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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jan 1904, p. 5

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"in’d intist'ul'”u‘hutu plated with our in- ‘ Vincible seven of a couple of years ago,‘ ' the ol' the Presbyterian church Sunday - couldn't sleep and felt perfectly miserable. 'lcmding a horse to water, on Saturday“ I. struck and broke the “ neck” of Mr. ' Graham's right hip bone. I thopaiicnt is doing well. ' heavy feeling and create a. little appetite. played a game at Lindsay on Christmas night, and defeated their old opponents by s’score of 13 to 4. They are appar- ently as last as ever. PRESENTATIONâ€"At the Christmas school. held last Wednesday eveniotz. ~ tionel‘y, Mrs. Torrance, who has been caretaker of the church for some years. was preâ€" sented with a Very handsome reclining chair by the Young People's Society of the church, to whom she tenders her thanks in a communication in this issue of the Gazette. If You Den’t Sleep Well it’s because your nerves are in a weak, ir- ritable condition Ferrozoue will make them strong and correct the trouble causing your insomnia. “I fell into a state of nervous exhaustion last fall,” writes Mrs J. Stroiid, of D xter. “ I was run down, are invited to mas stock. We carry ’the Union Cigars. XMAs roasted. Tried Ferrozone and was quickly benefitted. I can recomm -nd Ferrozone to anyone suf- fering. from over-wuought nerves and sleep- lessness” No tonic is better, try Ferroâ€" soue. Price 50c. at druggists. Sold by W. H. Robson. KICKED BY A Houseâ€"While Mr James- Graham, Sr., of Vernlam. was grade XMAS. V AVâ€"Afivfig’Afi’ ' ' ‘ " in the village. r!" so ‘ last, the animal sndlenly twisted around and Bananas. and kicked with both feet. one of which VKV XMAS. x. The injury is a 'sn~ions one, but under the care of Dr..G sham, who was at. once sent for. Don’t forget the “VIVA? Kgfi Continuaâ€"Mr. Frank R} Conklin. the popular comedian and dramatist, who so highly delighted his audience when here last October, is coming again XMAS. if? ‘ 't z . . ' , °“ '1 “es'l'l-V’ “em'lg‘ Jam 26”” "'9 aysmxsxrmmmmmtmv_ sysysmvésva. .... awaysmmms entertainment. which is to be u ider the auspices of St. James’ congregation, will be given in Twomey‘s hall. All those who had the pleasure of hearing him before will no doubt avail them- sclvesot’lho opportunity of” again hear ing this talented elocutionist. Mr. Conklin will give an entire change of programme on this occasion, and is sure to please. A Man Hates Himself , when he wakes tip with headache and bad taste in the mouth Something is needed to-settle tha.stomach. clear away the dull, ney, liver and stomach trouble. It cures headache and languid feeling in ashort 'ti'me; Ferrozonc contains more nourish- ment and vitalizing properties than you can get in any other wayâ€"in short, it as- sures health and costs but 5% for three weeks’ treatment, or six boxes for $2 50. Atdraggists, or by mail from The Ferro- zone Company, Kingston, Ont. ply to-day. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jan. lst, 190-1.. Reported 01/ Lite Norm mar Roller Mill Go. \Vheat.Scotcli or Fife 75 to so Wheat.) fall, pel'IbllSllel.... 73 75 Just get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and pour in a. stiff dose of Nerviline You’ll pick tip immediately and feel tip-top in a few minutes. Net-villus liftsn’t an equal Wheat Spring. u” 73 75 for a condition of this kind t, stimulates, Biwley’ pm. bushep . _ u 35 38 cures the headache, relieves the sick feeling Buck“,in n . . __ . n . _ 37 40 and fits you for a hard day’s work. Try OHS ” . _ N. 25 26 Nerviline Large bottles cost 25c. Sold P'eus’e u u” u” 57 65 b-VW‘ H' R°bs°“' Rye, ’ N 45 47 H‘chs' 1904... Ar..u.tN/tc.â€"-'l‘he Rev. Potatoes, “ 25 30 Iirl RI Hicks" altnanztc for 1904 is now ““lml'il’Cr lb ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 16 18 - - Ewes per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 ready. It Will be mailed to any ad- ,fif ’ er Lon ,, 00 8.00 dress for 30 cents. It is surprising mac’s . - . n ' 450 550 how such an elegantr‘costly book can be Hogs (live) .. 4.75 5 00 ' sent prepaid so cheaply. No family or Hogs (Dressed) 5 d0 6-00 ' person is prepared to study the heavens, Beef. . . . .- 4133?, Sheepskins. ‘ L oi met Wm), ,,,,,,,,,,,,, . 8 '4 or the storms and Weather “'ltl'm“ ’.l‘l“.“’"'2‘l“r“l .HleS “mt” '0 Flour, SilverLcaf .. 2.10 2.39 and Prol. Hicks splendid paper, W 0rd p10,”, Vicmm on," 2.00 2.20 anil'le'ksJ’ Both are sent, [or onlt Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.85 2.05 one dollar a year. “Word and VVnrks " Bran, per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . 80 123 is among the best American magazines. Sh‘msr “ u ’ 1 ' Alixed Chop “ f A Christmas Box To the Farmers. We have decided, as the village of Fenc- lon Falls and the County have a. live inter- est in the big stone mill now operated by me, having guaranteed the bonds for the purchase of same, to show my appreciation of the fact by giving the farmers at. Christ- mas Box that on and after this 10th day of December, 191l3,1 will do your chopping, and do it well, for the popular price of Five Cents a Bag. As we were not members of« the combine that raised the price to 713., we are under no obligations to anyone except the farm- ers, whose friendship and-trade we wish to cultivate 3: and you will find us willing at all.,times to do everything iii our power to make our business relations both pleasant and profitable to both. We will also ex- change your wheat for flour. So kindly remember, “ Chopping at live cents at Meldrum’s mill.” Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas and a. Prosperous New Year, I am, sincere 1y yours, W. ‘ H. MELDRUM. ,. Like the Hicks Alin-tnac, it is too Well ' 1'29 known to need. further commendation Few men have labored more faitlil'ullr for the public good or found a warmer place in the hearts of the people. Send orders to Word and Works Publishing lo., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. _._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"---â€"____*;â€"â€"'..â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘â€""" UURRESPONDENU . WW To the Editor of the Fenelouzli'alls Gazette :- DEAR Sta, I desire through the columns of your valuable paper to express my 1‘ mks to the officers and members of the Young People’s Society of St. Andrew’s church for the handsome chair they presruted to me on the occasion- ot' the Sabbath School ton. and Christmas tree held‘on Dec. 23rd That. I'lthank you, dear friends, for your unexpected gift, it is needless to say. I" shall always regard this cliair‘asone of‘ my most treasured possessions. Yours truly. Mus. A. TonnAuon. Fenclon Falls, Dec. 29th, 1903. M ALWAYS SICK, CONSTANTLY. TIRED. N-ERVES 0N EDGE, SLEEP DISTURBED, APPETI'IE POORâ€"YOU NEED. F E R'R’O Z O'N E'.. ‘ The benefit-I derived from» Ferrozone,” writes Mr. Al. P. Whitehead from Monoton, "-is really marvellous. For two years 1‘ didn't litivc one day’s freedom from nerv- ous headache and pain. in the back and: I consulted doctors in Montreal, but I‘used Ferrozonc and am glad to say my health is better to-day than for many years. ‘ I‘weigh ten pounds more and look and feel stronger. Ferrozonc is. the best tonic I ever used.” Mrs. Duncan W. Dnnham, of Portland, writes: “ Last winter I' was attacked by- neurulgia and was run down in health I' used all sorts of medicines, but found Fer- rozoue the best. It brought back my appe.. site and has made me strong, so that I don’t- oxpect to be bothered. with neuralgia or weak" spells again.” . The cores of Ferrozoue are lasting, be. cause it. does its Work thoroughly. It is a. specific for all forms of’ skin diseases, Ind- Men’s. WOmen’s and Children’s. SLIP HRS, in all colors and shapes. Prices right. J. J. NEVISON- CHRISTMAS. All the good things of the year have . ‘ just arrived at the where the people of Fen- elon Falls and surrounding district buy their Christ- fullest line of hand-made ' They are the best ever known to be sold in this village. Our great big double-jointed Jumbo Peanuts are the best on the market. nuts are the largest, and just freshly Our Chocolates are the finestâ€"all the high goods from 200.21. pound up. We carry a line of boxed Santa Claus Stockings, the best and cheapest They of good things to soothe the little folks. In our Fruit line we carry Oranges, Lemons These are all the finest in fruit in town, and just arrived this week. â€"__â€"__â€"______________â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€"__ placeâ€"one door north of 7 . B. B. ‘Allan & Go’s. 'Wishing you all a. Merry Christmas and a. Happy New DAVID STINSON. _________________..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" wood, iu logs or lumber. Gilt E sup- and Woodcuware Limited, or their agent, New Confec- 'SVWX These Pea- 'SVIAIX goods from 50. up. 'SVIAIX contain a full line Year. ’SVNX . WANTED. 1,000,090 Feet Elm, Birch, .‘tiztple, Ash, Beech and Bass- Highest prices will be paid. For terms apply to Sandford Furniture RIC HARD BYRNELL, Fcuelon Falls customers and friends a. happy New Year. WM. l t i i i l l The Fall Term --OF THE-â€" PETERBMWGH BHSINESS GOLLEGE Begins Tuesday, Sept. 1st. If you want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place - it in the front rank of Business 001- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. WM. PHIHGLE, Principal. llllllSll that waits. Baht. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and I-IEADSTONES, both Marble and granite. I Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. 'Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. I v ' _ Being a practical workman,‘all should see lus deSigns and' compare prices before purchasmg elsewhere. A ' ‘ A ’ 'WonKsâ€"In the rear of the Market 0t Cambridge-st, opposite the. packingvvhouSe Fl. CHAMBERS i; {)iflli) S I have a stock of Axes and Saws of all kinds, calculated to ments of the man meet all the requirc~~ who is getting out wood. If you are doing anything in this , line you cannot spend a few minutes to- better advantage than in looking over 1 what I carry. in these lines. ' GEO. H. McGEE. ARE vet) come. To BUILD _ workmen. Miss Millinery M. . I... ‘ I am prepared to supply all necessary material?- for House or Barn building at reasonable prices,. and It Will pay' you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short notice by first class 2F. SANDFORD... Washburn, Penelon Falls“ Dress Hats, Everything Feathers,c Velvet Hats, 1? Mélhnery Chenme, ‘ ‘ Felt Hats, or mas at ' ' Slk H Reduged Novelties, 1 ate, Pricps Ribbons, Models for can and Veilings, Street Wear. Inspect. ' Silks, Etc. Specialties for Xmas presents iu'Silk Drapes, Cushion Tops,... Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Belts, etc, at very reasonable prices. don’t buy until you have _ visited my factory on Frau- cis street east. I am selling , without regard to cost, and can give you better value than yougcan get elsewhere. F. c. CHAMBERS. A POUND 0F HONEY Will go as far as a pound of butter, andif both articles be} of the best the honey ‘ will cost the less of the two â€"â€"at present only as mac/z as butter. Butter is at its best only when fresh, while honey properly kept ' remains indefinitly good. The honey I: sell is the best you can. buy. Every- one who .has used it says so... E. G. HAND}. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS u ‘ DESIGNS ' ‘ COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and descrl tinn may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably patcntuble. Communica- tions strictlyeonudeiitial. Handbook onl’atents ’ sent free. Oldest a ,ency for securing patents. Patents taken t rough Mann 8:. Co. recclvw-r special notice, without charge, in the Statistic fineness. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest. cir- culation of any solentltlc journal. Terms, $3 5:. year; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdeiilers. Willi 82 Conservation New lilt’ Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. D. .__.â€"â€"â€" All kinds oi Rough Lumber, Dressed Lumber, Lath, _ Shingles, i. Millwood. WOW TELEPHONE IN OFFICE... W Orders for wood may be left',‘ at Mr. W. Northey’s'; ititiittuttntitt r 2- . {3.3

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