1101. '1 1 g Pom youl drou completely cured. only oi a. temporary character. I ob- Mlllillls lllllllifilll [IlllBS tillilh Bl61 7-19 g'ist at once, have them in the house, and, When you are about it, get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. It will always come handy in case of house- It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it, and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further tained a sample vial oi Munyon’e Rheu- matism Cure, and it has relieved mo in 't'he most extraordinary way. I have no more pain, and I recommend this remedy Last year 6,870,000,000 cigars and 2,650,000,000 cigarettes were manu- Gents’$uits Eleanor! or Dialed; also Ladies‘ Wear o! all kinds. hold accidents, sprains, bruises, the use 0f your valuable medicine. to every erson who desires to become factured in the United States. gfiwfifigfilgg' §§E°fi§d°s°flpu°n cuts, burns, scal'ds, also for rheu- ROBERT ROSS. cured of r eumatism. It isa wonderful WISH AMERICAN DYIMNG GUY, 11111115111, neuralgia, lumbago, tooth- Two Rivers. Iremedy.”â€"-Mrs. S. Folger, 111 McOaul _ look-eel. Toronto. Ottawa 8101111111111. ache, stiffness of the joints, and all bodily aches and pains, where an outward application is usually ap- plie" - 8-â€"-59 wmwmmmmem ‘street, Toronto, Dec. 12th, 1902. MUNYON’S REMEDIES. Munyon' s Cold Cure prevents pneumonia, Ellllllll'i lit"! Hltill Ullltii Gilllgl lll (10158. Tariff was tlze ‘name of a Moorish chief, who, having a port in Spain. 1-44. Have ‘You SeezTFc '11‘ What. " Lee’ s Priceless Reuip1a-80';0 Secrets icr the Homel _ Twelve p01 cent. of all deaths in caged breaks up a cold in a. tow hours. Price levied tolls Ton pas-sing Vessels. Hence hm 111111 "or, depamnem, of 11111111111 endeavor, 35 .. - Switzerland, which is supposed to be u r Q t 'd t _.fi pages. $111111 20111-11111 Money refunded 11111 1111111111 Lever’s Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- whiunyons Rheumatism Cure cures Rheu- 0 r p are“ wor a11 - worth 11, A good-dd“ line I -r 6-111"- HIM-Willlnm Lnt Soap Powder is a boon to any nome. It disinfects and cleans at the same time: Air guns were' first made in Ger- many in 1656 by Guhr. WHERE 1.111011 was ‘SWEET. Not many young ladies in Canada ;an boast of having cut the entire 11‘Op.011 their father's farm. The two young daughters of Mr. George Wells can do so, however. Mr. Wells’ farm is situated one znile south of Wellwoo-d Station on a paiadise £01 people afflicted with consumption, are caused by that dis- 0218.0. The Church of England bishopric of the Mackenzie River covers an area five times the size of the United Kingdom. Minard's llnlme nil mes ulphihsrla. The wrist contains eight bones, the palm five, and the fingers 14-. For 01n- Slaw Years. 11111115111 permanently Price 25c , at all drugglsts. Munyon' s Dys epsia Cure positively cures all forms of in lgestlon and stomach trou- lbles. Price. 25¢. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE Personal letters addressed to Prof.M11n- 011, Philadelphia, H.313... containing dc- ails of sickness, will be answered prompt- ly and tree advice as to treatment will DI cl von. W- Sue â€"â€" “Mamma, Mr. (huff is so rude. Mamma -â€". ‘_‘Why, what has he 'donc?" . me a box of chocolates and neglect- I” ed to thank me for accepting them. Sue â€" “To-day he gave. Ml ADMIRABLE F600 IN EGLD GDMISI'EB. Eltfih Pglishex. '3 011111101 ~.--.--Iu ‘_kfii.‘ ‘5",! 7:‘! 2-14 dominion Line ~Si'tesin'ieshipo Montreal to Liverpool Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Li1erpool. Via. Queens- town. 11.11.. and Fast Steamshlpa. Superior uccomm odotion [or all classes oi assengcrs. S- 11001111 and Staterooml ll'O cmidships. poem‘. aattention has bBcn gin-.11 to the Second Saloon 11nd Third Glass accommodation. For rates oipnssage and all particulars, apply to any _c_g_e_nt of the Company, or . , _ _ Richards, Mills I: Co, D. Torrance &. 00.. '1"! Stale 8t. 3011.011. Moan-111M and Portland. bilgéfiiii £00503 1, .. .. ' ' 1 A1.’ 01.1) .1111) W1 LLTRIIID PEMl-JDY. -â€"Mrn . {flue {amgga 03'“):le Plams. he CU! \‘linelowbIf'ootl1inngyrugzlhasfboenlused go.‘ 1over sixty - I 1 . 4 Latest Novelties, all styles. 1va 05 ' .. 8.ch '. years by millions o mot crs or ticir c 111 ren Wll 8 1 Corres ondence invited. En- .' ._- ~ ' - Leethin , with erlecr. success. It soothes the child, Ml d L t Cl Bl l l‘ | Instruments Drums UnifGr . p Omng to sca1c1ty of help, Miss Emmi“ gumlzl, 111111111 11.11 mm’ 1111.11 1111111 to-1t,:111d llill S lllllllgll llBS S Blllglil 1 1 "181 HQ close 20 stamp for circular Edie and Miss Emma Wells volu'n- teered to drive their father's Massey- Harris binders through the harvest. As a result of their efforts, Mr. Wells was the first farmer on the Plains to finish cutting. How much oi the spirit of Can- ada and Canadians there is in this! This is the spirit whiclh is steadily bringing 01111‘ fair nation to the fore. isthe best remedy for Diarrhoea. ls plcanmt to the taste. Bold by dru '31qu in every port of the “or d Twenty- fiveccntsnbotrle. Its value is inculculsblc. Be sure and 113k for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrlup9 end take no other kind. BE AMIA'BLE To EMPLOYERS. Many a man with g1 eat brain pow- er and fine physique, who stal ted in life with good piospects, has lailed to attain great success because of The natives of India~ never allow a fakii‘â€"of whom there are 3 ,,OOO 000 .who live by begging-to staive. ‘mm-1111“ 5053 BEtIiIBSE EVERY Idlliflxl CAN HAVE A BANE] Lowest prices cvei quoted Fine catalogue. 500 i11ustr11tlens, malled free. lV rite us for any- thing 1n \inslc 0:- Jlnsicnl lush-11:110. 1 11:. Iillii Ell lilitll 8: 60., Limited. To1onto, 011b,, and lVinnipeg, III-1.11. 1-20 031155053 WLEIIJIIIIIo THE UNWERSAL SITGIALTY 00., P. 0.130: 114.2, Montreal.- ' 6- 57 55505551: 53151055151503. 1o ' (9 One of Mr. Wells’ Massey-Ham'is . . . . . ,. . . I: , 1s . . . ‘ ' l1ttle 1diosy11cras'1es, pecuharitles of Wehave Mexicans, I" n lfumfrs 13 slxuaniifhe. 51111111 fo-ui speech 01' manne1, things not in California N3V8151EHAVE _ g 51" leals 01 ' and 111., ll-e ls asserts themselves w1ong, but which 1cnde1 Valencias, and - --THE :J O only sleventy-iive ,cetnts gorth of 1:21 him disagiceable to those who have figé Luggg Sevilles. " ' BEST 5 g curs 1ave )ecn u 1cm u o . . . . , _ - . I ' ltlate, and thaIt t2: binderp first d_cal1n‘gs With 111111. If 1t’ “Ole P05‘ BAM&B;A%' fi >6 bought is good for live years yet. s1ble ior us to wrlte of all the little Carload every week. All the above at I ~' 1g things ‘Vthh - have (mt down the malket prices. We can also handle your; 0T1 . i O to s'ay nothing of the younger one; There are 301 monuments to Bis- . - .. ~ . - 1 . , .. . , _ tr1buted to the whole, 1t would be {219151553 3.‘ “'lfi'EFFE'i'IJ Maple byrupand other produce to acivan- gagsckinngltgipigany and 01.1.01 coun- most helpful. For example, one Di.” Ag POWQlQ; ('- t ' rage for you. GYLHQZIEE,‘ Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot tjon- 'mothe1 b carelessness in leach 11-111 <11 cased poxtlon of the ear. " ‘ y . 1 . 1 _ lS worth. Catarih kills thousands MADE-H?! E icxe is only one way to cure deafness, dress’ an unkempt 01 s o1eny £11) h h 1d b Ch tlS reu- ‘llll that is by constitutional remedies. pealance; and yet another by a' t roug CO S’ ron l ’ p1 deamcss is caused by an inflamed COn- sharp tongue or an unkind habit of monia and consumption, and Dr. htion of the mucous lining of the Eus- Lachiun Tube. \Vhen this tube is inflam- averuge oi our success, and to cal- culate just how much each has con- young 111an’s advancement has ‘been bad tom- cut down 25 p01 cent. byb disposi- per, a surly, disagreeable criticizing. Many a b1illiant and 505.. Only 50 cents for bottle and tube, 11nd 1s wortliâ€"as much as your life -Ag cow's Catarrhal Powder cures Butter, Eggs, Poultry, "i'liii EAWBGH COMMISSWN 001, Limitodq Cor. Went Market'sz. _TOEONTO $559315 EYIIANIG 1.1.. Willliiiil G hill-SSH 81 6E3. 1d you have arumbling sound or im- capable clerk has iaile'd to advance allg of them when other prescriptions TORONIIC)_ perfect hearing, and when ll’. lS entirely Q use he had anno c'd h'is em lo ref . :loscd, Deafness is the result, and un- be a y p 3 ' have failed. It will relieve COlClS é‘ "2' 27 .ess the inflammation can be taken out 1nd this tube restored to its normal :ondition, hearing will be destroyed for- wer hine cases out of ten are caused by Catazrli, which is nothing but an niiamcd condition of the mucous scr- vices. We will ive One Hundred Dollars for . . ‘ , rs in the worst form . my case Oi; Deafness (caused by catarrh) get along‘ 1 ' :hlgdgzlges I cvcrvbe'md of,bu1wi1hout relief. ' ' ‘I'M “19°; in $153132 15355.5 ummh ' ' Iused two bottles of n. Agnews 011111111111 It Cure ' 1.11 or l ' Father,(vis'iti1:1g son at college' "_ Powder. It cured me entirely, I am new a .1 F. J. CHENEY do (.70., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 750. l-lall's Family Pills are the best. nc'wly discovcted £10m which . a rThe wonderful ilibstance, radium, :onstant invisible emanation takes w110,whi,lc he recognized his ability, prefer 1'ed'."h less able man who had amiable ‘and '1rr1eeab-le qualities. The lack oi‘ amiability has stood in the way of advancement of many an em- ploye who wondeied- why he _did not and Catarrh and cure headache in ten minutes. - FRED H. I-lstu 111., the well known dis tiller of Rail1oad,York Co., Pa. ., states: -â€" “l have had catarrh of the head and stomach fo1 I tried all the "P1etty good cigms you smoke, my well man," afford- cigars" like 'your '-case, boy; I can‘ ‘t these. " Son â€"â€" “Fill dad; fin ‘Zyoui' case Teacher" 'â€"l “What is velocity, 1 I'n thirty minutes DI‘. Agl'IBW'S Qure for the Heart Will add strength to that organ. Feeding the body by a full supply of blood -5 u ' ' ' ’ 99 What Luck! LIBBY LUNCHEONS made ready 1n :1 . iew moments. The Wafer Sliced Smoked Beef, Pork 111111 Beans, Veal Loaf, Potted . Chicken, and lots oi good things .to eat. . _ _._. . “flu-"to 2," ‘F o won-o 0 t 1+" e- °.',<""l"i"¥“f'Ȥ' okzcvmeMu-epaegcrzqrxwxo Q O all' 'lasses. r5111's popular Emon issue tho-lo books 0r 111111111111 118 105$ ' '- as a dollar and- up to any amount _-, . Inter-eel M’ THREEAND OhE- HALF’ 0 A _;RER CCNT. is credited. 11nd conv' 11031111101 twice a year, 1st Januaqf. 11111111411151. Q *3‘ ..... F'or further part.ic11lnrs'~y__,,u are in~ out enlist? lace. is ca able 0f sendin" its lays :JohnnÂ¥?"~’=~’1'-1I°hnni>’â€" "Velocity IS. it fills life with the old time. .yigor; " 11-. 11.3. cove-1111111111 11111116611111‘? "- . -1. .1-111111 5° “"1111 111. oflicu. 1-11 11111. 1. 5111.11.11 110511 eight to ten inches of what a chap lets g0 of a wasp ' . .. 11 . - g if" gaifibulte convuiieiit 1113.10.11 by » ' wlid iron. “nth . i > Keep in- the house for emergencies-1hr I I 1' , ’ l ‘THE. I ' suppers, ‘for sandwiches~ior any time o ~00 D ta‘ Ornamental 1---â€"â€"â€"1.â€"-.â€"-7--..â€"---. . _ 11;‘ 1_1t.11t119.9.'1fnr11111' ‘21.1.2310 1 FOB“: ' ' “Your son," said ‘Hie’.- Phrenologist '“Ilhfitili”"ififisgmtmfuifiafé'ywiii #1 allada Cl'lllallelll ' " ' 120 the anXiOUS pal'W; ."Wllzl 110003.16- thecanisopen. An appetizinsluncbis 3‘ _ . . . . -. f a poet some day." Here the fathei . "my"! 1111111511111: 1 1'.‘ AND WESTERN CANADA 3.1+; mtmmm ‘P. interryp .d With an air of deep con- Libby, MGNeill 8.- Libby :tM _Mrm.w.1111 011%:me ‘68111115’: t (1011' t you “think we; -' _ ; .‘clficago' m U S A :3 ORTGR'GE CORPORATION "no Page Wire fence 00., Limited. Vflkltvflle, Montreal, 1‘. 0,, audios-702111, NB. . 1' ‘doul'lk Moore him now 1i we would whack the pOGLIWWlp ‘1w1tl'11' sledge hammer or 'somethink like th at? ' ’ ~ ,‘- a; Write for r-cobooklet “How toMaRq' ' - 1 ggddfThinzs to Eat ” ‘ Toronto Street‘ Tordntio 1-1451»2l-11--.W~1+1~1~1~1»1~1 . .3... l-i-O. .zoo

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