ifs "rum items. 4 I93 WOOWWW WWO MOO b 4?- 63d . Men’s Neckties, all the new shapes, regular price 35, 40 and 450. On Saturday FARMERS! your Binder Twine to be soon, RELIABLE, CHEAP, If yous want Ladies’ Patent Leather Belts worth 35 and 400.. On Saturday each NI the latest designs in “ Tab’hBells at 25’s., 509., 75c. and $1? each. ' I. r.- Men’s Linen Collars, stand-up turn-down style, - worth 18 and 200. On Saturday 2 for a is . _ LAGE CURTAINS. This Saturday we will make a special cut on H our Curtains and will sell a regular $1.25 Curtain for, per pair ,. . . $1130 E... "‘i Giher times in same proportion. . " The Clientele-ii Falls llazdtte. Friday, may 15?]... 1.903. Before the Private Bills Committee. 'mittee of the Legislature in the interest of the Sandfcrd Factory Bylaw arid the Mill, Light and Power Purchase By-law. Mr. Carnegie presented the bill and introduced the deputation. Mr. McDiarmid addressed- the Committee on the merits of. the bill, and was fol- lowed by Mr. Stewart, oi.- Lindsay, who asked? that certain changes be made, giving special privileges to the Lindsay Light, Heat and Power Company in the matter of assessment and taxation. .C'ouncillor G‘oul'd then-presented a state- ment showing the probable income from ‘the mill and lighting plant, and'thc rea sonable expectation that the property, under careful management, would pay i Bring all the Eggs you canon Saturday. We pay 12 cents in trade. w. uncovers. The 59 Store. any way on the village taxpayer direct. [Mia Pattullo, of Oxford, followed with a strong speech opposing the principle of ,bonusing, and especially the new form .ofeneouragement proposed in the tak~ ing of stock in the Sandford Factory; also the taking over of the milling busi- jness by the village, included in the ipower purchase. isavs earnestness w. ï¬deKEQWW’S FURMETURE wetness, and will carry a large and up-to-date stock of ' furniture. Am also prepared; to, do- all kinds. of ' Carriage Making; Repairing and Repainting, S. (l. PETTY, “The - Jeweller,†has the largest stock in the County in GEM and WEDDING.- RINGS, VJEDDING PRESENTS, GOLD, SILVER, and GOLD FILLED WATCHES. Send us your Repairing and i Engraving. S. . The Jeweller. favor of the bill. He said thathe knew ,the conditions of the village well, and contended that every encouragement should be given the village in this ï¬nal effort to secure some of the beneï¬ts :nature has provided for the locality in the matter or possible power developed ’irom» the falls. The bill was. also sup- iported by Mr. St. John, of Toronto. Attorney-General Gibson spoke at conâ€" siderable length in favor of. the general principles of the bill, but could not see Ethat the village should ask a longer term for the repayment of the deben- tures than the usual thirty years. Mr. Hopkins wished to hold out for the full forty years asked, but on consultation nwith the representatives of the village épi-escnt it was agreed to accept without "furtlier discussion the reduced term. Gainer- and to- make DOORSAND SASH. 'Planing, done on short notice. As a number of members of the Private ' ' - Bills Committee wished to discuss the Lindsay' whole subject further, the bill was laid .ovcr'until Thursday morning, when a ' good-deal of close investigation occur- ~ red, and‘ the Sizedford portion of the bill being changed so that. to conform with the general law, no ï¬xed assess- ment should be allowed regarding school tax, the Committee assented to the bills :with the changes mentioned. Mr. Mc- Diarmidi remained: to‘ readjust the ï¬g- ures for repayment in the shorter term- The bill is yet to come up for its-third reading in the House, but it is not Furniture and. Undertakinv. MW“ Just received“ this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- TOILET SUPPLIES. Our stock of Toilet Necessities was never more complete than now. Wc have Brushes for the hair, _ _ I ‘ .4 y . the teeth, the complexion and the riages that are speniai likely that any fuithei changes Will be. clothes. waging made. W Combs of all kinds and Sizes. Village Council. I Fenclcn Falls, May an, "1903 I Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. Tooth Pastes, Soaps and Washes; g I Council met at the call of thercevc ;. Mr. We have a new thing in Sponges â€"mude entirely Of mbbm" .all‘ the members present except Martin. Mr. McGee gives notice of a bylaw to extend the time for the return of the By-law introduced and In fact, we have almost anything in these lines your fancy may sug- gestï¬p rï¬ï¬WH-d?MWGW$$%Mï¬Q¢¢W}M W0 collector’s roll. read in the usual mannerl. Moved by Dr. Gould, seconded by ing Machine be sure and see Miagtustin, That. the followingacccunts be paid, and that the reeve give orders mystyles before buymg; for the same? E; B,.,,ck’,s,,]a,y, 334,, L. . meals for tramps, 8120;40:3133530; . wg_,’i\lartin Kelly, work on streets, 82 81 i i i i Our prices are lower than you \vbuld expect for the quality of the d If you are in need of a Sew- goo a. » Robson’s Drug Store, MGM? ' . _._._ _ Mr. Hoyle, tlie‘mein- ‘ber for Ontario, spoke vigorously in - 24 sheets best Writing Paper for . . 5c. . Cr Best Envelopes, per bunch . . . . 51:. leave your order with Good Hair Pins, per package . . 1c. . I [3‘ Extra, lone Hat Pins per dozen . . . . . 5c. R b ° ’ , , 4 OS. 0 SOT]..- Men’s extra large red Bandana Handkerchiefs, regular 100.; on Saturday each . . 5c. , r . . On Wednesday morning of last week (a, Good Hemp Carpet, worth 100., on Saturday a dc,,u,,_,,ion consisting of the members per yard . . . . . g 13‘. of the Village council (except Mr. Mar- a tin) and including the clerk and County ' q Commissicpcrs Mche and Dr. Wood, a If] with Solicitors MeDiarmid and Hop- ,{gwwoeom0mooooow 4 mWNMVWH on wwwo kins, ‘vaitcd on the Private 00,n_ \ o. . - . ‘ior itself Without becoming a charge in , -~â€" W:‘~"’:~_1;7"~& , «$54,? :- « Bell Telephone 00., acc’t, 55c.; Thcs. RobSOn, Jaekett's water trough, $37.50 ; Samuel Corbett, digging grave tor Wal- lace, $2.00; Thos. Graham, salary for assessing, $40.00; Times Printing 00., stationery, $2.40}. Clerk-,. expenses at election, $26? 23iâ€"Carried. Moved by Dr. Gould, seconded by Mr. McGee, That this council meet as a court of revision on Friday, the 29th of May inst., at 8 p. m.â€"Carried. _ Personals. Mr. Thomas Leary, of Moore’sFalls, was here on Tuesday». Mr. William Keys, of Lindsay, was . at the Falls on Monday. Dr. C. D. Curry, of Minden, was at the Falls fora lew hours on Wednesday. Mr. F. H. Magee went to Peterboro on business on Monday and returned next day. Mr. Henry Graham, Sr., of Kin- mount, was at the Falls from Saturday until Monday. Mr. Harry Torrance came home on the 6th inst. from Raeboro, and expects to obtain employment in this vicinity. Mrs. John Finn, of Westwaod, was at the Falls, visiting friends. from Tues- ,day oflast‘ week until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E: Graham, 01 To- : rontc, have become residents of the Falls. They arrived last week, and are occupying the pretty residence on Louisa street sold by Mr. J. J. Nevison to Mr. Graham several months ago. Mrs. James Dickson and her daugh- ters left, yesterday, for their summer residence at Roscdalc, where they will remain untilcold weathersets in. Mr R. A. Robinson has rented their house in town for a few months, and will now be able to bring his family from Toronto. ,- Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The trustees of the church hereh'ive purchased a new Thomas organ, and "the old" organ that has been in use for many years will be used in future in the Sunday School room. Navigation is open again for milk waggons, and also for cream. It com- menced the first of tliiswcck. Dr. Mason, of Fenelon Falls, has had occasion to drive out to this locality to treat domestic animals. The doctor does not have to make many trips to the .same place, which is an evidence of his great skill; Mr. D‘. Thomson is moving Mr. N. Day’s “Black Duke†this season. The Minnesota. Legislature has pass- ed adaw that- no. railway company in that state will be allowed to keep on- gineers and ï¬remen on duty more than Ll hours a day. Mrs. William Fowlcs is visiting at Fenclon Fallsâ€"and‘dn V'erulam. ' Miss R McKee, of Coboconk, is visâ€" iting her sister, Mrs. John Gillis. Seeding is all done and the root ground is being prepared. ' an salsa..." (Correspondence of the Gazette): “ Busy times †is the word that is go- ing the rounds; but I will try and ï¬nd a few spare minutes to write down a smallportirn of the news in our vicinity. 5 Mr. Fred Levcly, of. Verulam, wheel- ed out on Sunday, and‘was calling on old neighbors. Mr. John .. Hughes. of Green Moun- tain Home, has purchased a new high ‘grade wheel. Miss Ida M-. Roberts, who spent the past winter" with- friends in Toronto, *returoed’home last week, much delight- ed with her soiourn in the Queen City. Miss Matilda ’l‘ruax is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Wood. Mr. James Fell, of Powles’s Corners, . passed through here- last week with ‘quite a largenumber of ranch cattle. The raising of Mr. John Wilson’s new barn comes off on Wednesday, and a good dance is anticipated. The roads being good‘ and? the weath-i er favorable, there was a good attend- ance at the Presbyterian church on Sun- day, the Rev. Mr. Sinclair conducting the services We notice quite at number of wheelers pass by here, especially on Sundays. the roads ibcing in first class condition for that mode of’gettiug around the country. ‘ ENTERTAINMENT. â€"â€"A musical, liter- ary and dramatic entertainment, in aid ofthe Public Library, will be given in 'l‘womey’s hall on the evening of Thurs- day, the 2‘l-st inst, and as seen as the items of the “bill of fare" shall have been decided upon. posters giving full particulars will be issued. ' How One Millionii Spent. Not less-than. one million dollars is an- nually spent. by people seeking an absolute cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis and Consump- tion. Numerousare the remedies, but the one standing pro-eminently above all others is Catarrhozone. It cures these diseases because it is sure to reach them, Catarrh-' nasal passages, and bathes every part of the diseased membrane with its germ-kill- ing, healing vapor; You simply breathe Catarrhozone and it; cures. Price 25c. and ï¬t pt druggists, or Polson 8: 00., King-ton, n . I Busrnsss NOTICE.-â€"The B:qu of British North America give notice that during,r the summer months they will close daily at 3 o’clock, except on Sat- urdays, when they will close at 12 o’clock. On Saturday evenings they gwill open from 7 to 8 o’clock, instead of from 4 to 6. This will come into force on June 1st. Aoomnur.â€"â€" On Tuesday morning ;Mr. James E. Finley, of Coboconk, met .with a painful accident in the sawmill Lat Burnt River; of which hc'i's one of 'fthe-proprictors: While “shoving shing- les,†his left hand came into contact with the saw, which laceratcd the ends of the second and third ï¬ngersso badly that Dr. Graham, to whom. he came, found it necessary to amputate the ï¬rst joint of'both. MOULDERS WANTED. Accustcmcd to general work, and who want-to learn stove plate. Ap,ply,.giving‘ expcrlence, references, e‘tc.,.to Tim"GimNsY Fouuniir Co , Limrsn‘, Tbrcn‘t‘o; RAILWAY Suavsrous AT “70!thâ€" 'l‘he Lindsay Post of Tuesday says :. “ A surveying party comprising ten per- sons, in charge of Mr. A. N. Bruce, of Ottawa, one of the assistant engineers for the Lindsay, Bobeaygeou 81., Panty- pool Railway, started out today to. locate the route of the new railway from Lindsay to Burkcton. We understand another party will leave to~morrow to locate the rOute between Lindsay and Bobcaygcon.†THE Liours WENT OUT. â€"Owiug to something going wrong with the wheel at the Syndicate’s power house on~Tues-- day evening, the generation of electric- ity was suddenly stopped and the lights went out ; ' but a few hours’ work set things to rights again. past dark spellshavc been less frequent; than they used to be ;‘ but their occa- sional occurrence, in consequence of“ 5mishaps that can be neither forseen nor' prevented, are unavoidable, unless dup-- lieate plants are kept in the lightning factory. ‘ VICTORIA DAY.â€"Everybcdyâ€" espec- ially those who live in the countryâ€"- '25’th inst, will be “Victoria. Day,†and» 'a public holiday. Until further notice, the 24th of May (or the 25th, when the‘ 24th falls upon a Sunday, as it does this year) is to be observed as a. holi- day in commemoration of the liite Queen; and it is not likely that any change‘will be made for several years, as good, Queen Victoria will be long remembers- _ed, and there is no better month than May for holiday keeping. For Gas on the Stomachâ€. Result of imperfect digestionâ€"pressing: up against the heart it excites alarming symptoms. Instant relief is afforded by the use of. ten drops of Nerviline iii a little sweetened water, half an hour'aft'er the meal. Nerviliue-aid's digestion,.cxpel's the- gas and imparts a sense of comfort. Nerv- ilirie is good for a lot of other things be- sides. gists sell it. APPOINTMENTQWG have received" Secretary’s ofï¬ce that Mr. Thomas :Graham, of Fenclon Falls; has been appointed bailitfot the Séeond Division Court ofthoCounty of Victoria, in the- ;room and‘steadaol Mr. E. C. Edwards, ’who resigned the position a short-time (ago. As soon as- the usual covenant.- has been executed, which may be by: the end of this week, Mr. Graham willi enter-upon the duties of-"the oï¬â€™ice, for j? which his business experience and know- ledge of- the surrounding. country. and‘ its residents render- him Well ï¬tted. lVHARF AT SANDY Pomsâ€"Early; on Tuesday. morning Mr. Robsonlslittlc- stea’mer Deizmtlcss went down the river' {with a tow of square timber, to be used- in building a wharf at Sandy Point for- Mr. Robert Knowlson. The contract. was let to Mr. Charles Ley, who tells .us that the wharf is to be 72.feet long by 35 feet wide, with a 30<foot-“glance,:’," and that it will be 7. feet high along the face. He expects to have it built and ,sunk (with the assistance, of course, 05' several men). in about a fortnight, but the work of ï¬lling it with stones and“; earth, beyond what will-be enough to sink it, is not part of the contract. Sunrisesâ€"The Bob Incl. announces- the capture of a sucker that weighed: a four pounds, which sounds so like a. “ ï¬sh story†that we could hardly be-- lieve it it' we had not, seen it in print. But whether" these ï¬sh are or are not bigger than usual this season, they must; certainly be uncommonly numerous, for, on Friday evening last, Mr. John Copp- and" another "man came to town with four grain bags crammed full of them . and Mr.‘ Copp said they had. caught: them all, with only one not, in'thc lite ile creek‘ betw-een here-and ’Caygeoni. ozone is inhaled. into the lungï¬thmatï¬nd. As the men and the ï¬sh made a pretty r .m»... K r . I " ""Tï¬'mrvrrl- _ t...“ 9.... For some time I ‘sliould bear in mind that Monday, the- . . Keep-it in‘the' house for Rheuma-s' tism, Cramps, Neuralgia, Teothachc. Drug-r ' an ofï¬cial notice from the Provincial l ! WWâ€" - suit! :2 -, H13“... ’75.â€:r-mmvsuuflmï¬ygï¬u-Emnw or 41'.» -.- r .. if. v mic. K‘ g “fagâ€"f’: ‘7‘; . _ gig-$2“ . I .1. I .‘Zuq. aflifï¬".