râ€",sn¢mw~r '14 wrwr ~-â€"-â€"*, ‘ -.~ > v' - ï¬lm... V\..V. ; a-.. -o ~ ~.,...- .. .9 ‘..~â€"-.; v‘ » ».,..,_- ‘{ .,. t a? '\. 5' t COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. We wish our numerous cuss tomers and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Presperous New Year. w. Buseovwe. ' i The Big Store. Can You See That some people see so much, that others miss? Some folks don’t even know about the ï¬ne things we have for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. g We have glasses to ï¬t. all eyes. ‘ They make nice Xmas presents. " We can show you some lovely things in fancy pertumes. Robson’s Drug Store. § Fenclon Falls. i... , S. J. Petty, the Jeweler. VICTORIA COUNTY’S LEADING JEWELER. We are making the greatest effort in our history to make the holiday season of 1903 surpass anything we have ever attempted. We are showing, the best. and most varied assortment of Gem and Wedding Rings, Gentlemen’s Sigâ€" net Rings, Gold, Gold-ï¬lled, Silver and Gun-metal Watches, Bracelets m sev- eral designs, the richest in Gold and. Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods in cases suitable for presents. EBONY GOODS. Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, holiday goods for the ladies in morocco cases. Sterling Novelties, Sterling and Plated Silverware. etc Remember we do the ï¬nest Repairing in watches and jewelry, and in Engraving we have no competitors. Come early and give us a chance by buying your goods and having them engraved before the rush. am in- mind we are headquarters for .Watches, Gem and Diamond Rings, rc- pairing in watches and ï¬neengraving. S. J. Petty, Modesty. ‘l'ho Jeweller. . I HAVE PURCHASES W. MCKEGWN’S FURNITURE BUSINESS, and will carrya large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to. do all kinds of. Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and to make DOORS AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. _ S. S. Gainer. Furniture and. Undertaking. Just received this week an- ’ other lot of nice Baby Car- _ riages that are Special Value. Also Extension Tables, Side~ boards and Bedroom Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc.» Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see . my styles before buying. L. DEYMAN. See .My Stock “Of Cutters. THOS. ROBSON. CLASSIC LITERATURE FOR SALE. G. F. Pepper, representing; the large publishing company of Collier 8: Son, of New York City, will be at the Mansion House. Fcnelon Falls, for several days. Any person wishing some of these classics can purchase from this Company at lower prices and easier terms than ever offeredâ€"â€" Dickens R. L. Stevenson Scott Goethe Shakespeare Schiller George Eliot Muhlbach Bulwer-hytton Great orations Thackeray Science Series Carlyle University Encyclopedia lingo Electrical Science: Dumas Universal Dictionar , Balaac Nations oi'thc Worl Marryat Library of Poetry, Etc. Complete orders delivered at once, free of all expense The purchase price is pay- able in very easy payments to the collector. Many of the sets are paid. for at $|.0i) per month. Mr. Pepper just. recently received over 150 orders in LindSay. Catalogue free on application. ~'iihc Echelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Jan. 1st, 1904. m We wishall our readers a very happy and prosperous New Year. Village Nominationséand Elections. The village nominations were held on Monday last, according to law, and last year's rcevc and councillors and’ the retired school trustees and watercour- missioner were all re-elccted by acclaim- motion. About ï¬ve minutes before the nominations closed. nomination papers for Mr. M. H. MeCallum and Mr. Thomas Scott were put in ;.. but both of them declined to- run, and thus saved the village the expense and trouble of an election. At one o‘clock the return~ inu oflicer, Mr. W. T. Junkin, was unan- imously voted into the chair. and brief addresses were delivered by Reeve Mc Farland and Councillors Austin and Deyman. , Mr. F. McDonnell, chairman of the school board, Was then called upon. and explained how it is that more money is required for school purposes than for- merly. He spoke ï¬rst of the salaries paid to the teachers, some of whom had asked for an increase, which had not been granted. because the term for which they had agreed to teach at. their pres- ent salaries had not expired; but he thought that. theyâ€"or. at least, some of themâ€"were not paid enough; and we quite agree with him. Fault. had been found with the trustees for buying a lot. for which they had paid $200, adjoin- ing the south i'ard school ground ; but he thought the purchase was quitejust- iii-able. and said that the trustees hoped to get, another lot on the other side, as the playground was altogether too small Then, the new fencing, new flooring and other improvements which were abso- lutely necessary would cost from three hundred to four hundred dollars, and not only was lumber almost twice its old price. but cordwood was nearly two dollars a cord dearer than it used to bee few years ago. He thought the public was pretty wall satisï¬ed, as there was no opposition to the re-election of the retiringr trustees. County Commissioner Austin was in- vited to the platform, and spoke at some length upon the projected House of Refuge in Lindsay and the Good Roads movement, and. while upon the- lattcr topic, strongly advised this muni- clpulity to purchase a stone crusher, and not to put a mixture of mud and gravel upon the streets. ' m Samples of Ghoice Grain for the rm:- provement of Seed. To the editor of the Gazette :- Dnaa Sm, , By instruction of the Hon. Min- ister of Agriculture, another distribuâ€" W tion will be made this season of am most productive sorts of grain to Can- adian farmers for the improVement of SPG'l. , the very brst and has been secured mainly from the excellent. crops recently had at the branch Eirperimcntal Farm at Indian Head, in the North-west Tui- ritorics. The distribution this sprinu’ will consist of samples of cats. spriuu wheat. barlcv, Indian corn and potatoes The quantities of bats, wheat. and imr. ' icy to be sent this year will be 4 lbs. of 'ontsnund 5 lbs. of wheat. or harh-y, suf- 'ï¬cicnt to sow one-twentieth of an acre. -more than one sample for one household :good time for. sowing. ‘should mention the sort of variety they The samples of Indian corn unrl potnxoos will weigh 3 lbs. as ln-rotofore. Ercrv farmer may apply, but only One Sillilpl'.’ can be sent to each applicant, hence if i an individual receives a sample of flats he cannot also receive one of wheat, bar- ley or potatoes, and applications for cannot be entertained. These samples will be sent free of charge through the mail. Applications should be addressed to the Director at Experimental Farms. Ottawa, and may be sent in any time before the ï¬rst of March, after which the lists will be closed, so that. all the samples asked for niay be sent out. in would prefer. and should the available stock of the kind asked for be exhausb ed, some other good sort will be sent in its place.’ I , / WM. SAUNDERS. s-iDirector Empar'im eniul Farms. Ottawa,'Dcc. 15th, 1903. “ Don †Campbell Chance-elem We clip the following from the Win- nipeg Telegram of December 5th : “ To recall the days of auld lang sync and to have just one more jolly least before the crowd was somewhat broken up, four friends of l). Gavin Campbell gave a dinner in his honor at the Mari- agui last evening. Mr. Campbell has recently been promoted to be local unan- ager of the interests of J. Y. Grifï¬ths at Calgary, and will leave for his new home and duties to-uight. The ban- quet, which was enjoyed between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m., was somethinu in the nature of a love feast. Several =toasts were responded to, all ofthcm re- calling some pleasant incidents of the past few months or years. Those pres- ent were R. Rowland, J. Burgess. R. G. McNeelie, W. Ballsutyne and D. G. Campbell.†Personals- Mr. Harry Hunter came from Mont- real to spend Christmas at home. Miss Emma Junkin and her brother William were home tor Christmas. Mr. Richard Merriam came home lrom Albert-College, Bellevilm, on Sat- urdny. Mrs. Goulais, of Lindsay, is at the Falls visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Brandon. Mr. William Way and: Mr. Hamil. ton, of Lindsay. were at the Falls from Tuesday until Wednesday. Mr. Ar. W. C. Scriver, of the Hast- ings Star staff, wasin town last Thurs- day, and paid the Gazette avis-it. Miss Ethel Kelly, of. 'l‘oi-onto, spent Christmas with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quibell, at the Falls. Miss Mattie Robertson, of Peter- borough, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Brandon, and other relatives at the Falls. Miss Sabina Martin left on Wednes- day for. Toronto, to be present at the .xnaiu‘iage of Miss Beatrice Farrell, for». merly a resident of the Falls: School Board. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 23rd, 1903. Board met at the call of the chair- man. Present, F. McDougall, Chair- man, and J. J‘. Nevisou, R M. Mason and H. A. McIntosh. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and approved. Moved by Dr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Nevison, That the following ac- counts be paid and the chairman Sign orders for the some 1 J. Heard, account, $27.45; Chas. hey, cutting weeds, $1 ; F. J. Kerr, telegrams, 2.35; Dr. Gould, for supplies. $4.53; '1‘. Stevens, glazing, 40c; Felix Not-they, work, etc.. 34; R. Juckett, water, 316; H. J. Case, salary, $150; Miss Nie, do., $75; Miss Nevi- son, do.; $68.75.; Miss Henderson, do... $62.50; Miss Macniven. do., 3562 50; Miss Bellingham, do., $62.50; Miss Bell, do., $18755, Mrs. Warren, do., $11 25; Mrs. Warren, extras and piling wood, $5; Treasurer, salary, $12 50; Secretary, salary,$12.50.â€"Carried. Tender received from Miss Mitchell to supply wood" at $4. » - Moved by Mr. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Nevis-ton, ~'Fhat the above tender be acceptedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Nevison, seconded .by Mr. McIntosh, That we, advertisc for tenders for caretaker at the north ward The stock for distribution is of . .Schwol Barnes “Tmâ€! ibaushener spent; Christian “My. Jim; -_.. .1“?~“‘Ms-~»~*:W Moved by Mason, seconded by Mr. McIntosh That vhc Board pur- chase, new UPI-Niel.†sears flir- .llISS Bell- inqum‘s rnI-nr- as (h mo now in useare condemned by the I.~v~pt‘ctnr. and the (Tommitw. a‘i’l that. the. scores tarr be instructed to communicate with diff-root lll'm‘; that .‘omuflcture them. --Cuti‘ierl. i’owles’ Corner. ((ï¬nv'rsjwnnlmire of flu: G'Ilzeflfl.) The Christmas of 1903 is past and gone. and in Some of the ltoiucs'in this locality there was a demon bf happiness mingled with a great (lcal'of sorrow. We feel the loss that we have sustained through the death of u l-t-ind‘a-nd aï¬cca tionutc mother. There was on earth no other. and we yield in God's will and purposes. Mr Allwrt \Vnt'slry and his brother Frank are home from the Northwest visiting their pirents. Mr. and Mrs. E: \an‘sley. They will reumin about two wet-ks. Mrs. D. F. Milloy, of Orville, spent Christmas with her father, Mr. John Brown. an. and Mrs. E. a. Riley,.oï¬_ Wart. Panvles'I and? Mn. 'l‘hos. Payne. of Mid- .jlwndé, was also present. as Mr and Mrs. James Powlns-celobrnted their silver wedding on Chrisnnas Dav. Mr. Charles H. 1) other. anemia brmher William. of Thronto, spent. Christmas at home. and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Daniel. of Lindsay, and Mrs. l; slie Archer. nee Emma Daniel, of.††Randolph, were aim at home.; a Mr. and Mrs. G-‘eo. London, of Cam- brnv, and Mr. and Mrs. Alexa. ‘Daniel; of Cannington. spent Christmas uthome. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Mark Spence Christmas at Lifford. Mr. and Mrs. James Bates. of Com- eron. spent Sundav at. M r. N. Day's. A farmer near Fowles' Corner thinks- it Would be a good plan for the Fenelon’ council to tax every dog in the town- ship, and to offer greater inducements- to'farmers to build wire fencos in places where the roads ï¬.l up with snow. It) the matter of building roads and wire fences the Fonelon council is away he- hind Vcrnlam. It. seems very early toe have to travel in the ï¬elds in» Dceemben .Fell’s Station. “ (Correspondence of the G'i‘lzette-r) Mrs. William Mitchell. Fair View†returned-home last week. after enjoying“ “is very pleasant Snjitnrn with her pa~ rents. Mr. und’ Mrs. Bi Moise, at: Port. Hope. Miss Nellie. Tipiing. Honey Grove, is *at present visiting friends in Verulamu. Mr. G. Hughes. of Green Mountain Home. has purchased a-ï¬ue new cutter for this winter. < Mr. and Mrs. John D-igg and niece spent Xmas with relatives at Gelert. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr..John T. Thompson, of Fonelon Frills, spent: Xmas day at Fall’s Station. the guests- of Mr. and Mrs William-Wood. Mr. William 'i‘ipling, Honey Grove, gave ashooting match’fdr turkeys a few :ago. which turned out a success. Weddings are quite numerous in our section this winter. and more are ex»- pected in the near future. Miss M: Mart~in,, teacher in Fell’s school, is. we learn, engaged for the coming year. The trustees could not have done better. as our school is pro- gressing splendidly under Miss Martin’s careful attention. Now, Mr. Editor, I‘will conclude by thanking you for the space in your vsl- unble, paper. and wishing yous bright. and prosperous New Year.-. Building Lots for Saleâ€"On rear .of lots ‘ 2, 3 and 4, Francis street, and facing wharf,. Apply to The Sylvester.- Fenelnn » Falls. Mfg. Co , Lindsay, Unt. 46-4. M .19.on â€"â€"-’l‘he local Masons will attend service in the Methodist church on Sunday. morning, Jan. 3rd. on which. occasion the oï¬'crtory will be in aid of the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toronto. CALLERS.â€"-â€"The following ladies will receive gentlemen callers on New Year’s. Day: Mrs. (Din) Gnuld, Mrs..W. M: DeCew, Miss S. McArthur. Mrs. James. Dickson, Mrs. (Rev) Gan-butt, assisted: by Mrs. W. ‘I‘. Jurikin and Mrs. (Rev.) Robinson, Mrs. F. A. McDiarmid, Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Cures Colds 'in One Hour. Many cold cures are dangerous because composed of deadening opiates. But frag- rant, healing Catarrhozone cures colds in one hour and is both harmless and delight- ful to use. Even the worst colds, sneezing, sniffling colds with running eyes, are stop- ped very quickly when the balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone is inhaled. Catarrhozone acts like a charm on colds, kills them. out- right, prevents their return a few hours later. For colds, catarrh and throat trouble use only Cetarrhozone. Complete outï¬t $1, trial size 25c, at all druggists. Sold: by W. H. Robson. HOCKEY. -â€"The Victoria Harbor school for next year, applicants to state hockey team, six of the members of salaryâ€"Curried. which are former Fenelon‘Falls boys.-