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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Oct 1903, p. 4

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Twpaof Verulam is of the opinion that lamb and a crown of black chenille with' corporations are applique trimming of white baby lamb. the railway and other . . . a . . . . > ., not- bearing their fair share of taxation An exquisite white picture hat of beaver~ plush was simply trimmed with one in this Province, and consequently the long white feather, the quill thrust people whom we represent in our cap- acity as 'a council are compelled to bear through a sunflower rosette of white satin at the back. A beautiful shep- a-n unjust share of the‘burdco of taxa- herdess hat was in Ulianipagne velvet ~tion. Therefore we desire to go on' record in favor of the immediate cnact- wrth foliage and flowers of the same tints on the upper brim. The under ment by the Provincial Legislature of brim was faced with strappings of satin the Pcttypiecc Bill, or some such meas- ure as will embody the principles of that ribbon held by velvet covered buttons and three rosettes with button centres. Wilkinson No. 4 Gang. NEW 10-nvcn GANG PLOW‘. Fitted with coulters, and . hasveryheavy fluted steel frame. The mouldboards this week at $3.75 Two s ecial rices p p $34.00. and Ladies’ Heav Black Broadcloth Skirts, nicely , . . bill. We believe that such legislation trimmed mitt]. Stitched extra, Wide sweep, 3,11 ‘ me the beSt Unified gtates will meet with the unanimous approval A child’s" hat in pale green beaver felt, ’ SOft‘centre Stee 7 an ' are of the ratepayers of this municipality. was very much admired. A handsome arrangement of white felt was placed on each side of the brim, and a large rosette of green silk fastened to the front by a white centre button. A band of green silk faced the under brim â€"-â€"Carried. A by-law appointing deputy return- ing ofiicors and naming the places for taking the poll for the next. municipal election was read a first time, as follows: Polling division No. 1. Samuel Thurs- ton. D R. 0.. Moth. Church hall, poll- ing place ;; No. 2", David Logan, D. R. , 0., School House S. S. No. 9', polling place; No. 3-; John Knox D. R. 0., Bethel church hall, polling place; No. 4, Emerson Tirrs D. It. 0., School House S. 8. No.7. pollingplacc; No. 5, 'l'. J. Ingram D. R. 0., School House 38. S: No. 4, polling place; No. 6, Win. Dcvitt D; R. 0., School House S. S. No. 8, polling place. ' ’G’eo. Brooks gave notice that at the next meeting he would introduce a by- law amending the wire fence by-law, by appropriating the sum of $500 to each commissioner for the building of wire fences, and that all moneys so appropri- ated and not used shall be used by the commissioners for roads, and that all applications for wire fences be receivt-d by the commissioners on or before the first dav of June in each year. Moved by John Lewis. seconded by J. J. Dcviit, That It} essrs Brnoks, Dev- itt and Capstiek meet with the repre- sentatives of the south on Monday, Oct. l‘3ih, for an examination of the swamp roads on con. line between cons. 7 and 8 and between cons. 8 and 9 and to re- port as to the number of rods to build and all otherinformation.-â€"â€"Uarricd. On motion 01 Messrs. Brooks and Uapsiick, the .clerk was instructed to write the clerk of Fenelon twp. regard~ ing the building of a wire fence along 'the Fenclcn side of the boundary oppo- site Mr. J. B. Fisk's lot. $3.75.. Black. and Navy Skirts, with white equal to any ever sold at $5.00 and $4.0. extra large, turning stubble and manure under perfectly. Wide steel landsides; Can be fitted" with cast points or steel shares. Three-horse evener supplied as an extra. recs. Reason. sizes, at _ '4 Personals. New Fall Clothing. Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats in latest tailor-made styles. We are showing the largest range of upâ€"to-date Clothing in town, every gar- ment new and well tailored. Call and try on one of our new raincoats. No trouble. to. show these goods. ' Underwear sin-gains. H Boys’ fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers 50c. to $1.00 asuit. Men’s fine nattral wool Shirts and Drawers, Warranted unshrinkable, only $1.00 a suit. Men’s fleeceelined Shirtsand Drawers, $1.00 a suit. Special values in Mens’ Caps, Furs, Gloves, and Dress Goods. oeking Legging C) Boots 8:. Shoes. Miss Graliamraof Kinniount, was at the Falls on Wednesday and 'l‘hursday. Mr. H. Jervis, of Gagctowu, New Brunswick, is visiting friends at the Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Henry l’caroa drove to Manilla on Sunday, and returned next day. Miss Lena Brandon, of Verulam. re~ turned on Monday, after a few days' visit to her uncle at Sundcrland. Mr. Samuel Irwin, of Lindsay, In- spector of Weights and measures, was at the Falls in his oflieial capacity on Tues~ day and Wednesday. Mr."l‘lios. Stevens came home front Waubausheno on ’l‘iiesrlay, and soon af- ter his arrival received the nears of his. father's death in’that town. 0 Mr. Chas. R. Stewart, Crown Land" Agent at Haliburton, and his youngest; son, Mr. Ignatius Stewart, busiiiess inan- ager of the Bobcaygeon Independent, were at the Falls fora short time on» Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, of Lind- say, drove to the Falls on Sunday anl'll‘ iiig. and spent the rest of the day at Mrs. Hand’s. They were accompanied by Miss Crowc, of Cresco. Iowa,U.. S.,, and the Misses Power, of Lindsry. ’- arctic. The-lionemn Fall-s G ilet. 9th; mos". Friday , The Bank PremiSes, It. isbut two months since the Public Library vacated; their premises at the corner of Oolborne and Francis Streets. yet the changes made in the building. both in the exterior and interior, make one wonder if these are really the same promises. On entering, a nice bright oliice is presented to one, and, although still unfinished, itis easily seen that care has been taken to ensure comfort for the public as well aS-thc staff. The Bank, heated by the most improved furnace and lighted by electricity, is furnished in oak, the counters and pan- els being exceedingly well finished, and should in particular find favor in our ,eyesas beingrtlis- product of. native in- dustryâ€"Sandford’s. ’l'he bronzed grill work and the chipde glass blend well, and: the general’efi'ect of the wall color- ing is all harmonious. We understand , any size, 2-50. per yard. We have received" our new fall lines of Shoes this week, and are offering I , better values and a larger assortment than ever. Call and see the new styles in the McCready Shoe '2'. for men and women. Positively" acknowledged to be the best shoe for the money sold in Canada. We are agents for it. Powles’ Corner. liners"‘ "Princesses- ‘vv. mcksoww’s Fuels-irons. L harness, and will carry a large ~ and up-t.o.-date- stock of furniture. Am also prepared to, do all kinds of _ carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and to make - DOORS AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. Gillian 0i F‘eiielon Falls ii We are making more than the usual preparation for the Fair time. VVe- have placed in stock more Watch- es, more Gem and Wedding Rings, more Silverware for presents suitable for wed- dings, Stick P-ins, Brooches, Long Guards, Gents’ Gold Rings, Watch Guards, etc. Call and see as. S. l. Petty. . Lindsay. T... Jeweller.‘ Furniture and "Undertaking. (WWW Just received ’this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. WW WWWW i’” Tanglefoot, E ,5 “t l ‘ l Fly Foison ‘ Pads, v Pure Insect Powder. Chairs; Etc. 3 Robson’s Drug Store. g _ If you are in need of a Sew- ing'Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. L. DEYMAN. i i i i r . this by-law be not now passed, and that, special. I carry in stock a full line- of Parlour Suites Lounges, Picture framing a Specialty. ithat the management has decided to re- main opeoon Thanksgiving Day to en- able those who livc out of town and who may. be attending the lfcnclon Agri-. cultural Society’s Show. to. see the premises. . _. ......... __.‘.... . ..... c. Verulam Council- Council met on. Saturday, Oct. 3rd; all the members present, and the recve, John D. Hunter,,in the chair. Minutes of last meeting’read'and adopted. ‘ Moved: by John Lewis, seconded by George Brooks, That the clerk be in- structed to procure information in re- spect to an application being made for 'a municipal council, and to be able to freport at the next meeting of council.â€" iCarried. ' ' , Moved by James Capstiek, seconded by John Lewis, That by-law No. 477, 28 and 29, con. 7., be read a first time. _â€"Carricd-. Bylaw. read first time. Council went Barren and Stabler being present. Moved by John Lewis, seconded by George Brooks, That, after hearing the evidence of Messrs..Harrcn and. Stabler, instead, this road be still occupied as a 'not be liable for any damages which may be caused by any accident from any traffic thereon, and that notices be â€"Carr.i.ed. . Application was made by Mr. John Lamb for $6 for one sheep killed, and $2 for one sheep worried by dogs on. the night of September 24th. Moved by James lapstick, seconded by J‘chn J. Devitt, That J‘olin Lamb be compensated two-thirds the value of these sheep, $5. 33'.â€"-â€"Carricd'. A communication from School Section No. 1 was read, asking that the treas- urer make out a statement of the stand- ing of school debentures of said section, and forward the same to the treasurer of the said section. On motion of John Lewis and John J. Devitt, the treasurer was instructed, to procure this informaâ€" tion. Moved by James Capsti by John J. Devitt, That council meet in a body on con. line between eons. 7 and 8 on the 16th inst., when the job of repairing about eight rods of that part . of the road over which the- lake over- flows will be let by the commissioner for that division to the lowest bidder..â€" Carried. . W. J. Finley asked that the bridge over Martin's creek be repaired immed- iately, as it was getting unsafe for travel. The repairing of the said bridge was left with the commissioncn for that division. Moved by Geo. Brooks, seconded by J. J. Devitt, That the council of the ,Devitt, the following orders were pass- $l.25; Thos, Nicholls, (10., $3 ,Bell, do. do., $20; John Middleton. 21 .a hotel license, and-as to the powersof ‘ closing that part of road. between lots 4 into committee of the whole, Messrs. , highway ;. but that this council shall . posted up on the said. read. to this effect. - ck, seconded -' Lewis and On motion of Messrs. work on roads, 1.25' John Bick, (10., 50c; Robb. Wilkinson, bal- ance do. and to pay others, $3.85; John ed :- Milton Justus, loads gravel, $1 68 ;, Spurgeon Cosh, 177 loads gravel. $8 85; Wm. Brown, 177 loads gravel. $14 60; Jos. Taylor, timber for culvert. $2; W. H. Hamil- .ton, poundkeepcrs and line fence acts, 38:50; J‘ohn Lamb, 2-3rd value sheep killed and worried by dogs. $5.33; Bob- caygeon Independent, printing voters’ lists and 'adv. council meeting. $45 '20; Thos. [{ingsboro, statute labor 1902, $1; Fred Woollard, gravel and stone hammer, $10.20. ' Council adjourned“ to meet at the call of the reeve. ______..__â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"I Fall ‘Millineryl-i Openings. , The milli‘nery rooms at Mr.W. Camp- bell’s on Friday and. Saturday of last weekwere made exceptionally attract- ive by artistic-decorations of wreathing and drapery. A. complete stock of up- to-datc trimmingsof excellent quality "and a. full line of rcady-to-wear hats are ready for the season’s trade. Under the supervision of Miss May Treanor, of Pctcrborough, the trimmed samples are extremely handsome and calculated ‘to suit all tastes. One very beautiful but wasof white velvet in opera shape, 'trimmed with jet around the crown and- brini. One long black. feather fell over the left brim. A unique arrangement of medallions with bugle jetting decor- ated the under br.im.. beaver plush. A black jet butterfly held a white corduroy velvet draping at the back, and a black feather, held by a handsome bird, fell over the left brim. A'- picture liat in black velvet had white lace appliqued on the crown and brim, with a facing of white tucked ohifi‘on. An attractive turban was of pale rescda I Jgrccn Amsterdam silk, with crown of ‘panne velvet- The brim was trimmed with rows of Chinchilla and a jet spong- led wing was. placed across the left crown. Miss Washburn‘s. rooms. on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week were pret- tily adorned for the fall opening days with autumn foliage and pale pink and green drapery. Her line of- trimmings, veilings and ready-to-wear shapes is as complete as usual. Many. beautiful bats were claimed at once, and many more orders were left for early comple- tion. One handsome and popular Louis XIV hat was of black beaver _ plush with facing of white plush. Black motifs were applied to the under brim and two long feathers fell over the brim from the right side. A Hiawatha tur- ban with a- Minnehaha quill decorating Another white . velvet sample had a- facing-of" black ‘ (Correspondence of the Gazette.) When one ofour farmers went to his: cream can one morning not long ago he’ was surprised to fiid a cat all smother» ed in cream. as we sometimes see straw- berries. The can was sitting in a tub of water, and pussy got in buticould. not get out again, and will never get- into. another can of cream. Dogs and cats are as great a curse as they are a blecs- ing to humanity. There are scores of." people who cannot exist without a dog’ or two and a half-dozm czits. Some farmers cannot estimate the value of a dog where there are poor fences. , Some of our folks took in the Kin-. mount fair, and give agood report of‘ It. Since last writing this neighborhood». has lost one young lady by marriage, but our loss will be a gain to Zion, in Echelon. The boys in this locality are not taking advantage of such golden. Opportunities. Mr. Edward Dunn. reports two months’ threshing already done. Ed. is a clever young man, andwhcrcver he threslies lie is sure- of a job the next; year. He is doing good Work and tak- ing the lead, while others are following. Ed. never. hurriesthe men, and still he can clean out as many barns in a week. as. those who try to monopolize the business. Mr. Oliver- Glaspell isvbusy putting a. concrete floor in his cow stable. 7 W Dundas & Flavelle Bros. want your surplus Poultry, and will take them alive or pro erly dressed. Your local} merchant W1 1 give you prices and par- ticulars. 32-6. Warcuns AND JEWELLERY â€" Mr. I. \Yllltcsmltll, watehniakcr and jeweller, will be at Mr. C. Curtis’s store on Oct. let and 2_2nd, afternoon and evening. With achorce selection of ladies’ and: gents’ watches, chains, etc.- lemember his three “ rights ”â€"-â€"right goods. right. prices, and’a guarantee that isall right. . Moan APPLESrâ€"And’now we have to thank Mr. Alex. Ellis. of Vcrulam, for a basket of Alexander apples be; left at our house a few days ago. They did not average quite so. large as those- of the same name presented to us by Mr. Cooper ;:but they were fully as well; flavored and juicy, and, therefore, quite- as acceptable. The; True; Tragedy of Life is ill-health, disappointed ambitions, useful-. ness destroyed Pathetic-l nay, tragic. Poor blood, weak nerves, a tired brain. Is. there hope? Yes! Because there is a cure. Ferrozonc Tablets make blood; not blue, blood, but the fluid that strengthens the. whole body. Ferrozone does this quickly by improving digestion, stimulating assinim Slatan and'by imparting health and tone. to the whole system. Your druggist will. tell you a great deal more about F'errozono. Ask him to tell you of the wonderful cumâ€"- tivc properties of Ferrczone Tablets. Soldt the left front, had at brim of. white baby by. W. H. Robson.

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