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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1903, p. 5

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5"”; the Point; and when the Manita. came ‘ along the navigators, who were sticking: .the germs and heals the inflamed surfaces. __ \___5W A .A . Bar'ristr GARDEN PARTY-~le an- 1111le garden party of the Baptist church congregation will be held next Thursdav evening, the 11th inst.. on the church grounds. Admission 10 cents; extra I for refreshments.consisting Ofice cream, i lemonade, cakes 8:0. The village or- chestra has been engaged for the ocea- t-ionj and there will be plenty of good vocal and instrumental music. OUT AGAIN.â€"-)‘l.l". NVatltcr' McCall, who (as stated in last week’s Gazette) was kicked by one of his horses on the previous Tuesday, proved to be less ser- iously injured than was at first feared, and'was able to be out again on Mon- day. Hc'is to be congratulated upon his narrow escape from death, as a blow from a horse's foot in the pit of the stomach is generally fatal. Pain Must Get Out , ., where Polson’s Nerviline is used. Com- posed of. the most'ipowerf‘ul pain-subduing remedies known, Nervilinc cannot fail to give prompt reliefin rheumatismlineuralgia, cramps, pain in the back and side, and the host of painful affections, internal orex- t‘rnal, arising' from inflammatory action. A bottle of Nerviliuc will give efficient proof of its superiority over every known remedy. Try Nerviline. Large bottles 35c. Druggists sell it. Sold by W.H. Robson. , Resume THINGS.â€"â€" The Church Manufacturing 00., Limited, the forma- tion of which we announced in our last issue. are rushing things at such a rate that the factory is already partly built, and will. if the weather prove favorable, be finished and in operation in less than a month. The company have just pur- chased a 15 h. p. electric motor from the Canadian General Electric 00., of Toronto. and have made arrangements with the Lindsay Light, Heat 8; [footer Company for electricity to run it. UPSET [N THE LAKE â€"â€"On the after noon Of Thursday of last week, when there was a high wind blowing, a sail boat from Sturgeon Point, with four navigators therein, by some means not upset in 'the lake. about half ‘way be- tween the mouth Of Scugo;r river and likelimpets to their capsized craft, said they were all right and could get on shore without help, though, of course, they did not refuse to be rescued. Man FIRE PROTECTIONâ€"A short time ago the village council purchased a force pump from the A. R. Williams Manul'uchring 00., of Torontoon thirty days’ trial. When Messrs. McDougall Brandon 8:. Austin transferred their electrical plant from the stone mill to the building erected for it, a large water wheel was left idle in the mill, and to this wheel the force pump is now being attached. We hope that it will prove satisfactory and be retained, as we can- not have too much protection against fire. lowly Dying from Catarrh. ' Thousands are in this terrib'e condition but don’t realize their danger. If' you huvte the slightest taint ofCatarrh, would it not. be wise to commence Catarrhozoue treatâ€" ment now and be perfectly cured in a short time ? This pleasant remedy cures without the use of drugs,.atomizers or snuffs. You inhale the medicated vapor which spreads to all parts Of‘ the breathing organs, kills Cntarrhozone clears the throat and nose instantly, and never fails to cure the most obstinate eatarrhal, lung and throat trouble. A trial will demonstrate the value 01 Caâ€" tarrhozone, which sellsforilfil, small size. 25c.,.at druggists or Polson Sr 00., King- ston, Out. Sold by W'. H. Robson. ANOTHER COTTAGE.â€"â€"Mr. Wm. S. Scott, of Toronto Qi'ormerlya resident of tho Eulls),ls occupying, with his fam ily, one of the Summer Resort Com pany’s cottages near Cook's Point; but has drawn upzthc “plan and specificat- tions” for one-Of his own, which is to be built this tall and finished some time before the commencement of next sum mer. It is to be two stories high-and measure 16x 24 feet, with a» kitchen 120 x 12 feet; and along the end which .faces the lake, and in which the front door will be located, there is to be a Veranda 8 x 16 feet, with a balcony above. An ice-house , 10 feet :quare and a boat-house 8 x 20.fect are also to be built. 'Fhe cottage will be set- on posts and will not. be plastered ;. but. it will be built of placed and matched lumber-and- nicely painted. Not very many years ago such a. summer resi- dence could have been put up for about '$5300; but new, owing to the great ad- vance in the- price of materials and labor, it will cost not much less than $500. The Work will probably be done by Mr. G. H. Littleton, from whom we obtained the above particulars. ___________.__.____.___ FAGGED. OUT, DEPRESSED. ENERGY, SNAPJAND AMBITION GONEâ€"- YOU NEED 1A BRACING TONIC TO- IttONlZE THE BLOOD. 'raY- FERRDZONE .. Ferrozone will make you strong and cap- able of doing a heavy day’s work without fatigue It is a morvellous remedy, and film than ' uurwlEton? Look it over ;~ also your Buggy. If. they need any repairing or fixing up, now is the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to have, it done right.. dues marvellous things, as the following testimonial proves :~ ‘ ‘1 After my baby was born, I was left 111' a weak, sickly condition, totally unfit for_a {nether-ls householddutiea. Lsomehow didi not gain strength, although I took malt extracts and tonic; all the time. A lady friend recommended Ferrozoue, which I used with splendid results The first box helped quite a little, and whcni had taken six boxes my former health, ruddy cheeks and good spirits were fully restored.”â€"-.\Irs. Newlauds, Swansea. . ' You can’t spend 500. to better advantage than on a boy of Ferrozone, and the sooner you get Ferrozonc, the sooner you will get well. Don’t accept a substitute, but insist on your druggist supplying the genuine Ferrozoue, which sells for We a box or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from the Ferro- zoue Company, Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. . __'__â€"_.________.â€"â€"â€"-â€" BIEETl-IS. LAMBrâ€"IH the township of Fenelon, on Saturday, August lst, 1903, the wife of Mr. Walker Lamb of a daughter. a "” " "'°__#_.' "' FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Echelon Falls, Friday, Aug. 7th, 1903. Reported on me Norm mar Roller .lIe'l. 00, ‘ Wheat,Scotch or Fife 70 to 75 Wheat,fall, perbushel.... GS 70 Wheat, spring .... 68 70 Barley, per bushel. . 37 40 Buckwheat“ . . .. . . . . 37 40 Oats, “ 28 30 Pease, “ 58 60 Rye, “ 45 47 Potatoes, “ _, , 50 60 Butter,per 15 16 Eggs, per dozen...... 1ft" 12 Hay, per ton...... . 6.00 7 00 Hides . 4.00 5.00 Hogs (live) 575 6.00 Hogs (Dressed) 600 7.00 4.50,, 5.50 Sheepskins....... ‘50" 75 W001‘ .............. 8 ‘4 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.00 2.39 Flour,Victoria .......... 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.75 1.95 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 90 1.00 Shorts, “ “ 1.00 1.10 ilixetl Chop “ . 1.15 1.25 ’ ‘ ’ L 5.. ,""‘.:‘u:‘_.35 .. - ,_. fl .. FARM LABORERS’ EXCURSIONS SECOND (mass Fasm Lannnsas WANTED. Will be run to stations on Can. P210, in Manitoba and Assiniboia, west, south-west and northâ€"west of Winnipeg, as far as 011 August 17th, from stations in Ontario east of Toronto to Sherbet. Lake and King- ston and Midland division of Grand Trunk north of Toronto and Cat-dwell. One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold, with a certificitte extending the trip, before August 31 st, without additional cost‘ to other points in Manitoba and As- siniboia as above If purchasers engage as farm laborers at Winnipeg, provided such farm laborers will work not less than 30 days at harvesting, and produce certificate to that effect, they will be returned to orig- inal starting point at $15 051, on or before Nov 2-3 111, 19 3 Tickets not. good on Imperial Limited. For further particulars and tickets apply to nearest railway agent. A. II. I‘Jotxnan, Asst. Geu. Pass Agent, TORONTO. MOOSE JAW, ESTEVAN AND YORKTON vac ear so To Montreal or, New York for choice patterns or low prices in ' ‘waLL PAPER. We have them here now :for your solet‘tion. GBQDWEM’S,’ Lawnsav, NEXT '1‘0 ,SI.\11"SON HOUSE. New. work done on short; not1ce.. F”, G, CHAMBERS,“ Hill-181].le HARNESS. SHOP. makes of twine I Has to keep two men to lie broken sht- a ves. VEXATION. This farmer uses other and has nothing but trouble, annoyance and vexation. KAWARTHA LAKES. TRENT VALLEY llll‘IlGll’l‘IOll CilllPilllY, LIMITED ,r . ,_. __-,, , ml Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. “ES’1‘UR10N."â€"~Jllne 15th to September 1st. Bobeuygeon Lv. G 15 a m. and 3 1’) p.m Sturgeon Pt. “ 7 15 “ “ 4 10 “‘ Lindsay Arr. 8 40 “ “ 5 30 “ “ Lv.11 00 “ “ 6 30 “ Sturgeon Pt. “ 1210 p.m. “ 740 “ Bobcaygcon Arr. 115 “ “ 855 “ During June, July, Aug. and Sept., Sat urday’s boat will await arrival of evening train from Toronto. Meals served on board). After Sept. lst will leave Lindsay at 5.45 p. m. instead ofti.30 p m. Coboconk, Fehelon Falls, Lindsay. “ liaxrra.”~â€"June 15 to Sept. 5 or till notice. Cobocouk 1v 6 00 a m. Arr 7 4') Rosedalcloek 1v 7 00 “ Lv 6 40 p51. Feuelon Falls arr 7 40 “ “ G 00 “ “ lv 8 30 “ Arr 5 l5 “ sturgeon Pt. “ 9 00 “ “ 4 45 “ Lindsay arr 10 15 “ Lv 3 30 “ Connection_made at Fenelon Falls with morning train for Toronto and at Lindsay- f'or Port Hope. Time at Feuelon F11 ~ . breakfast and tea. ‘ 1b fOI Bobcaygeon, Chemong, Burleigh. l ‘0GEMAII.”â€"â€"-Jun0 15 to Sept 5 or till notice Bobcaygeon lv 7 00 a m. Arr 7 45 p.m. Chemong Park “ 9 3') “ ar4351v5 15“ Buckliorn “ 11 30 “ Lv 2 45 “ But-leiin Falls arr 12 30 “ “ l 30 ” Connection at Burleigh with “ Empress” for Lakefield and intermediate points Meals served on board. . Leary’s line of busses will give Peterboro connection with morning and evening boat at Chemong. ' ' ~ Burleigli, Young’s Pt. Lakefield. “ Enrituss.”â€"Commencing June 15th. Burleigh lv 6 00 a m. Mt Jillian u c 25 " LI pirsn' Brecze’s ” 6 50 “ " 2 20 “ Juniper I‘d. “ 7 10 “ “ 2 40 “ McCracken’s “ 7 20 “ “ 2 50 “ Young’s Pt. “ 8 10 “ “ 3 40 “ * Lakefield arr 8 50 “ * arr It I!) “ § “ lv 9 15 “ § 1v 6 30 “ Young’s Pt. “ 10 00 “ “ 7 l") “ .ll‘cCracken’s “ 10 50 “ “ 8 0") “ Juniper I’d. “ 11 00 “ “ 3 lb “ Breeze’s " 11 25 “ “ 8 40 “ Mt. Julian “ 12 00 “ “ 9 05 “ Burleigh arr 12 30 “ ' arr 9 30 “ as}? Culling on signal at Brown'comb’s Sheriff Hall’s and Bupties Island. b k 1 ,, ‘ . . _ connects With (morningandaftemOOni train to Pcterboro. . § or after arrival (morniu and eveni'w train from Petcrboro. g i a) For tickets and general. inf ‘ ‘ ormation apply to D. Gould, agent, Telephone Exchange. SECOND DIVISION COURT -â€"OF THEâ€" County of Victoria. he nextsittings of’ the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JULY l3lh, 1903, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, July 2nd, will be the last. day of‘ service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, Jnne 27th. E. C. EDWARDS, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, April 15th, 1903. E. D . HAND, Clerk. We have just re- ceived our Spring and Summer stock of Rivets and. Shoes in all the newest and up-to-date style. Call and see them. Prices right. ThOS. Robson sells Plyi‘nouth Twine. ‘ 33,6133. â€"'- i you can get for your money Price as low as it can be. bought anywher‘ ,. hazm‘ :mc‘: <_._..._, ._..<3m,a Eng-m7 5“” or“ 63â€"“ no...“ F. 34;: ss - r”: 8.: wig-E: 136 'â€" 32:; C.‘ lg<yro (:3 .n .5: vhf-t :57 c." = 5: gal -g‘ : i-s :70 = ‘ 98 :2 s... - 23 :a J” 2. : o’ ’7’ ».. = 5'5 :3 c- ,_ fivâ€" â€"-‘ in.“ ‘snuoaq JOAau 11 ’1 in doing your spring; wall papering that. 1s not the very best And how do you know you are getting the best poss1ble value unless you have seen our" stock ? to show you Let us show you What we have use. H. access. ARE VQU COWS. T20 EURO I am prepared to supply all necessary material' for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before, buying. Planing done on short notice by first class workmen. an or Rough Lumber, Dressed Lumber, Lath, _‘ I Shingles, Mill-wood. MW TELEPHONE IN OFEIOE. WWW Orders for wood may be left at Mr. W. Northey’s. ‘ llli llllllBllll 12.0 llPllll. thing in .Mfllin ery F.SANDFORDm Reliability You can place full reliance in Dunlop Detachable Pneumatic Tiresâ€"they will never betray your trust, hardest to punc- ture, easiest to repair. Years of excellent service have made them of almost) uni~ vernal adoption. Every wheel with a. repu- tation is fitted with them. Every rider of , experience insists on them. 1 Dunlop Tires make bicycle enthusiasts. They increase the pleasure of wheeling and :- minimize the troubles. Bicycling is an assured success with Dunlops. - The Dunlop Tire Co. Limited . Toronto. Ont. Depots at Montreal, St. John, Winnipeg. VancouVer. Ha‘be you found .1. Dunlap Coin} ' mam“... .;- ~ . la. L'ILINDSA'Y‘ run was. Bnbi'... Chambers Is prepared'to furnish the people of Lint -- We extend n cordial lm'lmtw“ to males say and surrounding country with MONU» of Feuelon Falls and vicinity to visit our establishment, where experience and ' genuity‘liaive made it possible for intending purchasers to obtain an assortment of Mil.â€"-- f linery Goods which is complete in every detail for the coming season. , Our import- ationsbtz'Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Braids, Silks, Noveliies, .retldy-tO-wcar and untrim- med Huts, will impress you with ourubility , to serve yourevcry want. MEN'l‘S and HEADSTONES,. both Marble- m' and granite. Estimates promptly. given on all kinds or cemetery work. .Marble Table TOps, WashzTops, Mantlo‘ Pieces, ete,, aspecialty. v Being-a practical workman, all should”! see-hisdesigns and compare prices before- purchasing elsewhere..-- v ' WORKSâ€"In-the rear Of.'the Market om « ,I. v ‘ : _ MISS: Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house: ‘ >1 . u u . -I - EL. CHAMBERS.“ I t

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