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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1903, p. 4

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‘-_...... ...,. . .. . “4%.”,‘wklrx‘n1.2;”_ J I A - r a. “‘V‘i,,f'>.<~â€"g‘h~9 vfo. -,..__ a“. _.< . Anus}; ."NW-.. BEGINNING SATUdBAY, Mid. 3. Chiffon Collar Forms, 150. each. Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose, worth 150. and 200., for 10 cents a pair. ' ' Hat Pins, 5 cents per dozen. Men’s Underwear, 50 cents per suit. Men’s heavy working‘Shirts, worth 60 and 75c. fOr 50 cents each. . Best Pins, 2 papers for 5 cents. 24 sheets Writing Paper for 5 cents. Best Envelopes only 5 cents a package. Special reductions in Carpets, Curtains and Window- Shades. r Curtain Poles with wood fixtures, 25 cents each. Buy your Cottons, Flannellettes and Towellings from us. We save you from lc. to 20. on every yard. We want you-r trade in our Grocery Dept. Dinner Sets given away free. Come and see how we do it. - J L I ‘1 .:,. 2: .._ . '4 Vzw‘ i" i Highest prices paid for Butter-and Eggs. Z git! . ' The Big Store. W . ._ Etta-lave: St J‘- P'ETTYr PURCHASED- “The J ewellerfi’ :W. WI CKEGWN’S has the largest stock in the County 1.11 I GEM and g . p and will carry a» large WEDDING" RINGS: and up-to-date stock. of. WEDDING furniture. PRESENTS, Am also prepared. to do. Gr.OLD,. SILVER, ' all kinds of and GOLD FILLED Carriage Making. WATCHES. Repairing and. Repamtmg, Send us your Repairing and? Engraving. , S. Petty. DOORS AND SASH. The. Jeweller. we? Planing, done on short notice. S. S. Gainer. Furniture and Lindsay. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. WW? I. carry in- stock a full line L of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a. Sew- iig Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. . L. barman. Robson’s Drug Store. M¢MWW WWW-6 '11 2 p; (D In! I Undertaking. ' Special. The Echelon Fails Gazette. Friday, August 7th, 1903. The Bank Premises. The public library was moved two doors north last week. and the spacious 1 store lately occupigd by it is now being fitted up for the Bank of British North America. under the superintendenco of Mr. G. H. McGee, who is “ bossing the job,” though: he has not taken a con- tract. Great changes are being made, and, when finished,» the bank premises on the north-west corner of Colborne and Francis streets will be up~to-dateâ€"- “neat, but not ostentatious,” as Mr. Robinson, the manager. says. The mammoth sale which arrived a few .months ago is to stand on a stone picr built up from the .rccky bottom of the cellar; the front. is to be modernised and furnished. with plate glass windows (aud'a regulation bank door, and. two plate glass windows will let light in from the Francis street side; The whole interior is to be painted, papered and made as good as new, and electric lightsand a telephone will be installed. I As the alterations and improvements will cost a good deal over a thousand dollars. it is almost a wonder that the Bank did not put up a building; but we don’t know where it. could have got a suitable and central site at a reason.- able figure. But the new premises, which will, it is expected, be finishedaby 'the end of the month, are much more roomy than those to be vacated. and. until the business outgrows them, will afford the bank staff plenty of' “ elbow room.” the want of which is badly felt where they now are., For years it has ~been said by our business men that a chartered bank would do well at the Falls, and their predictions have been amply verified by the rapidly increasing business. done by the branch of the Bank of: British North America since ’it was established-here about six months ago. Its success is due partly to the confidence everybody has in the stabil- ity ofi the institution and partly to the tpopularity of. its genial manager, Mr. R. A. Robinson, and his no less genial jchief assistant, Mr. W. A. Bishop. Sad News icra S‘isier.. . On ,Friday last Miss Johnston, of Toronto, Who was at the Fallsvisiting 'Mrs..W. L. Robson, an old friend of j.f her mother’s, received the sad news of the death of. her. brother John, who was drowned the previous afternoon in Moon ‘river, in the Muskoka district. He and a friend‘- named Dodge were in a-canoc, ;\vliicli was upset by a sudden gust of wind. Johnston immediately struck out For shore, aud‘suddenly sank when with- ,in a few feet- of it; but his companion, {who could not swim, clung to the canoe '-until“hclp arrived. Miss J‘ohnston came to the Falls on Monday of last week, .’W-i1’ll a party of campers. On Friday "morning she returned by the Manitarto spend the day with Mrs. Robson, and about two hours later Mr. Robson re- ;cei'ved a telegram from.Toronto-inform- ‘ing him. ofi the accident. Shortly after- wards Rev. Mr. Sinclair, who had heard of the fatality, went to -Mr. Robson’s ,house and, as gently. and-4. cautiously as possible, broke- the sad news to Miss terrible, as John was her favorite broth- ouly a few minutes before she heard of his death.. She left, accompanied: by Mrs. Robson, for her. home, 386» Front ,street west, Toronto, by the afternoon itrai‘n. The body of‘the youth, who was- only about 18, waszrecovered on Friday, 't‘uneral took. place at 2.30 p.. m. on Monday. ‘ Vllrage Council: Fenelon Falls, Aug. 5th, 1903. The council. met; at regular meeting, utcs of previous meeting read and. ap» proved. Moved by Geo. H. McGee, seconded orders for- the following accounts : E. on streets, $8 13; Thos. Scott, do. do., 8‘1 25; C. Keast. cleaning well, $1 50-; Rev. John Garbutt, lumber for pump house, 3314 15;, M. H‘. McCallum, for 3 broken stone, $4 95; Wm. Sandl‘ord, attending pump on July 13th, 32; Spo- cial constables on July 13th,.856; Sam Brokenshirc, repairing pump and enâ€" gine, 86; S. Sharp, shingling house on do, do., 32' 252;? Freight on pump fit- tings, $7 80 ; Marshall Burley, work on streets, 84 37; E..D. Hand, on printing acc’t. 3320; R. J'. Moore, dei. do., 820; . T. Scott, on aoc’t, 8753â€"‘Carnied. Moved by Thos. Robson, secondedby Thos. Austin, That the clerk. be in.- atructedr to notify the different panties and on the same day went to Roscdale 'Johnston, whose outburst of grief was. taken to Toronto the next day, and the _ and all the members‘were present. Min» __ by Thos. Austin», That the rceve sign ’ Brock, salary. $28; J. Alexander, work V market square. $3 ;_ Ed. McCutcheon, ' 1903.â€"--Carried. nâ€"q Fenelon Council. C‘atnerou, July 24th, 1903. Council met at call of reevc. Min- utes of last meeting read and adopted. A communication from. the M ariposa clerk to the reevc was read, announcing a meeting at Oakwocd on July 27th, of those interested in supporting or oppos- ing the changing of the Haudc-ick ditch from the Ditches and Watercourse Act to the Municipal Drainage Act. In this connection 1t was Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by ' Mr. Cragg, That the council of this township strongly protests against any such change being made, and'adviscs that the drain be continued under the. Ditch anti Watercourse Aet, and hereby authorizes our rcevc to sign the petition 1 1. Mrs. hindley McDougall, Mrs Dr. Coul- "in support of same and attend the Oak- wood meeting in the interest of the townshipâ€"Carried. . On motion of Messrs. Webster and Mark, A. F. Cragg was appointed com- Fenelon boundary, opposite lot It. On motion ot’dfessra Mark and Web- ster, Wm. Lattdcll was appointed com- missioner to expend 525 between lots 20 and 21, con. 5, in gravclling. , On motion of Messrs. Mark and Webster. Peter Moll‘at wasgranted $8 .pikin;r on his beat. The following payments by the treas uror were confirmed on motion of Mes- srs. Webster and Mark: John Kennedy, $5,011 Ops and Fenelou boundary On his beat ;~ John Cameron. $11, for grading ~and'gravclling on Eldon and Echelon boundary. south of Glcnnrm; John Copp, $35.50. cost of rebuilding bridge on con. 5. 14(22. also T. Parkln, $1.40 commission on same. Moved by Mr. Webster. seconded by ,Mr. Mark. That the following bills be llpaid'r Geo. Sackctt. gravelling, 814; W. 1-1. Powles, postage and stationery, $1.31 ; Thos. Flynn, gravelling on his beat. 38; M. Herron, extra gravelling on new road, $4; John T. Curt-in, part price culvert on Ops boundary. $2; reevc, clerk and assessor. attending ap- peal of G. N. W. Tel. Co. re assess- ment, each 552; A. F. Cragg. grading one day, 31.50; Geo. Hayearth, gravel. $1.50 ',. Thos Hovle, do.. $2.05; I). .Mofi‘htt. do.. $7; Clerk, For B. M. and ing bridge on his boat, 60c, A. F‘. Cragg. meeting Ops council re fence, $1; Alex. McLean. wood for S. Mc- Fadycn, $2.50; Trustees No. 6. For Ferguson, working grader, $13750; E. Worsley. M. shingles for M. and S. McF‘adyen, 13.735. â€"-â€"Carried. Council adjourned to meet at Cam- bray on Aug 26. m Personals. Jas. A. Giillogly. of Lindsay, was at‘the Falls on Wednesday. ‘ Miss ’l‘itt‘ord, of Cobourg, is visiting Miss Agnes Power-at the Falls: Miss Jackson, of Toronto. is visiting Mfrs. C. E. Graham at the Falls. Mr. R. J. Moore, of the Star, and family, are camping at Rosedule. the Falls visiting Mrs..J‘oseph H‘eard'. Toronto visiting her father and sisters. Mr. H. E. Austin, of Toronto, was at i0!" and She hm] been Speaking 0f him the Falls from Saturday until Monday. ‘ Mr. Charles Dcyman left on Tuesday {Nor a week’s visit to friendsat Rochester, L Y. Mr. WilliamGampbell returned'home on Tuesday from his. trip.» to thesea coast. ‘ Miss Minnie Mfenzies returned“ on Monday from. a. week’s visit to relatives at Lindsay. Mr. Robert Chambers. proprietor. of ‘ '-'worth League moonlight excursion ton the Lindsay marble works, was at the Falls on Monday. Mr. F. J‘. Kerr returnch on Tuesday "from. a ten- days’. visit to relatives at Newcastle. Mrs. Robert Graham,.off Kinmount, who has. been uisiting her relatives at the Eitlls, wingo home to-day. . Haliburton. are at the Falls, visiting Mrs. Edward McCutcheon.. Mrs. Brown. of‘Gfalt, hasbceuat the Falls since Wednesday, visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Pearce. _ Miss Greta Smith and Miss Birdie ‘Archcr returned home on Friday from a week’s visit. tofiri'ends in Lindsay. Miss 'Etlith ' S. Hand returned on Wednesday from Birmingham, Alaba- "ina, to spend a month or two at home. Rev. Mr. Bill and: Mrs. Bill, of To- vronto, are visiting at Mr. Wm. Walsh’s, land» will remain for. two or: three weeks. Mr. Ji. 3‘. Cassidy left on Friday for a trip to Orillia and Midland, and may buy a farm. if he sees onothat suitshimh - 7 Mr. William Ni‘o, of" Torontmand ;Mrs. John Patterson, cf Hamilton, came gto. the Bills. on. Saturday tovioit their a .. . .v a “J-Zfi-J“ 4 missioner to expend $20 on Ops and , to Kirkficld on Monday. school for toâ€"day’s meeting. $311; Dan ‘, Miss Vivian Bortor, of“ 'l‘orouttr, is-at Miss Violet Prescott is home from '5 Mr. and M’rs. S. L Whittaker. 0f iers oi St. James’. church. will hold at on the Colboruc street property to pay brother, Mr. George Nie. 'the arrears of rent. due up to July 1st, Mr. O. Curtis, lcl't on Tuesday to visit relatives at Green Bay, Wisconsin. He will stay a day or two at Toronto and the 800, and will be about a month from home. ‘ Mr. Joseph Dickey, of Toronto. In. specter of Division Courts, was at the Falls last Friday, and spent about half an hour in a perfunctory examination of the clerk’s books. Mr. R. G. W. Nicol, who joined the bank staff here about. five weeks ago, ' has been rcmovcdto YorktoWn,N.‘tV.T.. and lcl't on Tuesday morning. It is expected that his successor will arrive on Monday next. Miss Titfor'd. Miss Lizzie Deyman, Miss Mary McCall, Miss Adelaide Power, Miss Lillian Power, Miss May .Deuny. and Messrs. Wilfred Ncwimo, Fred Hamilton and Percy McCall took a drive to Bobcaygeon on Sunday. Mrs. McCreary, {\1 rs. Dr. Wilson, ter, Mrs. Mitchell and daughter, cl" '1‘!)- ;ronto, Miss Lillian Wilson, Mr. F. Mc- Dougall, Dr. Coultcr, Mr. Oswald [Lun- 1lton, of Lindsay, and Mr. George Wil- son took a trip by the steamer Dttmztless Mr. W. H. Robertson ' of the Peter- borough Times. and his daughter, Miss until Tuesday. While fishing at the wharf. on Monday forenoon. the young lady hooked a Four-pound; bass, “hie-h to expend-in. gravelling; the fresh turn- fl the 3306:00de lllglanalnll (Will) a little assistance) al'ter'a long and exciting struggle. Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The parties that went to Dinby rocks “for huckleberrics did well, one party getting as many as twenty-two pails. Miss Jennie McKee. of Toronto, is- visitiag her sister, Mrs. John Gillis. Miss Annie Worsley, of Toronto. is. on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Worsley. Miss A. Gillis, of St. Louis, Mo., spent a few days visitingr relatives and’ friends in this community. Miss Jennie Knox, of‘ Coboconk, was. here For a few hours on Sunday. Mr. C. H. D. Daniel. of' Toronto, and; his brother, M r. J. J. Daniel. of Lind-- say, spent Sunday with their parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daniel. Mrs. D. F. Milloy, of Orville. is en-- joying a week’s visit to her father, Mr. D report. 312 60; WW Chambers‘ fix‘ John Brown. Mrs. John Singer, of Toronto, is visu- iting for a week at Mr. M. Herron’s. Miss Lizzie Smith, of Lakehurst, is. visiting at Mr. Walter Howie’s. Miss C. Ward, oi Cobourg, is visiting" her grandfather, Mr. John Cullis. Miss S. Ayres. of' Berlin, is visiting, her sister, Mrs. Oliver Glaspcll. V ‘ Rev. Mr. Garbutt occupied the pal-- pit here last Sunday, and preached a very able and instructive sermon to an. unusually large congregation. . In the month of May Mr. L. l'looe received a. kick from a horse, and has.- been incapacitated from-work ever since. He is- improving slowly, and his many.- ‘fricnds will rejoice to hear of his com-- plete recovery at an early date. The Farm Journal, oi“ Philadelphia. says that if“ you keep the hired man in». 1,: good humor. your horses and machinery will‘last longer, andthework not so loo"... am“ GIRLS WANTED‘at Peter-borough. Address Canadian. General Electric Com- pany,. Limited,. stating experience andl.l ipresent wages. Preference giveu.to.-those-' who apply.- in person-.. 0. O. O. Fltâ€""’he members of‘ Trent- ,Valleyijodge, No. 71-. C. O} O: F., will? éfiattend'mOI'oing service in the Presby- ‘terian churehion Sunday, August 16th.. In the afternoon-cit the- same day they' williparade to the cemetery fer theau- foual decoration 01". the-graves of. deceased? brethren .. To-Ntcnr;â€"â€"-Don't $11,161? the Ep.» Sturgeon Point and Lindsay to night.. ,The- steamer Kénosha will leave the; ;wharf at 7.30, and. there is no danger-- 'of overloading, her; as she can carry over‘ 400:passcngers-. ‘ Ticketsfor the round? .trip 256-. and 150. GARDENPARTvzâ€"The Parish Wbrk‘.. garden. party. on. the Rectory grounds. ,on Wednesday evening, Aug. 12: RB- freshments will be sold. at booths rcpre-- seating various nations by young ladies- ln national costume. A programme of‘ _ musicwill be rendered. AdmiSsion Free- Weary Bra'm‘ Werkers. Fagged out. Ideas come 0.5:lele as: molasses. You think of things just a mint ute or. two too late; Snap's gone. The- buoyancy that made work a pleasureâ€"- thatls gone too. The doctor-would tell you' that you are run. down, not eating-I enough nor digestingenough. Your stems. ach,vneeds aid, your digestion needs a. bracer‘ too. Your blood requires phoss phorus and iron that. it may be formed read-. 11y. N‘ow. Ferrozone is a wonderful nerve. bracer and blood maker. It’s. foodjfor the blood and nerves, and willmake you strong: Quickly and em a n , ' Robson. P Q 9 Hg. Mattie, were at the Falls from Saturday " "t '.»‘t..»-,;..-.'. '~¢; "3“ fi’: - (’JW“ ,«mâ€" '1. . ~. ‘ {“F‘i‘h‘m" _~__Tg .:V.M., -3" ... .-‘,mA . . p

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