33" ’3 v w w..â€" wry ~ ,.A.}.,..; _._,. 3.» . . .._y...___.,,_.......w ._ . «mu-1.1. .Vw-M’. vim - i g i i i an. . Vang .i’ ‘. lining Furniture and. Undertaking. v Just received this week an- =other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Special Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. WW I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, ' Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Sew- .."ing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. L. DEYMAN. For “the Spring of 1904. Reliable goods at reliable “prices. Tailored Hats, Street 'Hats' - ~and Ready-to-wear in the lat- est ideas. In Trimmed Hats we pro- duce the most practical med- ium and low priced patterns, consistent with style, shown anywhere. .See the New York veil. .stï¬ull line of ladies’ and :-misses’ «Corsets on hand. MISS M. WASHBURN. i‘i’flll NEED NOT 00 To Montreal or New York «for choice patterns or . low girices in "ALL PAPER. We have them here now for your selection. Goonwm’s, LINDSAY, :NEXT 'ro .smrsou HOUSE. ~ KAWARTHA LAKES. Trent Valley Navigation 00., . LIMITED. Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. . - “ESTURION,†June let to Oct. lst. Bobcaygeon IV 6.15 a m. and 3.10 pm. Sturgeon Point “ 7.15 “ 4 10 “ Lindsay arr 8 4O “ 5 30 “ “ lv‘ 11.00 “ 5 45 “ Sturgeon Point“ 12.10 p m. 6.55 “ Bobcaygeon arr 1.15 “ 8.10 “ During June, July, Aug. and Sept, Sat- urday’s boat will wait arrival of‘ evening train from Toronto. June 15th to Sept. Ist, leave Lindsay at 6.80 p. 111. instead of 545 p. m. Meals served on board. Goboconk, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay. i‘ MANI’I‘A †June 15 to Sept.5 or till notice Coboconk lv 6 00 a m. Arr 7.40 p.m . Rosedale lock “ 7.00 “ Lv 6.40 H Fenelon Falls arr 7 40 “ “ 6.00 “ “ Iv 8 30 “ Arr 5.15 “ Sturgeon Pt. “ 9.00 “ “ 4.45 “ Lindsay arr 10.15 “ Lv 3 30 “ Connection made at Fenelon Falls with morning train for Toronto, and at Lindsay for Port Hope. Time at Fenelon Falls for breakfast and tea. Bobcaygeon, Chemong, , Burleigh. , “OGEMAH†June 15 to Sept. 5, or till notice. ' Bobcaygeon Iv 7.00 a m. arr 7.45 pm. Chemong Pk “ 9.30 “ or 4.35 IV 5.15“ Buckborn “ 11.30' “ IV 2.45 “ Burleigh Falls 111' 12.30 “ “ 1.30 “ Connection at Bnrleigh with “Empress†for Lakeï¬eld and intermediate points. Meals served on board. Leary’s line of busses will give Peter- borough connection with morning and evening boats at Chemong. Burleigh, Stony Lake Points. Lakeï¬eld. “EMPRESS.†Going S read down. Going N read up. a. m. p.111. :1. m. p. m. Lv 6.00 1.30 ‘ Bulleigh or 12.30 9.30 ""‘-.6 25 1.55 Mi..Juliau “ 12.00 9.05 “ 6.60 2.20 Breeze's “ 11.25 8.40 “ 7 10 2.40 Juniper Id. “ 11.00 8.15 _“ 7.20 2.50 McCracken’s “ 10.50 8.05 “ 8.10 340 Young'sPt. “ 10 00 7.15 ‘ur 8 50 4.1.5 Lakeï¬eld §lv 9.15 6.30 Meals served on board. [6" Calling on signal at Brownscomb’s, Sheriff Hall’s and Baptie’s Island. ' *Connects with (morning and afternoon) train to Pcterboro. §Or after arrival (morning and evening) train from Peterboro. For Information. Tickets to any points on the lakes and all information can be had at the ofï¬ce of the Fenelon Falls agent, D. Gould. i you we r .â€" KILL 1.000 Acuiusse. Many Women and Children Shin By Dutch Troops in EIIC Indian. Amsterdam, July 6.â€"-A despatch from Batavia, capital of the Dutch East Indies, says that the command- er of the expedition to North Achin, northern Sumatra, attacked Likat on .-1une 20. The Achinese losses were ii32 killed, including 281 women and ichildren, and 54 wounded; 17 prison- ;‘ers were taken. The Dutch casualties included the commander, a. lieutenant, two ser- geants and 13 soldiers wounded. ~0n June 23 the Dutch troops at.â€" tackcd ’I‘angat Bars when the Achin- .esc losses were 654 killed, including 188 women and 130 children and 49 wounded. Twenty-eight prisoners were taken. I - _ The Dutch losses were a. captain, 122 soldiers and six coolics wound- Government Alter C. A. 3. Montreal, July G.~â€"A special from sottawa to La Patric says: "You can :stuto without {our of contradiction that the Government is negotiating with Mr. Booth for the purchase of the Canada Atlantic, the price being “twenty million dollars. The road will then be leased by the Canadian Northern. I am told that although ' :an Order-in-Council will be adopted, the measure will not be submitted to the House this session." .â€"- Engineer Is Chosen. Montreal, July 6.â€"â€"'1‘he Dominion Government have retained the SL313- vices of J. A. Jamicson, the Cana- dian grain elevator engineer, to pre- pare plans and specifications for a large fireproof grain elevator to be built at Port Colboi‘nc, the Lake Erie entrance to the Welland Canal, and which will be an adjunct to the «canal system. Banquet to Dundonald. Ottawa, July 6.â€"-Onc hundred rnmubiu's or' the *Itidcau (‘lub 19,5: :iiirht honored Lord Dilutionuld by it'lltit'l'lllg‘ him a banquet. '1'th funcâ€" tion was a great sum-nus, the cxâ€"(l.t). enthusiastically greeted. «Hr James Grant presided. no; A Milli, ‘ don’t buy until you have visited my factory on Frau- cis‘ street east. I am selling without regard to cost, and can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. F. G. CHAMBERS. 3.1. My, VICTORIA COUNTY'S LEADING JEWELER. We are limiting the greatest effort in our history to make the holiday season of 1903 surpass anything we have ever attempted. We are showing the best and most varied assortment of Gem and Wedding Rings, Genilcmen’s Sig- net Rings, Gold, Gold-ï¬llod, Silver and Gun-metal Watches, Bracelets in sev- eral designs, the richest in Gold and Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods in cases suitable for presents. EBONY GOODS Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, holiday goods for the ladies in morocco cases. Sterling Novelties, Sterling and Plated Silverware. etc Remember we do the ï¬nest Repairing in watches and jewelry, and in Engraving we have no competitors. Come early and give us achance by buying your goods and having them engraved before the rush. Bear in mind we are hcudqrmrlcrs for ‘ Watches, Gem and Diamond Rings, re- ' pairing in watches and line engraving. S. d. Petty. , Lindsay. The Jeweller. The-Paint we Sell--- , Wall Paper. It’s Goodw Paint. We have a large stock of Colin’ MoAr- thur’s wall paper, the only paper made by double process. Don’t be persuaded to buy any old thing. Just as Well get the best. Everything that is kept by an upâ€"to-date hardware in stOck. Jos.HEARD. so CENTS’ WORTH. or H ER B AG EU M will make 17i- tons :of Skim Milk equal to New Milk for Calves or Pigs. It makes Whey valuable as a food for Calves and prevents all scourino‘. It requires no scalding; gives better reâ€" sults than Flax Seed or Oil Cake Meal, and costs much less. For sale by JOS. MCFARLAND. your house ? when is not right ? perfect timeâ€"keepers. Try one. «a- coca-cocoon- . Is it not a source of worry you know your clock Our clocks are guaranteed ace-gooc-cauns-ese 'r I M E . Have you the correct time And if your watch shows an inclination to be eccentric or unsteady in its habits, bring it to us We will put it in order at reasonable cost. All work guaranteed. BRITTON sacs. omciai Inspectors e. T. it. Time System. Foot of Kent St, Lindsay. I HAVE the levelâ€"er. PURCHAsED W. MCKEOWN’S URNITURE BUSINESS-.- and will carry a large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and to make oooas AND SASH. Planing done on short notice. 8. S. Gainer. sacrum DIVISION coun'r -â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. be next sittings of the above Courtiwil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JULYllth, 1904, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, June 30th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, June 25th. ELISHA MARK, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, April 14th, 1904. E. D. HAND, Clerk. Archie Trudel, TAILOR, Fenelon Falls. CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED AND PRESSED ON SHORT NOT- ICE. SATISFACTION GUARAN- TEEDâ€"PRICES RIGI-IT. SHOP: FRANCIS STREET WEST. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL, HENDER- SON & 00., press, TORONTO. . , nrnncreï¬s; m- SOCIETIES. I NIGHTS OF TENTED MACCABEES Diamond Tent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the ï¬rst and third Tuesday in each month. *_Cn.\s. Wiss, Com. . C W. Buucornn, R. K. W CANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Trent Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street west on the ï¬rst and third Mondays in each month Jouu Lnn, N. G. J. T. ’I‘rioursou Jn . Sec. R O. L. No. 906. MEET IN THE ORANGE . hall on Francis-St. West on the second Tuesday 11) every month. J. 'I‘. ’I‘uoursox JR , W. M. S. D BARR, Rec -Sec. . “A... NDEPENDENT ORDER of FCRES’I‘IBRS Court. thuix No.182. Meet on the. last Monday of each month ' Blue hall in McArthur‘s Block.m we True D. GOULD, Chief Ranger. ' l‘uos. AUSTIN, R. S. M ANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, ' Meets on the last Thursday of each month. F. Sm'rnnanu Chief Ran er W. D. STACY), Sec. g , ‘iANADlAN HOME CIRCLES. LON Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArth -’~ . ï¬rst Wednesday in every mdiitll. BIO“ the P. C. BURGESS, Leader. R. B. SYLVESTER, Secretary. FENE ., 'G. R. C. THE sr . Lodge No.406. Meets on the 13:1 Wednesday ol'each month,on or before the full of the mOon . . Cunningham’s Blac‘k". the lodge 1.00m m 1:. A. MODIARMID, W. M. It. FITZGERALD, Secretary. 3*“. CHURCHES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN ST. REV J. H. Hannah, Minister. Prei’icbinr; services everySunday at 1030 A . a. n. 7 p. in. Bible Class and Sunday Schbolriidt 2'30 P: 111- Praise ~ Thursday at8 p m.and prayer sew‘ce 0'! KN. METHODIST CHURCH-â€"-COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. John Garbutt, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a m and 7 p m Sabbath School at 2. 30 p. m. Epworlh League of Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clocl . ' ‘ Thurs“), at 7.30. < Prayer meeting on STSANEEtREgV’S ISHURCHâ€"COLBORNE ‘ .' â€"ev. C.H.Sin-l‘- Servxces every Sunday at 10 130211;.) :asrihii Z P3011). Sunday School every Sunday at ‘ -r. p. m. Christian Endeavor meetin ' every Tuesday at 8 p. m g- - P'i ' - every Thursday at 7 3., p m} I) er meetâ€)?! ALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRACKS ON L_ bond St. Westâ€"Captain Stephens and dievuteuunt Brass. Service every Wednes- ‘ a), 'Ihursday and Saturday-evenings .1: 8 o'clock and on Sund p. m. and’7.30 p» m. fly M H “A m., 3 \_ ST. ALOYSIUS R. C- CHURCH~LOUISA ‘ Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leury .tnstor Servrces every alternate Sundav ht 10.30 0-111. Sunday scho 1 . noon at o’clock. 0 every §““day after- N ‘iT. JAMES’ CHURCH, BOND ST. EAST, Rev. A. S. Dickinson R service : Matins 10 30 a. Iii. igirzlnsoï¬lgnriifi p. in. Celebration of Holy Communion ï¬rst Sunday of every month at 10 30 a. m and thudSunday of every month at 8 A m Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Thursday ever . ytepkpusmfollows: Catechising of childreii . . evenson ' ' practice “,8 15 p. mg at 7.30 p. m., chorr 2%“ ES“ Seats free in all churches E . . . ver 1; d mated to attend. Strangers cordially welchrpfedl. xx MISC‘ELLANEOUS. PUBLIC LIBRARY-411128 M E. CALDER 1 Librarian. Reading Room open daily Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a. m till 10 o clock p. In. Books exchanged on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p m. to 4 p., and in the evening from 7 to OST-UFEICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- tfr. Open daily, Sundays excepted from l 30 a. m. to 7 p. in. Mail going soutli closes at 7 p. m. Letters for registrotion must be posted halfan hour n'evi _ ou time for closing the mails. I S m the N NEWSPAPER LAW. a. I 1. A post-muster is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law), when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the ofï¬ce and state the reasons for its not being taken Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responmble to the publisher for payment. . 2. If any person orders his paper disconu tmued he must pay all arrcarges or the publisher may continue to send ,it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken front the oflice or not. There can be no legal disconlinuunee until the payment is made 3. Any person who takes a paper froui the post-ofï¬ce, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is reSpORSible for the pay 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time and the publisher continues to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay for if he takes it from the post-ofï¬ce This proceeds upon the ground that a m i must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided to take newspapers and criot' '- flhe post-ollIIiCS, or removiiig alllldcalifll’ll‘il: iem uncu e for is n"? ‘ .- Ot‘intentional fraud. 2 In“ New eHdcnco‘ an that refusing -:_g:rv...~<:w.-â€"â€"~:â€" fâ€"uâ€"rw 4- L- - 4,; r 3: ,4 .â€"-vr- 24‘s»; ._‘A_'.»;;J-':-.,-‘:3\:*:r.)~_. A _, 5. raw-£31; 4.» s.» ., A Ln "#_’._A ‘ - ea". ,â€". , ' L. fy‘ .. “v‘~/~(W‘~.r\» ALL ‘3‘! A- ‘v‘tv'x, ‘2!“ 4 -‘./