if: v. I.“ Wilkinson No. 4 ï¬ning. * NEW 10-INCH GANG PLOW. Fitted with coulters, and has very heavy fluted steel frame. The mouldboards are the best United States soft-centre steel, and are extra large, turning stubble and manure under perfectly. Wide steel landsides. Can be ï¬tted with cast points or steel shares. Three-horse evener supplied as an extra. THOS. ROBSQN. Our Skirt Department is equipped with a stock of Skirts hard to equal. . Ladies’ Heavy Serge Skirts 1n black, navy and . grey, a good serviceable street skirt, at $1.75. Ladies’ Walking Skirts in heavy grey and black cloths, worth $5 and $6 for . . $3.73. DRESS GOODS. The values in Dress Goods surpass anything we 1 e ever oï¬'ered on before. lav y 752:. ‘61 00 Snowflake Suitings, . . 361.25 Homespuns at . . 906. & $l. 60 and 650. Tweed eifects, per yd. 503. Fine Broadcloth in red, navy and black. iii}; Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Oct. 30th, 1903. The Bye-Elections. The bye-elections on Tuesday left the Government and the Opposition where they were. 'In Sault Ste. Marie the Re- form candidate. Smith, got a majority of 120 over Miscampbell, whose major- ity in 1892 was 199; and in Muskoka the Conservative candidate. Mahafl'y, beat Dr. Hart by 178. Owing to the embarrassment of the Clergue indus- tries, the voting at the Soo was barely over half what it was in May, 1902. SUITS AND GAPS. \Ve are always prepared with a very large and select assortment of Boys’ Caps and Suits. Caps of navy, serge and fancy tweeds, at 25c. and l 500. each. Suits from $1.50 to $57.00. Verulam Council. ad “ll Qflsumnonmuuwwonn SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY SATURDAY. m; A special meeting of the council, call- . ed by the reeve, met in the clerk’s olï¬ce on Saturday, October 24th ; and all the \ members were present except Gorge Brooks. Minutes of last meeting read. and adopted. The object of the meet- ing was to take action to close the road between lots 28 and 29, con. 7. Moved by J. J. Devitt, seconded by John Lewis, That the commissioner for that division request Mr. Stabler to put up his lence across the said read, and that Mr. Harren be allowed the privi- lege of using all the top logs on the crossway on the said read for the pur- pose 'Iot building himself a roadway on his own land; and that the commission- er use all the long stringers for repair- ing the road over Mud lake; and that ' the motion passed at last. sitting, keep- ing the said road open, be hereby re- soimled.â€"Carried. On motion ol J J. Devitt and James hipstick. the by-law appointing deputy returning officers was ï¬nally passed. Mr. W. H. Graham. lot 22. con. 2, asked that a culvert be placed in the road. to take the water oil the road into a ditch dug by Mr. Cook ;. and Mr. Cap- stick, commissioner for that division, _stated that he had given instructions to the pathmaster to have a culvert put in, and would see that it was done. Mr. John C. Thurston appealed to the coï¬ncil, stating that the railway crossing 0n the concession line coming on to his land dammed the water back on the east. side of his road, and asked that a culvert be placed to carry the water 06', as, when. it came down to that. point, it overflxowcd onto his land. HAVE . . @SRGHASEQ it‘ll. meKESWNBS FUIRWITUQE SUSENESS, and will carry a large and up-tosdate stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of , Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, tillers cl Feneltn Failsl We are making more than ' the usual pi‘epa‘atwn for ' the Fair time. We have placed in stock more Watch- es, more Gem and Wedding Rings, more Silverware for ‘ presents suitable for wed- - dings, Stick Pins, Brooches, Long Guards, Genits (gold. Rings, Watch Guai s, c e. Ema to make. noose AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. Call and see us. 8. l. Petty. The Jeweller. claim was against the railway company, and not against the township, and it was moved by J. J. Devitt, and second- cdby John Lewis, That the clerk be in- structed to write to the secretary of the " :bld'th‘t'tllitlt lLinflSayu S S p nee. Ina t pour , an: as: it} proper- eiossings e put in ex 01 all con~ . ° . ce3sion lines and quarter roads.â€"C’d. Mr. Devitt stated that the party to whom the job of repairing Mud lake was let considered that he had taken it too cheap; and on motion of John Lew- is, seconded by James Capstiek, it was ~ ' ,'" . decided to. post up notices over again lor this work Mr. Hunter reported on the swamp roads they had inspected on the 12th inst, as follows: On John Middleton's line, between concessions 8 and 9, com- mencing from the north, there were 46 rods to grade, 50 rods completed, 96 rods to stone and gravel, which brought them to the quarter line; 156 rods to gravel; and on the south end there Were 84 rods .to grade. On the quarter line tin-re were 144 rods already stoned, but to gravel. 00 Mr. Stewart’s line, or lthe eon. line between cons. 7 and 8, commencing from the south, there were 1,2;rods to grade, 24 rods stoned and to gravel, 82' rodsto stone and gravel, 1.2 rods stoned and bridged and to gravel, I 156 rods to stone and gravel, and on the inw bï¬aclpine be sure and see south end there were 120 rods to grade. B i I 0' ' The following orders were passed: my Styles before buyln‘r' Thos. Kennedy, top for culvert on cross- way on coo._line 6.and 7, 81 ; Johnston . LI Brandon, work, on. roads, 81;,Williaml ,_.__.,_â€"..._â€". .. »-â€"â€"â€"-- Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- that are Special ringes Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. Pare Insect- Powder of Parlour S'ui‘tes Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Sew- Woo-ewe WW6 . Robson’s Drug Store. .3 m l l W I carry in. stock a full line The council felt that Mr. Thurston’s ' railway company, and ask that a culvert : Bulmer, rebuilding bridge on con. line 1 and 2, 315; Walter Stevenson, half share fur 38 leads of gravel on bounda- ry, 95 centsâ€"HGarried. School Reports. Fourth class; subject Physiology; value 100. 1’. Nevisou 92, K. Junkin 98. G Twomev 84, M. Scott 83, E. Pearce 80, S. Ellis 72, l’. Littleton 66, U. Shane 63, M. Marshal 63, M \Vil- son 73. V. Church 59, T. Calder 54, 13. Mason 52, W. Church 47, ’ Gr. Adams 46. R. Knox 44, R. Matteo 36. W. Chambers 35, L. Robson 32, S. War- ren 26, W. .llaybee 21,. P. Paley 18, F. Keast 17, W. Shane 10. ' Junior fourth; Spelling; value 100 G. 'l‘womey 100, S. Ellis 9.4., M. Wil- son 94, M'. Seott 86, M. MeKillen 78, l’. l’ulcy 72. F. Keast 66, L. Robson 46, J. Lane 30. Senior fourth, value 100. E. Pearce 98, [3. Mason 98, V. Sharpe 9-6 U. Shane 94. V. Church 88, T. Calder 86, M. Marshall 86, K Junkin 86, 1’. Lit- tleton 84. W. Church 84, S. Warren 84, W. Maybee 82, M. Austin 76. G. Adams 78. 1t. Knox, 62, W. Chambers 60, l’. Nevisou 60, W. Shane 56, ll. Magoo 54. Senior second; Literature, value 100. R. Decew 82.nE. Sprouts 68, ’1‘. Little- ton 68, M. Sharpe 68, D. Docharty 66, J. Carley 59, F. Mann 68, B. Church 55, H. McGee 48, D Quigg 34. H. Brokenshire 33, A. Henley 19. Junior second"; value 100. H. Wil- son 87. S. Lamb.83, 1. Hunter 80, E. Lamb 76. P. Sharp 75, L. Lane 68, L. Nugent 66, D. Bentley 64, D. Nevison 61, H. York 60, B. McIntosh 55, L. Kelly 55. E. Hall 51, V. Scwoll 43, M. Shane 41, B. Chambers 35, R. Brook 32, S. Chatten 28, F. Jeffrey 10. m- ’ Personals. Col. Sam Hughes was at the Falls for a few hours on Monday. Mr. George A. Jordan, of Lindsay, was at the Falls on Tuesday, and left ‘for the north. Mr. Henry Smith left on Tuesday to take a position in the Durham Rubber factory at Bowmanville. Mrs. John H. Cassidy came home a few days ago from a visit of about six weeks to relatives in the States. Mr. Harry Torrance, who went on the harvesters’ excursion to the North- west in August, came home on Monday. Mrs. Colville, of Bracebridge, and Mrs. White, of Toronto, are at the Falls. visiting their sister, Mrs. Frede- rick Cullen. Powleof Corner, (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The snow-storm the ï¬rst of the week caused a delay with the turnip harvest. 'l'heroot crops of all kinds are good, but quite a large percentage of the po- tato crop with some farmers has rotted. Some of our citizens drove up to Lindsay last Monday evening to hear. the great English Divine. - Dnringthe past few. weeks a. hoary shadow has fallen upon the home ol Mr. and Mrs. W. 11" Powles, in the calling away of their sweet little baby boy. A fowl supper. will take place at the church here on Monday evening, Nov. , 2nd. For particulars soe posters. The many friends of Mr. Samuel McGee are anxious for his complete restoration to health. The threshing is very nearly all done, with the exception of a few jobs. of clever. . ' Since the year 1896 land has gone away up all over Ontario, and it is al- most impossible for a young man to buy a. farm in Old Ontario. Another of our young men intends moving to the North-west next spring. Tramps have been quite numerous during the past month or two. A rem- edy should be available to do away with this class of society. 3%“ Dundas &- Flavelle Bros. want your surplus Poultry, and will take them alive or pro erly dressed: Your local merchant w give you prices and par haulers. ' ' “ï¬rst ' (correspondchbe the Gazette.) Mr. Ben Moise. of Newcastle, return- l ed home on Tuesday last. after spend. ing a Week with his sister, Mrs. William . Mitchell, at lfair View. Messrs. Urnddie and Robinson, of Stoullville, came out on Thursday to sell some cattle which they have on a ranch in Somnrville easr, and returned ‘ the following day. ' Mr. W. H. Mitchell, of Coboconk, spent Sunday at, his home, Fair View. The weather has been good for the ‘ farmers for getting,r in the root crop. The apples are nearly all stored away, and the tall wheat is looking well. Already two large flocks of wild geese have passed over here, en route for their . warmer home in the south. Miss Etta Armstrong of Bury's Green, who has been very ill for some time, is, we are glad to state, recovering very nicely under the careful attention of . Dr. Graham. [The above was crowded out last week.) a-..“ “awâ€"U...- TIIE BANK. â€"â€" During the winter months the Bink will open from 4 to 6 o'clock p m on Saturdays instead of from 7 to 8. This comes into force on Nov. 7th. Commasâ€"A meeting will be held this (Friday) evening at 'l‘wotney’s hotel at 8 o'clock, to arrange for ru-open- ing the rink and starting the club again. ‘All interested in " the roarin’ game " are requested to be present. 7 ' WANTED.â€" GOOd general Servant, highest wages paid. Mrs. .llcliennan, York street, Lindsay. ' VOTERS’ Lisr COUR’l‘.â€"-Ou Tuesday last His [loner Judge llardiog held :1 Voters’ List Court in 'l‘womey's Hall. Fifteen names of persons who have died or left the riding were struck etfthe list. and about eighty-ï¬ve names were added --the result beingr a slight increase in the Reform vote. ' Why Catarrhczoue Cures Catarrh. It goes to every affected part and kills the germs that keep up the diseased conâ€" dition. Catarrhozone never irritates, but stimulates the mucous lining of the nose, throat and lungs to normal action, and keeps the nasal passages free from offensive discharges. Catarrhozone contains no dan- gerous drugs or opiates, and is delightfully pleasant and simple to use. Catarrhozone is an absolutely eertaiu cure for any form of Catarrh, and sells forSBl at druggisls’; small size 25c. By mail from Poison & 00., Kingston, Out. Sold by W. H. Robson. O. O. O'. F. NOTICE ~â€"The members of Trent Valley Lodge No. 71, C. O. O. F., are requested to take notice that Bro. C. F. George, Superintendent of Organization, will be present at the next regular meeting, to be held on the evening of Monday next, Nov. 2nd. A good .attenda-nce is requested. INDUCTION ~Quite a number attt ml- ed St. James’s church on Wednesday evening to witness the induction of RcV. A. S. Dickinson. The induction was performed by Rev. Rural Dean Marsh, of Lindsay. An excellent and. appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. E. A. Langfeldt, of Ashburnham. Wanted-(An experienced Cook. and Housemaid. vester,Lindsay. DO N'T FORGET IT.-â€"DO not forget the oyster supper to be given by the Parish Workers of St. James’s church, in Jordan’s hall, on' the evening of? Thursday next, November 5th. The “ dccorticated bivalves,†(as oysters are called by people who like to use big words), will be served. at 6,30..e'clocl:;-_ and after they shall have been diisposedr‘ of, axrinformal programme of vocal and instrumental music will be rendered. Admission only 25 cents. Members of‘ the Orange order will be present, and- will assist in eating the oysters, as well as in the subsequent proceedings. Pain in the Joints may be muscular or rheumatic. The joints. are hard to get at, and require a powerful and penetrating remedy to reach the dis- eased surfxices. Nervilinc very exactly. meets the requirements, for it is both pow- erful-and penetrating. The pain is expel- led almost as iflby magic. One drop equal in strength to ï¬ve drops of‘other remedies â€"Nervilineâ€"â€"nerve pain cure. Druvn‘iste' sell in. Sold by w. n. Robson. °"' ' H‘AROLD J ARVIs Conradâ€"M r. Har- old Jarvis, the famous tenor. soloist, of, Detroit, will appear in Twomcy’s Hall; Fenolon Falls, on Thursday evening, Nov. 12th. This will be Mr. Jarvis's ï¬rst appearance here, and everyone who. likes good'singing shouldhcar him, 85". it is seldom such talent comes this way._ Mr. Owen A. Smily, who is equally famous as an elocutionist and musical entertainer, will also take partinthe. programme. 'ilhcy will have their own. accompanist, Mr. W. Spencer Jones, of Toronto. See posters and folders fen press notices, etc. Miss‘ Irene McDon- gall will play a couple of piano solos. during the evening. Tickets 500., 350. and 250. Plan at. Robson’s drug store. ACCIDENT.-â€"i‘olr. Thomas Scott’s eld- est sm, George Edward, nine years old, met with a painful accident about 10. eialackon Tuesday morning. An 0144 Apply to Mrs. Richard Syla. V W-v V . , ,~. .y ... L ~ . ., -' i . . ,. ,_ ..., ,.. ,y. 4.. ,~. ~ . ‘ .‘ha. i P. “ _., l l... a if .‘T r l ‘l l -’ .; 5 i -; l r 2,1,, l inâ€; ,i' d" g. .:-l ' : lla‘ 1 5"“ iii. 3 t ' l l I l