1' -‘ x), ‘ Pï¬il‘i'. .._ ., A Soccnss.â€"'lhat the Presbyterian tunim-t‘~"-"' Ms a success is evidenced by t‘~w- !’---' the receipts amounted to about $90. 'The programme was car- ried rlwreiwtl. 'l‘wn excellent sermon ‘- preached on Sunday by Rev l’~-oko\cr, and on Monday evening I'lNlcluSS Iowl supper. of whic?‘ l ' ' I' *d- parmnk was: served in the in .t' the church, and was follnv . ---‘-‘oro bv \ll'. Peckover, nddresst's bv resident clergymen and “3021‘ "new. .~!:tl mucic Tn l-‘. ii'. ‘ionn ’l'nsrrn.â€"-â€"'l‘he new ce- ment fl ' of ti: l‘-‘|‘l bridge under- went. a .H‘Wro tow n- Saturday last when a c- on v i hi‘w 13000 ll)“ t' o Illtn-niical Co’s a span ~f horses , All it in. Al "110k. l' was drw low-\r’e.-. -. OWned lw \leurs M .Dtu‘zrvli, Brandon & Au-‘s the enormous load “La rests. \Irom the railway station to t‘ ~ partially-built power lmnw thic side of the river. Af- ter such st Nut it is In be inferred that the bridge will lu-at‘ unv lead over like- ly to he lll‘lI upon it, -'-ich «H w occasion =l NEWSPXPER LAW â€"'l‘he Penetan- guisltv-w Hmw/Il mm: "The low res- pecting the linhilitim of subscribers to newspapers wa: laid down by Judge Me Watt. in the Division Court at Potrolia it work out). in a caw b-ou=.vht up by the Topic, and will move of interest to the public be that where n ctibseribcr refuses to take hi4 paper Irom the post-oilic. and orders it sent back to the publisher.- when there is submritttion money owing for it. he is still liable. for the continuing subscription until he p-tys the arrears.†it; I RT!‘ HIS. Srnonm -â€"In the township of Verulnm, on Thurednv, October 27th, the. wife of Mr. George Sprottle of a son. - CORBETT.â€"At F‘cnclon Falls. on .Tues- day, November lst, the wife of Mr. William Corbett ofo son _ Runner â€"In the township of Vertilnm, on 'i'lutrsdnv, November 3rd, the. wife of Mr. George Burley of 9. son. ______.-â€" - ..__.._.__’.â€"â€"- .â€" IVI szIr'l-IED. hrrrtnrouâ€"Bnnbâ€"At the residence of the bride’s pure-its, hv Rev II. 8. Kenny, on VVednesdny. November 161b, 1904, Mr. Hurt-v Littlt‘ton to Gurtrudc Ann. only daughter of Mr Thomas J. Bell, all of Fen- elon Fells . WALLACEâ€"Srohnmo â€"At. the resuience of the bride‘s parents, Lindsay, by the Rev. Loonnrd Phelps. on Wednesday, November 16th,1904, Mr John Wallace, ol‘ It‘enelon Falls. to Mabel Beatrice, only daughter of Ed r. Hen ry Stoddard. ___.._.______â€"_._.â€" 131%†Markets some as lost week. W WE HAVE A PRO‘POQITION which is interesting to every young mun and woman who wishes to enjoy theé host success itt life. | EDUCAT. ON "is the key to our proposal and to your success. Let us give you our explunn tiou. Write, and write new for our plans. You may study at home or at the College. Only a postal fornll particulars. Address w » O . ,2, Yonge nnd Gerrard Sta, Toronto. ' W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. {ORPORA’I‘ION OF THE COUNTY OF "' VICTORIA. â€"â€".- Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of-the Corporation of the County of V".- toriu will meet in the Council Chamber, Court; House, Lindsay. Pâ€"Ollâ€" ulesnAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1904, v at two o‘clock in the afternoon. J.‘ It. McNEILLIE, County Clerk. County Clerk’s Olliee, Lindsay, Nov 7th, 1004. E70??? SALE. LUMBER, , SHINGLES, LATE. TILE R‘A‘THBUQII COMPANY, Eenelou. Eallsi. 'l‘hc Jud-Io declared the law to this mammoth sale. No b results are sure to follow. Terrill’s for values. SCHOOL SUITS FOB BOYS: $0 $3.00 Boys’ 3-piece suits of good sturdy tweed in nent, pleasing patterns at $3.00. woweeo-ecooeooo $3.50 Little boys’ fancy double breasted panel front overcoat, trimmed with fancy buttons at $3.50. MEN’S PANTS. $6.00 25 only men’s suits, all wool do- mestic IWPedS, in dark grey or block with stripe. single breasted sucque style, all sizes, at $6 00. Ad of Ladies’ Jackets. already low prices, we for price nowâ€"when you need room, and must clear out 9 original cost. is believing. Ladiea’ $2.50 and $3 Jackets at $1 95. u 54 it $4.50 nu $3.25. Cheap Cash Store. I) t; / . 1 The attendance at- this e every your, last year being the best in its historv. Why not. attend a school w year. 28-6m. STOIOEl’iTS Alll‘tllTTEO AIIY TIME. ELLIOTT W ’ . l TORONTO, ONT. A HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL SCIIOO L STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS IN ALL DE- I’AR'I‘MEA‘VI'S. MAGNIFCE."1‘CATALOGUE FREE. “(RITE FOR ONE. ’W. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER STE. Aunt no out liiii If you want a. good Gold Ring, Bracelet. Cllttlll, or a. good reliable \Vntch, either \Vulthmn or Elgin, nickel, silver or gold ï¬lled, go to J. Slater. Also :1 large assortment of Autohurp, Mandolin, Gui- tar and Violin Strings. Nickel Alarm and one-day 01‘ e1ghtâ€"duy striking Clocks. V I. SLATER, .MFenelon- Falls. Next. door. to .the post:oiï¬be.. liiiiii. .4 lid @l C9 C9. C9 C9 C9 C8 C20 (9 C9 C9 C9 C9 9 GD (80 g 8 8 its TERRILL’S I MAMMOTH SALE of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Tvadies’ Jackets. $5,000 worth of men’s and boys’ clothing to go during money â€"- none more stylishâ€"and at the ridiculously low prices at which We have marked these goods, good vmwwwvwwvwwm A BOYS’ OVERCOAT SAAB. 25 pairs men’s tweed Fonts in stripe or mixed tweed effect at $1.00 per pair. TWO SPECIALS IN MENS’ SUITS. RAND SWEEP AND A CLEAN SWEEPMâ€"z Our entire stock of ladies’ jackets to be cleared out at wholesale prices. Instead of wait- ing for the Winter to come and go before reducing our Here are a. few of the prices. xiv!“th numer'WmnuwwwmnwAirtiwmwuwwrw TERRHJ. ; {1% More applications were received than could be ï¬lled lost W rite for handsome circular. WM. PRINGLE, Principal. etter clothing is made for There is no place like ME EXTRAORDINARY VALUES $53.50 Boys’ 3-piece suits of All-wool im- ported tweed The proper suit for the dressy boy. $3.5â€. $4.00 Youtha’ all-wool, Oxford grey Cheviot loose, easy ï¬ ting own-mutt, vertical or cross pockets, ul $1.00, $7.()O 20 only men’s suits of tlll-WOOI tweeds in serviccnlbe shades and patterns thut will always look dressy. Well lined and trimmed ct $7.00. cc matters by cutting the the geods. We need the very jacket regardless of Seeing Lndies’ $5 .50 and $6 Jackets at $4 50 It u $9 t'. $6 50 r 139% @799 W Eth. ' Petition Fails. r! 0 oil ‘ an“ . xcellent school is increasing here ofï¬ce help is in demand ? House Decorating. ~â€"-â€". I desire to inform the public that I have returned to Fettelon Falls, and um prepnred to do all kinds of house decorating, such as I’uper Hunging, Kulsomining, Whitewash- tng, Painting, etc, in ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given free Orders left ut the Gazette other. will receive prompt attention Rcetdcnce south of river. ALFRED MILLER. - littth- ALI} wear glasses us soon as they need them '\ . IIu-y need have no tour that the glasses Wlll detract from lllt‘ll' personal appettrâ€" {INCH it they get them from us ‘We p:t_\' pul‘t ruler attention to the ï¬t. ot the frames :15 well re the lenses. We want our cu.-tnlu.~-rs’to look well and see xvi-ll, so it You must wear gluescs kaielxsvibie VVonleu LET {S “’1' YG’J. We cxomine your eyes thoroughly without charge nutced to suit. RGB‘SSN’S DRUG. STORE ‘ Benelux). Earnsa- Our glasses are gour- t l | WIN will be along presently. the Tax Biig. v £0 will bill by buying your Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. Save enough money to pay mm with new Coal or Wood... Range or Heater from my select-ion of the ï¬nest makes in Canada. no. ii. iiiiiCGEE.» 3 : . _.r Ice Cream. uncountable flavors. Ice Cream .Soda. purchasers. Ice Cream Soda. 5. Ice Cream. " :SZ;ZEJ:'.\ ' E. . o. Buggv 11‘01' Sale. For sole. :1 very nice light-running top buggy. in ï¬rst class condition It is new ly painted, has new tires and :t movable sent 't'orchih‘lrcu. . Apply at the Guzrttc otiice. Aer-r - flirt ii liincry Opening T“. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, ’04. "U SE I In no other semen have we displayed such extensive lines of high grade novelties in Mil- linory Materials gathered from, Our all sources. advanced to-wear effects will meet the approval of the most exacting buyers. We will be pleased to Show our goods whether you purpose buying or not. MISS M. WASHBURN. Fonelon Falls. Furniture and Undertaking. Just received this week {in- othcr lot of nice Baby Car- ringes that are Speciaï¬ Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites- vbemaéew Icarry in ntock itfull line, of. ’urlour buttes Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing t~ Specialty. Ifyou are in need of o. Sew- ing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. \::= “12.4733" w “Tc- iif ._- ' RESTAURANT. Have you tried ourIce Cream, which is made from the best cream that can be purclizisecl, and not from corn starch and separated milk. Also our Cream Sodas are the richest, and of lVe are also receiving every day fresh Fruit, to be sold at. the lowest prices. The line of Chocolates we handle is of the highest quality, and sold at prices to suit all > D. STINSOil. THE LEADIFIG CONFECTIONER. stylesin untrimmed and ready- a l BOOTS AND SHOES IADEvnnn;' ea "Cream. FENELON FALLS. Cream. â€". MADE FOR EVERY-DAY USE. Honey is made to be used as: an every-day article of food:. N uture produces so much of it that there is no other way in which it could all be usedâ€"~- ztnd nature doesn’t make things A with the intention that they shall go to waste. Get: u can of honey,use some" for breakfast every morning, and you will agree that; nature knows how to make good things to cut. E. G. HAND. in all the latest andiup-to-datea styles. HARNESS. ‘ TRUNKS and VALISESA AT NEVISOirs- Eggs taken in exchange. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mu) quickly ns:-crt:zin our opinion free it: tether nu invention is probably patentnblc. Communica- tionsstrictlyconï¬dential. Handbook on Patents - Bent free; Oldest nrzency for securing patents. l'ateuts taken through Munn & Co. receivaâ€" spccial notwc, without; charge, in the Scientiï¬c Hector. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. culntlon of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. $3 a a your: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdoalers... MEINN & Bertram» New toilet; whomce..625.F.EtJV.ushmuon.D~ , tic-m, if Ice Cream. n the; “Itâ€? 7'». u? t‘.’ a < \I "w‘ ,»-','.~