. q" I Reported cg Lac worm czar Roller Mill (Jo. . by the Ontario Shop Regulation ,Act, enacts _ COURT OF REVISION. '1 .IELON‘ FA‘L‘LS MARKETS. :Fenolon'Falls,Friday, May 20th, 1904 Wheat.Scoteh or Fife .... 85 to 90 . g-.. Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 83 i 85, " '- Wheat, spring .... .... 83 ' 85 Free Gifts Barley, per busheL... 38 40 in Buckwheat “ . ... .. . . 37 40 Cats, “ ........ 29 31 - " l’case, “ .... .... 58 I, 60 Q Silverware Rye, “- 45 47 Potatoes, “ .... .... 35 40 Butter,per lb;.'..‘ . . . . . ..Q' 14 ' 15 9 ll 12 Eggs, per dozen...... .... Hay,perton............. 9.00 1000 Hides . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.50 550 Hogsaive‘;...........,.. 450 475 § Si) Hogs Dressed) 5 50 6-00 ..... . .. 4.50 5.50 from us- Sheepskins. . . . . . . 50 75 Wool . . . . . . 8 14' Flour, Silver Leaf ....‘.. .. 2.45 2.65 Flour, Victoria. .... ...... 2.35 Flour, Family, Clipper. ... 2.10 2-30 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 95 105. _‘ Shorts, “ “ I... . 1 10 1 Mixed Chop “ .... . 1.15 1.. ______â€"_______________'__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- jBy-Law 310.447. A BIC LAW' TO REGULATE THE CLOSINO’ OF ALL CLASSES OF SHOPS EXCEPT RESTAURANTS WITHIN THE/VILLAGE 0F FENELON FALLS. The Municipal Council of the Village of Feuelon Falls, under the powers conferred sent these beautiful free of charge. as follows: . 1. That all classes of shops, excepting only restaurants, within the Municipality of the‘Village ofFenelon Falls, shall, dur- ing the whole of the remainder of this year, except the evenings between the eleventh day and the twenty-ï¬fth day of Dcéember, and except Saturday evenings and Wednes- day evenings in each :week and the even- ings immediately prior to public holidays, be closed at seven of the clock in the after~ noon of each day, and remain closed there- after until ï¬ve of the clock in the forcnoon ofthe next day. 2. All of said shops shall, on said Satur- day evenings and on evenings prior to pub- iu‘c holidays, be closed at half past ten olclock in the afternan of said days and remain closed until ï¬ve o’clock in the fore- noon of the second next following day. 3. On Wednesday evenings all of said shops shall be closed at half past ten o‘clock in the afternoon and remain closed until ï¬ve o’cIOck in the forenoon of the next fol-lowing day. 4. That any person who shall open any shop in contravention of this By-Law, or who shall be guilty of any infraction of this By-Law, shall, on conviction there- of before the Police Magistrate or any Jus- tice or Justices of the Peace for the County of Victoria, havingjurisdiction in the prom- ises, be liable to the penalties cited in By- Law No. 292 of this municipality. 5.. This ‘By-Law shall come into force and take effector. the Second day of June, A. D. 1904. Passed this 17th day of May, 1904. W. T. JU'NKIN, JOS. McFARLAND, Clerk. ‘ Reeve. ___________‘______________.___â€"â€"- ‘ :Z. Sheep Gash Store. 3) S 5.1. r K SEED - GRAIN. We have secured almost the entire option ona new variety of seed Oats, which yield over 60 bushels per acre under ordinary conditions and weigh about 40 pounds to the bushel. We desire to have them grown especially for the oatmeal trade. We are letting out large quantities of the “ Velvet Chalf†and “ Blue Stem†var- ieties of Spring Wheat, and all the varieties of Seed Peas now available, AT THE FENELON FALLS ELEVATOR. W. P. EYRES, Feuelon Falls. J. G. EYRES, Lindsay. Trent Valley Navigation 00., LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that a court for the revision of the assessment roll of the TOWNSHIP OF FENELON will be held in the Village of Glenarm ..__â€"on__â€" MONDI‘SX, the30th day of MAY, 1904, at 10 oiclock a m. Parties having business at the Court are requested _to be present. The roll is now open for inspection at the clerk’s oilicc. ‘ J. B. POWLES. Township Olcrlc. Powles’ Corner, May. 10th, 1904. _________________________,_._â€"-â€"â€"v House Decorating. I desire to inform the public that I have returned to Feuelon Falls, and am prepared to do all kinds of house decorating, such as Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Whitewash- ing, , Painting, etc:, in ï¬rst-class style. STR. ESTURION OR. M'ANITA. May 2nd until further notice. Bobcaygcon Estimates given free. Orders left at the Summon Point ,, 7.15 u 4 ,0 ,, Gazette ofï¬ce will receive prompt attention. Lindgay Ml, 8 40 u 5.30 ,, Residence south of river. ,, ,v “.00 ,, 5 45 H L ALFRED MILLER' Sturgeon Point “ 12.10 pm. ' 6.55 “ March 17th, 1904. 6. Bobcaygbon MT L15 ,, 8.10 ,, __________________._.____â€"â€" l‘ I ‘I d t I I Ivy . Two. Houses- to Rent. t“? 9‘“ em‘m’g d0“ “‘1’ One on Fidlcr’s. hill and the others one mile south of the' village. They are both ‘ good-sized, one and a half stories high, and. each has an excellent garden. Apply to MRS. ELLERY, BondSt. East. Feuelon Falls, April. 14th,_1904. 10-tt‘. For the: Spring, of 190:4. w___.â€"â€"-' . prices. BOOTS, AND“ SHOES in all the latest and uprto-date est ideas" styles. †HARNESS. TRUNKS andVALlSES- AT. NEVISO‘N’S. anywhere. See the New York veil. misses? Cersets on. hand. Eggs taken in exchange. IV 6.15 am. and 3.10 pm. Calling-at- Sandy Point on morning up Reliable goods at reliable Tailored Hats, Street Hats and Ready-to-wear in the lat- In Trimmed†Hats. we pro- duce the most practical med- ium and low priced patterns, consistent with style, shown MISS M. WASHBURN. THIS srrcnttr INTERESTS loll, . . . ’3 * because we will present you. with elegant and costly Silverware absolutely FREE, and without a cent of expense to you, it you purchase your goods for cash" ‘ GE 63 GS Wrens-"arms! W"W‘W“WWW By special and exclusive arrangement with the Crown Silver Plate Co., of Toronto, -.who have arrang- ed to furnish us with an extensive variety of their e‘Xtra' triple-plated Silverware, we are enabled to pre. 4 goods to our patrons absolutely g The reliable quality of the goods of 7-1 the Crown Silver Plate Co. 'is well and favorably known from the Atlantic to the Paciï¬c, and as each article bears their stamp, their durability and excel- lence are amply guaranteed. 5 Our Offer toYou-.--Read it. Every customer purchasing goods from us F OR CASH will receive Silver- ware conpons or tickets to the valttc often per cent. of the amount of each purchase, and woplcdge our business honor to quote our very lowest cash prices to allsuch customers. These coupons or tickets are redeem'tblc at - our store in any of the Crown Silver Plate Co.’s Silverware you may choose ', to select. Our object in offering these elegant articles of Silverware free is to serve as an inducement to our customers to concentrate all of their ' cash purchases with us. We are enabled thus to secure our cash discounts when ordering our stocks of goods, and we give our customers the beneï¬t of the very lowrst cash prices, and furnish their houses with elegant Silver- ware, made by a reliable ï¬rm, free of any charge. unwrapping: ifl‘flillï¬ulllt' onyprutwpr‘rgï¬prngyr aWac‘nnmlnagyramrnwrumurntï¬gnummr‘nglyrnwrrgy: L’lflmllf -. Call on us and inspect these beautiful presents. TESRELL A A full'line of l-adies’ and _ Given Away t 0 our What about buying one of those easy-- running ‘ ‘ A " ' MELOTTE CREAM SEPARA'ro'Rsa Also cream cans and dairy pails- A few Snaps left in last fall’s Wall Papers. (:50. H. McGEE. Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. Ice Cream. . . “Ag Ice Cream. Ice Cream. - ,3 a ’VVe are now ready to serve the felloWing dishes, as our fountain is in spinning order: able flavors of the highest quality. Now, because ice cream has come in, don’t forget about our Jumbo Peanuts. We handle a full line of Bon-bons and Chocolates at any price to suit the buyer. '1 sort-smoosz H 0 CD ~ 9 ice Cream and Ice Cream Sodas, with uncount- s . B , m 0 9.: .93 @ . We have oranges which can not be downed Z 111 size, quality or flavor. - (D Our prices are right, and as a penny is spent g2 i ((2% a penny is saved when you are dealing with us. ‘ g p h _ ,. 6}: THE LEADlNG CONFECTIONER. , FEt‘lELOi’l FALLS. ' it ~ ce Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. ' l i i o a o I V E g ... 2-,â€3. E 5‘ 5 5' 3 are :3' 6‘ a m ' ‘2 :. ‘54 "‘ U U1 o g o gg i? g “E S ('5 o E 3 a. '1 m S G u A _ :7‘ g: "= z a '2 3 3’ ~ CL. S, :5 8â€"‘4 .7 g :4 s :5 E" 7': a 8 ' w a < o E sag-we '1’ E: m†‘3 a; s .: g - q, .. _, : . {I} o _ . -- . v ‘7 5 > :5 ant-'11., '_ T, HSEE ii a _ . c, . ,l] __llll . 5*: H : Eggï¬ fem-“'5'. g; m: L4 5: '5 c .. 35. - a ï¬g 532? m 5-? 5 *5 k, 3 gr :._ E .5 :b a. o .5" 8 El "g gin g. p 3', g as «‘5 "<5 = :2: . "1 $24 - 9-4 T1108. Robson sells Plymouth Tw1ne. Price as low as it can be bon'rht aivw'iere.’ llSiiiESS GSLLE f i as: Tang): MARKS ,i , _ ESIGNS a; Begms ‘Fuesday, Sept. 15!. ‘ ' COPYRIGHTS &c. . r mï¬gï¬gniossctépggig sltetohlandfdescrlptltolp may V o “1' 0 n O ' l. 1 If You “Zam- l30 Succeed, ï¬ttelld‘ llllS invention is probably pallentitlbldfzeébriiinuï¬llcxil- school. Its superior work, excellent, tlonsstrlctlyconfldcntlnl. Handbookon Patents sontjree. Oltlcst'nncncy for securln atoms. Patents taken throng}: Munn &gCTd. receive- epccialmttcc, without 0 urge. in the Scientiï¬c Jamaican. Ahandsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. culatlon of any scientiï¬c ournal. Terms. $3 a year: four months. $1. So (1 by all newsdmlers.{ MUNN & Gammon New Yogic Branch omce. 625 F st.. Washington. D. t - 1 ClOIl l3 buy until you litiLVe results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business 001- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. WM; PBIHGLE, Principal. Visited my factory on Fran- cis street'east. I am selling without regard to cost, and can give you better value than you can. get elsewhere. G .,_ F- 0- CHAMBERS I llNllSll Minn WORKS. ' Baht. Chambers- Is prepared to furnish the people of Linda- say and‘snrrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble- and granite. _._ is printed every Friday. at. the ofï¬ce, corner May and' Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION : $130.0} Al YEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week' will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. . . ccmeter . . Professxonal or business cards, 50 cents y work CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED per line perapnum. Casual advertisements, Marble Table Tops, wash Tops ‘Mantlg, 8 cents per ltne for the ï¬rst insertion, and Pieces, etc,, aspecialty. , AND PRESSED 0N SHORT NOT“ 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or TEEDâ€"PRICES RIGHT. less, upon reasonable terms. SHOP :. FRANCIS STREET WEST. AGENT roa STOCKWELL, HENDER- son & 00., DYERB, 'roaon'ro. Archie. Tru‘d'el, TAILOR, Feuelon. Falls. Estimates promptly given on all‘kinds or Being a practical“ workman, all should: see his designs and compare prices before- purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on. Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house-- 3-. CHAMBERS, JOB PRINTmaâ€"Qecuted neatly, cor- ectly. and at: moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor ‘4; u ‘-' '- w detainee. .; ‘11- 1"