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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Oct 1903, p. 5

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PersOnals. ' Mr. C; W. Burgoyne was at Toronto from Monday until Thursday. Miss Teenie Campbell came home from Lindsay for 'i‘haoksgiviog Day. Mrs. John Austin left on Monday to visit her daughter, M rs Klaehu, at Do~horo Ont. Mr. Edward Eitzucrald left on Mon- day to visit his brother at Parry Sound for about a month. ’ Miss Plant. of llastings, and her friend. Miss Lancaster. spent 'l‘hanks- glVlnu‘ D'H’ at the Rectory, the guests of Mrs. Diekinsm. ~ Mrs. James Dickson and her daugh- ters have returned from their summer residence at Roscdale. Mr. Dicksou is expected home from the Northwest. be.- fore long. , Mr. John D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith, Mrs. E ias Smith and her littie Son, and Mi<s Bertha Smith were at the Falls from Thursday until Saturday last. ~__-_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ Cuownnn Our â€"â€"-Thc Fells’ Station correspondence and two or three local . items that will keep have bren crowded out of this issue. Ovsrnn Sorrowâ€"The Parish Work- ‘ ers of St. James’s church purpose giving an oyster supper in Jordan's hall on Thursday evening, November 5th. The brethren of the Orange order are to be present, and will contribute toward: the evening's programme. A theroughly enj iyable time is anticipated. VVANI'ED.-â€" Good general Servant, highest wages paid. Mrs Mchnnan, York . street, Lindsay. FATAL Accmnnrâ€"About 4 o‘c'nck on Wednesday afternoon, at Burnt Riv- er, a boy named Thomas Milier,aucd 16 years and 25 days, was shot in the hip and side by the accidentalal discharge of a gun in the hands of acompanion. Dr. Graham went up on a. hand-car and did what he could for him. but he died about.lO o’clock the same night. You Feel All Used Up, You’re discouraged and disgustedâ€"not enough energy to think, less to go to work upon The reason '? You are run down, your blood is poor, your nerves are like In- dia Rubber, not like steel, as they ought to he Use Ferrozone and the tired feeling will go, for it makes plenty of rich, red ‘ blood that feeds the brain and nerves. The desire to labor comes back and you enjoy it. You do n‘t get tired, because you have used Ferrozone. Neglect not a day longer. i‘crrozone will cure you. Sold by W. H. lobson. Finn In VEliULAM.â€"Ab0ut 5 o'clock on Tuesday evening Mrs. Strong's frame dwelling-house in Verulam, three and a half miles from the Falls, caught fire from a defective stove-pipe and was en- tirely consumed, together with nearly the whole of its content, and about $35 in m-mcy. We regret to learn that there was no insurance. INDUCTION Seamedâ€"A special ser- "lCl' will be held l'l St. Jamrs’s church on the evening oi Wednesday, October ZSIh. at half past 7 o'clock, for the pur- pose of formally inducting Rev. A. S Dickinson as rector of this parish. "The Rev. E. A. Langieldt, of Ashburnham. will be the special preacher at this ser- vice, and other clergymen from a dis lance are expected to be present. There will be a special ofi‘ertory on this occa~ sion for the debt on the church. S. A. WEDDING â€"A most interesting event will take place in the Salvation Army barracks on Monday next, Octo- ber 23:11, at 8 p m , when two promi- nent local officers, well known. in Fenc- lon Falls, will be united inmatrimony under the Army flag. A. Salvation Ar- tnv wedling ceremony is unique, and never fails to draw an immense audi- ence; and this one,. performed by Major Archibald, promises to be no exception to the‘ rule. Admission 10 cents. Pleuresic Poms Cured. Danger signulz~ prompt treatment is es- scntial Bathe the regionof pain immedi- ately with Nervilinc, and pour-Nerviline on. bran paper and bind quickly over the nf-' fectcd part. Quicker than mustard, more effective, and so prompt that the further progress oflthc malady is checked at; once.- All pains inside or outside yield just as quickly to Nervilinc, and your druggist sells it. Sold by W. 11 Robson. Goonâ€"Tuesday night’s entertain- ment, given under- the auspices-.oi' St. Jatncs’churoh, by Mr. Frank R. Conk- lie. was qund to anything of a like na- ture that has ever been given in our ton'n._ All are loudin their praise of Mr Coukli-i's ability as an imperson- ator and dramatist, audit is.a certainty that, shonl-‘lhe ever again appear-in Eenelon Ehlls, he will be- greeted by a touch larger audience. Those who had the pleasure of hearing himthoroughiy enjoyed hisentirc programme. GONE illIX'l‘tNG;â€"â€"\ir. and Mrs. J'ohn Aldous. .\ir. and Mrs..W.altcr Ellis,.and Messrs. 'i‘.hos.. Robson. E1 R..Edwards and Gun-go \V-hisslle left a i'ewdays ago for Senora Lake, in I‘ialiburton county, where they will fish and shoot until the- '1903. opening of” the deer. hunting- season un November. lst......Mr. 'l'hos. Sadier left.0n.Eriduy lasmo sp‘cud a.i'ew days | â€"â€"- â€";- _. -.. . with the ducks and pariridges at Bal Point. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sadler and Miss Annie Robson. Deafness is Curable! Suffrrers from impaired hearing will be i glad to know that their affliction is probn- i i i bly not due to any organic defect in the ear, but results probably from a thickening of the lining of the middle ear, caused by calnrrhal inflammation. Hundreds of per- tcct recoveries as a result of the inhalation of Catarrhozone are reported, and on the highest authority we recommend this treatâ€" ment to our readers. latarrhozone quickly restores lost hearing, and its efficiency is placed beyond dispute by the case of Mr. Warren, of Toronto, who recovered perfect hearing by using Catnrrhozone, after years of deafness. Price $1. At drnggists or by mail from Poison & Co , Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. BAPTIST ANNtvnnsanv.â€"â€"’i‘he anni- vorsary oi' the. Funelon Fails Baptist church will be held on Thursday next, the 29th inst. The htdits oi' the con- gration will serve a fowl supper in the veslry of the church from 5 to 8 p. 11).. after which addreSsI-s will be delivered by the resident ininiSters and some from a distance. Suitable music will be i'ur» ni~hed by the choir. A hearty invita- tion is extended to everybody. Tickets 25 cents; children 15 cents. NO MORE PAIN’S IN THE STOMAUH, BECAUSE THE GREATEST OF STOMACH REDIEDIES \VAS USED-â€" F E R R 0 Z 0 N E . Mr R. Harriss, of Rockwood, Ont.., writes: “In regard to Ferrozonc, I am glad to say it is the most excellent remedy for stomach trouble. Before using Ferro- zone I was in a poor state of liv-alth, but, after taking a f w hoxes,l was cured of pains in the stomach and a soreness in the back. I am enjoying the best ofhealth to- . day, thanks to Ferrozone.” Mr. Ernest V. Jordan, of Trenton, writes .; “ I had a severe attack of stomach trouble and indigestion, which completely upset. me. I was advised to try Ferroznne, and did so. Since using Fort-ozone 1 have not had any further trouble, and can recentâ€" mend it as a positive cure. My wife also found Ferrozone a good tonic and nerve strengtltener.” Everybody that ever used Forrozone speaks just as highly ofit. It strengthens the stomach and digestive or- gans and assists them in carrying on their work. Ferrozone purities the blood and gives new energy to the nerves. It is the best tonic and rehuilder and good for young and old alike. Just try Ferrozonc; results will nstonish you. Price 50c per bo x, or six boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or The Fort-ozone Company, Kingston, Ont. Den’t delay. Get Fe rrozone to-day. BIRTHS. , KLAEHN --At Desboro, Out, on Saturday, Oct. l7th, to Rev. and Mrs. Otto Klaehn (I. SO“. DIED. MILLERâ€"Al Burnt River, on Wednesday, Oct 21 st, Thomas Milier,nged16 years and 25 days. PENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Oct. Z'ird, 1973. [zgpolvctl on Lee ll'Orl/L czar Roller .mn: 00, Wheat,Scotch or Fife 75 to 80 Wheat, fall, per bushel . .. 7O 75 Wheat, spring .... 70 75 Barley, per bushel.... 4o 45 - Buckwheat“ . .. . . 37 40 Oats, “ 27 28 Pease, “ .... 58 60 Rye, “ .... .... 45 47 Potatoes, “ .... .... 25 30 Huttor,per lb............ 16 ls Eggs, per dozen...... 10 12 Huy,pcr ton............. 6.00 700 llides .. 5.50 6,00 Hogs(liv.e) .............. 4195 520 Hogs (Dressed) .... 6 00 7.00 Beef . . . . . - shoveliuole-I' Sheepskins. 50 75 Wool 8 ‘4 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.10 2-do Flour,Victoria .......... 3-00 Flour, Family,Clipper.... 1-85 3.05 13mm, Per 100 lbs 9: 1.00 Shorts, “ “ 1.0 1.10 Mixed Chop “ 1.15 1.25 -__.._.._.__._.__~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Stoves for Sale. Two Coal Stoves, the property of Rev. Mr.- Eitrnoomb, for sale cheap. Apply to . THOS. CASHORE. EXECUT ORS’ NOTICE. Pursuant to the Rovised Statutes of On- tario, Cup. 129, the Creditors of Ann Ellis, late of the Village of Fenclon Falls, wido w, deceased, who died on or about the tWelt‘th day of January, are required, on or before the tenth day of November, 1903, to send by post. prepaid to William Langton Jordan, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said Ann Ellis, at Fenelon Falls ‘. 0 , their Christian and surnames, addresses and occupations, full particulars of‘their claims, and the nature of the se- curity, ifony. held: by them The said Ex+ ccutors shall, after the said tenth day of' November next, he at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regardtonly for the claims of which they shall thenthnvc notice, nud‘shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim such executors have not notice at the-time of til: distribution thereof. Dated“ this 16th day of October; A. D. STEWART & O'CONNOR... of the Town of Lindsay, 3778.. Solicitorsfor the Executora. Game on to the premises of the subscriber lot 17 in the lst concession of Verulnm: about. the lst of September, tour Spring Calves. Two of them are red heifers; one is a red and White heifer, with white legs; and one is a red steer, with a white line along his back and some white on his tail and belly. The owner can have them upon provmg property and paying expenses. JOHN J. JUNKIN. Verulam, Oct. lst, 1903. 34-4“ .._.,. .__._.__.V .- FARDI FOR SALE. For sale, on liberal terms, the west half oflot 24 in con. 4 and the north-east quor- ter ofl‘bt 2:3 in con. 4 of the township of Verniatn, containing 150 acres of land chiefly good clay loam. About 100 acrcsi are cleared, and the other 50 are in a bush ofmixed wood. There are it good 1% story irame house, a hip-roofed barn 56x10b feet, another frame born 50 x 32 feet, both wnh stone foundations, a log barn and stable for six horses, sheep pen, hog pen and poultry house. There are three good wells and n. never-failing spring on the farm. Over 40 acres are seeded down and fall Ploughing is now being done. The Purchaser could go to work at once, and have pogsession on March lat Apply on the premises to WM. HE'I‘IIERIN'GTON Sn. Verulnm, Oct. Edit, 1903. 35-2m. Elli ESi‘tiililtlliT ii ll GQNG wont: NS? I have a full line of Guns, Rifes, Ammunition, Etc. set you out In fact, I can “WT T0 KLL.” GEO. H. WCGEE... I have this week ope 1051 a fi E a U N a restaurant in the store lately vacated by the Bank, and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. CANNED GOODS of every description in stock. All new. . D. Stimson. Boers SHOES, RUBBERS, Etc. HARNESS, TRUNKS and VALISES. All the newest and up-to-date styles. iiiVlSilii’S Hâ€"iiiiiii. SHOP. “â€" ._.._._..___..._..0 ._ __ The Fall Term -â€"OF THEâ€"- PETERhWWQH bleESS fiilLLEG egins Tuesday, Sept. ist. If you want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business Col- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. WM. PRINGLE, Principal All; kinds. of. Rough. Lumber, Messed. Lumber, Leth, Shingles, MillWOOCl... ¢“W%H+HH¢ TELEPHONE. lN-‘ OFFICE; oowwwewnwo ! Jose Scale. T9 Lilia I am prepared to supply all necessary material for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short notice by first class workmen. F. SANQFORD... THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada’s Great illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WEEKLY GLOBE to beadded this fall will be an Eight-Page illustrated Supplement: ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. . a For the production of this great paper an immense.newelectrotyping, . photo-engravmg and printing plant has been added‘ to The Globe’s: This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE .unquesa» mechanical equipment. mblv the most desirable home paper in Canada. WE Allliilllliilli a fall and winter opening of trimmed. Hats, which will be : ready‘fOr' your inspection on Tuesday 85 Wednesday, I SEPT. 29th and 30th, . and following days. We are prepared to show the greatestline of novelties of both imported and domestic manufacturein fancy feathers, wings, bird's, ostrich feathers, ornaments, chenilles, etc, etc. ribbons, Miss M. Washburn. WANTED". A man to represent“ CANADA’S GREATEST' Nonsnmas” in-the town of Fenelon Falls and surrounding country, and .take- orders. for Our Hardy Specialties, lnFt-ult Trees, Small Fruits,, Ornamentals, Shrubs, ltoscs,. Vines, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name nuditreerfrom-San. A. permanent. position for the orders for wood-.1113),- be left,‘ right man tomeithersaiary or centmissiom STONE &.WELLIHGTON,, Fonthlll Nurseries,. , TORONTO, 0m 80.0 ACRES" at Mr; W. . NOI‘tlley.’s.. ONTARIO. . Wfiwhm tm " WEAR" DUNLOP‘ RUBBER. HEELS-y MARK' ‘ - MARK THE THE TWO TWO HANDS HANDS DUNLOP RUBBER HEELS= WEAR Look it’ over 1;: also . yourr Boggy; If'they. need. any: repairingror- fixing; np,.now: is the- time to . have it done,. and. mysl'top is the-place to; have'it dbne:right.. Ne W.’ workdbne on: short; notice... 0.. CHAMBERS. 4.... MM..." m... .-‘â€"fl-‘9.Mâ€";. -u-J-v I. scam. “2'; .. ..-.._....._

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