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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Oct 1903, p. 4

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'Envutw, / . .v.‘ 4v} *5 ti 5| v.1: ‘. . t 'i’: t‘ y. in .... _,‘..v ‘L‘ r: ,v var r ‘1 1.2! I“) r 3:.“ ' . .15“ )‘x': .T‘I‘“ \ IV 131‘ ‘- . . ,._-_‘ . ‘ l '31 lib-V Skirts hard to equal. 5 n- ‘ .A ‘3;- *'.-‘-u~ sexy lv‘t x DRESS » 'l 3/ AL' 41.x £13k “$1 00 Snowflake Suitings, $1.25 Homespuns at 1,, .. an! /"fl 1 2‘ BOYS’ SUITS We are always prepared 500. each. Suits from $1.50 to $7.00. citizens of Fenelon Falls! We are making more than the usual preparation for the Fair time. We have placed in stock more \Vatch- es, more Gem and Wedding- tings, more Silverware for presents suitable for wed- dings, Stick Pins, Brooches, Long Guards, Gents’ Gold Rings, Watch Guards, etc. Call and see us. 3. J. Petty, Lindsay... The dewelier. magician, t t g Pare insect g Powél er Robson’s Drug Store. Our Skirt Department is equipped with a stock of Ladies’ Heavy Serge Skirts in black, navy and {if grey, a good serviceable street skirt, at Ladies’ Walking Skirts in heavy grey and black ' cloths, worth $5 and $6 for . . GOODS. The values in Dress Goods surpass anything we have ever Offered you before. . . 9c. 60 and 650. Tweed effects, per yd. Fine Broadcloth in red, navy and black. select assortment of Boys’ Caps and Suits. Caps Of navy, serge and fancy tweeds, at 25c. and SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY SATURDAY. ' ems. $335. His. 8. iii.- Sign. AND CAPS. with a very large and insvs senenassn is. nonsense contravene: BUSEMESS, and will carry a large and up-tO-date stock of furniture. Am, also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and to make DOORS AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. 8. S. Gainer. Furniture and. ‘U’ndertaking. WW Just received. this week anâ€" . other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- are Specs! ' ‘ boards and. Bedroom Suites. ‘,.,, . I carry in stock. a. full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. ‘ Picture framing a Specialty; If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. 1.. DEYMAN Wilkinson Me. 2 Gang. NEW lO-INCH GANG PLOW. Fitted with coulters, and has very heavy fluted steel frame. The mouldboards are the best United States soft-centre steel, and are extra large, turning stubble and manure under perfectly. Wide steel landsides. Can be fitted with cast points or steel shares. Threeâ€"horse evener supplied as an extra. TMOS. ROBSOM. The. Fencicn Falls ilazetie. Friday, Oct. 23rd, 19007.w The Fenelon Show. The eighteenth annual fallshow of the Fenelon Agricultural Society was held here on Wednesday and Thursday oflast week, and was, we are glad to be able to say, the best. in several years. There were very few sheep and pigs on the ground, but the turn out of horses and cattle was unusually good, and the coops of poultry were very numerous. A pair of fowls entered as “Games” looked like Colored D)l'l{ll'lg8, with the fifth too out ofl‘ and the rooster's comb dubbed; and we noticed that the expe- rienced and wide-awake judge, Mr. I). .C._Tr.ew, of Lindsay, had written the .word “ disqualified ” across the card on the coop. In the hall there was a vast improvement over last year, both down- stairs aud up-stairs being crowded with exhibits. Mr. Jas. H. Stanton had a splendid display of photographs, and Mr. R. J. Moore showed a collection of toys from his variety store. During the “ speeding in the ring,” which. as usual, was the chief attraction of the day, a little boy, son of Mr. John Edward El- lis, of Fenelon, was struck by a wheel of one of the trotting sulkies and knocked down, but, fortunately Was not much hurt. The weather was delight- ful, and the attendance so. great that the gate receipts amounted to 8215'. The Sylvester band, from Lindsay, fur- nished excellent music. LIST OF A‘VARDS." DRAUGHT HORSESâ€"Span, 1 B. Burt- chaell. Brood Mare, 1 Jas. Robson, 2 \Vin. Brandon. Foal, 1 John Full, 2 ,VVm. Brandon. Two-year-old colt, 1 B’. Burtchael. One-yeur-ol'd"colt. 1. B. Burtclmel, 2 J‘as. anlson. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSESâ€"Span G. P.‘, 1 Alex. Jamieson, 2John Moore. Brood Mare, 1 John A. Day, 2 H. C. Hamill. Foal, 1 John A. Day, 2 O. Glaspell. Two-year-old colt, 1 John Moore, 2VVm. Brandon. One-yearâ€"old colt, 1 and 2 John Moore. CARRIAGE HORSES.-â€"Span, H. Camp- bell, Geo. Goodhancl‘. BroodiMaI-e, T. W‘. Junki‘n, Fred'Smitheram. Foal, J. Hodgins, T. ‘V. J unkin. Two-yearâ€"old, Thomas Mark, J. J. Kelly. One-year- old, T. W. Iunkin, J. J. Devitt. Single Driver, 15.3» hands and under, Ed. Jack- son, J. J. Kelly. Single Driver, over 15% hands, Alex. J ami‘eson, Jim Gil- christ. Stallion, 1 Jan. Gallagher. i DURHAM CATTLE.â€"Bllll, aged. Mc- Dougall, Brandon 85 Austin, B. Burt- ehaell. Bull, one-year-old, 1 Haden 85 Lamb. Cow and‘ Calf, giving milk, land2McD., B: 85 A. Heifer. two- year-old, 1 ami'2"McD., B. 85 A. Heifer; one-year-old‘, B. Burtchael, John S'ut- ton. Bull calf, 1 and 2 McD.. B.‘ 85 A. Heifer calf, John Sutton, MeD., B: 85 A. AYnsnmE O.‘XTTLE-â€"Bull, aged; 1' H. C. Hamill. Bull, one-year-old, 1 H. C. Hamill. Bull calf, 1 Do. Cow, '1 and 2 Do. Heifer, two-year-old. 1 and 2Do. Yearling Heifer, 1 and 2 Do. Heifer calf, 1 and 2Do. JERSEY CATTLE,â€"Bnll, aged; 1 rOliver. Bull, 2 years old',â€"â€" S; ‘Oliver. Bull, 1 year old, 1‘ B. Burt; chael'. Cow,.1 and 2 S. Oliver.- Heifer 1 yea-r old, B. Burtchaell, S. Oliver. Bull erulf.‘ S. Oliver. B. Burtchaell. Heifer-calf, S. Oliver, B. Burtchaell. GRADE CA.TTLE.-â€"-I'Ieifer‘, 1 year old, 1 B. Burtehael. Heifer calf, B. Burt- chaell, M'cD., B‘. & A. Herd of Cattle, 1 thoroughbred male and 3 females, 1 McD., B. & A. LEICESTER. SHEERâ€"Ram yearling, 1 J. Thurston. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 R. Lamb. Ewe lambs, 1 and’Z R. Lamb. SOUTHDOWN SHEEP.â€"â€"Ram. aged, 1 I. Naylor. , Ram lamb, 1 and 2 I. Na-ylor. aged; I‘. Nayl'or, B‘. Burtchaell; shear-ling, 1' and‘ 2 I’. Naylor. lambs. ] and 2 I. Navlor. SI'EROPSHIRE SHEERâ€"Rani. aged, 1 B; Burtchaell. Ram, Shearhng; 1 B, Bur-tobaell. Ewes, aged. 1 B'. Burt- cliaell. Ewe lambs. 1 B. Bnrtchaell. Far. sheep,.1 and'2 I..N:'1.ylor. YORKSHIRE Hoos.â€"~Aged‘Boar, G. ing. G‘. Gtmdhand‘; Boar under-1 yr., 1 N'. Day. Sow, aged, N;_Day,.G;ng. Sow under 1 year, G. King, John A. Dilav- ‘- i _ ANY OTHER Bantamâ€"Boar, aged, 1 B. Burtchaell. Boar under 1 ,year, B. Burtchaell, G. Goodhand. Sow, aged, Ewes, Ewes Ewe 1 B. Hurtchaell. Ram shearling,1 I..Naylor. l Sow under 1 year, J. C. Parrish. 13’. Burtchaell. ‘ FOWLS.â€"Cochins, buff. 1 S. ‘_Oliver. Hamlun-gs, G. King, S. Oliver. Bra-h- mas, light, 1 S. Oliver. Dorkins, 1 G. King. Plymouth Rocks, barred, G. King. Oliver. Plvmouth Rocks, white, S. Oliver, G. King. Leghorns, white, S. Oliver, \Vm. flal-ber. Leg- horns, brown, G. King. S. Oliver. Houdans, S. Oliver. G. King’. eryn- dottes, S. Oliver, G. King. Spanile 1 and 2 8. Oliver. Games, 1 S. Oliver. Minorcas, black, 1 S. Oliver. Bantams, S. Oliver, G. King. Geese, white, S. Oliver. G. King. Geese, grey, ] and 2G. King. Ducks, white. 8. Oliver, \Vm. Barber. Ducks, dark, S. Oliver, "\Vm. Earlier. Turkeys, l G. King. Pigeons, S. Oliver, H. Pearce. Lang- ipnns, .1 G. King. Silver Polnnds, 1 G. . mg. GRAINS AND Siennaâ€"Fall \Vheat. white, 13‘. thii-tcliaell, Hadwm 85Lamb. Fall \Vheat, red, 1 J. A. Day. Spring Wheat, variety. Geo. A. Earles, B. 'Burtchaell. Pease, largo. Hadwin 85 Lamb, Geo. Goodhand. IJPHSH. small, Geo. A. Emles. Jos. Eades. Buckwheat, Miss N. Ewen, Mrs. J. Ewen. Oats, white, Geo. Goodhand, J. C. Parrish. Barlev. six-rowed. l Geo. Goodh'md. Rye, B. Burtchaell. G. A. Eades. Corn, yellow, Hadwin & Lamb, Mrs. J. E van. Corn, white, Mrs. Ewen. Miss N. Ewen. Beans, white, large, F. Smitheram. Hadwin 85 Lamb. Beans, white. small, J. C. Parrish. G. Goodhand. Timothy Seed, B. Burchael, N. Day. ROOTS AND VEGlsiTABLES.â€"Pnta.lzoes, White Star. J. A. Dav. E. Smitheran'i. Potatoes, Rose, F. Smitberam, Mrs. .Bain. Potatoes, finalitv of Hebron, 1?. Burtchaell, Wm. VVellvmod. PotatoeS. Elephant, Hadwin 85 Lamb, F. Smith- eram. Potatoes, other kind, Mrs. Rain, B. Burtchaell. Potatoes, varietv. F. Smitheram, Mrs. J. Ewen. Turnips, Swede. J. A. Dav, McD., B. 85 A. Turnips,otherkind,â€"--â€"â€"- . Car- rots. long orange. 12‘. Burtchaell. F. Smigh ‘ranz. Jam-ots, half long orange, .Ii‘l Smil‘heram, Thos. Junkin. Carrots. White, half long. Had win 85 Lamb. R. Lamb. Celerv, B. Burtchaell. Miss N. Ewen. Cabbage, red. 8. Buwtohaell. F. Smitheram. Ctbbage. “Honing- stadt, B. Bur-tebaell, F. Smitheram. Cabbage, Drumhead, B. Burtchaell. F. Smitheram. Radisbes. B. Burtchael. J. J. Devitt. Parsnips. J. J. Devitt. Mrs. J. Ewen. Mangolds, Hadwin 85 Lamb, E. Beaeock. Beets, Blood Long. 11. Burtchael, J. J. Dovitt. Beets. Snu‘ar. E. Beacock, B. Burtobaell. Beets, Tur- nip, B. Burtchaell, John A Day, Cauli- flower, Mrs Bain. F Smitheram, On- ions from Seed, Jas Thurston, B Burt- chaell. Onions from top. R Lamb, 3 Burtchaell, Onions. potatoe, small. F Smitheram. R. Lamb, Onions. notatoe, large, Jos Eades, B Burtchaell. Top Onions. Seed. Miss N Ewen. Mrs I Ewen, Tomatoes, Jos Eades. F Smith- eram. Muskmellon, O Glaspell. F Smitheram, Souashes, B Burtehaell', Mrs J Ewen, Citrons. Miss N Ewen, Miss N Ewen, Pumpkins. F Smither- am, .G‘ G‘ood’hand‘, Vegetable Marrows, .G'eo Goodhand, B Burtcliaell‘. Red Pep- ners. B Bnrtchaell. Mrs J Ewen. House Plants. 1 Thos Austin. Variety of Vegetables, Miss N Ewen. Mrs J Ewen. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES.â€"-Qnilt, cotton, sewed patch, Mrs. Kerr, H C. Kemp. Quilt, patched, calico, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Kt-rr- Quilt, patched, cloth, Miss Good’hn-nd', M'rs; Dundus Quill, log eabin, Mrs Dun- das, Mrs. Kerr. Quilt, silk, Mrs Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. Quilt, white quilted, Mrs. Kerr, 0 Glasncll. Countcrpane, cro- cheted, "Mrs. Hodgins, Miss 'l‘. Junkin. lountcrpanc, knitted, Miss T; J-unkin, Mrs. Kerr Goodhan l. Fancy Stockings, Mrs. Dun-das, Mrs. Kerr. Fancy Socks, Mrs. Dundas, Mrs. Kerr. Fancy Knitting in Cotton, MasD‘undas, Mrs. Kerr. Fancy Knitting in Wool, M'rs. Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. Horse- Blnnkets, 1 Mrs. Dnndas. 5 yds. Flannel, white, Mrs. Kerr, Miss Burtchaell. 5 yds. Flannel, colored, 1 Miss Bnrtchaell. 5 yds. Full Cloth, 1 Miss Burtchaell. Pair woollen Blankets, M. Devitt, Miss Burtchacll. Wool. Coverlet, 1 Mrs. Kerr. Wool Yarn Mat, Mrs.Dnndas, Mrs. Kemp. Rag Mat, Mrs. Dundee, Mrs. Kemp. Set single Harness, la J. Nevisou. Set double Harness, l J. Nov- son. Dooth‘nbp Mrs. Dundas, Mrs. Kerr. llb.Yarn, double, Mrs. Bain, M. Devitt. Yarn, single, J. Lamb, J: I-Iodgins. 10 yds. Rag Carpet,S Oliver, Mrs. Dundas. Pair- Mcn's Boots, line, 1 W. Wellwood. Pair Men’s Boots, coarse, 1 H. Pearce. Dams. Poconosâ€"Cheese, home-made, Miss N‘. Ewen,.Mrs J. EWen. 50 lbs. But- ter, in tub, Miss Burtclmcll, Mrs J; Stinson. 20 lbs. Butter, in crock, J. Lamb, Wm. Brandon. 3 lbs. Butter in rolls, Hadwin &v Lamb,J. Stinson. Leaf‘home-made Bread,_. Mrs. Dundas, Miss T. Junkim Maple Syrup, 0. Glaspell, Mrs. Kemp. Honey, extracted, J Eadcs, Mrs Dundas. Pickles, S. Oliver, J. Lamb. Preserves, wild, Mrs J.Ewen, Mrs. Kemp. Preserves, tame, Mrs.Kcmp, O. Giaspell. Jelly, Mrs. J. Ewen, O..- Glas-.. pcll FA-xnv WORK â€"E'mbroide-ry» on Muslin, Mrs. Aldous, S. Oliver. Embroidery on Silk, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Kemp. Braid work, Mrs. Dundns, J. J Devitt. Berlin. Wool Work, raised, Mrs Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. Do, flat, Mrs. Dundns, Mrs- Kerr. Fancy Table Mat,. Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. Sofa Cushion, Mrs.. Kerr, Mrs. Dundas. Worked Floor Rest, 2 S. Oliver. Painting on silk or satin, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs Kemp. Painting on plush or velvet. J. Hodgins, Mrs. Kerr. Arrasene work, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Bain. Collection of photographs, 1 J. H. Stanton. Crochet. work, wool, 2 B Burtchaoll. Crochet work, cotton, Mrs Bain, Mrs. Kemp. Toilet Set, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Kemp. Table Scarf, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Baiu. Drawn work, Mrs. Kemp,, Mrs. Kerr. Tidy, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. Crazy wor“, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Bnin. Whisk Holder,.Miss Burlchacll, Mrs. Kemp. Panel, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Kemp. Splashes, Mrs. Kemp, Miss Burtchaell. Paintiagon mus- lin, Miss Bnrtchacll, Mrs. Kemp. Pin Cush- ion, Mrs. Krmp, Miss Burtchaell.~ Macrame work, knotted, Mrs, Kerr, Mrs. Bain Mu.- crame work, crocheted, 1 Mrs Kerr. Water Colors,.landscape, Mrs Kemp, Mrs. Kerr.’ Water-Colors, flowers, 1 Mrs. Kemp. Oil‘ Painting, landscape, 1 Mrs. Kerr. Crayon. Fancy Wool Mitts, Mrs Kierr, Miss your surplus Poult . a..me » Drawing, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Kemp Filoselle, 1 Mrs. Kemp. Applique work, Mrs. Kemp, Miss C.Mo_vnes. Horn work, Mrs Kemp, Mrs. Ewen. l’yrogcnons, 1 and 2 Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Etching, Mrs. Dundas, Mrs. Rain. Pillow Shams, Mrs. Kcm‘p, Mrs. Kerr. Embroidery on linen, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Kemp. Battenb‘urg work, Mrs. Kel‘r, ’l‘hos Austin. Hair Pin work, Mrs Kerr, Mrs. Kemp. 'l‘atting, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Kerr. llarning on net, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Aldous. Tea Cosy, Thos. Austin, Miss .Burtchacll- Netting, Miss Glaspell, Miss Graham Head Rest, 1 Mrs. Kerr. Ribbon work, I M12. Ewen. Slippers, J. J. Devitt, Miss Ewen. Fnctr.â€"-â€"Wealthy Apples, J. Thurston, 'l‘hcs.Juukin. Snow Apples, E. Beacock, Mrs. J. Fell. Alexanders, J. Moore, J. Thurston. Russets, E. Beacock, J. J. Dev- itt. Fall Pippins, I J. J. Devitt. Roxbury ltussets, 1F. Smitheram. Variety table apples, Mrs. J. Fell, Mrs Daniel. Apples, not named, l and 2 E. Beacock. Vitrietv cooking apples, 0 Glaspell, Thos. Junkin. Crab Apples, Hudwin ti: Lamb, J. Fell. Variety Crab Apples, Miss Ewen,Jamcs Lamb. Grapes, l and 2 Mrs. Kemp SPECIAL szns â€"â€"I}eef Animal, l McDon- gnll, Brandon A: Austin, 2 B. Burtchaell. Bacon Hog, 1 J C. Parrish. Home Bakery, [Mrs Oliver Glaspell, 2Mrs. Kemp. 1:3 1b. crock Butter, ers. J. Earle. 10 lb. crock Butter, 1 Miss Burtchacll. 12 lb. creek Butter, 1 Mrs. J. Eades. ling (felt by Black Duke, 1 O. Glaspell 2 John A. D 1y. Foal byBlack Duke, 1 John A. Day, 2 O. Gluspcll. Foal by McNuir, 1 H. C Hamill, 2 F. Smithcram. Foal bv Goldstouc, l G. Goodhand, 2 J. Daniel Ji‘. Carriage Horse, 1 A. Jamieson, 2 J. Gil« christ. Fattest Baby, 1 Baby Day. Most handsome Baby, 1 Baby Coppins. nan...y‘n..i..{“ Best year- Ahout 7 o’clock on \Vedncsdny morn- ing an accidentâ€"though not as bid a one as was at first repetth â€"happcned lo the regular train On its way from ilaliburton In Lindsay. In the train \Vrre three cattle cars full of live stock ; and, when about two miles north of Kinmount, one end of the brake on the second of these cars get loose and fell on the track; and the result was that that. car, the one behind it, and a box car, were throwu from the rails and tell over onto their sides. Forunately, there was no embankment. at the spot, the tram was going very slowly, and the breaking of a coupling l‘UlCiio‘Jd the en- ginc; otherwise, the accident. would no doubt have been Veryudisastrous. The two cars contained 47 head of cattle, 15 sheep, 17 hogs and a calf, the property of Messrs. McDougall, Brandon & Aus- tin. of this village, and the head-of the firm had accompanied them from Haliâ€" burton. As it happened, a number of section men were on the train, and, as they had their tools with them, they do- molished the cars and liberated the im- prisoned animals. in less than. half an hour. When this had- been done, it. was found that. a cow and! four of the sheep: were dead, one of the cattle had a bro- ken leg, and nearly all the Others moved as if injured, though they had». e~caped,. as far as Could be seen, with whole- hones. All of them were more or less battered and bruised, and are worth a. good deal less than they Were when put into the cars; but the loss, \.'.i.:<l’!.'\"'I' it. may prove to he, will fal. upon. the- railway company. The train hands and some of the passengers were in the smo- king car at the time of the accident, and nobody was hurt. An auxiliary train was sent from Lindsay as soon as possible- aft-er:- the... smash up occurred, and it passed through the Falls, onits. way back, about 5 p. m. ” nominating: Mr. J”; Tivomny’n. hotel, the MansiOny House, is. now: heated" by steam._ The- "' plant,”‘ manufactured by the Peace Furnace 00., of Toronto, was put in by..- Mr. Jeff. Hunter, one of their employees,” assisted by local mechanics, and has been in successful operation for upwards. of a week.. It consistsof a furnace, 3 15d]. p. boiler, an arrangement of pipes and nineteen “radiators "'of different; sizes. scattered throughout the house. There are, of course, far. more that. nine- . Leenv rooms ;, but some of the radiators. - are so large that two of: them will heat- a long, ball andthe bed-rooms opening; into it. They were artistically painted- by Mr. Edward Chambers, aud'vare- quite ornamental as chl as useful The devices for regulating the supply of heat.- nre very ingenious andwork to .acharm. The furnace, which has an automatic~ self-adjusting“ damper.” will burneithn ctr-wood or coal, and Mr. 'leOmey iu-. tends. to use the- latter, which, with. wood at its present outrageous price, will no doubt be the more economical: of the two. We cannot afford time or- space to describe the: outfit in detail, and the genial proprietornf the Man-- sion House will no doubt willingly ex- hibit it andvexplaiu its modus operandi' to all who may wish to see itâ€"especially-;~ to those who may contemplate heating their houses in the same manner. The total cost was about €121,000;~ but it will. no doubt. pay for itself in years by the saving: it will effect in fuel. a. very few W Dundas Flavelle Bros. want‘“ ry. and will take them}. alive or properly dressed. Your local; merchant will ve on xi ‘2. haulers, E} y p ces

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