i; i l ,l '-:l :‘l i r4"“3133-2u4ameg.a...'..:....n- is; 14.23....“ .;1.~_,â€"_~ â€"_= m. . ~.â€".=-m.».=_- ratsâ€"“:7. czmmcrzum. 7..me .lwasri i‘ornhp and the floating bride was [ “m. not ï¬nished, but the heavy freight was brought by train to the foot of Francis street. where the teamsters could get at it. The planking of the floating bridge was ï¬nished either late on Wednesday or early Thursday morning, and Mr. Robert Magee was the ï¬rst to drive over it. ‘ ACCIDENT.â€"A little after 10 o’clock on Saturday night a son and daughter of Mr. John Junkin of lot 21, con. 4. Vernlam, left the Falls for home, and stopped at Mr. J)St‘pll Welsh’s. at the ‘ boundary. for a parcel. While they were sitting in their buggy ta!king to Mrs. Wclnh (who is their aunt), two other buggies, the owners of which were racing their horses, came along and passed one on each side of Mr. Jun kin’s buggy, which was struck, upset and badly broken, and the occupants thrown out. Neither of them was bad- ly injured, but Miss Junkin sufl‘ered so much from fright and shock that Dr. Wilson had to be sent for to attend her, and she was not able to go home until Monday. The young men who caused the accident are known. and the one whose buggy collided with Mr. Junkin's will have to pay all damages. in addition to which both of them should be pres- ccuted for furious driving and ï¬ned as heavily as the law allows. ,3: With the Approach of Fall one’s thoughts naturally turn towards new wearing apparel and‘where is the best place to buy it. But you won’t have to think twice where to buy when you see the beautiful line of Fall Goods which we are showing. You will immediately be convinced that ours are the best, the newest and the cheapest which have ever been shown. What about buying one of these easy; running A MELOTTE CREAM. SEPARATORS WWW‘CRWWWWWW’WWW Also cream cans and dairy pails- LADIES, HERE IS SOMETHING OF INTEREST TO YOU. If you are thinking of getting a. new Jacket we can save you from $1 to $2 on it. 63 A few snaps left-in last fall’s Wall Papers- GEO. H. MCGEE. / CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ JACKETS. Children’s Jackets of all wool in navy blue and tweed effects with loose hex back; heavy quality at $2.00 to $3.00. AVA‘VA? Ice Cream. Ice Cream. RESTAURANT. Ice Cream. BIRTHS. Causw.-At Lindsay, on Thursday, Sepâ€" tember ist, the wife of Mr. George Carew of a son. A Misses’ Jackets of all wool, heavy quality,'loose 37) £3 fl) Q) 9 $3 § if) 53 $5 $5 $3 a?) 3%? Q § 333 g g) box back, with or without belt, in Oxford grey, navy g $3 $5 g at $2.50 to $13.50. i i $3 6:9 $3 d) @ Ksrss.â€"â€"-At Lindsay, on Wédnesdny, Sep- and tweed eii‘ect, military style, at $3.00 to $6.00. CD ‘ tember 14th, the wife of Mr. William Kcyes - « Q f l. son. - ' . . K. (mm Have you tried 0111‘ Ice Cream, Wthh IS made (I‘D: FENELON FALLS MARKETS. LADIES’ JACKETS. from the best cream that can be purchasedmnd»: E w R Fezjejlon F211;, Fridzyl, 8:33;, 16332204. Ladies, Jackets in every class of goods and in navy, not from corn starch and separated milk. 02 m†0"†e on†L T a“ z 0' Oxford grey black rtnd camel’s hair cloth semi-ï¬ttin ~ 5 ‘Vheat'SWCh ԠFife 95 ‘° 1'0“ ‘ ’ - l - L - ’ t g , Also our Cream Sodas are the richest and of o " Wheat fall, perbusliel.... 95 1.00 baCk, With or W1thout belt, 1n all Sizes from 3.3 to 44, a . ‘ 2 Q: . 3,1,“: sprig mamâ€, ~ uncountable flavors. ‘ p: ' ’urey,per 5 ........~ . . I» _y . .: Q, Buckwheat: . ... .. . . . â€" p are also I'GCBIVng every day fresh - 3:51:13 1 u :2: 2:: 58 6° WWWWWWWWWWW‘W. .1 arr ‘8- Fruit', to be sold at the lowest prices. H Rye, “ 00-0.... I [U . V' _ . I Q ‘, “mmâ€, †"’1" 5° . - O The bus of Chocolates we handle is of the m . 811tter,per1b............ 14 16 m 1 t rt d ‘, . O . Eggsmer dozen...... 13 14 H I 1g 1es Ciua 1 3’, an so at Prices to salt all r: 51’ Hay, per ton .nuguu ' no... A ~ I a g ..o-- ova-iv- noel-l ‘ ' ' ~ I c6 H (r I‘Vc‘ nun-on scoot-u. I ' , q) I! (g H823 26.2.13...) 6 50 3.23 CHEAPEST - CASH STORE > penelon Falls . 5 B . BCEf . . . . . . . .p..-.‘.;‘o~o.u~- 4-50 0‘ ' I I _ V m ' Slicep‘skins . .. 5‘) 75 - a) . 4 _ l o . \Vool ’ . ....‘.. 10 I? V @ 0 ~ DJ . Flour, Five This,“ . _ . _ . I , 2.65 2,30 1 g H THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. FENELON FALLS. 9., Flour, Silver Leaf ...... .. 2221555 v. p Flour Victoria ...... - '_~ g, - ‘_ ' " . ~ . w ‘ ,_ . I; mom: may, cuppa... ease-secesseeeeeeeccccweeeeeees , Ice Cream Ice Cream Ice Cream . an, per 100 lbs .. ._ gt?) 1 0(5) - . v . A AYAYQAYA Shorts “ “ - 7 1.25 o M' .d'Cl “ 1.15 ire ioP Buggy For sale. BOOTS AND SHOES For sale,a very nice light-running top ' buggy, in first class condition. It is newly in a“ the latest and up_t0,date.' ‘ painted, has new tires and a movable seat for children. Apply at the Guzaltc ofï¬ce, styles. Fali and Winter H ‘ ‘ _..- a I u ’ The attendance at this excellent school is increasing Fï¬llganery apenlng every year, last year being the best in its history. SEPT. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, ’04. and Why not attend a. school where ofï¬ce help is in demand? 0 AT NEVISON’S. -"ORPORATION o _ VICTORIA. Notice is hereby given that a. special meet- - . ing of the - Municipal Gouncfl. ofthe Corporation of the County of'Vic- toria. will be- held in the Council Chamber. Court House, Lindsay, .._.on.__. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1904, I at eleven o‘clockin-the forenoon, for the consideration of a. By-an to authorize the issue of Debentures, and fur general busr- “35' J; a. McNEILLIE‘, County Clerk. In no other season have we displayed such extensive lines ' , of high grade novelties in Mil- WM, le’:|:‘t,I]_\IG-Iflfi]7 Principal; 'liâ€"nery Materials gathered from - all sources. _ Our advanced? â€" ' . styles in untrimmed and ready- House Decoratmg. to-wear eii‘ects. will meet the Idesire to inform. the public- that I have approval Of the most exactlng V returned to Fenelon Falls, and am prepared buyers. -.1 . to do all kinds of house decorating, such as More applications were received than could be ï¬lled last year. Write for handsome circular. E0ch taken in exchange 28-6m. - on D 50 YEARS†’ EXPERIENCE SHAW’S. SCHOOL, THE County Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, Lindsay, Sept. 13ih,1904.. STUDENTS ADMIT'TED'ANY'Tlll‘l-E. l’aper Hanging, Kalsomining, Whitewash- We W111 be Pleased to Show . , ._ t .. mg, Pointing, etc., in ï¬rst-class style. any goods whether you Purpose ' TRADE MARKS / ( -v Est1mates given free. Orders left at the - -- DES'GNS W ‘ " , W Gazette ofï¬ce will receive prompt attention. 1113 or non Anyonesening asketcietgifiydzil‘drlilgrlgc' l Remdence 50111311 0f l‘lVGP- quickly ascertain our-toninion free w iethei-ngif invention is probably patentable. Communion," tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents: sent free. Oldest a ency for securing patents. Patents taken t rough Munn 5:. Co. receiva- , special notice, without c urge, in the Semitic Hmerican. Ahnndsomely illustrated weekly.. Largest clr-~ culntion of any scientiï¬c ournal. Terms. as as year: four months, 61. So (1 byali newsdealerm. MUNN & 30.3mm» New Ygrlt ALFRED MILLER. March 17th, 1904. 6. 'Bllllllli Elli , A. Milli lllll Jilllli. Pans W“ Green, Guaranteed Pure. O F TORONTO, Solicits the chance to send a copy of its prospectus to every young man and woman who woui'd’like a little place in life. Your name-and'address ante postal. Do it NOW and sondlit: to w. H. SHAW. PRINCIPAL. Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. A HIGH. GRADE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS IN ALL DE- PARTMENTS. MAGNIFCENT CATALOGUE FREE. \VRITE FOR ONE}. w. J. ELLIOTT, _ Principal. CORNER YONGE ANDALEXANDER S’I‘S. J. Pretty, the. tents. For the last two or three weeks we have been getting in new goods for the full season, and are showing a very ï¬ne selection. of Watches for ladies and gentli-men._ Our stockofgem and wedding Rings cannot be surpassed. Ludies’ long. guards, gents’ double chains, chain bracelets, and an endless- vnriety that we have not space to men- tion. We are makingasplendid dis- play during the three days of the Fair. Beautiful Silverware and Cut Glass» just received. suitable for wedding priseuis and birthday gif-s. l‘wiiicm- bct‘ that we are doing the largest rc- l“lll‘ ll'ili'lt' iu the County. Remember ihc place, Millie’s block, near the post- MISS M. WASHBURN. Fenelon Falls. . Branch Cities. 625 B‘ sc.. Washington. D. 'iill‘ililll illiS lilllllE is printed [every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. Extracted Honey Ts taken from the combs by centrifugal force in a, machine called an extractor. The combs are not injured, and. can be re- turned to the bees to be reï¬ll- ed' over and over again, thus saving much valuable time, as comb building is-a slow pro cess with the bees, and a pound of wax (of which the combs are made) requires the con- sumption of 1-5 to 20 pounds of - __ N , ~ _, oilicc. honey by the bees. NickelvAlaim anilone~day ’ 0r eio'ht-da str‘ki :1 r That’s (me of the reasons eX-.~ 0 y L 5 ClOCkS' I T“ hunted honey is cheaper than ' r , g. 3! Petty, (logbhoney. J. SLATER, Fenelon Falls. “0330,, 3 mm 3mm, 17', G. -HAND,V N ext door to the postroihce. . If you want a good Gold Ring, Bracelet, Chain, or a good reliable Watch, either \Valtham or Elgin, nickel, silver or gold ï¬lled, go to J. Slater. Also a large assortment of Autoharp, Mandolin, Gui- tar and Violin Strings. SUBSCRIPTION :. trams YEAR, IN ADVANCE- or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. In 1-pound bottles, 25 cents. Advertising" Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents.- per line per annum. Casual udverlisements,. 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and ' _ ‘2. cents per line for every subsequent inserm The handlest’ InOSt lecon tion. Contracts by the year, half year or- . ' 3 ‘ " ‘ X ' S. ouncal “my to buy 1t. lless, upon reason'ib t. tel-m JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor-4- ectly and at moderate prices. E‘; ‘D. HAND, Eroprietcr Fenelon. Falls... Lindsay. The. Jeweller: sxta «3:7. Y . if.“ .r v. . y;..,- _ ,2 i l u ' t