-. o .. K.‘ ...,_~. A. -A,.â€".â€"â€" . -' -“‘ " -‘ ' "‘ - u . -...\,..z./~..- _, ~‘mmvmflw-Wflmm ~ § .fï¬ï¬‚.»Mm-. ,_ ..â€" r. . .1â€... _. V I’ . 5;",‘. .51 ,I\._ " ‘ ~I..' .3132“ an...11W'LREJZL21LPJLLXUALI 333332.35... QTTteAGTQE’dS or use can steer»: ' WEEK. invite you to make this store your headquarters while visiting our Fall Fair. Materials of every description for making Ladies’ Costumes, Dresses, Jackets, Mantles, Blouses, Skirts, etc. Complete ranges of every line of goods with trimmings to match. The daintiest colors and at mode ‘ate prices. ‘i'V ‘apperettes, all new patterns. at 8 and ICC. a yd. Special bargains in ladies’ and children’s Winter Underwear. Ladies’ Vests, heavy winter weight, buttoned front, long sleeves, worth 30 and 350., for 250. each. Children’s Winter Vests, all sizes, from 100. up. Men’s and boys’ natural wool Shirts and Drawers, warranted unshrinkable, $1 a suit. Boys’ fleece lined Underwear, 400. to 351 a suit‘.‘ FLANNELS 'AND FLANNELLETTEs.â€"â€"Our Flannel De- partment is the best asserted in town. Heavy plain and twill grey Flannel, worth 300. for 200. 20 pieces colored Saxony Flaunellette, good quality, fast colors. Special price, be. per yard. .' Bowen'sâ€"Every line, every shade, every Width. lowest price. CLOTHING.â€"All-l‘011hd satisfaction experienced with our clothing for boys. For a best suit or an out- ï¬t to wear to school, you can select the satisfac- , tory article from the Big Store’s assortment. Splendid variety in men’s Suits and Overcoats. o x N '3 . , Ln“ ...=." . “ ' ’11; aware suppresses ' ' nonsense titles 9 leader falls 3 ' FWRWFURE ï¬USlMEdS. and will carry a large‘ and uprt0~date stock of furniture. We are making-more than the usual preparation for the Fair time. W e have placed in stock more \Vatcli- es, more Gem and \Vedding Rings, more Silverware for presents suitable for wed- dings, Stick Pins, Brooches, Long Guards, Gents' Gold- Rings, Watch Guards, etc. Am also prepared to: do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repaintmg, and to make - noose AND SASH. Call and see us. S. l. Petty, The Jeweller. short notice. Lindsay. _ Furniture and WWW-e9 Tanglefoet, v riages that Value. are Fly Felecia. Ease, l boards and Bedroom Suites. WW ' C I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, 9, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. . If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see Robson’s rug Store. my styles before buyinn‘. Planing alone on d. S. Gainer. 'r -. “Eludertaleing. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- Special Also Extension Tables, Side- r... DEYMAN- “,ï¬'ilhinsnn ~ his“ s}. it: gang. NEW lOâ€"INCH GANG PLOW. Fitted with coulters, and 1 has very heavy fluted steel IF .I frame. he inouldboards are the best United States soft-centre steel, and are extra 11 rge, turning stubble and manure under perfectly. Wide steel landsides. Can be ï¬tted with cast points or steel shares. Three-horse evener supplied as an extra. “E'Hï¬ï¬. RQE’SQM. Falls dilatedâ€"c.â€" Friday, Oct. 16th,'19dâ€"3._“ Government Works. The new wharf, work upon which was commenced about a menth ago, is finished, and the hill at the foot. of which it is situated has been nicely levelled from side to side and; its sleep: ncss materially reduced. The latter work kept nearly a dozen men and two teams busy for several days, and during its progress about forty charges cf dyna- mite had to be ï¬red off to break and loosen the rock. On Monday an un- usually hcavy charge was put into a hole drilled for the purpose, and ashort log was laid over it to prevent the “ pro- duct †of the explosion from flying too far; but the log: was thrown high up ‘ into the air, and, aliubting on the steamer Alexandra, which was in the lower lock, broke two or three planks in her upper deck. The new wharf is 180 feet long by about 14 feet. wide, and, we need hardly say, is a vast improve- ment upon the old one. The part of the wall, or face, built of cement, is four and a half lect high, ï¬ve feet wide at the bottom and four feet at the top. and goes down to below the level of (be water, which is now lower than it has been within twenty years. {cement work are the timbers of the old wharf. which are as sound as when it was built, We don’t know how many years ago. is of broken slouc, covered with gravel, and alone: the- top of the wall are six iron suubbine‘ posts, sunk to a depth of eighteen inches and securely fastener]. lo the construction of the wall there were used 133 barrels of Cement, 110 yards of sand and 40 of gravel. The result of, their labor is hlghlv Cl'udiluhlni to the superintendenl, Mr. Peter Grant of Bobeaygeon. and his staff of assist auls. The “ easing †used while the wall was being built has been taken to pieces and neatly piled above the locks, where it will remain until further use for it arises. closes, the work of repairing the lock gates will commence, and will, Mr. ,Graut thinks, keep several men busy for nearly or quite three months. The gates, of which there are six, have been in useubout eighteen years, and the up- per parts are so decayed that they will all have to be partly rebuilt; and ï¬ve pairs of new valves will have to be put in, all but one pair being (unless we can mistaken) as old as the gates. No person who has not carefully examined and mentally " belted " the gates has an idea of the quantity of material in them nod the amount of money they cost; ‘but they will have to be rebuilt, regard- less of expense, and will give employ- ment to some of our skilled mechanics duringr part of the coming winter. Hymeneal. We copy the following from the Ex- etcr, England, ll’estcrn Times of Sept. 19th : “The wedding of Miss Edith Glan- ville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Glanvillc, of Lusileigh, and M r. Bonnet L’Eetrange Burgcs, son of the late Rev. R. Benuct Borges. of St. Phil's, Birm- ingham, took place atSt. Philip’s church, Birminzrllum, on Wednesday. The Bishop of Coventry, who ofliciotcd atl the nuptials. had the assistance of the Rev. Ow'cu F. Glanville (uncle of the bride) and the Rev. D. F. McCready (Curate of St. Philip’s). The bride, who has for seven years been the Mat- ron of the Royal Orthopaedic and Spinal Hospital. Birmingham, was a very pip- ular lady, and held in high esteem by the Committee of the Hospital, the nursing staff and the patients. The presents, numbering over 150, included an illuminated address and a cheque f'rOm the committee of the hospital, a , breakfast service from the nursingsmii‘ Below the ‘ "l‘hc area behind the wall I As soon as navigation . and a gift from the patients. ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Glanville held a reception at the Royal Orthopoclic Hospital. The happy pair are spend~ ing their honeymoon at Bournemouth.†The bride is a native of Fenclon township, and a grand-daughter of the late George Swanlon. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Manning. Goldwater, was the scene of a very pretty weddng on Wednesday, the 7th inst., when their daughter, Miss Oda Eï¬n'ns married to Mr. F. J. Al- dous of Feuelou Falls. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A. T. In- gram in the. presence of a large number of intimate friends and relatives. The house was prctlily decorated. The Wed- ding March was played by Miss Eva Archer of Uxbridue. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked very pretty in a hundsnmc white gown, the skirt being trimmed with roses and ribbon. The bodice was beautifully embroidered with applique and point lace. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Laura Manning, a sister, was bridegroom, and was preltily chemo, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Agroom, was groomsman. The guests, (0 (the number of seventy. sat down to a dejeuner served in a large tent on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs- Aldous left for Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. The bride’s travelling suit was a tailor-made gown of black .and‘ snowfl’nke tweed. with a waist of pale blue silk and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Aldous will take up their res- idence at Fcuelon Falls on their return. â€"â€"Glol)c. Villain: can. ’- Fenelon Falls, Sept. 28th, 1903. Council met at call of roeve, all the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Austin, That the clerk be instruct- ed to write the A. R. Williams Co. that we have not yet received full amount of their shipment. and are unable to test pump; therefore the corporation will not accept their draft at present.â€"â€"C’d. Fenelon Falls, Oct. 7th, 1903.. Council met at regular meeting, all the members present except. Mr. Aus- tin. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mered by Mr. McGee, seconded by M r. Dcymnn, That the reeve sign orders for the following accounts :. Star, print- inL". $46 82; Gunettc, do., $7.50; Pot Cock, work on streets, $13 15; Ruth bun Uo., lumber account, $61 54 ; Fus- ter Kelly. supplies for pump, $13.10; l’l. Robson. disinfectants, $2; F. Boll, work on streets, $38-14; F. Not-they, ~work on crossings, ; E. Brock, salary, $35.75; Geo. .luckult. work our streets, $30.90; lii-ght and Power Coin’rs, light- lug: 52.1.09 ;. G. Quiboll, work on market square house. $19 60; M. Burley, work on streets, 39 38 ; T. Scott, work on streets, 33 50; F. Jock, work on pump, :53; J. Jones, work on pump, $2; Bell Telephone Co., accmnt. 700; Clerk, 3 mon-lhs' salary, $18.75.â€"Carricd. Mr. Austin voted against G. Quibcll's item being passed. work being done on house occupied by G. H. McGee. Moved by Mr. Dcymnn, seconded by Mr. Austin, That the clerk be instruct- ed to render account in full to the Board .of Water, Light and Power Connois- sicncrs.â€"-Carricd. I a School «Report-.4“ Report of Room II, north ward: Senior fourth class; subject Gram- mar; value 100. Kathleen Junkin 94. Uber Shane 61, Marjory Austin 57, Ella Pearce 51, Ted Calder 49, Barkley Mason 49, Sandy Warren 48, May Marshall 4-7, Vera Sharpe 45. Phyllis Nevison 40, Willie Shane 32‘. Winnie Maybce 31, Gordon Adams 0, Willie Church 0. Vina Church 0, Pearl Lit- tlcton 0, Roy Knox 0. Junior fourth class; subject Gram- mar, value 100. Genevieve Twomey 75, Maggie Wilson 67, Lithgow Rob- son 66, Manic MeKillcn 66, Percy Paley 60, Fred Kcast 0. M aggic Scott. 63, Personals. Miss Ella Austin is home from Kin- mount. Mr. J. W. Wallace, of Lindsay, was . at the Falls on Wednesday. Mr. William Waffle. of Coboconk, was at the Falls on Saturday. Col Sam Hughes was at the Falls for a few hours on Saturday last. Mr. George Rutherford, of Rosscau, was at the Falls from Saturday until Tuesday. _ Mr. Charles E. Hand, who has been home since June, returned to Toronto yesterday morning. Mr. Nicholas Thompson, of Washago, Mr. Percy Aldous, brother of 3 attired in a gown of. pale bme crepe dc prince and a guarantee that is all right. 959; W. L Robson, froighton cannot come any day. when winter will set in. ’" y ...â€"< M" father of Mrs. Fred Cullen, was at the Falls from Wednesday until Thursday. Mr. Henry l’carcc's son. Loo, return- ed on Saturday from l’ctcrborouflh. where he has been employed for the past three months, and will probably remain at home during the winter. Mrs. Charles Moore and son Arthur are visiting at Mr. Wm. Hamilton’s and . _ 7 ' Mi. V. m. Armstrong’s, atSuvcrn Bridge, ' and will remain for about two weeks. On their departure they will make their future home at. Arnprior, where Mr. Moore is engaged as elork for DcCow &. Son, formerly of ll‘cnelon Falls. I}? Dundas & Flavclle Bros. want your surplus Poultry, and will take them alive or properly dressed. Your local merchant Will give you prices and par- ticulars. 32-6. \Viircn ns AND JEWELLERY â€" M r. l Whitcsmith, walehmakcr and jeweller, will be at M r. C. Curtis’s store on'Octr 21'st and 22nd, afternoon and evening" with a choice selection of ladies’ and gents‘ watches, chains, etc. Remember his three " rights "â€"right goods, right Thinner Than a Rail. Spending every day as much energy as you make, and if lhe balance goes a little further, well, you get thinner. Not wise to go that way longer. Better use Ferro- zone ; you will digest moreâ€"n. little gain the ï¬rst week, but the gain keeps orrowinnr. Not quite so thin! Keep right 8n, only don’t use Ferrozoue too long, or you will get too fat. Then your blood will be rich . your heart strong; you won’t puff so much: ~iiiou woln’t golf. tired quickly Fat, blood, s rengt I, you iave t 10111 all with For 1 Sold by W. H. Robson. wzom“ DON‘T Miss THIS Oweâ€"What prom- ises to be the best entertainment of the season will be held in 'l‘womcv’s hall on the evening of Tuesday, the 20th inst., when M r. Frank R". Cenklin, New YorkCity’s most popular entertainer" and-dramatic reader, will appear under the auspices of St. James' church. Mr. Conklin was the artist chosen to enter- tain at the banquet given to President McKinley at the Waldorf-Astoria, and- his press notices and personal testimon- ials are very strong. and folders. I seats 35c. The plan of the hall is now open at Robson’s drug store. your seats early. See large posters Secure Nerviline’s Magic Power Over Pain. Mpgical because it is potentâ€"a concena- tratlon ofthe most soothing and pain sub- dumg remedies known to the medical world. Nervnliue is simply out .of comparison with any other remedy. Thousands who have» psedit can testify to this. infallible remedy for Cramps, Colds, Rheumatism, Pain in the Backâ€"painsin- terual and pains external. Sold by w. H. Robson. Nerviline is an. it everywhere. V ANOTHER flonsn DEADâ€"II] last issue we recorded the sudden death of a valuable horse onmeoi' by Mr. Thus. Roberts, and now we are called upon to chronicle the still more Olll‘ vx'peditious demise of' Mr. Fred Wale lacc’s grey mare. ll‘c tool: hul‘ out to deliver milk. on Sunday morning, and at ï¬rst she appeared to be in good. health, but after a time showed signs of being,r ill, and died about two hours- later, though Dr. Mason did all he could to save her. She was seventeen years old, but sound and useful, and- Mr. Wallace could have sold her for a good" deal more than he gave for her a couple of years ago. The cause of her death was. presumably, inflammation of the bowels. which generally proves fatal in a short time. ' Perfec. Cure for Bronchitis. This disease can be treated only by a remedy carried to the affected parts nlonc‘ with the air breathed, for nature intended" thesc organs for the passage of air alone andsprays, atomizers and internal remc: dies utterly fail. But Catarrhozonc doesn’t fail, for it goes wherever the air breathed goes, and its healing antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every affected part. Catarrh- ozoneis inhaled at the mouth, and, after- passiug through every nircell of the breath~ mg organs, is slowly exhaled tbroun‘h the nostrils. Catarrhozone protects andaheals the inflamed surfaces, relieves congestion alloys inflammation, and perfectly din-es all bronchial affections. Price 3:“, small size 200. Drug/gusts or Poison 00., Kingston, Ont. Sold by H. Robson. Lone MAY Ir linenâ€"We are hav- ing delightful weather for the time of year, and everybody is hoping that it will last for a month or ,two;,_ though, of course, a change for the worse may There is no foretelling We rememâ€" her a Christmas Day, forty or more years ago, when cows were grazing alongr the sides of Kent street. Lindsay; and in 1869 there was sleighing on the Illll of October. The young folks are naturally impatient for skating, and are disappointed if there is no sloiuhinu at Christmas; but a good long spell of'ï¬nc mild weather before Santa Claus, comes is very desirable, not only because it makes the winter seem shorter, but be- cause it saves fuel, the price! of‘ which hasâ€"in this village, at any rateâ€"ad- vanced by “ leaps and bounds †during the past two or. three years. I Admission 250.,1‘escrved' Druggists sell- som cw h a b' v a. ‘ ‘ :0" . i :Jmâ€"J" ' ~.â€".~r- ~.. «.14.... aurw. . m