v THE GRUWTH_ UF PLANTS ANOTHER VUIGE ELECTRIC LIGHT AS A SUB- STITUTE FOR SUNSHINE. Fruits Ripen and Flowers Blos- som More Speedily Un- der It. considered by the Scientiï¬c section of the Royal Horticultural Society. AS soon as the necessary funds can be raised it is proposed to establish at the new gardens at Wisley, near Wey- bridge, England, a scientiï¬c station or botanical laboratory, and one of the special studies to be undertaken will be the growth of plants by elecâ€" .‘tric light as a substitute for sun- {shine. To be independent of 0m 'A most interesting project is being1 I ‘gloomy climate, and to produce the most beautiful flowers, and even ripâ€" en strawberries and other delicious lfruits in winter, is one o; the gar- dener’s most cherished dreams. The but that artiï¬cial light will enable plants to grow and fruits to ripen has long been known to scientists. ‘More than 40 years ago M. Herve Mangon found that the electric rays wduld enable plants to form the green chloroplin or coloring matter of their leaves, and that flowers turned toward the electric lamp just as they turn towards the’sun. In 1879 and 1880 the late Sir William Siemens made some remark- able experiments at Tunbridge Wells, the results of which he showed to ,the Royal Society. By supplement- ing the sunlight of day with electric lamps at night, both in the open air and in greenâ€"houses, he caused roses and arums to bloom long beâ€" fore their usual time, melons and cuâ€" cumbers, vines and strawberries also responding most gratefully to the stimulus of the added light. The sunlight‘of millions of years ago, stored up in plants which afterwards became coal, was thus disinterred and made to do its work over again yin ripening fruits and causing flowâ€" prs to bloom. Although electricity then cost three times as much as (Snow, Dr. Siemens, as he then was, ,was enthusiastically convinced of the iValue of the electric light for the garden. As usual, there were many objecâ€" tors to the new proposal. A sort of humanitarian outcry was started on behalf of the poor plants them- selves. To make them grow night and day would give them no rest. They would be old and exhausted beâ€" fore their time, and would perish iserably as the result of their arti- ï¬cial mode of life. Experience since lthen has shown, however, that the Lplant does not need rest, like an ,animal. In Norway, Sweden and Finland, during the "short two months of summer, while the sun Lnever goes down. vegetation flourishâ€" 305 with astounding luxiance and rapâ€" lidity. Flowers take on the most Igorgeous colors and have exquisite lperfumes, vegetables grow like magic, land then comes the long winter, and {they have a correspondingly long 'rest. An even stronger illustration of the power of plants to do without a nightly rest is the great natural gas ilire, a steeple of flame, which has burned for generations in the Pittsâ€" burg district in A‘lnerica. All arounzl and just outside the circle of its scorching heat is a ring of tropical vegetation, which the warmth‘ and light have produced, the plants seemâ€" ing all the richer and more luxuriant; g'for living in a blaze of light night Eand day alike. Even if plants were really exhausted by artificial light, ,wagrow them not for their own sakes, but for our use. When a green-house plant dies there are plenâ€" ty of recruits to fill its place. The objection to using up plant life is not on the same footing as a. pro~ test against using up, say Chinese coolies on the Rand. VEGETABLE IDIO SYNCRA SIES . Dr. Siemens found that all plants ould not be treated alike. Particuâ€" larly they varied in the amount of stimulation they could undergo. The delicate lily of the valley, grown by the aid of heat alone, and with a :leâ€" .ï¬ciency of sunlight, was sickly and anaemic,.fli1nsy in texture, and with its petals thin and colorless. The electric light gave the flowers their ,natural rich, white, creamy color, and made the leaves strong, firm and green. Generally the natural colors of flowers were enriched by the light, and plants which would wither in a high temperature without the light, with its aid flourished exâ€" ceedingly. The electric light, Dr. Siemens pointed out, would almost save its cost in stove fuel by the ‘heat it supplied and the quicker ma- turing of plants, and it might be used in the orchard to counteract Athe effects of night frosts. But banana leaves too near the llamp were scorched by its rays. Melons. cucumbers. strawberries, :niustard, carrots, beans, tulips, peâ€" llargoniums, all matured under the electric lamp long before the same {plants under daylight alone. Sub- jscquent investigations have shown that a. great deal of caution must be used in the application of artiï¬cial light. Every plant has its own way let responding'to the stimulus. For instance, Professor Bailey, at Cornell Universit , and the authoriâ€" ties of the West ivrginian Agricultur- ml Station, have found that cauliâ€" ' owers will grow very tall, but have Smaller heads, and radishes develop extraordinary profusion of “top†unâ€" der the influence of the lamp. But as we do not prise the cauliflower fer in stature, or he radish as a fol- iage plant, those advantages were not worth the cost of producing ,them. Nearly, all flowers are found UN eczema, coarse hands, ragged TELLS OF DIABETES CURED BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. W. G. Bartleman Could Get no Relief till He Tried the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wapella, Assa., N. W. T., Aug. 22 â€"(Specia1).-â€"This thriving town fur- nishes one of ' the most remarkable cures of Kidney Disease that has ever been reported on the prairies. Mr. Wm. G. Bartleman, a Well-known farmer, is the man cured and he makes the following statement:â€" “I had Kidney Trouble and it de- veloped into Diabetes. I went to the doctor but his treatment was of no use whatever to me. I began to take Dodd's Kidney Pills in Decemâ€" ber. 1902. I took them all winter and summer while I was unable to work my farm. I took tweIVe boxes in all and in August I was able to work. "Now I am quite strong. I Worked all winter without pains in my back or any part of my body. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me." If the Kidney Disease is of long, standing it may take time to cure it. But Dodd's Kidney Pills will do it. to bloom sooner and sometimes with brighter colors. Lettuce becomes marketable four to ten days earlier. thriving best when the artiï¬cial light is only used half the night, but some other plants run to seed under its in- fluence instead of developing weight and succelence, and still others ma- ture very quickly, but do not grow big, ending as tough and ancienf lif- tlg dwarfs of no use for the table. Spinach is particularly grateful for the electric beam, but as society does not clamor for spinach out; season the game is not worth the candle. are larger in the pod. better without the electric light._ INVESTIGATION NEEDED. Many points tion at the remain for investiga- proposed experimental station of the Royal Horticultural Society. We want to know just what kind of light and how much of it. is needed by each‘ plant. It should be remembered that a plant ï¬ve feet from the lamp gets ten times as much light as one 16 feet away. Then the "ultraâ€"violet" rays of the arc lamp, of such immense value to the scientist, are not good for most plants. Dr. Siemens light were used thought if the bare the beneï¬t to of Jacob’s Peas grow more quickly and ing moustaches and against women Endive does wearing hats. the 18 doing may be understood when it rates from Results from common Soaps: l l l clothes, shrunken flannels. O ~ REDUCES c.» Ti? ., EXPENSE . .Ank to? the Octagon Bar NINE TONS ' or BIBLES. The demands made on the British and Foreign Bible Society for Scrip- tures, from all parts of the world, has lately attained record dimenâ€" sions. Not only is all the available space in its warehouse occp led with stacks of packing cases, bu a huge overflow lines the corridors awaiting shipment to the far ends of the earth. On one day recently, eighty- one cases were dispatched, represent- ing a total of nine tons of Scrip- tures in twentyâ€"eight different languâ€" ages. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot. reach the diseased portion of the car. There in only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed on- dition of the mucous lining of the us- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- Lct us have your consignment of get you , ,0 Mmgzew ‘ Mme/m. if... «. “ISLAND CITY†HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Dry in 8 Hours. (in Sale at all Hardware Dealers 60,, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples any of these articles and We will good prices. ' flamed you have a. rumbling sound or ’ Cor. Wont Markot and mlholm .29.. rouonro. imperfect hearing. and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norm- al condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caus- ed by Cutarrh, which is nothing but. an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ~ We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cal.- arrh) that. cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo. H. Sold by all Druggists, 750. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constiâ€" potion. ANTI-MOUSTACHE SECT. CAN BE The German Baptist Church at Creek, Pennsylvania, has passed regulations against men wear- 9; Pails, Wash INSIST ON Nearly all the mem- ' 's ‘ bers of the congregation Were exâ€" pelled a few weeks back for dis- obeying the new rules. MEDICAL CONVENTION. Delegates to the Medical Associa- tion at VancouVer can return through INDEPENDENI ORDER OF San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt FORESTERS. Lake City, Denver and the “World's Membership nearly ..... 225,000 Fair†St- LOUiS. by PUI‘ChH-Sing “01“ Surplus accumulated fund ets sold to San Francisco, account nearly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000,000 Knight-‘5 Templar meeting. . Tickets on sale from August. 15th This Order has already . paid out to Widows and to September 9th, good for return Orphans and disabled until October 23rd, with stopover This is . priVileges in each direction. """ S’IB’OOO’OOO an open rate to the public, as tick- ets are not sold on the certiï¬cate , plan. The rate from Toronto will It be $70.25. Correspondingly low other points. Tickets Brethren . . . . . Thousand of farmers in Canada are members of the Institution. Something of the great Work plant would increase, but the oppo-lis stated that each work-day of the can be purchased going via Vance“- site has proved to be the case, of liquid to shut rays have been found better. descent gas have also been tried at. West Virginia with success. M. heram, at Paris, found that the in- visible rays'were most injurious from ‘ a 2000 candle power lamp unless shut oï¬â€˜ by glass. His conclusion was that the electric light will mainâ€" tain a fully grown plant for two and a half months, but is too feeble to support a plant from infancy up- wards. At the Winter Palace of St. Petersburg some ornamental plants placed under the electric light turned yellow and died in a single night. Professor Bailey considers that it is well established that maturity and ripening can be greatly hastened by artiï¬cial light, and that plants are not injured by “want of rest,†but considerers that there are many problems to be settled as to the proâ€" duction of plants from too much light, and the prevention of too rap- id seeding and early maturity. In short, it remains for the scienâ€" tific investigator to observe the exact Kittie-Yeth- bUt I don’t nthen to effect at each stage of growth of the £01135?! artificial illuminant on the formation ' of chlorophyl, 01' starch, sugar, gluâ€" ten, alkaloids and the plant's own essential oils, and to determine when and how long the imitation suri should be made to shine. ._.._..~.‘. BOSTON BY BOAT OR RAIL. On August 13th, 14th and 15th, the Lackawanna will sell tickets to Boston at one fare, or less, for the round trip, good going either‘ via Alâ€" bany or New York. The National Encampment of the G., A. R. promis- es to be the largest and most at~ tractive ever held‘.\ There will be many special features. It's a good time to visit the Seashore at small ing shock sullicient to terrorise it for for ever. expense. Tickets will be good stop-over at New York returning. For full particulars see nearest Lack- awanna Agent, or write Fred P. Fox, D. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. Working in mines in the United Kingdom last year were 871,889 per- sons. 0! these the vast majority, 842,066 worked in the coal mines, of which there are 3,449. The other mines, which number 673, employed 29,823 persons. Probably it will Come as a surprise to the uninitiated that coal mining gives work to 28 persons to every one person employed in other mines. "So she has broken her engage- ment to you?†“Yes.†“Do you regret the love you wasted on her?" “No! It’s the postage stamps I wasted on her that trouble mm! off the invisible much money as would be received for The 1n- the harvestâ€"allowing 20 bushels candescent or glow lamp and incanâ€" the acreâ€"uof {menu-es of wheat†],)(,“ bar or address, alld'N‘ml' it is .lmyinll out tO Widows and ver, returning through above cities, lamps With glass coverings or jackets Orphans and > disabled brethren as or vice versa. By writing 11F. Carter, Traveling to Passenger Agent, Union Pacific Rail- road, 14: .lanes Building, Toronto, mem- Ont., he will give you full informaâ€" tion. For full particulars see any Browneâ€"“But why do you ask me to lend him a dollar- as a perkonal , favor to you? Are you under obligaâ€" . tion to him?†'l‘owneâ€"“No, but if A Woman may look her age, but you don't he’ll come to me for it.†she seldom looks the age She says _____________________.____ she is. llllnani's Llnlmenl Cures thlherla “Don’t you think there should be MlNAR‘D’S LlNl'Ml’CN'l‘, as. last. year music in every home?†“By all I cured a horse of Ringâ€"bone, means. What I object to is music ï¬ve bottles. ' next door.†i It blistcred month there was no ringâ€"bone and Mlllflldls Llllllllï¬lll EUlBS Ellis, ï¬ll). no lameneSliANlEL MURCHTSON. Four Falls, N. ll. ORONHYATEKHA, J. 19., Supreme Chief Ranger. Home ofï¬ce, Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. C. C. RICHARDS S: Co. the horse but in a Mabelâ€"Momma says our consciences should tell us when we are naughty. W Mrs. Hashmoreâ€"“I am sorry to say the tea is all exhausted.†Crusty Mas. Wixuow's Soornma Srnur bu been used by .____u SUI. rimd, it has millionaof mothers for their children while teething Boardel I an} n_0t ‘ ‘p i. H Itsoothen the child. softens the gums. nilayn pain. cum: been awfully weak fOl $01110 time. wind colic regulates the Stomach and bowel-a. and is the but remedy for Dlnrrhmu. Twenty-live come a. bottle Sold brdrucgista throughout the world. Be um and Some men would rather put up a riskier-"Mus.\Vixstow'sSoorumeSraur.‘ flâ€"OJ Weak argument than furnish Strong. ‘ proof. For Over Sixty Venn TAMING BY ELECTRICITY. It is stated that a. wellâ€"known lion Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans tamer has introduced electricity in with Lover’s Dry Soap a powder. It taming his animllls. When a wild will remove the grease with the lion or tiger is to be tamed, electric greatest ease. I wires are ï¬rst rigged up in the cage between the tamer and the animal. After a time, the tamer turns his cigars?†back, and the lion invariably makes Why?†a spring at him, but, encountering know_ the charged wires. receives a paralys- by lm'nerrâ€"“At Robinson's. lIibsonâ€"“I only wanted to Might get into the same shop mistake.†ï¬lllnald‘s Llnlmenl Cures llislemaar. THE REAL EL 'DORADO. A, company has been formed in South America to exploit the real El Dorado. This is a lake situated in the territory llogota, and chief of the State in lireâ€"European times used, twice a year, solemnly to empty a boatload of gold into the ,3: 11‘ A ‘r do Flies this'year if you use people during the months. Little Sammyâ€"“What’s your fa- ther, Willie?†Little lVilLioâ€".“He's a ’ artichoke, and draws housesl,†Dear Sirs,â€"-‘l' have great faith in. with 5 of Colombia, near the story is that the water in order to purchase the par- don of the gods for the sins of his revious six’ 1†Cure HAD IN resins, Milk Pans. do Any Flrot-Olalo Grocer Dan Supply You. GETTING EDDY’S. â€"_.â€"â€".......... -k...~.__._._.__.- .- ‘4 OR SALE â€" SPLENDID STOCK and a ricultural farm, nearly 200 acres, beaut fully situated, 4 miles from London, well watered, good buildings; ossession when required. Fraser 8 core, Barristers, London, Ont. S: Margaret’s College, Toronto. Flo-open Sept. I2th. A high-class residential and day, school for girls. Modern equipment. ISpecialists of European training and lof the highest academic and profes- ,sional standing in every department} , of work. ’li‘oe booklet apply to hiRS.; GEORGE DiCKSON, Lady Princl~ pal; GEORGE 'DICKSON, M.A., Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada; lCollege). ' dominion Line Steamships ' MONTRIM. To LIVERPooL. .12? modern-lo Rate Service.‘“& second cabin passengers herthed in lost accommo- (l iticn 0'1 {he ICCfl-lllel‘ at the low rate of $40 to l Liverpool. or $42.50 to London. Third class to ' Liverpool, L'mdon, Glasgow or Queenst ~wn‘$l5.00. For all particulars apply to local agents, or _ DOMINXON LINE OFFICES. 41 King St. E., Toronto, 17 St. Sacrament Sh, Montreal emanate ouerams and all kinds of house Hangings. also :LAUE UURTAINS “53.5: $25?†7 Write to us about. yours. l IRITIEH AMERIDAN DVEINO 00., Box 158, Montreal “BUCHANAN’S UNLOADXNG OUTFIT Works well both on stocks and in barns. unloads all kinds of hay and grain either loom or in sheaves. ' Send iorcataloguo to ' M. T. BUCHANAN & (30.. lngersoll,0nt. mw-"waw-wm- ~~~~v _ =11. READY FOR. THE FRAY. The house of Singer Luigi Carban- Vdi, of Sienna, has been burgled for. lthe thirtyâ€"fourth time in ten years. iSignor Carbandi has now posted this 'notice on his door: “I have bought two dogs, three guns, and watch boiler with hose attached. Burglara are welcome.†Hibson~“Where did you get those m l" l "Talking of the angelic creature [you danced with at Brown‘s ball,“ Esaid Wagley, “supposing now, you Were to meet a real angel, how would you address her?†“Don’t' you know? Well, I should ask her what on earth she was doing." Stunner Group A occupy to h is u. dangerous thing for the hle to k5 in summertime. The Sever that accompanies it is liable to cum uriono illness: Give them Shiloh’s Consumption The Lung Tonic It is lonsnnt to take, will cure them quickly and has no unpleasant after effects. man." Little Sammyâ€""Oh, I mean Atalldmgists,260,5Oonnd81.00abome. what does he do for his broad and 4C9†butter?†Little Willieâ€"“He’s an ‘ ..,,,. ISSUE no, 34â€"94, ’«c, .