$1 f5 will be without reserve, and terms cash. urdny, the 22nd inst. valuable householdfurniture, for partic- ulars of which see posters. This will be a'good opportunity for persons wish- ing to re-l’urnish, or For young people contemplating housekeeping, The sale LIBERAL Mnn'rmns â€"-.;\leetings on behalf of Mr. R. J. hithaughlin. the Liberal candidate for Victoria. & Hali- burtoo, will be livid as Follows: At Tory Hill on Monday. October 17th; Lea- field, Tuesday, lSrh; Paudash. Wed. nesd'ay, 19th; Wilberforce. Thursday, 20th; Gooderham. Friday. 21st; Iron- dale, Saturday, 22nd, The meetings will commence at 8 p. m. The Op- position candidate or his friends will be accorded a fair hearing.a _ PERSONALs.â€"-.\iiss Bessie Littlcton entertained a- number of her young lady friends on the afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 4th, at a peanut. chase. The prize was won by Miss E. Lamb......Mr.' Charles Parks. of Peterboro’ugh, a For- mer resident oF'Fonolon Falls, has been on a two weeks" trip to Saginaw. Bay dity utid'DCtrnit. Michigan ...... M r. and Mrs. Robert Gainer and Mr. Francis Graham. of Minden. are visiting at Mr. S. S. Gaincr’s at. the Falls.....‘. M r. Henry Graham J12. 0F Kinmount, was at the Falls on Thursday. _________________..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"-' DIED. Dunneâ€"Ar“ F'enelon Falls, on Sunday, October 9th, William» Drake, aged 797.com und.8 months. ' ~‘ ~ -' -' -‘ - SA‘nnnuLâ€"A‘t Lindsay, on' Monday, Octo- 'o‘:‘r 10th, Thomas Sadlcr, aged 80 years. Solicits the chance to send a copy of its prospectus to evory young man and we- man who would like a little place in life. Your name, and address on a postal. Do 2 it NOW and send it to I. w. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. I 5.5) €59 ‘ . ' f??? or TORONTO, 6;) tie) Yonge and Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. 25$: Streams ADlttl't‘TED Art nun sense " TORONTO. our. At HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. STRICTLY FIRST- CLASS IN ALL DE- BARTMENTS. MAGNIFCENT CATALOGUE EREE. \VRITE FOR ONE. w. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal. CORNER YONGl‘} AND ALEXANDER. STS. “EALLRDE F013 SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the north half of Lot 24, Con. 12, in the Township of L'uther, County of Dulferin, 100 acres more or less; 60 acres cleared and under cultiva- tion; soil good clay loam; balance slash, easily cleared. There are on the premises a good frame house and log stable, and 111-. so ngood-well. This is a corner lot; good roads; half a. mile from Wesley-P: O and telephone ofï¬ce and one mile from school. ‘ For further particulars apply to John Dobâ€" son, FenelonEulls, or to WilliamJ; Fell, Keldcu P: O; - 86-3.’ .____’_________________________ . s COURT- Notice is hereby giventhat a.Court will be held, pursuant. to. the Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of: the County of. Victoria, in Twomey’s Hall, Fenelou Falls, on: Wednesday, October 19th, 1904, at 10 o'clock a. ml, to hear and‘determine the Several complaints of'errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the-Municipality of FeuelonFnlls for 1904. All persons haviugvbusincss at the Court are requested‘ to attend at the suidxtitn-o and place. Dated this 4th day. of October, 1901. W. T JUNKIN, Clerk of Fenelon Frills. rï¬rnnnuon; ' so Always the lead. _ fl | “resent... lagers E store in E the county. .Efsï¬ï¬d. W W'WWWW'WWWWWWWWWW ASK . YOURSELF this important question: Are you trading now with the best house, where you are getting a dollar’s worth of goods for your hard-earned dollar, are are you trad- ing with a house that is selling you “just what they wish,†simply because they think you have to buy of them ? T0 we extend a cordial invitation. here and’let us show you how differently we do busi- Our aim is to please and satisfy you. as you enter our store the hand of welcome is imme- VVe give you squat-e’treat- ment that will make you a‘lifelong customer, and we HESS. diately extended to you. The attendance at this excellent school» is increasing ALL SUCH PEOPLE As soon sell you I ‘ . RELIABLE†cues " AT.“.PBIGE$_WHIGH ABE met-n. .. :IEVVYOU. WANT THE NEWEST AND BEST come and trade with the up-to-date houseâ€"the house whose business has attained gigantic proportions in a. short time; the house that is far in the lead and in- tends to stay there. swwwv “titâ€?WVJWEJWWM‘JW'W'W‘W‘"WWW“"31’5'W‘3‘W‘3‘lï¬â€ stones-testosterone;cassewcececcié every year, last year being the best in its history. V ~Why not attend a school where ofï¬ce help is in demand? More applicatlous were received than couldbc titl'led’l‘ast; year. Write for handsome circular. _ 28-6m. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. _ Fcne-lon Falls, Friday, Oct. 14111, 1904.‘ Reported by the .tl’orm oldr Roller Mill 00... Wheat. Scotch or Fife .. Wheat, i'all, per bushel . . . . Wheat, spring Barley, per bushel . . .. . . . . Buckwheat “ . . .. . . Oats,- -“~ IIJIOODI H» Pense, ........ (1 Rye, ........ Potatoes, “ ’ Butter,per lb...... ' Eggs, per dozen...... Hay,per tom...“ ...... ., iï¬ides Hogs (live) one... Ill-II 0. Hogs (Dressed) .... Beef . . . . . . Sheepskins“... ... ...... Wool- ‘ Flour; Five Thistle . . . . . . . Flour, Silver Lent" . .. .. Flour,Victoria- Flour, Farsily, Clipper.... c UIII‘I -.-n-n 'I 1 1 HIany people ljlefel conlb Bran, pcr‘l'OO lbs . . . . . . . . . , honey to extracted. honeyâ€" Shorts, u u that’s all right. Some of them have a notion , that because extracted honey is cheaper that it is not pureâ€"â€" KAVJA‘BTHA LAKES, lren’t Valley Navigation 00., that’s all wrong. W . Extracted honey IS honey and nothing else, whereas comb honey is honey and beeswax. That’s easy to remember, as is alsothe fact that I sell the‘ best, honey it IS possrble to produce. E. Gr. HAND. Mixed Chop “ ....,..... Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, . Lindsay. “ESTURION,†Oct lst until notice. Bobcaygeon leave 8.00 a. to Lindsay arrive 10.30 “ WM. PRINGLE, Principal. W - House Decorating. 90“. 95 Paper Hanging, Kalsomining Whitewash- - ' 8o} so» ing, Painting, et_c., in ï¬rst-class style. our goods whether you purpose 783559333553; :49“ _ 4‘1 E'stimates given free, Orders left at the bu in a. or not, ‘ i ' COPYRlGHTS 5‘01 - , - age 6 0 ice wx receive .rotn attention. ~ AnyOne sen ngaste cum cscr on ma!“ (T - u if n - p pt . y D . » quickly- ascerliiln ourl oiniilondfi'ee wl hither m: 53- ' 60 R°S‘d°“°° “‘1‘†°f “limp MILLER ' ' ASHBU-RN ll"°“‘t6l‘.l“Eztlï¬tlmt‘il‘i‘t‘tlï¬asfl't‘“8‘“t†‘0 14 J 1 t _‘ ~ . Onlfll'c y - 0 sens: 33 gg March 17m, 19.04. s. MISS 194- W F 11. ' 'sign,gltsrtgszggr’ns:persist... . - , spec no a. “‘1 on urge, n e 18 20* , ‘ Fonelon a. s. s - fl, . ~ "16-; 17 r , Cit“ i it: ,illQl’lCdll. 7-00 3 00 W Ahondsomcly Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr- : __ ,‘ culation of any scientiï¬c ournnl. Terms. :3 a. 437:) 5.00 B H g your: four months. $1. 30 d by all newsdealcrg. ‘ 5 r 00 ' i , 3;, g 00 t ' MUNN Bosswwww- New York: 4 50 5.50 p , Branch thee. 625 E St“ Washington. D.C. . - * ' .l Pelt the Jeweler v ~- A ‘ ’ 2-65 2.35 Fort-tire lnsmwo or three weeks we _ " . , q 2.55 2.75 WWW-OM haVe been getting in new goods for - ' ‘ _ 2.45 2.25 the fallsaason.ancl“;1re ghonggtnlqry is printed every Friday at the office“ '95 1 5 I I ‘ . ï¬ne selection of etc es r axles corner Ma and Francis Streets. 90 1.00. you want" 3" Coed GOId and gentlemen.- Our stock of gem and y “5 1,25 Elng, ]3r;1(3e]t:yt,S Chain, or a, wedding Rings cannot be surpassed. SUBSCRIPTION : J. Slater. LIMITED. tar and Violin Strings. Arr 5.30 p. m- Lv 3.00 “ Come right down I desire to'in’form the public that I have . _~ , returned to Fenelonlt‘alls, and am prepared 9-‘-’-t ‘0. 1-00 to do all kinds of house decorating, such as good reliable Watch, either VValtham or Elgin, nickel, silver or gold ï¬lled, go to. Also a large assortment of Autol'iarp, Mandolin, Gui- Nickel Ellarm and oneâ€"day . ' or eightâ€"day striking Clocks. | S " ' P ’ , JFSLATER, 'Fen'elon Falls. , I 1 e Next door: to the post-ofï¬ce... Lindsay.- rs . V _ I will be along presently. g So will the Bills, Tax Saved enough money to pay your taX'i bill by buying your new Coal or Wood. Range or Heater from my selection of ‘ the ï¬nest makes in Canada. GEO. H. McGEE'... a, Ice Cream. IceCream. " RESTAURANT. Have you tried our Ice Cream, which is made from the best cream that can be purchased, and not from corn starch and’s'eparated milk. ' Also our Cream Sodas are the richest, and of uncountable flavors. "8903 memo 901 We are also receiving every day fresh Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. The line of Chocolates we handle is of the highest quality, and sold ' at prices to suit all purchasers. r e ‘ D. srusor. 4 ‘ THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. FENELON FALLS. A ¢ pos "(C(99ij 901 ~ "l? Buggy For S 2119. BOOTS AND SHOES For sale, a very nice light-running top buggy, in ï¬rst class condition. It is newly in all the latest and'upqgosdates it‘lliiilhl'é‘ï¬. "$.13??de ZIESJQ‘lliciim styles. A Fall: and. Winter ' ' itii'iiiinery Opening, ' ' ‘ ’7? . SEPT. 22nd, 23rd,,24th, ’04. .TRUNKS andVALISESZ- ALT‘ unvrsou's: .- I’m no other season have we- displayed such extensive lines of high grade novelties in Mil- liuery Materials gathered from all sources. Our advanced styles in untrimmed and ready-- toâ€"wear‘ effects will meet the approval of the most exacting buyers. We will be pleased to show Eggs taken- in. exchange; 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE" a .. .c_,, Ludies’ long guards, gents’ double chains, chain bracelets, and an endless. variety that we have not space to men- tion. ~ We are making a splendid dis- play during the three days of the Fair. Beautiful; Silverware rind Cut Glass just received, suitable for wedding ‘ presents and birthday gifts. Remem- ber that we are doing, the largest re- p-iir' trade in the County. Remember the place, lililne’s block, neat-the post- oilice.. 3511:0015; YEAR, IN ADVANCE. or one cent pcrvweek will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising. Rates; Professional or business cards, 50 cents. per lincper annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rstinscrtion, and 2 cents'per line forevery subsequent tnser-- tion.- Contracts by the your, half year or» less,. upon reasonable terms. ectly and at moderate pricestfl“ E._D. HAND, Eroprietorr The Jeweller... ‘ W?†JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor» 4,. . iwuvwrzéâ€"rkf‘rfi “g; ‘ x k 7‘9 .< . I. 2. ,=_. . I.“ . _-\ «a 4,.“ ’ . v.3. - 'c , A *c‘r‘c‘a‘ra‘v-g‘u A. .34, s , (Va? at .yw . Ahoysjw‘i ,-