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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Jan 1904, p. 5

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“Eights negation. ilfiwlsay juniors n; , “fondling-94h, japiors which promises ,9) be a last 211116.; The local team won - The entertainment- to be given by Mr. hues] soar loom-Lemon Men’s Womeng Mitt covs'rnn B! All. ssssmu‘. wo- andrChildren’s 1. nuts sou HEALTH AND nsanrr use F E R B. 0 Z 0 N E . "you are. thin, run dowm, have blue, at Boboaygeon Monday night by 3 goals to l. and tho routru match will be played here next 'I‘u-mlnr Soc hills. _ transparent skin, you need Ferrozonc. Bandinamm for $318,411, "M "Hm, When the nerves are weak and the. tears I. 3 and 4, rancis street. and facing whart, C'Wl‘fltd)‘ '0 “0W. "'3 1‘ 5‘1": Sign 3'0“ "99d - ' ,fflclun Fang, Apps, ,m The Sylvan, it bodily Nothing on earth makes blood so ' Its. 00, Lindsay, Unt.‘ ‘ . 46.; ' vilttl'ising, nothith puts on flesh, makes ’ _cooos. ' I have a stock of Axes and Saws of alli kinds,caléulated to meet all the‘requirc? ments of the man who is getting out wood. If you are doing anything in this . line you cannot spend a few minutes to“ better advantage than in looking over what I carry in these lines. ' hard muscle nnd'renovates Weak systems like Fcrrotone. Why not restore your beauty and keep hat-k” signs of old age? It is easily done with Ferrozone. Suffer no- more from nervousness and weakness; use Ferrozoue instead. Lct Ferroz‘one help you to get more out; of1 life. It is an easy and quick road to! health, a splendid? rent- edy for all womanly “disorders. Mrs. E C R:tym-ofi,ot Sunnysidc, says :‘ “Iowe a great. deal to Ferrozone, which improved my health very much Before using FerrozoneI was Weak and listless and had no color in my cheeks. After takings. few boxcs I felt bett--r, and by continuing Ferrozone I gained eight pounds â€". in weight. My complexion is clear and my ' appetite good. Icon recommend Ferro- zone very highly. It isa splendid tonic." Don’t fail to test Ferrozone, which drug- gists sell the world over. Price 50s. per box-or six. boxes for $1150. By mail from , . January The Ferrozune Co, Kingston, Out. Get a. - ' ‘ supply of Fer-rezone tordayâ€"it assures health. ..... BIR'DI-IS. ' Beginning on Monday next, than â€"-At Ottawa, on Monday. January January 18th, we are going to llth, the wife of Mr. F. C. Hare of a t rt “ugh,” 5 ar our January sale, mak- ____________.___.__.â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" ing special reduction on all '. . DIED' goods for the remainder of the Baumâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, th January 12th, Mrs Samuel Belch, aged» 63 m0” ' - year's,’6 monahs and lldays. W # Tue CONKMN Esrsnramnssr- Frank R Conltliu. New York city's in all c°lors most popular tmtrrtaioer. on 'l‘uvsdnt evening. tlu- 26m inst., under the :zu~~ pines of St. Juoics' cunt-ch. is being eagerly Inokcd Forwarul' to by all who enjoy I really first-class evening's» cu- joymeut. The plant -of' the ball will opt-n this week at Rtltsou's than; store Reserved seats 35:5. General admission 25c. You may Have Kidney Trouble. If your back aches and you sulfur from- dragging pains itis an evidence of diseased kidneys. Get. Ferrozonc at. once and take. it regularly. Ferrozone makes kidney suf- ferersfcel better at once. “ Lw-as bothered! ("grunt dl-nl‘ with my kidney-9‘ last' year;”- writes S G. Denton'of Everett,~ “ but got quick relief from Ferrozone. My trouble manifested itsrlf by pain in the back, dull, heavy feeling and- constant headache. I quite recovered after using a few boxes of Ferrozonc, \vhirh has given me more strength and better health than-1’ ever had before. I can recommend Ferrozone as a positive cure.” Price 50c. at all druggists sold by W. I]. Robson. ‘ (loosen. Mss'rmos.â€"- There have been two meetings of the village council this weekâ€"one on Mondav forenoon when Weave McFarlnnd'and Councillors A‘nntin, Dryman. McGee and Robson made the customary declaration: of qual~ ificstiou and office; and'tlic- second on Wednesday evening. when some aco’ts were passed and other bu~incss trans- ected. The proceedings will appear in our next issue. and shapes. Prices right. J. J. NEVISON. GEO. H. Moose; ARE : YOU Gomez “ To BUILD I am prepared to supply all, necessary material" . for [douse or Barn building at reasonable prices, and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short' notice. by. first. class. workmen. . , V . IEFE'. SANDFORD. Our balance of Furs and Mantles have to go ; also'El‘ess Goods, Blouses and flower winter goods. ‘CO’RPCRATION OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given-that. the Municipal Council Watch for. our circulars givs Rzleotut- MEETING.â€"-A meeting of. ,l of the Corporation of the County of Victoria ‘ ' , the Reformch of Victoria and [Tal'ibur- l ' will meet in the lng more Partlcul‘l‘rs- too was held ioDickson’s hall on Tues- A big pile of Remnants at half price. Council Chamber. Court House. dsv afternoon, for the purpose of organ- L. , ‘ x l . ' a o i v I W G b mug for the election tint ts generally , â€"on_y m. . Believed to be norvcry far'otfr. There «an a. very fair' atteoduoce, cnnvcncrs for-‘the difi'ercut polling sub-divisions were appointed. and a convention is to lie held in Lindsay on Tuesday. Febru- â€" Tuesday, January 26th, 'A. D. 1904, at: two o'clock in the afternoon. J. R. MCNEILLIE, Miss M. warm, Millinery Penelon Falls... sry 222d. Senator film-Hindi was among: : ’ County Clerk. ‘ . the many prominent gentlemen present. cgffiéoflffié l9,“ F T Dress Hats, ,3veryt‘hlmg Feathers.)- One of the Vilest Diseases ” I y a l ' r e a ' A Velvet Hats: in Mallnery Chenille, ' ' l I t for Xmas at. T . I's cutnrrh, which first attacks the- nose and . ‘ â€"0F TllEâ€" Felt Hats, A hoveltles’ throat and finally spread-i all through the v p I. _ Hqtq Reduced . ~â€" PETEBBOROIEGH pm... moons, healing Catarrhoznne, which .3 sent by the “090,000 Peek ‘ Models for and air you breathe direct. to the root. of the trouble. Mr. T. Y. llacVicar, of thrmonth, suffered for years from cutarrlr andsay-s: “In my long experience with: the loathsome. disease I. never used any remedy that re- lieved and cured so promptly as C‘sttarrh- ' Street Wear. Silks, .Etc. Inspect. Elm,“ Birch, Maple, 'Ash, Beech arid Bass- wood; in logs or lumber. Highest prices _ Begins Tuesday, Sept. 15:, will be paid. / For terms apply to Sandtord Furniture ' If you want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent and Woodenware Limited, or their agent, RICHARD BYRNELL, .Specialties for. Xmas presents in Silk Drapes, Cushion Top~',. Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Belts, etc, at very reasonable; ozone. When my nostrils wore so stuffed . . up that I couldn't. breathe. I found that. a 46-2rn. F'enelo'n‘Funs results and splendid location place prices tow inhalations of Catarrhozone was suf- ltm the front rank of Business Col. leges- Fees are lower titan in most ticient to clear away the mucous I am pertcctly curcdby Catnrrhozoue and free t'xom- the disease entirely ” Use only Cat- arrhozone. Complete outfit. S's-l ; trial size 25c. Sold by W. H. Robson. schools. Write for particulars. rm. Puma“, Principal. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE We are receiving new stock all the time. and our goods are always fresh and sold at the (“Muses Dts'ratcr OFFICERSâ€"At t-‘hc annual meeting of Loyal Orange District Led-re No 4, Fonelou. held at ‘ Feuclon Falls on Jan. 12th, the lollow- i‘uuot‘dccrswcre elected for the year: Iowa“ prices. I'm“. Mas‘er' Br". J...“ Thompson of I 0),] D-m't, forget. about our Jumbo 1... a. us... 996; Don. Dist. Master. :Pcmmsmrm” “"3 mm" “"d “1”” nm- Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- . freshly roasted. , ; --. 6 - Dist. Ch: .. gw- grill] :‘2: 9’96 , :fist 13:0 . Our Ben-Buns and Chocolates are alwayr I to, IOS. 01 I y 1 - - say and surrounding country with MONU- MhN’l‘S and liEADS'l‘ONES, both Murble . _ , . . fresh and ‘oldut the lowest ric‘s ever Sec, 310.3. D. Birt'of99bq not. ton. my“. “ - P ” Sec, Bro. M. allaybce‘ of. 0:39;. Dru. web,“ a good stock of Oranges Md and granite. Tress... BTO- Billbt- hll‘llldll “l 541; silemonsnt the lowest prices. Dist. D- 0f 0 q Bl'o- 0- El Merrill“) “f ‘ The best line of Union hand-made Cigars 9963; Dist. Lecturer, Bro. Null Mc- that are upon the market to-day are for Gimway of 996. sale. here. Just try them and you will be ' convinced. Why (lo-Women Suffer Such pain and" endure the paintof nervous headache when a quarter buys a bottle of Nerviline which never fails to relieve. Just a few drops of. Nerviline in sweetened water cures nervous or sick headache, re- lieves heart palpitation and makes you feel better immediately. Nerviline Can‘t be beaten for quickly curing stomach and‘ bowel troubles and should he he pt in every home. It‘s good to rub on for external pain and excellent for inward use. Sold in large 2: c. bottles by W. H Robson. C. O O F.â€"â€"'I‘he annual installa- tion of officers of Loyal 'llrent. Valley Lodge No. 71, Canadian Order of Odd- i’cllows, took place on M ouday, Jun. 4th. The following brethren were placed in their respective offices :2 N. G‘., Bro, John lace; V. G , Bro. A. E. l'lore; Soc. Bro J. '1‘. Thompson Jr; Tress, Bro, Lrwis Dcymun ;. L. 51.. Bro. John '1‘. Palmer; Chap, Bro. D. Broken- shire; I G.. Bro.Jas. Mitchell ;.O. G., Bro. D. E Metriqu ; R S N. Uh. Bro. J‘. E. Eliis; L. 8.131. 6., 1340. Martin Sharpe; Warden, Bro. R. M. Mason; 1-3: 8. S . Bro. Samuel Sharpe; 2nd S. S Bro James Slater; Conductor, Bro. 1!. Fountain ;. R. S. V. G , Bro. Joseph Etlulish; L. S. V. G., Bro. Jos. Bears. The finance committee's report showed albalauoc of 87.75.38 in the hands. of the treasurer, with liabilities amounting to 812.10. The secretary‘s report showed" a membership of 119 benettt unborn-"sod. themes; members. ’ . _ _ ‘ _ f TRADE MARKS - '.- v' . DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. . Anyone sending a sketch and desert t.lnn mny' , quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an" invention ts probably immutable. Communion. tlons strlctly confidential. Handbook on Patents: rout. free. Oldest agency for securing ntents. Patents taken t romzh Munn a; 0. receive:- special not-(cc, without. charge. in the scientific Mutton. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I .artzest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Temps. :3 to year: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdeulcrm. , nun e. 00.3mm» New ng Branch omce. 625 F St... Washington. D. don’t buy until you have visited my factory on Frau- cis'street east. 1 am selling without regard to cost, and: Can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. .Murble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. ‘ ' o o Beings practical workman, all should see lllS designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WOIiKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS :D. Stinson. Donlt forget. the placeâ€"one door north of R. B..Allnn to Co. ' an kinds lot F. C- c-HAMBERS' ' Rough Lumber, Wv W A Christmas Box To the Farmers. » We have decided, as the village of Fenc- lon~ Falls and the County have a. live inter- est in the big stone mill now operated by me, having guaranteed the bonds for the purchase of some, to show my appreciation of the fact. by giving the farmers a Cut-ist- mas Box that. on and after this 10th day of December, 1903,.1- will do your chopping, ~ anddolit well, for the. popular price of Five Cents a. Bag. As we were not members of the combine that raised the price to 70., we are under - no obligations to anyone except the farm- 'ers, whose friendship and trade we wish'to cultivate; and you will find us willing at all times to do everything in our power to make our business relations both pleasant Dressed. Lumbar, Lab... Shingles, Millwood. W A POUND OF HONEY Will go as far as a pound SUBSCRIPTION 1 of butter, and if both articles $1 00‘ A YEAR, IN ADVANCE be of the best the honey ' will cost the less of the two â€"â€"-â€"at present only lmlf as mac/z as butter. , Butt-er 1s at its best only when fresh, while honey properly kept remains indefinitly good. I _ W b 311661111233), Eu?“ 1;:62376' Orders for wood may be left: es . - . - ‘ . . ‘ . _, i . one vibe has used it says so. at MI' W' NO‘they 5- nununutot‘tm‘t illllti ans ttltm is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. or one cent per week will be added, as long'as it. remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line perannum. Casual advertisements, 8, cents per line for the first insertion, and and profitable to both. We will also ex- 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- chauge your wheat fer flour. So kindly tlona Contracts by. the year, half year or. .nmcmber.’ t. Chopping at five cents at. less, upon reasonable terms.. ’ ‘ Meldrum‘s mill? Wishing you one and all __ a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New. 103, PRINTING executed neatly, cor- Year I am sincere] ours , i i y y ’ rectly and at. moderate prices. w. H. MELDRUM. ,, . n. D. an... Proprietor : TELEPHONE. IN OFFICE: ,. K” 117%: 9 . _' ,. " Ls. 45.6,. .... .... i: ft: I :

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