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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 May 1903, p. 4

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“than,” sass-“Etiiikaassztt-gqe: s. .â€" f l .2 ‘ .r.:-7‘~ * .“ - '. . . {"11 " a‘ A- . 3-; .R ,-.1‘. g: I ' v .4‘:. ', .5 _-l." ‘ l - .. '-I x’u ‘ .. ' A ‘ ' v ' ‘ '. A ‘ '. ‘ . mu‘ a. . . |-' ,1 Large Glass Water Pitchers. each only .. i423. , Glass Butter Dishes, with covers, each . . 91:. In, {(32 q a - r a i Glass Berry Bowls 1p: srx different shapes, ., worth 20 and 2%) cents each, for . . 146. '7 E [1' '4’ in L on Saturday. ' ' Also a new assortment of Toilet Sets, China. Dinner Setts. White Setts, Etc. Etc. Call and see the very low price we ask for these Goods. ‘I HAVE Poser-meso- w. Mcusowws Fusnwuns susawsss, and will carry a large and up-tO-date- stock of furniture. ‘ ' _ Am also prepared to do all kinds Of _ Carriage- Making, Repairing and Repainting, s. J- BETTY: -“ The , Jeweller,” has the largest stock in the COunty in. GEM and WEDDING- RINGS, WEDDING PRESENTS, GOLD, SILVER, and GOLD FILLED WATCHES. Send us your Repairing and ‘ En gravm g. S. . f i . S. S. Gainer. / and tO- make nooas AND SASH. . %- Planing done on shrt notice. Lindsay. Furniture and. ,1 WE . Undertaking. TOILET SUPPLIES. Our stock of Toilet Necessities was never more complete than now. Just received this week a11- other lot of nice Baby Car- that We have Brushes for the hair, the teeth, the complexion and the clothes. riages Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. are Special Combs of all kinds and sizes. Tooth Pastes, Soaps and Washes. We have a new thing in Sponges â€"â€"mudc entirely of rubber. In fact, we have almost anything in these lines your fancy may sug- gest. Our prices are lower than you _ would expect for the quality of the ; goods. you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. ’ 1.. DEYMAN. Meswwwcssmcewweefiswmw Robson’s Drug Store. 3 i EELEEELE, FARMERS! your Binder Twine to be soon, If you want GEEAR leave your order‘ with ‘u. Thus. Robson. 7[‘he Feuelcu Falls’llazctte. Friday, May 29th, 1903. Teachers’ Convention. The annual convention of the West Victoria Teachers’ Association was held in the Fenelon Falls public school on the let and 22nd inst. The conven- tion was well attended, and was one of the best held for some time. Among the speakers from a distance were Mr. Elliot, vice- principal of Toronto Normal School, Mr. Stevens, I. P. S, of Lind- say, and Mr. Loehead, who addressed the convention on the subject of “ Phon- ics.” Messrs. Elliot and Stevens’s ad- dresses were much appreciated by all who heard- them. A well-prepared les- son- in literature was taught by Mr. E. Mosgrovc, of Kirkfield. Mr. Mitchell, Rev. Mr. Garbutt and Dr. Gould also addressed the meeting. Resolutions of condolence were drawn up and instruc- _the relatives of the late Mr. H. R'eazi'n, if. P. S., and the late Mr. B. H. May- bee, for so many years principal of the Fenelon Falls public schools. On the morning of the 22nd Dr. Gould. inform- .‘ed the teachers that the move and coun~ oil of the'vill’age‘had' engaged a boat to {leave the wharf at 12.30 and give the teachers the benefit of a trip up the lakes. The trip was thoroughly enjoy- ed by nbout twenty eight teachers. i _â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"-â€"_._- School Board. __._â€" Fenelon Falls, May 19th, 1903. the members present except Mr. Nevi- son: Minutes of last meeting read and approved- , Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Arnold, That, providing fifteen‘pu- pils, or more than that number, pass the Entrance Examination this year from this school, this Board‘ will estab- lish the, Grade A Continuation Class.â€" Carried. Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by eDr. Mason, That the chairman having purchased the corner lot adjoining the south ward school, according to instruc- {tions, and the deeds having been made to himself instead of to the school board, he be empowered to have the same made over or conveyed to the give the chairman an order on the treas- purchase price of the afbresuid‘ lot.â€" Carriedt. ' . Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by ‘Mr'. McIntosh, That the following ac. odunts be paid, and that the chairman give his orders for the same : J. J. Pow- er, piling in- wood and cleaning wood- shcd, 396.; John Cliotten, putting in wood last winter. 50c. ; H‘arry Robson, school supplies, $56 ’25; Charles Kcust, planting trees around the new school ground, $5 ;' George H. McGee, for wire and nails, 600.; George Martin. scant-- ling and posts, 81 65; Fencl'on Falls Star, printing auditors’ reports, @510; Felix Northey, for work at “north ward- school, $4; and that the payment of lost quarter’s salaries be confirmed..â€" Carried. ‘ Personals. Mr. Wm. Wafi’ic, of Coboconk, was the Falls on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Heard was at Lindsay last Friday on business. Mr. W. D. Prior, of Cobourg, was at the Falls on Wednesday. Miss Mabel Nevisonr, of Lindsay. was at the Falls from Saturday till Momiey. The Misses Lulu and May Heard spent Victoria Day with friends in tions given for them to be forwarded to 3 Board met at regular meeting ;: all 1 ,school section; and that this board . urer for/two hundred dollars, being the Toronto. Mr. Henry Pearce left on Monday for Pelerborough and Manilla, and re- turned next day. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morrison, of Lindsay, were at the Falls from Satur- iduy until Monday. Miss Agnes Dickson and Miss Curry. of l’cterborough, were at Rose'ialc from Saturday last ~until Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Avery and Miss Cox. 10f Lakcfield, were visiting at the Falls from Saturday until' Tuesday. Mr. W'm. l-lethcriugtou, Six, of Ver~ ulpm, lelt on Saturday to visit relatives at Lakefield and Prterborough, and re- turned on Monday. - ‘ Rev. John Gurbutt and Rev. B. Dai- vics attended the Fenelon and Eldon townships’ Sunday School convention at Glenarm on Wednesday. Mr. Philip Puley and Miss Maria ,l’uley, of Bownanvillc, were at the Falls, visitingr their brother, Mr. Henry Pulcy, from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. James D. Cameron, of Orillia, Washington Territory, U} S., arrived’ ,at the Falls last Friday, for a long visit ’to her mother. Mrs. Heeley, and other relatives. She was accompanied as far as Toronto by Mrs. Robert Cameron, who will be here with her children in a few days. ' ________â€"_â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" ""“Ftrg Stallion.“ (Correspondenco of the Gazelle.) and the Victoria holidays. our bur-1 and the Falls have had an influx of visitors from Newcastle, whose names we inditc as follows: Mrs. R. Atkinson and 'daughters Miss Jessie and Mrs. W. H Pearce, at Mr. Puley’s; while Mrs. B. Moise Jr.. of the same party. visited ’M'rs. W. Mitchell and Mrs. T. Shank- lnnd'. All were delighted with their visit, which they hope to repeat in the near future. Miss Katie Hughes, of Toronto, spent Victoria Day at her home (Green .Mountzt-in Home), and will remain one 'month before returning to the Queen City. Mr. G. Hughes went to Lindsay on Saturday and returned the‘ same day. trip to Lindsay one day last week. but a good shower would help it greatly {at present. The people are wondering if we are to have a school picnic this year, and where it will be held. We are sorry to state that Miss Nel- ,~lie Tipling, of Honey. Grove, has- been "quite ill. W'e‘hope for her speedy re- covery. A BARN SruUOK.â€"â€"Durin2 the storm on Wednesday cvenim.r Mrs. Robert PG‘raham’s barn in Fenelon was struck éby lightning, which tore OE part of the roof and splintered the posts and a few of the boards at one end, but fortunate- ly did not set the building on fire. BIBLE OnAss EXCURSION.â€"â€"On Tues- day Mr. Washington Northey took: the V membersof his Bible class on an excur- ision; per steamer Kawartha, to Stony Lake, where they remained until next day, and we need not say that the out- ing was thoroughly enjoyed: by all“ the 'young people who participated in it. Sore Throat" And hoarseness, with their attendant dan- gers, may be speedily averted and remedied by the use of Ncrvilinc. Excellent to gar.’ gle withâ€"ten times better than a mustard plaster and more convenient for'the out» side, and speedily allays- inflammation. Nerviline cures because it' is five times stronger than other remediesâ€"penetrates the tissues instantly, soothes the pain,.and. cures,.si'mply because that’s what it’sfmad'e for. Druggists sell it. DOUBLE TRIPS.â€"-Oh Monday next, June lst, the T. V. N. Co’s steamer Esturion will commence running double- trips- between Bobcaygcon, Sturgeon 'Point and Lindsay. See time-table in another column. The Manita will go on the Coboconk, Feoelon Falls and Lindsay route on June l:5th, two-week's earlier than last year; t of the new Anglican church at B‘urnt River will be laid by B‘ro. R. H. Hol- land, P. R. W. G. M. of the Loyal Orange Grand Lodge-of Ontario East, assisted: by members of the local lodges, on Friday, June 5th, 1903. The-cere- mony will commence at 2 o’clock p‘. m. A number of' prominent speakers are expected: to deliver addresses, and good music will be provided. Dinner will be served at 3’ o’clock. A- collection will be taken up in aid“ of the building fund of'thc church. FOOT.BALL.â€"Last Saturday evening a lively and well-centested' foot-ball match was played-’01s. Mr. John Copp’s farm in Feuelou, between teams from Glennrm and Balsam Grove, in the presence of a crowd of. about 200! spee- tators, and the Balsam Grove team won by a score cf 2' to- 0‘. Their players were: William Tolmie. Roney T‘ol'mi'e, Harvey Copp, Ileana Knight, Neil Me- With the advent of line, dry weather -' Mrs. T. Shankland made a business The springr grain is growing nicely,- CORNER STONEâ€"The corner stone ‘ 7 r, . Nam- ~;~.-â€"..; non, John Avery and two immigrants in the employ of Mr. Knight. Our inn formant could not give us the names of these young men or of any of the’ Glen- arm team. who played well and gamely; butthe Bail-um Grovers beat them in spite of all they could do. 57â€"62, the Critical Age. Height of vigor pastâ€"nature’s power slowmg down, vitality less, recuperative power less, endurance less Stop tho‘pro-‘r gross of decay, tone up‘the Weakened’nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring brain, prepare for the crisis. A means of remark- able potency in the renewal of decreasing Vlg‘Ol‘ 15 found in Ferrozone. It brio‘htens up the whole being, imparts a sense‘olf pow- er and strength. By the use of Ferrozone Old age is pushed back, twenty years. For1 rezone gives strength, vigor, endurance vim. Your druggist has it. Get a box to: day. A TEAOHERS‘ Tamâ€"Lust Friday afternoon the village council chartered the steamer Ko-warthw and invited the teachers assemqlcd here to an- acquatic excursion to Rosedale. Of course the invitation was joyfully accepted, and a merry party of about twenty-five went to the pretty little village, but did not- land, as there was nothing to see that could not be seen lrom the deck of the boat. As the weather was fine, thev ‘had a delightful trip,aud whoever orig:- inated the idea ofgiving them the little treat deserves credit for it ; though we shall not be surprised if one-or two of our chronic- grumblcvs find fault with. ,the council for spending the public moneyâ€"trifling as the sum was for such a purpose. A SUCCESSâ€"The annual cntcrtai’no ment in aid of the public library, held on Thursday evening last in Twomey’s hull, was unusually successful. 'The- Rev. Mr. Garbutt occupied the chair, and a lengthy programme was given by local talent. Many young people'of? musical, literary and dramatic ability presented an evening’s entertainment of an exceedingly enjoyable nature. The first part of the programme was of alters uate songs, glees and recitations, and: the second part comprised Mrs. Jarley’sr far-famed wax works. The annqu Teachers’ Convention was well repre- sented, throughout the audience, and a. couple of speeches given by visiting» pcdagogues durng the evening were highly appreciated. The proceeds am:- ounted to 3555. Perfect Cure foriBrcnchitis. This disease can: be treated only'b'y of remedy carried' to the affected parts alono with the air-breathed, for nature intended these organs fer the passage of air alone, and sprays, atomizers and internal medi-- cines utterly fail. But Catarrhozone does. not fail, for it goes wherever the air breath- ed goes, and its healing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every affected part. Catarrh- ozone is inhaled at the mouth, and, after‘ passing through every air cell of the breath~ rug-organs, is slowly' exhaled through the nostrils. Catarrhozone protects and‘heals“ the inflamed surfaces, relieves congestion, allnys inflammation, and perfectly cures all. bronchial affections. Price SI. Small size- 2050. Druggists or~Polsonx& 00., Kingston, ut. FA-mrnus' AND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE..- â€"-â€"Thc annual meetingr of the East Vile- toria Farmers’ ananomcn‘s lustiiutes, C(llnl’)l'red with a grand picnic, will be: heldion~the Agricultural Grounds, Bob-e meeting will commence at one o’clock, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the presrdent, the executive, the and auditors, and suggestions as tohow more useful. Prof. J‘. W. Hart, of the Kingston Dairy School, will give an ad- dress on dairying. The steamer Kenoshw: train from Peterborough (about 9n..m.),. calling at Ball Point, Echelon Falls. Sturgeon Point and Donsford. and all other-points, 25o. MOULDERS WANTED. Accustomed to general work, and when want to-learn stove plate. Appl‘yrgivino“ experience, references, etc., to V THE‘ Gummy FOUNDRY Co, LIMITED, Toronto.- A TRIP To: GRAND: TSLANDrâ€"Mbnv day last (Victoria Day) was kept by almost everybody in the Falls as a holi- day, and the weather was all that: could: be desired. But there was nothiorv: “gorog on ”'â€"â€"â€"no' amusement of an; kind except walking, driving or boat- l’agers laid their heads together and’ made arrangements for a trip by the Kawnrtfia to Grand Island, Balsam. Lake, in the afternoon. The boat left‘ at or about I o’clock, and the list of' passengers was, as far as we can learn], as follows: Mr. and Mrs. F. M‘cDouI gall, Mr. and Mrs. J; IT. Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ellis, the Misses: Pearl” Austin, Sabina Martin, Ethel! Robson, Flossie Jones, Florence Bell- ingham, Mamie Neviscn, Hilda NeviL son, Fanny Brandon, Irene McDougall , Leno Austin, and Messrs. Thomas Ans: tin, C. W. Burgoyne (captain), Harry Robson, Chas. B'sbbit, Jer’vi's,. Arthue'Ansus Gillie Angus McKiu- 1m. Chambers (and his 5..., mm,” . ..... m. a...” ~~~.~_â€"moâ€"ooâ€"-I_MIMI<» caygeon, on Thursday, June 4th.. The- treasurcr and the auditors, suggestions: of pomts to hold regular and' supple-~ mentary meetings, election of directors- the Institute can be improved or- made will leave Bind'say on: arrival of the- . . Fare‘ from liondsey, 40c; from F'enelon Falls; mg ;-. consequently, a number of our vil-' >4

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