. m ~._.â€"‘,’..‘ . .._., ‘ 5,... -v. .,-â€"~,‘._.....,..,- 2.,†.I ‘(m' .’V N-\/ _. \./\(V"V‘V‘ a, “a ,w‘ M»- W. ,i A_/\/‘W V« o\ mm /\ A, _ ,A~.er 4...,- ~" p.11“. mings, Blouse Silks, Fancy to wear. the Easter trade. , :faWn and 4 lbs. best Prunes, 250. y ‘ s W “momow oWï¬-‘W . .Omljifl‘ i: midlands» N '- 11?th The Big Storey s.J.‘Petty,,the-Jeve~ler. llCTORIA COUNTY’S LEADING JEWELER. We are making thegreatest effort in our history to make the holiday season V of 1903 surpass anything we have ever attempted. We areshowing the best, and most varied assortment of, Gem and Wedding Rings, Gentlemen's Sigi- net Rings, Gold, Gold-ï¬lled, Silver and Gun-metal Watches, Bracelets.1n sev- eral'designs, the richest in Goldand Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods 1n cases suitable for presents. EBONY' GOODS Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, holidav goods for the ladiesin morocco cases. 'Sterling Novelties, Sterling and Plated Silverware, etc. Rememberwe do the ï¬nest Repairing in watches’and jewelry, and in Engraving we have no competitors. Come. early and give us a chance by buying your goods and having them engravedbefore the rush. Bearin mind'we are headqpaptcrs for Watches, Gem and Diamond Rings, re- pairing in watchesand ï¬ne engravmg. is, Petty, Esulrnisay. The 'Jewsllen, Furniture and We have something entirely new in Dress Trim- "3.3:, designs; also the latest ideas in Silk‘Blouses, ready Our prices for these are very reasonable. New] Veilings ‘in every color bought espemally Ior Ladies’ BlackSateen Skirts, 700. to $3. Ladies’ Black Sateen Shirt Waists, $1.00 to $200. ‘ Ladies’ black and “colored Silk Waists, $3.50 to $5. Ladies’rReadyâ€"toawear Skirts, $1.75 to $6.00.; Ladies’ Raincoats, the new military style, in ' ' Oxford, at $8.00 and $10.00. (DOn’t fail to see, these.) New Tapestry Carpets, 400. and 75.0. - .> New Union and Wool Carpets, 256. to 75c. GROCERIES. , I Italw‘ays pays you to buy your groceries from’ us. y, I You’wul ï¬nd our goods fresh and clean, and prices a. little lower here than elsewhere. ‘ 4"lbs. fresh Ginger Snaps, 250. 4 packages Corn Starch, 250. Maple Syrup, pint tin, 100. Buckwheat Flour, large packao‘e, 13‘0". Best Chocolates,‘200. a pound. Best Mixed Candies, 3‘. lbs. fora 2,57c. ' ‘ our Whitewear sale begins Wednesday, lM‘arch 30. .0 N 0 values ever before olfered- can, equal tl‘nssale, w. Buncovws. i Blousings in the newest WOWOWMN“O 3,351,: - - .4 , PURHIY†and freshness are absolutely neces- sary qualities of the drugs you use. " This applies also to toilet_prepara-~ tions.‘ 7 You can depend on every article we sell as being of standard quality . and full strength. Our one motto is “ Absolute ï¬delity and accuracy.†g, Robson’s" Drug Store-.- g . FeneIon Falls. K‘ I:- HAVE ' 7 PURCHASED W..McKEOWN’S FURNITURE - Undertaking. --BU$INE$$, WW_ Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Specjai Veins. .. . p Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. l carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc.- Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need "of aSew- ang Machine be sure and see._ my styles before buying. I... DEYMAN.» and will carry a large and up-to-da-te steel; of furniture. Am. also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing: and Rep aintingj, . and to makeâ€" o-oons AND-SASH.‘ W Planing done on shortnotice. A S. Gainer. ,t'or the Watchman-Warden is. devoted ,amount of about 301000» would: be re- ‘qfuircd, and, even if money be no object, ' the oflice at the railway station here, shop, they kept the. sidewalk as far as Wmi ‘midst, feel that we cannot let the occasion no you NEED A new manor 9 I SELL GOOD ONES. COME AND SEE "THEM. THOS. ROBSON. 3Tb, renelon Falts estate. " Friday, March 25th. 1904. A Rumor. There i-sa rumor to the effect that a launcher of the leading Conservatives of :the county, disgusted with the treat- ,ment receivedâ€"or said to have been receivedâ€"by Dr. Vrooman and his sup- 5 {porters at the convention at which Sam iH-ughes was nominated as their candi- date, are taking steps to establish an- other Conservative paper i-n l‘nndsay. That there is a split in the party (not on politics, but on candidates),is. we think, beyond a doubt;_ but whether or not the section Without an “ organ "‘â€" to S. H.â€"will start one of its own, re- mains to be seen. Contributions to the we fancy that a weekly campaign sheet mailed to every voter in the constitu- ency would better servcthe mulcontcnts' purpose;_ as the new paper would only be subscribed for. by, those-inaccord with its views, and: it is the other. t'e'l- lows that it is desirable to get at. But- it’snonc of our business, “anyhow.†" on; Runaway... LastFriday morning, while the driv- er ot’fthenstage from Bobcaygeon was In his team_took,_it into their heads to run away, and came up town at~a lively pace. Fortunately, they met no “ rig †on either of the bridges, or a serious accident might have been the result. Somewhere on the mainstreet Mr. Wal~ ter McCall caught oncof- the horses by its bridle. and: hung on until therma- ways took the sidewalk-atthc bank cor- ner. where, to avoid injury to himself, he was forced to let go. . Tearing away the wooden step in front of the bank and the one in front.of'.Mr. Ouellct’s Bond street, where they whirled around to the left, upsetting the sleigh and Mr. McCall, who was hanging o'nbchind. He sprang to his feet, the sleigh turned back on to its.runners,_andathe horses continued their career until they got on to Cameron lake, where they sevc.al times galloped around a large opening in the ice, and then headed for the shore. Near the railway. track, upon which a train was approaching, one of them slipped and fell, Mr. McCall, who was waiting for them, grabbed the'other and the runaway was over. The light, open sleigh they were drawing was bad: ly damaged, but, as far. as we know, neither of the horses was hurt. AddresssandFresentations On Friday. the 18th inst., about thirty of their friends and neighbors of Powlcs’ Corner gathered. at the resi- dence of. Mr. and’Mrs. Eli Worsley, Ecnclon Falls, and presentedthem with a beautiful hanging lamp. silver mount- ed fruit dish and two silver l'ruit spoons.» and the following address. to which Mr. Worslcy made a brief reply : _ To Mr. and Mrs Eli Worsley, Dear Friends: _ We, a few of your neighbors and friends, hearing of your departure from our.» pass without allowing you in some way our appreciation of'your connection With us as “neighbors and friends.†For a number of years you. have lived among us, and we- »have always found‘y-ou Willing to help along any good work. We feel that you have been citizens of intelligence and en- terprise, and we know we will miss your kindly greeting and help 11'] time of need. Please accept this fruit dish and lamp as i- a slight token-of the esteem in which you, are held, and rest assured that memory of our intercourse will not be forgotten. May God strengthen andâ€"assist you to bravely bear life’s burdens and‘give you asure hope of. eternal happiness. Signed on behalf of yourmanylfriends. ' ' Jim. B. Powncs. Owing to the bad roads, this event could. not be held. at . Mr. and Mrs. have our display of Easter Hats, and» Worsley's old' home I’iddfebelon," but followed them to their new one in the village. A most enjoyable evening was spent, after which an excellent luncheon was served. ~ ' ‘ Personals. Miss Ella Austin is home from Kin- mount. v ~ . Mr. Percy White, of Lindsay, was at the Falls on Thursday. ‘Miss Fanny Brandon is visiting rel- ' atives in Peterbcrongh this week. . Miss Grace Swanton, ct" Rochester. N. Y.. is visiting her relatives in town. M r. Bert 'l‘ownley left on Wednesday" for a business trip to the northern vilv loges, and will be home tomorrow... Mr. Ernest Neviscn returned“ from the Toronto Hospital on Wednesday. greatly improved in health. He was accompanied by his brother Herbert, who went to the city on Monday.~ ‘ Powles’.‘ Corner. (Correspondence-of tile Gazette. ) During the past. ï¬ve or six. weeks .thero has been quitea lot of moving. some cominginto this section and others going away. Mr. John Gillishasmoved: .ï¬rom the township of Entriin to-thc-liuln, that he purchased from Mr. E" Wot-sley. Mr. John A. Day has been busy moving to his farm in Mariposa. _ Mr. James M itchel-l has.sold‘~his.ï¬irm 'to Mr. Wm. Marsh, and will sell his farm stockand' implements on the 25th.. Mr. Mitchell has. purchasedmsfavrm. in .EDclawore, l3": if we. get‘ another- .' 'winter or two like the present one, .there will be more going to.D‘claware or some 'place else“ l1 costs too. much to winter live stock here. They havcto be fed and cared fontoo many monthsin the year. I"; takes about all afarmer can intake in. the summer.- months. to keep ._his stockthrouuh the winter, and over 'halt'-of'= aperson’s. life is spent in doing "chores, carrying swil’l pails, etc. In the it'uture, frorn the lat ot' allay to the 15th of November-farmers will have to strike while the iron is hot. If they don't they will not be in the swim. Mm Beucock told us'not longr ago that he had the best job done one day '- this winter. that: he ever had doneon the farm, and that was taking the horns bit we Forget the number, but it was either 22 or 32jhead. Mr. John Gillis also had a few-head oF'eattle shed their horns cue day this winter. There was a wedding in this com- munity not long ago, and there is an~ ,obllcl'JO come 00“ scans. The‘ï¬rst robin has not put in an ap- pearance yet. The robin seems to be always welcomed. ' - Some of. the « farmersure engaging their men for the season. We have not - heard yet what wages the farmersfare paying, but. quite liker theywillbe enough. .-. Ereryonc, young." and "old," is glad to see the approach of" spring, the present winter-has been so severe. and kept the people at. home so much. It will in- duce people to go camping next summer. Iirrr.misnrs.â€" Mr. Thos. Robson received. a carload of farm .impl'ements .on Wednesday, and -~ expectsnuother .--in a few weeks. SPRING OPENING, 19042â€"011 March 30th and 315i: and April 2nd we will extend a cordial invitation to 1111;. Msz M. WASHBURN. Wanted;jguiclggrPant aud' ‘vest-maker.~ Prices, vests 90c., pants $1.00.. .Apply to A. H. McGrath, merchant tailor-,Kinmount, . Ont. SOCIALâ€"Remember thesocial: tobe held atth Rectory on the evening of- Tuesday. April 5th. under:the auspices of the Parish Workorsof St. James'. church. Admission 15c , children 100. A table of useful. and funny articles will alsobo on sale. -S.-'-‘ S. ENTERTAINMENT.â€"The annual entertainment of the ~ St. Andrew’s church Sunday School 'will be held in Dickson’s hall on ’Wednesday evening, April 6th. The programme." ishowin . course of preparation, and the enter- tainment will no doubt prove as great a success as itunlwnys has in the past. RscovnRING.â€"â€"'l‘he accident to Mr. Mr.~Geo. H. McGee’s black more, no ticed in our last issue, proved to be less serious than was feared. She can move her head in any direction, eats boiled grain and lies down .to rest. In a con: ple ol'. weeks she willbe given hay and oats, and of her complete-recovery there is no longer and doubt. SPRING.â€"-Spring is here. though a few pessimists assert that we'shall have more frost and snow. On Tuesday morning there was a short but sharp rainstorm, accompanied by lightning and thunder, since then the weather has been delightful, the snowis sinking rap- idly, the sleigh-tracks in the village are full of slush. the boys are playing mar- bles, and the ï¬rst robins put in an ap- pearance yesterday morning.“ "other, it weighs 6100 {heaviest kind! oti‘green, hardwood. -ANOTHER eroarâ€" ln Lindsay, on Friday night, our boys bent‘thre sen:â€" ior.hockcy team of that towu by a score- ofâ€? to 4. Several hockey enthusiasts went from the Falls to Lindsay to wit- ness the match. The report that there was'a ï¬ght. during or after the game was without foundation, aslight hurt »' which one of our players gotbcing the result of an accidental" blow with a hockey stick in the heat of thecontest. A SAFE JounNnv.â€". On Friday last the miller ot' the two safesinthe bank hereâ€"the one Formerly owned? by Mo- Ke’guie 8t. (Ioâ€"was taken to Bobcayl goon. 'l‘hough small compared to the- pounds, just abou-t‘the same as r t'u'll cord of the Not knowing how- bad†rho-road might be- “iri spots,“ Mr. Wm McIntosh, who took. theacontruct For its removal, very . 'wiselyhad- tour horses hitched to the:- sleigh on which thou sale was loaded,. 'and: they drew it to "lavueon with ease and without a-mishap oï¬'any kind; Tim BOBCAYflEON Blameâ€"In our‘ briefly that the Bank of- British North. America had 'opened abranch at Bob.. cavgconn This should be of consider-. able beneï¬t to the 'farmers of Verulam. andHi-arvey, as no doubt arrangements -"w-ill“be made for cheese factory cheques. to be cashed either' at Bchcnygeon or»; Feuelon Falls. If Bobcuygeondevelops. as it seems reasonable to expect, now- thatitisto have railway connection,. the bank. will reap». the- beneï¬t 0t its; dcnterprisc in opening, and :we trust'will": be as successful as the branch here. .’l‘-.h'e. management-of the Bobcaygeon branch is in the hands of. Mr. George. D.‘.- Watt, a gentleman whose experience» has been gleaned. in the New York, (Montreal. Winnipeg, Brantt'ord and: .Toronto branches. . ' S. Parsn'sJVouEN’s . AUXILIARY'.â€"-~ A4 very interesting meeting of the Wou. men‘s . Auxiliary of S: Beterlschnrch, Verulam, was held’at the residence of] Mrs. John L‘amb Jr. on Tuesday, the 15E-h inst. Notwithstanding the badâ€; roads,.nearly all themembcrs responded to the roll call, and some new.» names. .were added. The members deeply re-. 'gretted. that. owing to'illness,.their vice«- president, Mrs. Geo. Brooks, was un- able to be present. Mrs. Dickinson, bon-. orarypresidennopened the meeting,altcr which considerable correspondence was- read fromzthe diocesan oflicers regard- ing the annual meeting to be held in Toronto on April 26th to 29th, inclusive. , The meet-inLr was unanimous in its so: lectiunpf. Mrs. James Akister Sr‘. to l . . o - represent them at this Toronto meeting-.2 A, most. instructive account of the monthly Board meeting was read. at: which a resolution of sympathyin their: recent loss by the» deatli'Tof Bishop M‘acliray, ot' Rupert’s Land, was author‘ .izcd to be sent to the sister Auxiliary of that diocese. Owing to lack-cl“ time, . current events of Africa-and Athabasca- (the subjects for this month) were re».~ served for the next meeting. . g DIED;- ' .~ PnAnN.â€"-In.-the township of:Some-rville,-. on- Friday, March 18th, Fanny Gale, wife of " Joseph-Penn, Jr.., aged 34.-_ycars,-.3 months. . and 6 days. ,: Humanâ€"AtrGooderham, on We‘dnesday,.~ March,23rd,-'John J.:E'unter, aged 52 years. . m, , FEN-ELON FALLS MARKETS:»; Frenelcjn F'flllS;.Fl‘i(1&y, Merchflsth, 1904. . . Reported by t/m,1VorM».o;zar. Roller Mill C’o»; _ Wheat...Scot-ch or-Fife .... 85 to 90 'Wheat,'fo-ll-â€",7perbushel»..... 85 88-~ Wheat',.s{)1'i.ng .... . ...,_ r 80 83 ; Barley, per. bushel .1... .... ' 38~ 4Q Buckwheat “ - ...,.. .. . . 37 4o . Oats†“ ' . noun-coo Peltmr. “ " sums-.uoaé 58:“ 60": Ryeâ€",3 W . 45 47 .- Potfltoesy “' noon-n.0, .‘ But.ter,per1b....:....._.. 16: 17.; Eggs, per dozensâ€... 15 16 . Fla-y~,.per.t0n....... . 9:00 12 00 Hides . . . . . . 4.50 5.50 (live)‘---3I0.0ocutu on Hogs (Dressed) .. .... . ... 5 50 6.00 Beef . . . . . . . u. . . . . . . '.. 4.50 5.50 Sheepskins......,......... 50 75 WOOI-J ........._ . . . . . ,.. 8 l4. Fl‘our,â€".Silver-Leaf'..,.... .. 2.45 2.65 . Flour, Victoria. 2.35 2.55 Flour, Family, Clipper. . .. 2.10 2.30 Bran, perlOO lbs .. . 95 105 Shorts,: “v “- llO- 1.20~ Mixed Chop. “ 1.15 12:3. Co‘v and Calf For Sale. For sale, a good Milch Cow, 7 years old, with a calf one day old by her side. Apply to HENRY PEARCE._ F’enelon Falls, lllarch'lzntth, 1904. 7', House Decorating.-., Idesire- to inform the public that Ivihave - returned to F-enelon Falls, and am prepared , to do all kinds of house decoratingpsuch as Paper Hanging, Kalsominingp Whitewash- ,. ing, Painting, etc., in ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given free. Orders left at the Gazette ofï¬ce willreceive prompt attention. , Residence south of river. ALFRED MILLER... 6;, v â€" March 17th, l994. last issue we were only able to announce» - L ‘ 2.2:. y...W.-«- "‘ WW:M“C‘VMV - - - *-~v<-wmff::wâ€" . $2.1†*~ - â€"w»ur"v:‘ mu ... .. M ‘7 ‘1‘?“ 315? ' :1 I. .1 "'_.'“â€'"'""\"’W‘.."‘1 ‘_