:i'L‘I-m- FOUND. Found on road between Cameron and Penelou Falls, about two weeks ago,an Over-coat. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. ' ELlAS HUOEY, Mar. 22,1904. Lot 13, con. 6, Fenelon. ____d___.____.______~â€" Executors’ Notice. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ou- tario, Cap. l29, the creditors of James Hay Cunningham, late of the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria, widow, deceased, who died mi or about the Fourth day of January, 190-1. are required, on or befor‘ the Twelfth day of' April, 1904, to send by post. prepaid to James Dickson, one of the Executors of the last will and test- ament‘of the said James Hay Cunningham, at Fenelon Falls P 0., their Christian and surnames, addresses and. occupations, full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, if anv, held by them. The said Exccutors shall, after the said Twelfth day ofiApril nex.l,be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then“ how notice, and shall not be liable for-the assots or any part. thereof so distributed m-nny person or persons of Whose claim such executors have not notice at the time of the distribution thereof. Dated this ‘23rd day of March, A D. 1904. STEWART & O'CONNOR, ' of the-Town of Lindsay,'in the ‘ County of'Victoria, Solicitors 7:43.- for the Executors. , ' '_________'_________...___'â€"-â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€" SEED GRAIN. ' We have secu-red'almost thccntire option on a new variety of seed Oats, which yield over 60 bushels per acre under ordinary conditions and weigh about 40 pounds to the bushel; We desire to have them grown especially for the oatmeal“ trade. We are letting out large quantities or“ the “ Velvet Chat?†and “ Blue Stem " var- icties of Spring Wheat, and all the varieties ofâ€"Sccd Peas now available, AT THE Faustos FALLS Etnvuon. W. P. EYRES, Fcnelon Falls. J. G. EYRES, Lindsay. V ï¬t.) a ... .,.- .. -., .2. I . .. «.1. , .. . World’s Fair, .31}. 'LO'lll'S: APRIHBOTH T0 DEC. lsr, 1904. Settlers One-“Way Excursions, 1.90%, To Manitoba and the Canadian North- west will leave Toronto every TUESDA?" during March and April if sufï¬cient bush? ness Offers. _ ' . I‘assengers travelling Without live stock shouldtake the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. m.. Passengers travelling with live stock should take the' train leaving Toronto at 9. m. %olouist Sleeper will be attached to each train. ' For full particulars . and copy of “ Set- tlors’ Guide,†“Western Canada†and “ British Columbia,â€'apply to any Canadian Pacific agent or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, . l King'St. east, Toronto V r _ 4 . We are receiving newstocknll the . , time, and..our.gOo are always fresh'~- and, sold at the lowest, prices. ,. Dou’t~ forget about our- Jumbo Oh i .nnd always Peanuts, for they are the best, freshly roasted. Our Ban-Buns and Chocolates are alwayr fresh, and sold at the lowest :prices ever _ known. We haven good ' stock‘ of Oranges and Lemons at the lowest prices. ’ ‘he best line of Union hand-made Cigars . that are upon the market to-day are for sale here. Just trythem and you will be convinced. D. StinsOn... Don’t forget the placeâ€"one. door .north of R B A‘llan & Co.. lilililiilé MARBLE wan. Baht. Chambers is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MEN'I‘S and and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery \vork. llzirble' Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. Being a practical workman, all should see his designs and purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rearot‘ the Market on.~ Cambridge-5L, opposite the packing house ,. BLCHAMBERS HEADSTO NES, both-Marble. compare prices before. Get your Dry Goods, young men have in them that which completely and conspicuously distin- guishes them from all others. They have style. .They ï¬t. Prices from $5.00 up. Men’s Fancy Shirts, 500., 600., 75c. and $1.00. NECKTIES. Easter Ties in all colors and styles to suit all purâ€" Chasers. @@®@@©§@§®®6@$9®3@ï¬Â®Â®Â®Â®Â© u 3 6 C ' Yes, I have some honey to sell yet; E. G. HAND. A. Christmas Box To the Farmers. _ We have decided, as the village of Fenc- lon Falls andi'the County have a live inter- me, havingqgucranvteed the bonds for- the purchase of same, to show my appreciation- of the fact by giving the farmers 11. Christ- mas Box that on and after this December, 1903, I will do your chopping, and do it well, for-the popular price of- Five Cents a Bag. ers, whose friendship and trade we wish to cultivate; and you will ï¬nd us willing at all-times to do everything- iu our power to and proï¬table to both. ‘chnnge your wheat for flour. remem ber, Mcldrum’s mill.†Wishing you one and all Year, I am, sincerely yours, Archite- Trudel, TAILOR, FeneIOnv Falls. CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED, AND PRESSED ON SIIORT NOT- ICE. SATISFACTIONâ€"GUARAN- TEED’PRICES RIGHT. SHOP :IFRANCIS STREET WEST. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL, HENDER- sou ~&- 00., DYERS, TORONTO. “HOW TO, RAISE MONEY â€â€"â€"P1a.nt a. dol- lar here and harvest. a. two-dollar crop. money’s worth _by buying your Groceries, Boots, Shoes etc. AT TERRlLL BROS’. V'vamwvwm‘ mg. The clothes We sell for I' just arrived. ‘ soft and Stiff fronts. at ladies’ Collars, in silk,lace WWW‘WHWWWW‘WW'WWW‘WWWW ‘HE BUYS BEST WHO BUYS FIRST. one ssossoooosccecoooocoocc est in the big/stone mill now. operated by. 10th day of A-s-wc were not members ofi'thc combine - that raised the price to~»7c;, we are under no«obligati0ns to anyone except the farm» make our business relations both pleasant We will also ex-- So-kindly- “Chopping at five cents at a Merry- Christmas and a Prosperous New W. H. MELDRUM. TRIMMINGS. A new lot of ‘Trimmin gs Appliques, Insertions, Torchons in all the lead- shapes and patterns for sprlno'. LADIES’ COLLARS. A complete range of ‘ and wash collars, f 0111200. to $2.50 each. Ladies’ Blouse Sets at 50c. Order now the needed new things. BROS. Fenelon Falls. 9 (33 i For the Spring of I904. Reliable goods at reliable prices. Tailored Hats, Street Hats and Ready-to-wear in the lat- est ideas. In Trimmed Hats we pro- duce the most practical med- 1am and low priced patterns, consmtent with style, shown anywhere. ’ Leave- us your order for Easter. See the New York veil. .A full line of ladies’ and misses’ Corsets on hand. MISS: M; WASHBURN. NEW." 60005 NOW SHOWING. New 'D ressGoods and glggoanEAR, IN ADVANCE Blousings, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, Cretonnes and Carpets. Our balance of Furs and Mantles at greatly reduced prices... Gamplldl. I» l WINTER? @0003 I have a. stock of Axes and Saws Of all kinds, calculated to meet all the requircâ€"~ merits of the man who is getting out? wood. If you are doing anything in this. line you cannot spend a. few minutesto- better advantage than in looking over. what I carry in these GEO. H. moose. lines. I am prepared to supply all necessary material' for IIouse or Barn building at reasonable prices, ' and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst class workmen. F. SANDFORO... Men’s Women’s and Children’s Si FEES, _ in all colors and shapes. Prices right. J. J. NEVISON. If you wan A CUTTER, ddn’it buy until you have visited my factory on Fran- cis street cast. I am selling without regard to cost, and can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. F. c. CHAMBERS. llllllllll lllls lllllli is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. . SUBSCRIPTION : or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the. first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion.‘ Con-tracts by the year,-half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, Cor- ectly. and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor 50 YEARS†_ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS _ .; ' DESIGNS T > COPYRIGHTS ac. 3 Anyone sendlpg a. sketch and descrl tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention :5 probably patentable. Communica- tions strictlyconfldential. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency for securing atents. Patents taken through Munn 5:. 0%. receive ' sprawl notice, without charge, in the scientiï¬c limerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr- v culntion of any scientiï¬c ournul. Terms. 33 a .- Vear: four months. $1. 80 d bynllfnewsdealers. 8, 60.3618roadway' Jigs; Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St. Washington. . Y0“. NEED. NllT G _ T6 MOntrealior New~:York~:‘ 1 , "W for ~ ChOICev patterns -~ or. low." pricesin. ' ‘ WALL PAPER. we have them . here now I .l for- yourselec-ti‘cmx. "' > ' Georgia’s, LINDSAY, NEXT ‘ 'l‘O “ SIMPSON- HOUSE?‘- 33 Li s; The: Fall? Tierm. --0F- tTlIE-‘wï¬â€" ‘ EQETEBBBROUBH’ ‘ BUSMESSBQLLEG BeginsTuesdéy; Sept. 13!. lf’you want to succeed, at tend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and ‘sple'ndid location place it in the front 'rank -of Business Colâ€" leges. Fees are' lower than -in most schools. . Wi‘ite for particulars. WM. PBIHGLE, Principal. » " secoun» DIVISION counr‘“ i ' â€"-0F ‘TIIEâ€" I l County. of Victoria. E l he nextsittings of the above Court wil" be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, APRIL llth, 1904, '3 I cpmmenci-ng at 1 o’clock in the afternoon » 'Ihursday, March 31st, willbe the last day ‘ ‘ of serum on defendants residing in- this < ' county. Defendants living in other counn . T was must be served-on or before Satur. . ‘I.’ day,-.March 26th. . ELISHA MARK, E. D.HAND 2;: Bailiff. . Cleék, ‘ Fenclon Falls, Feb. 11th,.191-n