1-! V; . .v.e.4a...._.._......'....-fl-.-†, ;. ,_ ‘_ ‘ r r 7 . cannot remain in wage slavery. for that" condition is too gelling. Necessity prompts a revolt. and Socialism offers the sure hope of emancipation. ’l‘he' capitalist apologists will warn the work- ing class in vain that Socialism will Jess troy individuality; that it will make us all servants of the state; that it will di- vide up the wealth of the land. and the- countless other silly objections that are raised against it. The fact remains that wage slavery remains unbearable, that the whole working class is in a i'e- ver ol unrest and galling discomfort, and that Socialism aï¬'ords the plain and certain means of' each of us getting all the food, clothing and shelter that we need, which are precisely the things we: have no assurance of getting under cap-- italism. We will not bother ourselves about the fanciful things that are said about Socialism. We will rightly con- clude that anything that will free as from this awful servitude under capi- talism, assure us the things we must‘ have, and take away this haunting fear of want that Follows us over like a grim v sceptre, it a step forward, and not even g the most rabid {opponents of Socialism willdeny that the Co-operative Com- monwealth will do all this. In making â€"v u. v - r . this admission they have admitted our . . . . victory, for we of the working class are- The Sweumg Tld? 0f 130111310341 getting ready for a political revolution, RBVOIUtlonr Ten years ago the American Socialist. was a dreamer seeintr visions of Uto ia. B‘e _°f 308d Chem" comma“: the, 00‘ but to-day he is a haid-headed, practical (313:3;aggï¬nauoggpflge‘dltgrggfghmï¬ghg: proletarian, who has set about his own litical barometer that not only revi‘stldrs emanqlpauon m a Practical and bugl- thc political atmosphere on the fthine "GSS-hke manner' H? 15 semi oval-v: but of the whole civilized world ’l‘hc Where, and the land I? pu‘satmz “rm workin†class is at last coming to Im- the ï¬rst beats of. a mighty revolution. derstaiid that capitalism has noihinrr to our rank-s are mung so fa“ th-at we offer the toiling millions but wao'o sliive- came-b esmmate our Strength Figures. a a compiled today most be rearranged to- ry' They are seeing at last that they morrow. From factory and mine comes produce eueUgh of' wealth to feed,clothe the rumble of the approach,“ storm and house the world and supply {ill mih Out upon the farm the revoliiticnary’ abundaflce’ and that only caplml‘sm ‘5 pioneerâ€"he whose ancestors left their fesponsmle for.hung.er, cold .and want. bloody‘footprims at Valley Forâ€. and “‘9 mix“ Step ‘3 plum; abOI‘Sh the “1' again Were immortalized at NlewnOi'leans stitution that keeps the working class i: the war of 1812. who gamed with .t'rom havmg what the}: produce. and 69‘ the Indian, and whd preserved the unity tabllsh socmhsm 1“ us Place: and. Elle of the nation in the sixtieS' he who Plies“? cruel and unnatural, condlflon himself has ploughed the vireii’i prairie “ll Swag Wify to one that m“ be W“ and cleared the forest; he this most un- the OPPOS‘Le “1 every “7a)†If from the compromising of all, has joined his re- who," power 0f the Working classes “‘9†volt with the miner and the city worker IS produced an abundapcc of everything and has said 1: your grievance is my, needed: '5 It “05 Plum that ,thel“? ‘3 grievance, and your ihdnstrial toaster “feling ODIYf‘ 835mm. that Wm f‘mly is the same one who has robbed me in distribute this wealth, in order to make interest proï¬t and rent and has left earth a Welcome home to every 01â€â€) me nothing but an empty'land title to a- and a safe and comfortable abOde f0" piece of' soil the bulk of' whose product. every person ? The competitive system, I must yield up to your master, and. a 22;)“; (lune 1'99“th, his "31d? ‘3 £055" who compels me to work under condi- “t e 0‘ 3.“? Perl?“ {his “:39 b mes tions little better than yours." Where 3 anmil": 50‘ 9. I P Sip -ï¬aï¬, 5’ cm“ Will capitalism turn for votes under , P oymg t _19 calma him? e 06 ms pay a such opposition, and how can she stay 1mm; for “5 “50'? his gave} F013,†01â€" the rising tide of popular indignation peep e “9 mint“ l5†“3Ԡi W ‘fcl 19 “e and discontent? Capitalism is doomed. mind of the commercial explorter. .Be- Yesterday we thnu‘uht the “wank, fore the Socrahst mind could mamf'est would be low, ,md bitter T,,_d.,,,'?,.e “15%†“i huh?†law“ “1,059 Who are Of ‘a know that it will not be less bitter ihau Pb“ mung?†“atlure’ldlt’bwas fecelssmy we thought. but we know that it will be t at ma? “MU 310“ 9 5° (,eve oped far shorter than even our Fondust hone and capital so concentrated to fewer ever permitted us to believe Take bani? :8 6;) malt†1t ‘mP055‘ble. ï¬ir t’hIe courage, you old battle scarred veterans, “’01 mn (“‘55 0 acqulm, .caplm' 5 who have fought for freedom through was necessary that conditions should momma. years, Take cmmm, ou W,,‘,‘,e conï¬ne the workmg class to wage Slayc' slaves.a Youilwho have liiedy in the rly’ that (Oh pails lout foe the “7???ng shacks capitalism has builded for your 0 “55 Into t 0,131)“ 0 a“ exp 0mm: families. You who tell long, create Class would.“ Impossible“ We reach“ much, and get little. You are in revolt, that condmon several Yen‘s 330' Thmk and your revolt is ahundredfold stronger { ‘ l u A ' a ' n . - for a monent coal miner ca now than you think. On every Ede of. you gab “Eggggge (2331;? :Wï¬gezndï¬â€˜fectig are multitudes of' men that a straw will ’ ‘ move. Go to work with a will. Be nothmg to leave his chlldmn but hm insensible to rebufl‘s and cheers. The ' ' (r ' , n . place 2: 52“? mm: as a “7;â€? 31Ҡ131.1 man that sneers to-day wrll grasp your “:63 .a IS in; fissure ’ .00 cam}? 18 hand in comradeship to-morrow. Spread? 1310 ucuon’ w“. h :3 or'sav‘é’? mamme' the literature, stimulate the class strug- fghzagï¬gnz‘??slgï¬t 16:31:: leeï¬ezlina: gle; the giant of labor awakes from his ‘ ' P slumber,‘ and, once roused, the capitalist . . ' a _ r n- . . “mkm5 Clisseg’ and wabe slavery ca system Will go down like a house of not be abolished, or even made comfcrt- Sm“, able, without ï¬rst abolising the thing which created it, capitalism. 'l‘o abol- ,. ish capitalism, only requires the work- ‘ in class to decide as a class to change If. you ask any particularly well-dressed mi system, and their decision will be made just as soon as we can reach their understanding with a few simple lessons. There are two great factors that have moved mankind to change. They are necessity and hope. These two things moved our ancestors across the Atlantic. Thenecessity of change from serfdom, and the hope of economic liberty in America. These factors have been back of every move into the wilderness by the pioneers, and explain the presence of every prairie schooner that wended its way across the Father of Waters. The Bank of BRITISH NdllTi-l Aidhdldd. Capital £1,009,000. Reserve £390,000. RE YOU INTERESTED IN llllSl a Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings. Fenelon Falls Brunei-1., WWWD 5 g I .V is ‘ ii .1 ,3 oW new spring stock of Boots and WRITE GEd W BEAU. l ‘l . , ' THE JEWELLER, if Lindsay, For particulars. You will save " money. You can rely on what you get. ' Q :- -4 n -' _ i n 1369051“ 0f "'1 “1‘1 We‘ Revewcd‘ Shoes came. We want. you to see 1t. Interest at ‘3 per cent. "it explains its good points far bet- ter than we could do. 140 ED ‘3 Earmars’ Kisses - ;. Discounted. R. A. ROBINSQH, “" Manager. OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, 9.30 to 12, and 7 to 8 p. You will notice ï¬rst of all that it is particularly large. We wanted it that way so that every demand of our customers could be met. We have the product of the largest and best shoe manufacturers in Can- ada, and when you buy a. pair of Em- press or Slater Shoes you have the satisfaction of knowing that the price you pay for them in Fenelon Falls is just the same as you would pay for them in Toronto or any city or town in Canada. We invite you to call. i. l. ARNut. Professional Cards. ___________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" LEGAL. __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ F. A. MODIARMID. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE- 1011 Falls. Ollice, Colborne street, opposite Post-ofï¬ce. ï¬g†Money to loan on real estate at. lowest current rates. ’___________._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-' M CLAUG HLIN & PEEL. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, the. Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. Office, Kent street, opposite Market, Lindsay. R. J. MoLauean. __________._.___â€"â€"â€" Gr. II. HOPKINS, BARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at owest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces : No. 6, William Street South, Lind- ay, Ont. J. A.PsnL STEWART & O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, &c. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. T. STEWART. L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A BOOTS AND SHOES FDR THE GRETEC AL MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. O!“- ï¬ce, William street, Lindsay. D. Moons. A. JACKSON ,â€"_â€"___.__â€"â€"â€" _. ._ __ . ._ MEDICAL. __‘_______â€_.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"‘ DR. H. I-LGRAH AM. â€"M.D., 0. 1L, M. a. c. 3. Eng, M. c. r. c 5., On, r. 'r. n. s.â€" Call and examine them. They HYSICIAN’ SURGEONS& ACCFOUQHE W111 meet your every requirement ' 1‘. on .F- is t' -t, “6 0“ a ' ‘ ‘ V We; W “m 1“ e regaidmg style, quahty and prices. w. L. ROBSON. DR. A. WILSON, â€"-M. 3., M. o. r. s 5., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8t ACCOUCHâ€" P cur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. ________,______â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"""‘ DENTAL. W! r. s. c. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFICE zâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orue' street _______,______.._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€".â€"‘â€"â€"-~ man in Fenelon Falls or surrounding district, Dr. tannins, DENTIST, LINDSAY, “Who makes your clothes?†invariably he Will tell you Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for 27 years. > He studied the gas under Dr. Coltou, of . r ‘ 'ZE'CD'VV':[_\'|':|'_'.311~ : _ Y. h' sx't d f £310. 3%“ Dr. Neelands Eigitts 1lileiilelcon Igiills (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. (Jail early IS New York, the originator of gas for extract- : nd secure an a.ppoi!\.tmt=.ltt‘r ing teeth. Dr. Golton writes Dr. Neelands A Suntlerland lady writes Dr. Ncclands Who ’s Your Tailor :9 9-0 Fire and Sword. The Kaiser of Germany at a recent dinner said :_ “ The Social democratic gang must be exterminatcd with ï¬re and the sword. The weakness of my government has recently been shown in its manner of dealing with Socialists. Tho Socialist movement cannot be tole- rated any longer.†This is the answer of capitalism to the reason of the people. It shows what bloodymonsters thcrulers are. When a majority of the people want no more tyranny they are to be murdered! When they aski‘orjustice . they are to be given to the torch or The land is settled and tilt? Garth 15 sword! And this is the twentieth cen- peopled. The days of the plODeOI‘ M6 tury l The rule of’thc Kaiser is doomed. over. The working class can no longer When he was a child a seercsa prophe. migrate from its slavery. It must now cied that he would die in Encland in turn on the master class and work out exile, He is hurrying on to hi: fate, its own salvation where it now is. It hat. he has given the gas to 186,417 per- Other pain obtunders used. A good set of that he had made her a successful tit after one without an accident from the gas. iv'n i l ‘ ft th ial iuT ‘ to '_ iiilileisee‘d‘itrgim W W (e m SW19 and WOl‘kmatnShlp. He makes no other