L ., 0| 1. . ~DIED.’ mungâ€"xii the township of Fenelon, on Friday. February 5th, Adolphus Lovely, aged 80 years. ' FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Feuel‘on Falls, Friday, Feb. 26th, 1904. Reported by me Norm czar Roller Hill 09... Wheat, Scotch or Fife .... 90 lo. _95 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 88= 90 Wheat, spring . . . . . . .. 80 85 Barley, per busheL... 3... 38 40 Buckwheat“ ....‘.. ..' 37 ' 40 Oats, “ 30 31 Peace, “‘ .... .... 62 66 Rye, “ ........ '45 47 Potatoes, “ ........ 30 35 Butter,per1b...... 16 ‘ Eggs,per d0_zen..........‘ 18 Hay,per ton...... -9.00 1000 Hides . . . . . ....... 4-50 550 Hogs(livé‘; 450 4.75 Hogsv(Dressed) ' 5 50 6,00 Beef.....'.. . . . . . . 4.50 5_50 Sheepskins.;..-'. 4. .50 ._ ‘70.. W001 ; .'...'. . . . . . . 8 I4 65 Flour, Silver-Leaf ..;... .. 2.45 2 Flour, Victoria .... ...... 2.35 2.‘ Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2.10 2. Bran, per lOO lbs......--. 90 ’ l Shorts, “ “ ,,...,... '100' 1 Mixed Chop “ 1-15 1 _________~____,___.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Prior. .1. H. noSllLBEIiG, ,ouri’crAN,..ruou GERliANY, SPECIALIST. Eyes tested free of charge. He has alâ€" ways a full assortment of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for all kinds of defective sight, and guarantees entire satisfaction to all. Consul cation, Fro-e. He will beat. Fenelon Falls from Tues- day afternoon, March 15th, until Thurs day afternoon,.March'l7th, and may be consult- ed at the Mansion House parlors ; .at Kin- mount from Friday, March 18th until Sat- urday, March 19th, at Scott’s hotel parlors ; at Bobcaygeon from Tuesday, March 22nd uut'l‘Wednesday, March 23rd, at the Rock- land House parlors. TiORPORATION or THE COUNTY or "= VICTORIA. . Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the ' Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County ofVic- toria will be held in the ' Council Chamber, Court House, Lindsay, . ~ â€"â€" on -â€"- _ Thursday, the 3rd day of March, 1904,, at'2. O’clock p. m., for the transaction of business in conncCtion with the House of - Refuge and any urgent business. J R McNElLLIE, County Clerk. County Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, . Lindsay, February 15th, 1904. 2:2 Efï¬ciï¬'x‘i . Louis. APrl-izLL3llTH To DEC. lsr, V1904. Settlers’ One-Way EXCurSious, 190%. To Manitoba and the Canadian North- ' ruestiwill leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April if sufï¬cient busiâ€" ness offers. . assengers travelling without live stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. m _ Passengers travelling with live stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 92p to. - Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of “Set- tlcrs' 'Guide," “Western Canada†and “ British Columbia,†apply to any Canadian Pacific agent or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst Gen Pass Agent, 1 King St. east, Toronto. W WANTED. 1,080,030 Feet Elm, Birch, Maple, Ash, Beech and Bass- wood, in logs or lumber. Highest prices will be paid. For terms apply to Sandtord Furniture and Woodcnware Limited, or their agent, RICHARD. BYRNELL, 46-2m- , Fenelon Falls ' ’suor: METCALFE’S BARBER SHOP. . WANTED. 50,900 bushels all kinds of Grain for seed, at our Fenelomralls elevator,- at highest current. prices. We will keepnn stock and supply all varieties of choice seed Oats, Barley, Spring Wheat, Buck- wheat. Small and Large ,Pease, Corn, .Speltz, Glover and Timothy seed. . _ We are letting out, immense quantities of the famous “ Blue Stem †Wheatfnn ex: crllent milling variety. Every farmer should try it. , ‘ Please place your orders _early,,so that we may determine the necessary amount to supply at above point. Apply to 51-4. ’ W. P. EYRES, Fenelon Falls, or to J. G. EYRES, Lindsay. I______________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"/â€"-â€"â€" ' - did-E R A DOLLAR in a lO-pou‘nd' can of honey. The dollar will go farther . thatlway than-it will in H i g. _ . _, . ._ buying-emu ' ‘ i have a stock of Axes and Saws of all: kinds, calculated to meet/all the require. moms of the man who is'getting but?" ! i l \ ' wood. I - If you are doing anything in this“ The honey requires no preparing--â€"it isread y to put -V on the tableain time. When‘buying honey getv . , . . . the bestthereis. g1 sen it. has you cannot spend a few mlnutes tO' , better advantage than, in looking Over"- .thc‘it carry in. these lines... We are receiving new stock all the ' time, and our goods are always . fresh. .. ' and sold at the lowest prices. ' \ E. G.~HA1$ID. Oh! Don’t forget about our Jumbo Peanuts, for they are the best, and always freshly roasted. ' ‘ ' Our Bon-Bons and Chocolates are alwayr fresh, and sold at the lowest prices ever known. ' ' ' ' I We have a good stock of Oranges and Lemons at the lowest prices. ._ ' The bestline .of Union hand-made Cigars that are upon the mark-ct 10-day are for sale here. Just try'them and you will be, convinced. Men’s Women’s - . * and Children’s W ism ,. in" all colors ' . cso.H. Mccee. Ass you come. ; = To mLD * ~- . I am prepared to supply all necessary material . for. House or Barn building at reasonable prices,'=" and it will pay you to consult me 'before'buying. Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst class‘v'l workmen. _ EF. SANDFQRD... ' D. StinSOn. ~ Don’t forget the placeâ€"one deer north' of R. B. Allan & Co. ' ' and ishapes. ; I V [Prices (right. Archie Trudel, J_ JNEVISON, TAILOR, â€" _ ~ v anelon Falls. CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED AND PRESSED ON SHORT NOT- ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEED4â€"PRIOES RIGHT. New. ‘ I Miss M. Washburn, GOODS - Millinery Penelon Falls. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL. HENDER- Dress Hats; , Everything '_ Feathers, , sou &Vco., DYERS, TORONTO. Velvet Hats, in Millimery Chenille, » ' l i Iâ€"IatS, Novelties . . ‘ Reduced . ’ _ ~ ' . .. Sllk Halts, _Prices__ V Ribbons, V A Christmas- BOX New Dress Goods and Models for Call and ceilings, , ' To the Farmers; Blousmgs, Lace Curtains, Street We“ 11151390?" : 511118, Eth 'Wc have decided, as the village of Fenc- lou Falls and the County have a live inter- est in the big stone mill now operated by me, having guaranteed the. bonds for the purchase of some, to show my appreciation of the fact by giving the farmers at Christ- mas Box that on and after this 10th day of December, 1903,1 will do your chopping, and do it well, for the popular price of Five Gents ' a. Bag. As we were not members of the combine that raised the price to 7c., we are under no obligations to anyone except the farm- ers, whose friendship and trade we wish to cultivate; and you will find us willing at all times to do everything in our power to make our business relations both pleasant and proï¬table to both. We will also ex- change your wheat for flour. Sokindly remember, “Chopping. at ï¬ve.- cents ati Meldrum’s mill." Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, I am, sincerely yours, ' W. H. MELDRUM. Art .Muslins, "Cretonnes and Carpets. Specialties for Xmas presents in Silk» Drapés,Ci1.sliion - Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Belts, etc, at very reasonable . prlces. - - Our balance of Furs and Mantles at greatly reduced prices. "We. Campbell. ' 50 YEARS“ EXPERIENCE ‘ alas Al Ti ,’ don’t buy ' until ‘ you have Visited my factory on Frau- -. cis street cast. I am selling _ without. regard 'to cost, and Can give you. better value I than you can ,get elsewhere. .1 TRADE MARKS : . DESIGNS - - Commems ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ' quickly ascertain our opinion free wtictlicrmn ' invention is probably pi-tentablc. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. {Handbook on Put cuts ‘ . sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. ‘ Patents taken through Man 1'57. Co. receive- spcaial notice, without charge, in the ' trirntnuflmairaa: A handsomely illustratcdxweekly. ' Largest :cirv ' . culation of any scientiï¬c ournal.- 'l‘crms, $3 a“. year; four months, $1. . So dby all newsdealers.» The Fall Term -â€"OF THEâ€" v»rrrrraoreuesI] eusmE-ss cuties; Begins Tuesday. _§ept.‘ 'lst. . If you want to succeed, attend-this ~ school. Its superior work, excellent results j and splendid. location . place it in the front rank"of 'Business Col- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. VIM. PBINGLE, Principal. Branch omce. worse. Washington.- . its: use rm to V . 'To Montreal OrNeerork; for choice patterns 'or low: ‘ prices in WALL PAPER. ,. We have them here now. for your selection. ‘ GOODIMWS, LINDSAY, NEXT TO SIMPSON HOUSE: . . i ~ . , Artist-“rue or ' ~ mug-11.. Lumber, A Dressed.- Lumber... fillilflll illlS liliilli Lam, suing“ MARBLE wants. err.e;°urs.s Shingles . “"bl- chambers $1.00 ATEEIPENADVANGE Millmod. Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- WW†SECOND DIVISION: COURT â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. or one cent per week will be added, so. and surroundin countr w'th - . . - y g y l MONU as long as it remains unpaid. MENTS and 'HEiA-DSTONES, both Marble and granite. A "â€" Advertising Rates. Professional ‘or business cardsteo cents ' ~ I ' erline perannum. Casual advertisements, 'MMble Table TQPS’ wash Tops! Mantle g-cents per line for the ï¬rst insert1on, and Pleces’ Etc" a Specmuy' 2‘ cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, halfyear or less, upon reasonable terms. _â€" be next sittings of the abovegCOurt wil be held» in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, APRIL llih, 1904, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday; March 31st, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendant-s living in other counâ€"x ties must be served on or before Satur- day, March 26th. ELISHA MARK, E. D.-HA.ND, Bailiff. Clerk. Fenclou Falls, Feb:vllth,.1904. Estimates promptly given'on all kinds or cemetery work, TELEPHONE IN . OFFICE". MW ‘.Orders for wood-may belef’s ' at Mr. W. Northey’s, . Being a practical workman, all should see his (leSIgns and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and asmoderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor n ï¬ï¬‚ï¬GlBroadway, iiiilllliillliltiliiliéit. ..M .-.____...â€"-....~ H-95â€"34 ‘ n“. .' , . -.- ‘3’} ~ Egan.