many villagers were present. and, as the .Kenosha brought at least 300 visitors from Lindsay, and about 80 came from a) Bobcaygeon on the Ogenw'h,the grounds, for an hour or so, Were literally crowd- Q ed' A very ï¬ne gramophone, owned by Mr. S. S. Gainer, furnished excel- lent vocal and instrumental music. The a receipts amounted to $63.85. and the m expenditures were only about 313. 9 fl) i VWWIWVV was: GE i o The Store of Values. é ‘ Men’s Summer Suits- § MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS g . (a cs @ is d 8 CORRESPONDENCE . ' To the Editor of the Fenelon Falls Gazette : a Sin, Some Warm Weather V Values. The next meeting of the Victoria. County Old Boys’ Association of Toronto will be held in Mrs. Myers’ pavilion at Sun- nyside on Friday, July 8th, and it is hoped that all Fenelon Falls people in Toronto will be present. The date of the Old Buys’ excursion to Lindsay is ï¬nally arranged for August lst, when a tremendous day may be expected. The 48th Highlanders’ band is to accompany the excursion in full kiltie % Your ,chance to get a summer suit at a very Women’s Parasols in small cost. V fancy colored, plain black and black moire silk from 7 50. to $2.50 each. Men’s two-piece sum- mer Suits, plain grey with narrow pin stripe; Extra special at $5.75. costume, and a regular day’s programme of sports and music is to be arranged by a . committee which will visit Lindsay at an early date. Further particulars will be giv- en later. The fare will be $1.15 for adults,’ ‘ Children’s fancy colored Parasols at 25c. and 500. and 60 cents for children, good for return on Tuesday, August 2nd. Organdle and dlmity Muslins in pink, light blue and white at 200. per yd. .0, l Men’s Summer Hats. . _ , Men’s linen and imita- Fine White" and black tion Panama Hats in all India Lawns at 15, 20 and the leading styles at 50 25 cents per yard. and 75 cents each. Yours truly, Cnas E. Harm. Toronto, June 22nd, 1904. BIRTIâ€"IS. v PALMERâ€"At Fenelon Falls on Friday, June mm, the wife of Mr. Job Palmer of a son. 3 Sun‘sâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, § 59 $9 $3 Q ® g Persian Lawn, very 18 only men’s light grey adaughter. ï¬ne, extra s11k ï¬nlsh, at fedora Hats, regular price Goonrmsn-éln the township of Somer- er afd. and to, ville, on Monday, June 13th, the wife of Mr. p y $ 1 $ 7 Cle 3' William John Goodhand of a son. ‘ at 35 . . BRADEN.â€"At Cameron, in the township of Fcnelon, on Sunday, June 19th, the wife of Mr. James D Braden ofa sonâ€"still born. Non'rnnv -â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Friday, - June 24th, the wife of Mr. Alfred Northey of a (laughter. ' June 12th, the wife of Mr. Alfred Smith of Cambrics and Nainsooks. ’ Cambrics and Nainsooks Men 3 Leather Belts' for ladies’ and children’s "Men’s and boys, leather underwear at 12%, 15 and Belts in all widths at‘25 "MARRIED‘ 18 cents per yard. ' 40 and 50 cents each. , (â€" SrA'rAâ€"Smrnr-Ait the Manse, Feuelon Falls, by the Rev. R. C. H.8incl-1ir,l3. A., m on Wednesday, June 22nd, Mr Melville O. Stata, of Lindsay, to Miss Margaret L. ii?) t 39 Smith, of Mnskoka. ' g) ‘ ® Murmans‘ruwumnrsawas WWW: nos. (it Teas: LL ' their Gash Store. Monday, June 27th, John Denby Naylor, aged 80 years, 6 months and 18 days. ' DIED. ‘ Narnonâ€"In the township of Fenelon, on g W Markets same as last week. entlon Falls. Card of Thanks_ \ / p I x F“ meq/Efl; ‘ A q The ofï¬cers and members of L O. L. No. . ~,.,-~,.132 996 desire to thank the Standard Chemical - 00., their employees and the people of the buggy, inlirst 'class condition. It is newly and Ready_t0_wear in the 1,1,.†v painted, has new tires and a movable seat for children. Apply at the Gazette ofï¬ce. VI] -â€" N; : est ideas. In Trimmed Hats we pro- SEED GRAIN- duce the most practical med- \Ve have securedalmost the entire option 111m ï¬nd 10W . prlced patterns, on a new variety of seed Oats, which yield consmtent “71th Style, Showwn " I town for the efï¬cient manner in which they g 3 saved the property of the Lodge during the . 'g 3 1', recent ï¬re in the Orange hall. ,3; ~ 8 ‘ Signed on behalf of the Lodge. 9'; {94. =5 J. T. THOMPSON, W. M, g g S.D.Bann Rec.Sec. , . 3 a ’ Reliable goods at rehable z: 1;: 7: ° | Buggy For Sale. prlces. IE 3.3 E __ . . 7.: 3 For sale,a verynicc light-running top Tailored I‘IfltS, Street l’It‘tlS a c m V E): E 2 Q E a .‘2 E and has nothing but trouble, annoyance and vexation. tie broken sheaves. over 60 bushels per acre under ordinary _ ‘ conditions and weigh about 40 pounds to anyWhele- the bushel. We desire to have them grown _ T ‘ , See the hew York vell. For Sale. especially for the oatmeal trade. We are-letting out large quantities of A f . . , . . ._ ull llne of laches rtnd the “ Vow†Chili?†and “ Blue Stem, v‘“ i ( new. Just the thing for the farmer who ieties ofSpring Wheat, and all the varieties misses’ Corsets on hand. kee p3 a few bees. E. G H AND Fellelou ot' Seed Peas now available, Fans. ' ‘ ’ Ar run anranonFALLs Ennvmon. MISS. M. WASHBURN. returned to Fenelon Falls, and am prepared w. P. EYRES, Fenelon Falls. Ya to do all kinds of house decorating, such as J. G. EYRES, Lindsay. W . . . Paper Hanging Kalsomining Whitewash- TO Montleal 01 New YOIk ing, Painting: etc, in ï¬rst-class style. . . . for. choice patterns or low Estimates given free. Orders left at the ipriCGS in; ‘ Gazette ofï¬ce will receive prompt attention. , _ h I Residence south of river. m WALL PAPER. ALFRED MILLER. March‘l7th, 1904. 6. . Wehave them here now for your - selection. Wig Guaranteed Pure. A four-frame Honey Extractor, good as House Decorating. Idesire to inform the public tha’tI have If you want a good Gold Ring, Bracelet, Chain, or a good reliable Watch, either Gagalï¬ggg’S, VValtham or Elgin, nlckel, NEXT TO a silver or gold ï¬lled, go†to J. Slater. Also a large assortment of Autoharp, Mandolin, Gui- tar- and Violin Strings. Nickel Alarm and‘one-day-x or eightâ€"day striking Clucks. l. SLATER, Fenelon Falls. Next door to thepost-oiï¬'Ce. HEADACHE Neuralgia and Nervousness cured quickly by HARMLESS H EADACH E AJ AN D N EU RALGIA CU RE No heart depression. Greatest cure ever discovered. Take no other. IOC and 25:. All dealers or direct from Ausrm 8: 00.. Simcoe, Ont. Money back if not satisï¬ed .~ . / SIMPSON HOUSE. / V ,_.___.___~ BOOTS AND SHOES in all the latest and up-to-date styles. HARNESS. The handiest, most" econ- and omiealfway to buy-it. AT NEVISON’S. . RDBSON’S DRUG: STORE, Eggs taken in exchange- In lfrpound bottles, 25 cents.- Fenelon Falls.. , .,.. I:~_",‘.l ,.v., . \A... D“. ..,_m.,,..._.._ l". ThOS. Robson has bought a car (15 tons) of Twine. What about buying one of those easy- running Also cream cans and dairy pails. - A few snaps left in last fall’s Wall Papers. ceo. H. McGEE. Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. AVNAVE'AV Ice Cream. uncountable flavors. Kym. 5â€"7 ‘ TWA- purchasers. Ica Cream. .3. 3, rs .3. -. ,_ . The Fall Term â€"-OF THE- PETEdBdelldii BildliiESS ddLLEdE Begins Tuesday,$ept. Ist. Ifyou want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location- place it in the front rank of Business Col- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. WWI. PRMELE, Principal. liiilll lilli Gilllli ’sxixézsï¬r RESTAURANT? Have you tried our Ice Cream, which is made from the best cream that can be purchased, and not from corn starch and separated milk. Also our Cream Sodas are the richest, and of We are also receiving every day 'fresh i Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. - The line of Chocolates we handle is of the highest quality, and sold at prices to suit all D. simsor. THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. "BPOS III'BBJO GOI‘ III‘BBJQ SDI FENELON FALLS. . Ice Cream. Ice Cream. .\ 'onpm .iomo .l'm: unq; noiqonysnus .iauaq scarf} QJOJHI'ID puns an innocuflg sasn .ioznaug slim, .laz’laq S} ‘samzaqs O.l0ll.l pun} Juan 511 spam ‘Myuruq pun ougmy pun sr um . 1‘12: v F.- 1 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE k .- ;. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - - “ 'COPYRlGHTS &c. Anyone sendlpg a sketch and desert tion may ~ quickly ascertain our opinion free w tether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents ' sent free. Oldest: agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann 8:, Co. recelvth special notice, without charge, in the soaring trustees. A handsomely illustrated weekly._ I .arrzest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c journal. ’l‘erms. $3 a :r year: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers , urea 53. sagas. Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St.. Washington. . is printed every Friday at the otlice, corner May and FrancisStrccts. SUBSCRIPTION I $1.GD.A YEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid; Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards,=.50 cents per line per annum. Casualadvertisements, 8 cents perline forthc-ï¬rst insertion, and '2 cents per-line'forvevery subsequent Inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or. less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatlyrcor- ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor, Rabi; Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind ‘ say and surrounding~-cnuntry with MUNU- ~ ltlEN’l‘S and HEADSTONES, both Marble‘ and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work‘. Marble Table Tops, Wash' Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Being a practical workman, . all should" see his designs and compare prices before - purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the retract†the Market on. Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house- R. CHAMBERS; Ice Cream. Ice Cream. " aroma