-..~o ‘1‘}. Av: .- -\.: 1 ‘-F' coMPLnuENTs OF THE SEASON. iWe wish our numerous cus- tomers ,0 and friends a. Merry Christmas a. Happy and ._ Prosperous: New Year. - cocooouoemlmbmuubuot Mum. moo.» Wommuwmwo» w. BURGOYNE. The Big Store. bx 0' . Petty, the Jeweler. ' 0 ucrorn eourn’s telnet rerun. I: . We are making the greatest efi‘ort in our history to make the holidny season of1903 surpass anything we have ever attempted. We are allowing the best. nod most varied assortment of Gem * ' and Wedding Rings, Gentlemeu’s Sig- net Rings, Gold, Gold-ï¬lled, Silver nnd Gun-metal Watches. Brucelrtsin sev- eral designs, the richest in Gold and Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods in cases suitable for .presents. EBONY GOODS Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, holiday goods for the litdies in morocco cases. Sterling Novelties, Sterling and Plated. Silverwnre, etc, I Remember we do the ï¬nest. Repairing in watches and jewelry, find in Engraving we hove no competitors. Come early and give us 3 chance by buying your 'goods ,n'nd having themengrnved before the rush. hour in mind we are headquarters for '. ‘ Watches, Gem and Diamond Rings, re- pairing in watches and ï¬ne engraving. S. J. Petty. The Jeweller. I PURCHASED W. MCKEOWN’S Furniture and. :FURNBTURE undertaking. BUSINESS, and will cn-rr. r a. large- aud rep-toedate- stock of furniture. Am also prepared to- do all- kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, Herve it on [land for use when your cough" commences, and you will pchan many a cold and perhaps worse. DR. MORTON’S CWO“? SYRUP is carefully mode from the prescrip- tion of a famous physician, and we have yet to learn of a case thatit fulied to beneï¬t. Pnic: .25 CENTS. § Robson’s Drug Store. Fenclon Fails; WMMW \ ,v' " ï¬ndsay. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that - are Special ‘- holue. I Also ExtensiOn Tables, S'id‘e- :- boards and Bedroom Suites. ' “W604 l. carry in. stock it full line of Parlour Suites Louenges,.~ Chairs, Etc. Picture framing: c»- Specialty. and. to. make DOORS ANDSASH. If you are in need of a; Sew- Short "nuca‘ iing Machine be sure and: see- my styles before buying- ‘ L. DEYMAN‘. I S. Gainer. ‘ r)‘. V- ‘,.. l .I vv .,,\., ,l ‘ I wUu § it? Planing done 'on' l Stock 01‘ Cutters. iTH’OS. Reason. The Fcnelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Jhr: {51:11. 1904:â€" We Do n’t Believe It. V In the Toronto Sun. “Bystander ’ (Prof. Goldwin Smith) says: , “Among the causes of the growing scarcity of domestic service, an Ameri- can journal reckons the drawingoï¬' of women into employments hitherto mule. It is not likely that, many of the women who trike to male cmploynnents Would. otherwise havo taken to domestic ser- vice. 'But the fact that so many women are invading male employmcnts is in itself serious. '1 here is growing among among women a disposition to renounce matrimony and maternity. and instead of being the partners of man,. tobecome his competitors. They want, some of tllem'say, to live their own lives. as though the life of a woman could be perfect without domestic affection. Men, crowded out of employments which have hitherto been theirs, will have no means of maintaining- wives, and. it is notth be expected that their celibacy will‘siwuys be pure. But the economic consequen- cos of the revolt of womau','though seri- ous, are not its most serious part. The most) serious part of it _ igthc change of woman’s ideal. liti'AaiIstraliugi't‘lle para- disc of ‘politieul‘experiment, where they had forty changes of. Government in thirty-seven years, feminism is being carried .to its extreme length. In one of the Pharisees women have been made eligible to the Legislature. It is rather signiï¬cant that at the same time Australians nre lamenting a dangerous decline in the birth rutcl’ \ _We do not believe thatn disposition to'renouncc matrimony and maternity is growing among women, or that there is any change in their ideal, and it is unfair to blame them for that which is not their fault. How Innny women out. of every thousand who are “ invading male employments" would not rather be wives and mothers than sales-ladies, book-keepers, stenographers or type- writers? Probably not a dozenâ€"cer- tainly not ï¬fty. There is no change in human nature; but capitalism has caus- ed a change in conditions, and the num- ber ot'mcn who remain unmarried be- cause they doubt their ability to sup- port wives and families is constantly in- creasing. That’s what ’s the matter. Fenelon Council; Cameron, January 11th, 1904. Council met pursuant to statute, and. ’the following took the declarations of property and qualiï¬cation for oilicc :, Reeve, Taylor Pal-kin. Councillors. A. F. Cl‘agg, R. C. Webster, Thos. Dowel and W. F. Smitherhnm. Minutes of last meeting read and upprcved‘,,0n mo- tion of Messrs. Greg and Webster. Communications from the Municipal World soliciting subscriptions, from. the Sick Children’s Hospital asking aid, 'and from James Dickson, apportioning expense of taking levels for Messrs. Day and Daniel, giving Mr. Day $4 and Mr. Daniel 32m pay. On motion of Messrs. Webster and Gregg, six. copies of Municipal World were ordered. for the clerk and council, price $51. , On motion of Messrs. Gregg. and Smitherum, 35 was granted the Sick Children’s Hospital. On motion of. Messrs. Dowel and Web- ster, the clerk was instructed to notify _Mr. Day and Mr. Daniel of the amounts due from them of engineer's award. On motion of Messrs. lragg and Web- ster, the Eocul Option by-law, No. 570, was given its ï¬nal reading and signed and sealed. On motion of Messrs. Dowel cud Smithercm, a by-Iuw was introduced appointing auditors. assessor and moms her. of Hamlet. health :. auditors, John ms . ., , . V, . V_ , .__.. -. new- w.-~.-~ Chodil'ucdi'l'homu M-rk ; omlsnrgA. Glcspell niury 865; m‘cmbur of board of hecltb, Thom“ Dowel. , The by-lnw was pcssed in. the usual mnnncr. ‘ The following other motions received the event of council 2: .. Wclisttarésxnitlicrum. Thut payment to A. Sinclair of 84 25 by treasurer he conï¬rmed. . ' Dewelâ€"Smitheram, That Sarah Mc- Fadyen receive 87 and Mary McFad- 1yen S5‘from‘thc chority fund; Webster â€"Dewel, That council grant ‘A. F. Bryscn a bonus of 30-cents a rod for eighty rods of wire fence on the new road south of Cameron. Smitheram-â€"l)aniel. That school sec- .tion No. 8‘ be paid 84' bonus on sixteen rods of wire fence. ’ Greggâ€"Dowel, That P. J. Wilkin- son ,and John Suggit be appointed drain- age viewers for this township for 1904 Websterâ€"Cragg. That Franklin Dew- cll's taxes, amounting to 33’76, be re- funded, owing to luck of road privilege. Smitheramâ€"Webster, That the col- lector be instructed to allow the follow-- ling tax abatements : J Reynolds 83.40, Mrs J.'Murk 81 81, George Dowuer, $1 04. ’ .Craggâ€"Smitherem. That the treas- 3 urer’s account of 812 35 be pnidf Webst.erâ€"--Dowell, That the clerk do procure ï¬ve copies of the Health Act. , W‘cbsterâ€" Dewcll, That the follow- ing bills be paid: Watchman-Warden printing ballots and ï¬nancial statcm’ts, $2l; F. F, Star, printing election no. tiCes. st 50;. Deputy memes... ‘ ccr H. Rogers 84". J'. F; Greer 85 D. ’l‘olmio 84. J T. Palmer 84; Clerk's election expenses, 810; John '1. Brown, for house for polling booth, $4; No. 7 school house, do. do., 83; Orange hall, Cambray. three meetings. 86;: Clerk for Bi D; 83. Mi report, 810- 80;;G'eorge W. clair, for 110 loads of gravel. 85 50. Thus. Robson, scraper, 87 50; W. H. l’owles, postage, 82 35. Council adjourned, to meet at call of the move. Verulam Council. Council met according to statute. The following members, having sub- scribed to the declaration of ofï¬ce and qualiï¬cation, tools their seats : John D. Hunter, rceve, and Geo. Brooks, J.J. ‘Devitt, G. McFarland and Emerson 'l'iers. councillors. Minutes of last meeting-read and adopted. Board of .ldealtli By-law duly pus-led, the follow. ing being the members: The Reeve, the Clerk,qu Wm. Thurston, George 01, John Burgess. Richard White. John Knox, Samuel Pegue, Robert \Vebbcr, John W. Staples Sanitary Inspector. Alex. Dunseuth was appointed assess- .tiu auditors. Mr. Patrick. Brick asked council to rcbateccrtuin taxes on u lot which he had bought in 1899 from the Canada Co.. and which lot has been assossed on the non-resident roll and is now to be sold for taxes. On motion of'M'essrs. Devitt and Mc- Farland, council decided not. to rebate this tax. privilege of buying somelogs‘mkenfrom auoldvomsswary on 2nd con. line. and ‘loï¬â€˜ered 82. which council accepted. A deputation consisting of John Lewis, Jas. Stewart, Sumnel- Quiglcy, waited on council re‘grunt for complet- ing the swamp road on 'Z-th and 8th con. line along lots 3" and 4', and pre- scnted a petition signed by Jae. Stewart and 13? others one the south side of swamp; also another petition for the John Lewis and 42 others on the north side' of the swamp, Scotch line and, Dunsforda Mr. John Lewis, speaking, hands, and whatever decision was ar- rived ut they would be satisï¬ed. Mr. Hunter, replying, stated: that if they built either one of these swamp roads, unless the R’y 00. had their de- posit of SLOOO placed to the credit of the township sooner than the bridge over Emily creek was completed, as it would be too late in the summer, and». promised that council would take the matter into consideration. In discussion afterwards council de- cided to leave the matter in abeyance for the present. . On motion of Messrs. Devitt and Mc- Farland, the By-luw appointing path- masters, ienceviwers and. poundkeepers was read a ï¬rst time. El‘he list of pathmasters, fenceview- ers and poundkeercrs will be published- next week.-â€"â€"-Ed.] Mr. W In. Martin, lot 21, ccu.3’, osked’ the privilege of buying the timber of! quarter line between lots 20 and. 21, con. 3; This was left with the com- missioner fee that division. On motion of Messrs. Devitt and Tiers. the sum of.85 was granted to the Sick Children’s lie-pint. l . y -vw<~uï¬m'>’ '.«- flu- . - “ .mc. H; u H... NM Blull, ccuncil“ supplies. $610431. Sin- 0 Brooks und E. Tiers. Dr. Boyd, M. H. _ or and Robt. Robertson and Geo. Mnr- . Mr. Nanmun Everson asked for the . 'l‘hos. Germyn and Welby Sherman" opening ofthc same swamp signed by 1 stated that. themcitter. was in council's ‘ they would be short of money tbr roads 5 I ,Wilfrod. returned onSuturduy from a, .M'onduy fronr Toronto. Mr. Mouton: Kelly uskcil’ï¬â€˜f'k‘dcp of Charles Kelly for 3 mouthint'Z'OéQpcr day. On motion of Mesï¬i‘sf sternum Ind Brooks. the mutter“ wui- let? jfcr’next‘siiting. , ' ' i. The “ Municipal World " will be Inp- plied to council and clerk. ' O-l motion of Messrs. Broiks lad McFarland, the township. a... divided into divisions an follows: Div. No. l, 3%.. ‘D.’ Hunter; commissioner; No. 2, K. Tiers, do;,' No 3? D.‘ Mthrland. do; ‘No. 4, Gen. Brooks, do.; No. 5, J. J: Devitt. do. - , -. The following orders were‘pcsned on motion of Miessrs. vaitt and Tiers 3‘- :M'unicipnl World. nix copies for council und'clerk. 85'; Thou Bill. 45 loads of gravel ut 8c. in 1903. 83.60.; 'Jsme; Flc't, work on roads in 1903. 5%.. W. J Finlny’. db. do., 88: Hospital for' Sick Children, grant, 35‘; It. Warren rebate dog tax. 81; Gun. W. Tailor“ registering.B:, M: and D’ in 1893. 8l6: Council adjourned to meet-'at oallcf rcevc'. ‘ Somerville Council. ‘ Burnt River, Jim. Pith, 1904': Council met pursuait to statute: Present, Messrs. James Wilson, Reeve and Councillors John Hodgson. S. R: lurew, lVillinm Stewart and G. W. liumncy. The members, having takeu' the declaration of ofï¬ce and qualities: tion. the reeve took-the chain. ‘ .ancd‘b‘y Mr Stewart, seconded by: Mr. Chrew. That. Messrs. Amos Train and Wm. H. Robinson be nuditors.nod that n by-law be introduced, read and passed conï¬rming their appointmentâ€"~- Curried Moved by Mr: R'umne recon ‘5 ' :Mr: Caren, That, Riv-lid" 1371.31,:er gig-la: tp apploipt; member of the lodnl' bar 0 eat c now read u . - eds-Carried. ’ a d p", By-lnw read and passed accordingly. The report of the Medical Health! Ofï¬cer was read and laid on the table: Mr. Carcw, That; the following accounts- bc pnid :' Dr. While. attending W. 0:10, 35; Geo. W. Beall, stationery, 84 70;; P. Chossell. D. l1. 0, 83; Suggctt, D. R. 0.. $3, and returning ballot box,. 81 ; Dr. R: S Frost. M. H. 02, salary, 8l0-;. Geo. Train, Forester's hall, 82;; R. A Cullen, use of ball. 82‘; l1. 0. L- No 541, hall for nomination and poll- Ing, 84; Grant to Sick Childrenls hose- piial. S5.â€"Carrieal... ' Moved by Mr. Stewart. seconded†by 'Mr. Romney, That the time for the- colleclicn of taxes of NOS be extendcdl until the ï¬rst of March, 19043~Carr'd. Moved by Mr. Stewart. seconded by Mr. Carew, That Mr. Joseph .Bri-bim examine the creek bridgc,'and get tins: her for such repairs arr he thinks nee: 86 sary.-Chrried1 omen by Mr. Stewart, seconded bv M'r. Cot-cw. That a rebate of 82.) be al- lowedion Puley &-‘Joy’s taxesâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. H‘oslgson; seconded by Mr. R'umney, That the council'adjourn-: until February 13th, at the clerk's cï¬iee- ut Burnt Rivenâ€"Carried Personals. _ Mrs William Kers, of liind'say, was: int the Frills on Friday last. . Mr. Wilfred Jewell left for Albert College, Bulleville. on Tuesday. Mrs. W. L.- Robson- left' on Saturday. ,to visit her son .Ebseph' at Bilrk's Fells. Miss Einin ffiind left on Saturday '- for P'eterhorongh, and went-to Toronto' on Mbnday.. Mr. George Fisk. of Verulam, came home last Friday from Owen Sound- and will remain. until. the-cud of next": 'week. . ‘ ‘ . Men/Thomas Edwards came home one Monday from-7 Dauphin, Manitoba. in! consequence of the serious .illness of bio ' . lather, Mr." E. R. Edwardsimb-e... Mr. 03 CI Mom-y, oh Peterborough has returned home after spending thci' Christmas holidays at the Fhlls the guest. of Mr. W. H. Church. , Mrs. Slimuel Newman and her son anrtniglit’s visit to friends in Pctcrbow- ough, Bethany and the township of Emily. Mn. Hlarry. Deymun came home on . He has been appmntcd assistant to Mr. Andrew Sutherland, station master here, who. has always had more work. than one man ought. to do. Mrs. T. if. J‘bnes, of Edmonton, Al- borta, who has been-visiting her brother Mr. Thomas Cashoro, at the Falls, and“. her sister, Mrs. James Graham, in Ver- 'ulam, left on Wednesday for a few weeks’ visit. to her father. Mr. David" Onshore, nt Kirkfiécld, before returning home; Hicr‘three children accompany her. A; PLEASANT TIMu.â€"-R'ev..A=. S: and: Mrs. Dickinson entertained the mem. bers of the St. Peter’s congregation at the Rectory on Wednesday evening of last week, and a very cn'c is t' vm spent by all present. 1 m ma aw ,.. _ - »- _._._.._.. -m “ms-"Wk 5â€"â€:â€" Moved by .‘lr. Hodgson. seconded‘by‘ _._._.._. A N- w Ag... 3:23;)“; .___.__- »._-._._.._.-_...‘,___'._ 4. .