‘9 h Jr Comm, Bros. H. Nelson, A. Dundee, Roht. Dundas and James Stevens. _ Ir WILL BE Goonâ€"The hockey club's entertainment, to be held in Two- ntey's he'll nettt Tuesday evening, the. 2?tltinst., promises to be amongitho best ever held in town, the following talent from Toronto having been secur- ed for the occasion: 'l’carl L. Davis, soprano; Harold Rich, concert Vucul: Jimmie Gardner, national dancer Li'JL character singer, and Harry ill. Bennett. reï¬ned humorist, vocalist and entir- tainer. ’l‘ickots 25c., reserved seats 35c. Plan at Robson's drug store. Secure your seats early. l’ERSONALS.â€"â€"-l\'lr. Wm. Deyman, Stu. came home from Midland on Friday ...... Mr. Grover Kerr returned on Sat urday from Bollcville college, to spvmi the Christmas holidays at ltome......Mr, and Mrs James Morrow, 0! Midland, are visiting relatives and friends at the Falls ...... Theh‘lisscs Pearl and Ruby Austin came home on Wednesday from llavcrgall college. Toronto, and oil: remain until after Now Year’s......:llxs.< Lillian Wilson and her cousin, Miss .lronc McDouu‘all, are home for Christ- mas lrom the Whitby Ladies" College. l-ltoKs’ l905 ALMANAO ~-â€"'l‘he Rev. lrl R. tlicks’ Almanac for 1905 is now ready, being the finest edition ever isâ€" sued. This splendid and costly book ol‘ 200 pages is a complete study of astronomy and storm and weather for 1905. It ’is too Well knowu to need comment. Son it and you will so do- cide. The. price. postp-iid to any adv dress, is 30c. per copy The Rev Irl _ R. Hicks' scientiï¬c, rcli:iou.~x anzl fam- ily journal, Word and Works, new abreast with the host niagazimm is 75c. ayear. Both the almat'tac $1 per year. No better investment possible for any person or l'atnily. Try it- and see. 'Scml to Word and Works Pub. 00., 2201' Il"(3‘J_SL St., St. Louis, Mo. WM MM..- To the Editor of the Fenelon Fella Gazette : Sin, . ' _ . Will you kindly allow me space for the following letter? The Rev. Hi B Kenny intimated to his congregation on Sunday evening that those who dissent from his views regarding the punishment of sinners are “insipid talkers †and “ little pigmies." When a minister of the Gospel, from his entrenched position behind his pulpit, attempts to thus hold up to ridicule the opinions of others, he surely invites criticism. I venture to assert that Mr. Kenny’s opinion, as expresle in the language he condescends to use, is wide of the mark, and he was far from exemplify- ing the spirit of Christ when he made such statements. When an honest disciple of Christï¬nds that the Bible teaches that the wages-oi sin is death,- and that Clint-chitin- ity says that the wages of sin is everlasting life in misery ; also that the Bible says that the wicked will be punished with everlast- ing desmtctiou, and Mr. Kenny says that means everlasting preservation of‘ life in torment, surely the matter is worthy of oloser iuvcs‘igation. On the side of those wlvo differ fr"om~Mr. Kenny’s views, much can be said that is both reasonable and consistent with the general teaching of tne Bible, and that has so appealed to the heart and conscience of not a few members of the Methodist church as towin them over to the side of those whom Mr Kenny affects to chpise as “insipid talkers " and “little pigmies†The Saviuur’s injunction says: “ 'l‘nkc hand that ye despise not on ofthesc little ones.†D. GOULD). After Holidays what about making a step forward by " Spendinga termin Ottr.schoolâ€"â€"the 01" TORONTO. ' We offer superior advantages with our eighteen teachers, tine equipment and thorough work. We have helped. hundreds to mount up the grade. May we not help you?’ Let us send you our ; handsome catalogue atrany rate. " 34s“ WINTER ranuraou JAN. 3. WRITE W. H..SHAW. PRINCIPALS W Notice. to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Henry Knox, latc of the township of- Fcno- lon in tllr County of Victoria, Farmer, de- tained, who diod on : or about the 18th day of October, A D. 1904,111-e hereby required to deliver the same to Mr. F. A ichi-ar- mid, at Fenclon Falls, Ontario. Solicitor for William A. Ellis and Andrew Gillis, both of the township of Verulam~in the (lonely of Victoria; Executors ot‘ the last Will hnd Testament of the: said Thomas linnry Knox. on or. before the ï¬rst day 0t Jun'iary. A D.‘ 1905. And further notice is hereby given that after the said date the said Executor-a will proceed to administer the estate of tho said 'l’ltoinas Henry Knox. having regard only to ll’MSt‘. claims of which they shall at that time have had notice. Dated this 30th" day of- November, A. 0. 19m. F. A. McDIARlllD, 4.34. Solicitorfor Executors. Word and Works“ and - CORRESPDNDENCE';- I ® do?) so Ladies’ Fancy Collars 1’) at 250. A choice line of ladies’ fancy collars in all colors, $9 3 «‘g t l a) at) it). 3 i9 ii) '53 Q 6;?) 3 $9 it) 6?} ti?) $5) $9 to 3“ '3 “El as) 69 to (55!, 1} worth 350., 400. and 50c. choice 251:. All now. Your for o v o o Ladies’ Fancy Collars at 500. 5 doz. ladies’ fancy col- lars in. all colors and styles, the very latest which are being shown. Your choice tbl‘ O O 0' 0 Ladles."’75c. and $1.00 Belts at 590. ' 2 doz. only-ladies’ Belts in navy blue, cardinal, Nile green, black and cream. Regular price 7-50. and $1. Your choice 593. Ladies’ Crushed Velvet Belts at 75c. Todies’ crushed velvet Belts in brown, green and burnt orange, the "very latest, Regular price $21. Now selling at 751:. CHEAPEST GEHEBAL STBBE IN THE CGUNTY. ‘45 ,. ‘r. », THE WINTER TERI BEGINS TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1905'; What better Xmas present than a few months’ tuition at. this excellent institution? CHRISTMAS ‘ SALE. zr'rwwvvwwwwmvwm Leather Goods. Ladies’ Chatelaine Bags in all the most popular shades, at 50c, 750 , 853., $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75. Ladies’ Peggy from Paris Bags in black and brown at 50c, 750. 85c. and $1.00. Cushion Tops. 3 doz. Cushion Tops in linen tapestry and velvet, all colors, at. 230 , 500. and $3.98. Pillow Shams. Pillow Shams in linen or lace, with Batteuburg centre, at 500., 75c. and . . ' $1.00. , Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ fancy Handker- chiefs in silk at 100. to . . ' 75!:- Ladies’ fancy linen Handkerchiefs at 50. to . . All the latest novelties in august Set-s, Hat Pins, Bolts, Buckles, Etc. Call and inspect our stock. WWW WWW‘WW WW: $3 . Our attendance has so increascc that we have again been‘compelledtoprovide more rooms. An early application is desirable. FOr particulars address 28-6m. PENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fouelon'Falls, Friday, Dec 16th, 1904: Reported my me Jrorm Mar [logger 31m 00. \\'licat.Scotch or Fife .... '. 90 to 95 Wheat. fall, pcrbusltel.... 95 Wheat, spring .... 85 90 Barley, per bushelâ€... ... 4m '45 luckwheal “ .. . . 50 55 Oats, " I 30 31 Peasc, “ .... 60 65 Rye, “ 65 70 Potatoes, ‘4 30 35 lintter,perxlb'...... l8 20 3gg3,pcr dozen....... .... 18 17 llay,per ton...... ....... 7100 800 Hides...†....... 476 5.00 Hogs(livc)............... 435 460 Hogs (Dressed) .. .... .... 6 50 6-00 Beef . . . . . . 450 5.50 Sheepskins.............f 50 75 Wool .............. l0 17 Floor, Five Thistle . . . . . . . 2.75 2795 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.65 2.85 Flour, Victoria .... » 2.55 2.75 Flour, Fam~ily,.Clippcr.... 2.4.0 2.65 Bron. per 100 lbs ...... .. ., 95 l05 Shorts, “ (t 9-) 1.00 Mixed Chop “- . Ll" 1-25 NO BETTER COMMERCIAL RCHODL IN CAN\I)\ THAN THE POPULAR ELLIOTT MMZM TORONTO. ONT. We have recently been asked to ï¬ll po- sitions at $30, $61.) or $65 a month The demand ior our graduates during the last raw months has been most remarkable. Winter Term opens Jan. 3rd. Handsome catalogue free. w. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal. CORNER YONG}: AND ALITASDEB S131 WM. * PRING-LE, Principal. $1.00. ' 2. I"! 2 § bill by buying your J. Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. (d (a? (Q 63 (<3 House Decorating. Idcsirc to inform the public that.[ have returned to Fenclon Falls, and am prepared to do all kinds of house decorating,such as l’aper Hanging, Kalsominiug, Whitewash- tug, Painting, etc, ',in_ ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given freer. Orders left’ at the Gazette oliice will receive prompt attention. Residence south of-rivcr. . - it § , ,ALaro MILLER. g ~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€", g ' . B r . s -4 _- . ill INTEREST lNTEtlSIFIEl) g9 at commas PBOXIMITY. Three weeks of unprecedented values in liillincry and Trimmings. as every Ready- to-wear and Untrimmed Flat is priced for rapid clearance. Stylish Ready-to-wcar Hats that were $1.50 to $3.00 to Sell at. Th cents‘ ' Untrimmed Mohair and Felt Shapes regular values at $125 to $2.50 {W 75 cents while they last. All this year‘s goods, which have been well kept Also we have at reasonable prices a. nil-e line of l)rapes,~ Pillow Tops and llandkrrciiicii fir Xillls gifts. Pose itively no credit given for these goods. MISS M. WASHBURN. Penelon Fails. Ww~~~fl ._...___..._â€"â€"â€"â€" l liliii lllllliliiii . ll] lllll ’ WESTERN CANADA WHEATLANDS.‘ The poor man's fortune, the rich man‘s v I Can save you money. ion can select your lands from large Write for partic- opporlunity. gareas. llest districts. nlare. C. S. MORRIS, 45-4' . . .v ( .‘g‘m “',J iday goods. Arlingtotr'l'lotel, ’l‘oronto. see u '1‘ 8 your hol- Don’t leave Still to the front and have just sorted up lets and. Gents†Alberto, and can. show you the best goods ~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~~-~--â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€""~_ff" that, Cant be bought for caSh: -. a s quality being right, and the of the best make ever brought into the Falls. gill $0011 6 Atmtlnlinlc 01’alt‘tv-golltorig},t pandolln, , ‘ul ar an 0 an o in 1' ï¬gs“ 3180 2 ed ere’ a full line or Trimmings for the ’varl- ~11 HOW ous instruments. 'l. SLATER, Fenelon Falls. Next'door to the post-olï¬ce. it till the last moment and then be disappoint- ed. You will ï¬nd my stock complete and... up in Watches, . and J ewellcry. 8136018.} orders. and? re- prompthgy' at;- to date Clo'cks pair Work tended to. n. .5. coitus, the new, upâ€"to-date and lead; mg Jeweller and Optician, FEHELnn; FALLS. BOOTS AND SHOES in all the latest and up-to-date styles. AT NEVIS ON’S. Eggs takenincichange. Ce? 8 (Q Q Q (’3 GE 0% Q B % Range orHeater frOm my selection of 6? ® § (B (Q 6% 6% in 'Clocks,-, Watches,Ladies’ Chains, Brocc- “is? HARNESS. ~ It TRUNKS and VALISES"? ‘ will be along presently. So will 'the Tax Bills. Save enough money to pay your tax: new Coal or Wood“. the ï¬nest-ma.ch in Canada. ‘ ' GEO. H. manic. M IT IS BETTER. ,An article made or produc- ed by a specialist is better than the average because the pros ducer intakes a special study, of the production of that partit‘eg ‘ ’- ular article, and has‘ facilities? for putting it on the market, ‘,in the best possible Way. ', For that. reason honey from my apiary is better than them average. I make a specialty of its production, and ' havo- ‘fac1lities which make' possible for me to put it. out in the best conditions. ’ FOR. SALE. LUMBER, '_ mammal, .. LATE, an artistic cement. Fenelon Falls. t in swaâ€" Ii' it requiresany repairing: a » bring it, to my’sh'op'ou Francis - street east, and: the work will' way. it. should be- be done. the done. at if you want a. Cutter. , F. c. canons... largest stock of Mouth Organs l V. .__..._..-..--.._-.___~-_,__l-‘,, .. ' ,ï¬mbpllll _. M 9 ’ =9). Xl‘IAS PRESEN'L‘S.. Toilet Articles make ideal presents. They are both useful and ornamental. Our selection was never more complete... Some beautiful things in nausn AND coun SETS, scour MIRRORS, mm BRUSHES. CLOTHES BRUSHES,’ - HALL sa'rs, MANICURE SETS, arc. l l to wear We do not handle inferior gnods ROBSON’S DRUG STORE†Fcnelon F‘alls... And while.you’rc'horezhavc- ' a look at. the Cutters I’m sells- Tltey are worth looking: All our goods in these lines are made - ' .3. t." ‘ . < 4 ,r.» 10:!“ "t-r-lvv‘ raw ".1 r0=m1gcmw' V r .- '. _ .