PROF. J. a 1 masses, I TICIAN, r ' cannery, SI) - .' -: s‘?“ Eyes tested frer gr: lie has al- l ways a full :1 "3.?" iznalzéitcliis and - l _,.l V. a. . Liive sight, ‘ "I! 1:1 to J†Eye-glass†t‘ r - and gum-ant - w Cons-‘- . He will he -~ From Tuesâ€" day afternoon. .mrii Thur-flay afternoon, Mm"- . --. ciizislllb ed at the. Ma i- _ - ri is; a' i l mount from "i with until Satâ€" urday, March I ~ howl- parlors; at Bobcaygeon i" 3'. March 132:1 1 until Wetlnisdr ‘ 't. .it the it ick- l'and‘ House parlw 7Q {fits 5% I' re is? ('1‘ secede. . blur New Dress Goods and ' Blousings, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, Cretdnnes and Carpets- ‘ Our balance of Furs an-Q Mantles at greatly reduced prices. Wm. Campbell. We are receiving- new stock all the time, and our goods are always fresh andsoldxat the .- lowest‘ prices. 0h! Don’t forget about our Jumbo Paeanuts, for they are the best, and always freshly roasted. ' _ Our B'ou-B'onsand Chocolates are alwayr l'resh,nnd sold at the lowest prices ever -. . _: Archie known. We'havc a good stock of Oranges and Lemons at thelowest prices. The best line of Union hand-made Cigars _ that are upon the market to-dny are for 2 sale here. Just try them and you will be convinced. E. . Stine-on. Don’t forget the placeâ€"one door north of R 15. Allan -& Co. FRUIT ALL GONE ?' ‘ This is. thetime of year the supply of preserved fruit in most households begins to show signs of wear. Don’t wait until it is all ' gone,\,but get a can of honey now to help it out. You will be surprised how far a dollar will go in this way, if you get ï¬rst quality honeyâ€"the kind I sell. E. G. HAND. bliillill‘l it’l‘itli iiiliiiii. Rab-i. Chemiser is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- Q. a asesswseeaeaeeeeeemoomow eeoooooooooooof~* rEw STORE. 5379 ’63 " WW VWWWW‘W “geese In coming before the public, our object is to gain a fair share of the patronage and good-will of the people of this town and the surrounding country. We shall always endeavor to treat every custom- er, both young and old, with the utmost civility and kindness. ' . We come before you with a new stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps- Etc. You, will always ï¬nd our prices right, as they range to suit every pur- chaser. ' We solicit your patronage, and assure you that our constant aim is to please and satisfyaevery customer who enters 'our store. Call and inspect our stock, as: it is: always a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. . Watch ,for our advertisement each week and take advantage of prices - quoted. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. WWW WWIWWWWMWWWWWW “resent * FENELOW FALLS. "75 "i‘rndei, TAILOR, Feneion Felts. CLOTIIING‘ CLEANED, REPAIRED AND PRESSED ON SHORT NOT- ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEEDâ€"PRICES RIGHT. SHOP : 'METCALFE’S BARBER SHOP. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL. HENDER- SON & 00., DYEHS, 'roaos'ro. _ Men’s Women’s and Children’s s i, in all colors and shapes. Prices right. A Christmas BOX“ J. v J. NEVISON’ To the Farmers. We have decided, as the village of Fence ion Falls and the County have a live inter- est in the big stone mill now operated by me, having guaranteed the bonds for the purchase of same, to show my appreciation. of the fact by giving the farmers a Christ-- mas Box that on and after this 10th day of December, 1993, I will do your chopping, and: do it well, for the popular price of Five- Cents a Bag. As we were not members of'the combine that raised the price to 70., we are under. no obligations to anyone except the farms crs, whose friendship and trade we wish to cultivate; and you will ï¬nd us willing at all times to do everything in our power to make our business relations both pleasant and proï¬table to both. We will also ex- change your wheat for flour. So kindly remember, ‘; Chopping at ï¬ve cents at Meldrum’s mill." Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, I am, sincerely yours, VJ". ,I-I. MELDRUM. ’ The ' Fail Term ._.OF‘ THEâ€" hdiï¬hddddhdh diidiiiéï¬dddï¬ithdh cgins Tuesday, Sept. ï¬st. If you wantto succeed, at tend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business 001- leges. Fees are lower than in most .schools. Write for particulars.~ wen. PRIHGLE,‘ SEGGND DEVESIQN EQURT Principal. say and surrounding country with MONU- MEN'l‘S and llEADS'l‘ONES, both liurble and-granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds 0! cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces. etc., a specialty. Beinga practical workman, all should see his designs and compare pricesbet‘ore purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite-the pecking house B. QHAMBERS; To Montreal or New York for choice 1 patterns or low he next sittings of the above Court wil Pnces 111‘ ' be held in Twomey's hall, Fenelon Falls gala? L ‘- ON Mono/w, .APRiL ilih, 1904, -‘= PdFF-s . commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, March .3lst, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this ~01†THEâ€"- County of Victorian. for your sel ction. county. Defendants living in other coun- ' - _ ' tiesmust be served on or_ before Satur- 7 - d'ay,.\[ar'ch 26th. ' ' ' LiNDSIY, ' ELISHA MARK, E. D.HAND,~ NEXT-T0, Bailiff. Clerk. renalozri‘nua,_reb. 11th,. 1904... §IMPSON ‘ HOUSE- WINTE R _co'oos._ I havea stock-of Axes and Saws of all? kinds, calculated to meet all the require-’- ments of the man who is getting out ,wood. If you are doing anything in this ‘ line you cannot spend a few minutes to better advantage than .in looking over." what I carry. in these lines. (:50. H. Moose- Ass YOU come TQ'BUELD I am prepared to supply all necessary materiali . for House or Barn building at reasonable prices,. and it will pay you to consult me before buying: Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst class workmen. ~ _. _ 1F. SANDFORD... Miss M. Washburn, V Millinery - Penelon Falls. . ., Dress Hats, Evez‘fyth‘r‘ g Feathers, Velvet Hats, in Mflll ery Chenille, FeltIIats, for Xmas at" Novelties; . _ Reduced . Silk Hats, Prices Ribbons, Models for (3311' and Veilings, - Street Wear. ’ Inspect. Silks,.Etc. .. Specialties for Xmas presents in Silk Drapes, Cushiém Tops-,2 Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Belts, etc., at very reasonable prices. ‘ ’ \Ve have them here now, liiiil ass saw as tiOOAY'EAR’ “ADVANCE 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ~ 7355:.- -' £5 "1.. I. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably patentnbie. - Communion. tions strictly‘confldential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn a C0. receive special notice, without chnrzeyiu the -= gtithiiiit “iiiiitiiitai’i. Ahandsomeiy illustrated weekly. '. Largest eir. oulation of any scientiï¬c inurnal. . Terms, $5 1': I year: four months, $1, Sold byall newsdenlers... gg cï¬ï¬eiaroadway, Branchomce. .625 F St.. Washington. . don’t buy until you have visited my factory on Fran- cis street cast. I am selling without regard to cost, and“ _ ' can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. ‘ F. G. CHAMBERS. an ashes of ‘ Bough, Lumber, Dressed; harsher, , Lash, Shingles, ‘ Millwoed. itiii illilli is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Franms Streets. SUBSCRIPTION ‘. or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cardshï¬o cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 3 cents per line for the ï¬rst Insertion,and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or ' less, upon reasonable terms. TELEPHONE IN OFFICE. WWW Orders for wood may be left". at Mr. W. Northey’s, JOB PRINTING execute-d neatly, cor- ectly andiuh moderate prices. E. D; HAND, Prop‘rietor llllllllllBlliltiilPllll- \ 2 x V '..-.r. t ft . it, J may I s..- ' 5;; I s4. #9“? _. egg}.- .1. t -_.. .t‘. ;.