daughter, and - Mrs. W. D. Stacey and her little boy, left on Wednesday to spend a few weeks at Mrs. Edwards’s summer cottage at Rosedale. ‘ HALF FARE.-â€"Str. Mczm'ta will issue r rturn tickets from all points to Lindsay at half regular return fare today, July 15th, circus day in Lindsay. Good only for return same day. BuIeKs.â€"-On Monday the steamer .Maplc Leaf arrived at the Falls with a scow-load of'45 000 red bricks, some of' which Were for the Methodist parson- age, some for Mr. llenry Brooks, some for Mr. Jas. Akistcr, of Verulam, and some for Mr. Fletcher Mitchell, of' the some township. The bricks, which were drawn away on Wednesday, were made by Mr. Fox and appeared to be of e‘x- ccllcnt quality. cost $8 50 per thousand delivered here, which is a reasonable price; considering the great. demand for them that. there is just. at present. THE CROPS.â€"â€"Ft'0m all quartersâ€" north, south. east and westâ€"come good accounts of the crops. with the excep- tion of tn-mzeltls and turnips, which on- some forms had to be sewn a second time. All kinds of grain are looking well, and the crop of hay. especially clover, is " simply immense.†though, so far. some ol it has been injured by get- ting w'et after it was out. As usual, there are a few farmers who ï¬-ul some- thing to grumble at, but nineteen out. of every twenty of them admit that this year’s harvest. will be an exot-ption- ally good one. Tun GLonious ’l‘wsmru. â€"'l‘hc morning: of' Tuesday last the thh of July. was so wet that the outlook for the Orangcmcn was exceedingly gloomy. but at. about ll o'clock the. rain ceased and the sky cleared. and the afternoon was all that could he wished. Some twenty-ï¬ve or thirty lodges of Orange men and True Blues assembled at Kin- rnount. where this year's celebration was held, and the. proceedings Were the same as they alWays hayc been and al- ways will be so long as they shall be held. Cnl. Hughes was not present. but Mr. Carnegie was, and delivered one of the live or six addresses to which the brethren listened with their usual wrapt attention. THE Rnnvn's NEW Swanâ€"From various causes, the men employed on Reeve. McFarland’s new store have not made much headway during the last few days, but. the cellar walls. which. are of solid concrete and a i'oot thick, are now ï¬nished, and the laying of' the hollow blocksâ€"the making of which has been steadily progressing in the curling,r rinkâ€"will, it is expected, be commenced early next week. The root', which is to slope about an inch to the foot, from the lront to the rear, will be covered with one ol'~ the patent felting: used for that purpose, and the building will be ‘so nearly ï¬reproof that the insurance upon it and its contents will not be much, it" any, more than half what Mr. McFarland is now paying. The cellar is to have a cement floor, which will be impervious to water; but it cannot be laid until the walls shall be up and the roofnon. BIRTHS. SUTTONâ€"In the township of Somerville, on Tuesday, July 12th, the wife oer. J. H. Sutton ofa son. - FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fcnelon Falls, Friday, July, 15th, l904 Reported 03/ me Norm mar Roller Mill 00. Wlicat,Scotch or Fife .... 85 to 90 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 83 85 Wheat, spring .... u.†80 82 'Barlcy, per bushel. ... .... 3B 40 Buckwheat“ u... ... 37 =40 Oats, †col. 0-... Pease, “ .... .... 58 60 'Ryc, †0.0.. coco Potatoes, “ .... 2‘5 30 Butter,pcr1b...... 12. 13 Eggs, per dozen.......... 13' 14 Hay,perton...... 5:00 600 Hides . . . . . 4.50 5.50 (live) IIIOOJ touggcoc Hogs (Dressed) .... 6-50 7.00 Beef . . . . . . ............... 4.50 5.50 Sheepskins.............. 50 75 Wool 10 13' Flour, Silver Lcaf‘ . ..... 2.45 2.60 Flour,Victoria .......... 2.35 2.55‘ Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2-10 2-30 Bran, per 100 lbs .. .- 95 105 Short-e, “ “ 99 1.09 Mixed Chop “ .... .... . l,15 1.20 ______â€"___________â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o ‘VANTED; ' General Servant. Apply to . MRS. R. A. ROBINSON, 23-1w.‘ F‘ariu for~ S ale. The west half of ‘lot No. '24, in the 4th: concession of Verulam, containing 100 acres, more or less, of which about 60 acres, are cleared, and fenced and the remainder is rough land lit for pasturage. The build- ings consist of a frame barn and stable, and there are two good wells and a small orchard. For terms and particulars apply ‘0 t MRS. GEORGE BURKE, Rachoro P. O. 351,Cb0t‘,._),July6th,1904. 2243* Fcnelon.Falls.. day, July 16th. sale we make. the beneï¬t. /â€" ~ Muslins, Organdies, - Cheap (lash Store. Buggy For Sale. â€" buggy, in ï¬rst class L‘lln'llilOll. It is newly painted, has new tires and a movable seat» for children. Apply at the Gazette ofï¬ce. For sale, a very nice light-running top' Billilll Elli . Sillllll lliil Jiillli. If you want a. good Gold Ring, Bracelet, Chain, or a. good reliable Watch, either Waltham or Elgin, nickel, silver or gold ï¬lled, go to J. Slater. Also a large assortment of Autoharp, Mandolin, Gui- tar and Violin Strings. -' Nickel Alarm and one-day . or eight-day striking Clocks. J. SLATER, Next door to the post-ofï¬ce. ' Fenelon Falls. For the Spring of teen... Reliable goods at reliable prices. Tailored Hats, Street: Hats andReady-to-wear in the lat- est ideas. - In Trimmed Hats we pro- duce the most practical med- ium and low priced. patterns, consistent with style, Shown anywhere. See the New York veil. -A full line of ladies’and misses? Corsets on hand. .MISS M. WASHBURNi ’ï¬WW’fl‘I‘W‘ Wmï¬F’WW “WWW WEE‘WIW . . canar- ‘ REMNANT cans of all lines of Summer Goods for the next thirty days, "commencing Satur- Grreatest slash in! Summer Goods ever known in the history of Fenelon- Falls. We want the whole town and sur- rounding country to know that we are literally. giving away money on every We’ve got to make room for fall goods, and it’s the public who will reap All our summer Dress Goods, Prints, go at less than Cost. price. Come in and let us Show you the bar- gains which we are offering. _ Tessaâ€. Silverware . Salve t gigglifgiiih T E R R I L L coulidns. , ‘ every cash _ They are. I s H E R E purchase. R o S I valuable: ' What about buying one of those easy- running MELOTTE carnal sameness s Also cream cans and dairy pails. v... A few snaps left in last fall’s Wall Papers. .‘ can. H. Mensa. ' Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. RESTAURANT, Have you tried our Ice Cream, which is made from the best cream that 'can be purcl‘lased, and not from corn starch and separated milk. Dimities etc. must Also our Cream Sodas are the richest, and of uncountable flavors. ‘repogi mean) 901 We are also receiving every day fresh ll i magma»: éyggg a :6 Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. OH f WWIWFRWE Wmflm‘uwr‘mmx 31mmW"1wlrmx‘unwruwpmflprngy'wrngrmgf WE‘W‘RWZ‘MH‘QFY ' rd . CD ‘1 _ .. 00) The llne of Chocolates we handle is of the Q highest quality, and sold at prices to suit all ’. E: purchasers. 93 - e . s . H v [13. ‘Feaelon Falls. :3 r D' STINSON- ;- P3 THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. FENELON FALLS. r?" ~- .‘\I’ I \ ' I ,rï¬w-ï¬rN/m « - p Ice Cream. Ice Cream. 2E8 Err; -:_; _, 5.": 5%; semi? *5 “was: m 2.0 g 2 gig. <9 E 8 “a ’32" H Ԡc ‘3 2,: Se 3 m 5?. ‘ o a .0 £3 a 3'5: c: ~. H 3 “"1 «7:4, r. a: o < E4 -'â€"a‘ w o '55:]: ' U) a 'r a. *5 g u 2,75,...3 .5 m - o ' "a: E g “’3 § is? i3 55 'i #5 “i L: a E ' by: ' g E "c '1 s: as s '1 :‘.. 55 “"3 5 :â€"' E '5: '1‘ = r: = 5. E3 §§ ‘< E‘ jg,ch c ‘7 n c‘ ° Eâ€"s a can: " 2 5:5 Thbs. Robson has bought a. car (15 tons) of Twine. He will keep the price right. ‘ For Sale. ~ Afour-f‘rame Honey Extractor good as 50 YEARS“ 1izécw. Just the thing for the farmer who w EXPERIENCE ee so. few bees. E. .H . » .- .. . Falfls. G AND, Fenclon _OF THE_ . PETEhï¬Rdiihii ilSliiESS ddLLEGE Begins Tuesday, sept. 15!. If you want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it. in the front rank of.Busincss Col- House Decorating. I desire to inform the public that I have returned to Fcnelon Falls, and am' prepared to do all kinds of house decorating, such as Paper Hanging, Kalsominiug, Whitewash- ing, Painting, etc., ,in ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given free. Orders left at the Gazette ofï¬ce will receive prompt attention. Residence south of river. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ‘ ‘ COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether in: invention is probably nutcntuble. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents - sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Ar. Co. receive . special notice, wlthout‘. charge. in the ALFRED IL . . , . . .. , - f, I.†W * A March 17th, 1904. I M LtilR éilgibbls.Fcl$ri£efoi‘niiiititidiilih'sl.n mOSt A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. 83 n . year: four months. $1. Sold byull ncwsdealers. hilltili 8. @esewwadwaw lien l'tillt Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St.. ‘Vushingtou. D. C. iiiillll iilll Gililli â€"â€"â€"T_%““ llllllSlYi Mlllill WORKS. Rubi. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of' Lind ' say and surrounding country with )IONU» .. Ill'EN'l‘S and .l'lEAI)S'l‘UNES, both Marble - ‘ and granitcr . WM. PBBKGLE, Principal. is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 1 $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE ‘ or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Guaranteed Pure. . In . 1-pound bottles, 25 cents. Estimates promptly. given on all kinds or - cemetery work._ ' Marble Table Tops, Wash ,To'ps, Mantle Pieces,.ctc,,.a specialty. Advertising '-R.ates.: Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannum. 'Casuul advertisements, '53" cents’per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2* cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. The h’andiest, most ,, Goons. . . . _ being a practical» workman, all. should ; see his designs and compare prices bL-t'nrr. purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"in the rear of ;thc Mark-ct or v. Cambridge-st , opposite thcpnclting llU‘JSL, R.- QHA omical way to buy it.. teasers uses Sires .1 MFenelonn 1' JOB PRINTING executed neatly, corâ€" cctly and at moderate prices; E. D. HAND, Proprietor. _ V 4‘ t